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10-01-2005, 02:26 PM
OK...here's the deal...

I am so damn competitive and it nearly always get's me in deeper than I want to be.

Just at the end of the pre-season NFL games I happened upon a conversation between a few male co-worker's in which they were discussing who they should ask to join the workplace football pool. As I walked by I heard one guy say that I (Lixy) probably wouldn't want to do it cause I've never participated any other year. He then went on to say that most women don't really understand football as well as men do. I spun on my heel and approached the chuckle fest and glared directly into the jingoistic face of the proclaimer of all knowing! (try to imagine the face I had on when I approached him...something like this ---->) :vamp: :hair:

I told him that, yes, it was true that I hadn't participated in the previous pools of years gone by. I told him I DO KNOW AND UNDERSTAND THE GAME!!!! I further explained that I hadn't watched football in over 17 years because after I divorced my first husband I didn't care if I ever saw another sporting event and more specifically...NFL FOOTBALL! (<---it was quite a problem in my first marriage...but that's another story)!


Time to go potty and get that cold drink you are dying for. This is a Lixy thread...and you came in knowing that...so you are now stuck! Admission is free...YOU PAY TO GET OUT! :rofl:


I went on to tell him I'll take his challenge and prove him sooooooooooooo wrong that he has to make a bet of the biggest magnitude he's ever betted. I didn't want money. I want him to drop to his knees and kiss my shoes (in front of all who I told of his proclaimation and are participating in the pool) when I win the pool at work! In turn...if I lose...I have to do the same. I still have time to up the ante on that bet...so any new ideas will be greatly appreciated! *giggle* Make him suffer peeps!

Anyway...Mr. Lixy doesn't watch football (bless him's wittle heart and soul...tis why I love him...well, one of the reasons anyway)...and so I can't rely on his input (except in the bedroomm...but I digress!). So I come to my other family for a request of fair assistance.

Here's my plan...

I get the pool every Monday. I still don't watch the games so I rely on stats and such from websites I have bookmarked. Yes...I do my homework! I check stats and standings, I consider home team advantage and circumstances of the like, I get a few predictions from sports writers and professional betting sites and I keep close tabs on injuries and additions to a team. I understand the game pretty well...but due to not having watched a single game since the Rams were still in Los Angeles, I don't know all the players and their quirks and advantages.

Here's the match-up for this weekend and Monday night and my picks for said teams...


Houston@Cincinnati Cincinnati
Philadelphia@Kansas City Kansas City (I know! But the injuries, no?)
Indianapolis@Tennessee Indianapolis
Detroit@Tampa Bay Tampa Bay
Seattle@Washington Seattle
Denver@Jacksonville Jacksonville
San Diego@New England New England
Buffalo@New Orleans Buffalo
St Louis@NY Giants NY Giants (YIKES! I closed my eyes to pick!)
NY Jets@Baltimore Baltimore
Dallas@Oakland Oakland
Minnesota@Atlanta Atlanta

San Fran Cisco@Arizona San Fran

Monday Night
Green Bay@Carolina Carolina

^^^Hope that comes out as typed!

OK...I just checked on "Preview Post" and it doesn't read exactly as typed...but you get the gist...eh?

What I'm asking from you (fellow Pixies) is input when I pick my teams. Tell me why you think I picked a shitty pick. Tell me why you think I picked a good pick. I know there'll be some bias on the basis of home team loyalty...but try and be realistic when you explain your reasons. I'm not asking you to help me cheat! I'm just furthering my knowledge base from some of the most sports savvy peeps I've ever known! I'll post in this thread after I've picked my teams (usually Wednesday or Thursday of every week)...and then sit back and hope to see a reply or two before I hand in my final pool. I hand it in on Friday of every week.

What do you say? Care to give me your Wednesday/Thursday night armchair low-down?

OK...you can go and figure your dogmatic pontification now! Thanks guys!


P.S. I should add my standings to date...

Week 1 - 10 of 14
Week 2 - 5 of 14
Week 3 - 11 of 14
Week 4 - *above*

Total correct to date - 26
Not bad for a woman...eh? *grrrrrrrrrrrrr*

Chauvanist co-worker's standings to date...

Week 1 - 5 of 14
Week 2 - 8 of 14 (it was a fluke...all the teams went topsy turvy!!)
Week 3 - 10 of 14
Week 4 - He said we only have 2 different picks and I can't remember what teams he said were different. Hmmmmmmmmm........

Total correct to date - 23

P.P.S. If the mods feel this thread should be in the Advice Forum...please feel free to move it and then please PM me of the move. TY so much!

10-01-2005, 04:54 PM
I was in such a pool a few years ago and did so well, I've been kicked out (or at least that's my story). There are a few sites I used to help make my picks... the best one is a ESPN site that gives the experts picks... and then there were a few teams I always favored or disfavored...

So my opinion on your picks (keep in mind I've not seen a game yet this season - so I might just be full of b.s.)....

Mine would be something like:

Raiders (can't ever side with the Cowboys)
Vikings (tough call, I equally dislike these two)
Packers (the losing streak will end, eventually)

Looking back, not many of our picks would have matched

As an aside, there are some great online places to host pools for free, why the heck didn't I think to have a pixies one, even if only for fun only and not money?!?!?

10-01-2005, 09:11 PM
You are just picking the winners, right? Not ranking them or doing anything else?
Regardless, I think I have all the same picks you do this week, except the KC/Philly game. Which is my lowest pick, I don't trust that game. :cents:
Good luck!

10-01-2005, 10:18 PM
I know as much about football as I do about how it feels to pee with a penis......sorry can't help you there Lixy :)

10-01-2005, 10:57 PM
maddy...TY for the whole lot! I love to know the feeling behind each pick. Faith in the Eagles makes me a bit nervous though. I "HAVE" to be a Philly fan (due to my proximity...or so they say!) but I feel that their recent injuries and the full steam approach of late is about to slide to the odds. I almost never "bet" against the Eagles...but the odds said I had to this week. I might bow in shame come Sunday evening! (((maddy)))

fredchabotnick...Yes! Just picking winners here! I haven't gone ass over tin cups and decided to bet everything coming up and down the pike...lol! I don't feel all that confident with my decision to bet against Philly...I don't trust that game either! McNabb is a miracle worker with this team...yet I feel that his injury prays on his mind and it's so early in the season that a loss wouldn't break them. This pick (I picked KC), this week, is the most stressful for me too! TY for the good thoughts hun!

BIBI...I can't stand and pee precisely either...but I'll be damned to hell and back if I won't give it a go and tell them I did it with no residue! *shake, shake, shake* (((((BIBI))))) TY for your "input"!

10-01-2005, 10:57 PM
I know as much about football as I do about how it feels to pee with a penis......sorry can't help you there Lixy :)

Bibi........ if it helps, you can hold mine next time i gotta go! :D

10-01-2005, 11:01 PM
Oh Lixy......... I am of no use to you here........ i tend to just pick a game and enjoy it.... but.............. I do hope he (Chauvanist co-worker's) does some boot lickin'!

Be sure to be wearing something really feminine and hot when it comes time to "pay up"! :slurp:

10-01-2005, 11:04 PM
Bibi........ if it helps, you can hold mine next time i gotta go! :D
Um...while it's being held...could you consider the teams of the week and yell out an opinion or two????

She might think it's sexy to hear "Rams"! :rofl:

10-01-2005, 11:14 PM
Um...while it's being held...could you consider the teams of the week and yell out an opinion or two????

She might think it's sexy to hear "Rams"! :rofl:

Hehe........ I may even want to Oilers!!

10-01-2005, 11:24 PM
Bibi........ if it helps, you can hold mine next time i gotta go! :D

Ok...just pm your address please :rofl:

10-01-2005, 11:28 PM
Oh Coaster...

I don't intend to make this a pleasant loss for Mr. Chauvanist! He might have to lick my garden shoes...ewwwwwwwwww!

I am sick up and fed with his very attitude and with all the male employee's in our company! Females get paid 20% less than the males for the same job. Falling short of doing something that'll cost them their jobs, the girls forge forward...they have no recourse...so they work side by side and usually are respected for their efforts...but are still shunned for being a woman in a "traditionally male" job!

All who know what I am doing...are clinging to me with a wide eyed hopefullness!

I'm no Norma Rae [per say]...but I am one of the few women who has boldly gone where none of our sex has gone before!

I've can't fight the system as is...but I can try and disprove the theory through a simple scenario!

Maybe I can't physically play the sport with the big boys...but I can follow the game and predict the finality like the big boys!

10-02-2005, 02:06 AM
So the thread wasn't about ...


And here I had my pants unzipped and Kleenex handy. :(

10-02-2005, 09:01 PM
Two games left...(well, one and a half). So if I'm reading this right you're 7-5. Not great, but not too bad.

10-03-2005, 02:22 AM
7-6 here so far

Tonights game may help...but I don't know who the other guy picked. I'll find out today.

Geezzzzzzzzzz...weird day in football, eh?

Yea Philly! (even though I bet against them)

I'll be back with this weeks match-up...stay tuned!

10-03-2005, 04:57 AM
Girl you are in luck, because I happen to live, sleep, eat breathe and defecate football - and i feel your pain. If you want to PM me your picks for some analysis, i'll be happy to help you out. I understand what it's like to be a chick in a male-dominated world...sucks the big one alot of times.


10-03-2005, 02:26 PM
OK...forgot to ask what the guy's pick was in tonights game. Doesn't matter much cause I'll still have him by 1 if he wins and I lose tonight...LOL!

I did the "gloating dance" for him as soon as I saw him this morning. Gawd, I love that dance!

Oh Yea! LAW...ty for your interest in input. I'll post here when I get the pool and pick my picks and if I haven't seen a post from you I'll PM you to give you a heads up! TY for the offer hun! *hugs*

I guess I just need some reasoning to go with all my stats! As I said, I don't watch the games but I do delve into the schematics and make reasonably educated picks! I really would like to learn why a team is doing good or shitty. Yeah, that's it! In a short synopsis I'd like to learn (from you guys) why you think team A or B is doing good or not. Could they do better this week (any given week mentioned) or do the odds predict that they will lose. Ya know...stuff like that!

Thanks again everyone! Glad to see the replies!

P.S. LAW? I should be telling you that I feel YOUR pain if it's true that you defecate football! OUCH! LMFAO!

10-03-2005, 03:02 PM
All I can add is I know VERY little about football, the teams, and who is good at what.

So can we just get some more sexy pics of you in a Eagles Jersey?

10-03-2005, 09:53 PM
Girl you are in luck, because I happen to live, sleep, eat breathe and defecate football - and i feel your pain. If you want to PM me your picks for some analysis, i'll be happy to help you out. I understand what it's like to be a chick in a male-dominated world...sucks the big one alot of times.


I can't speak for every guy, but I love a woman who wants to watch sports with me. Of course the guys who don't are idiots.

10-03-2005, 11:32 PM
OK...forgot to ask what the guy's pick was in tonights game. Doesn't matter much cause I'll still have him by 1 if he wins and I lose tonight...LOL!

I did the "gloating dance" for him as soon as I saw him this morning. Gawd, I love that dance!

Can we see it too????????? You don't even need to wear anything!! :D

10-04-2005, 05:51 AM
*kicks dirt* If the Packers could have just one more injury the entire offensive line might be a pick up team of scraps.

10-04-2005, 06:47 AM
Got last nights game too...Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

So, I am 8-6 this week. I'm rather pleased with that! I'll find out later how "pig guy" did. Oh geezzzzzz! That's not nice, huh? I'm trying to think up a nickname for him. One that doesn't stoop to his level and yet get's the point across. Got any ideas?

Also, I can still up the ante on that bet...so put your thinking caps on peeps. I know you can help me come up with something appropriate for the workplace with a "put-in-his-place" kind of twist to it! :rofl:

Aqua? Look below! And did I mention I :lurv: that you don't have much to contribute to a thread like this? You're my kinda guy! :x:

That's exactly why I know sports as well as I do Fred. I'd watch with my ex's because it seemed they liked it when I did and they had this little condecending way of explaining it to me (like it was rocket science), which I absorbed like a sponge. And, they had all this "free time" to watch every sporting event that came down the pike. To this day I can't figure out how to free up that much time to sit and just watch TV all day. *shrug* Must be the magic of sports!

Wish I could figure out a way to show you Coaster. Till then...think of Eddie Murphy doing the step-up/step-back/step-up as he brags to his childhood friends, "I've got an icecream...I've got an icecream...and you can't have it...and you can't have it". Of course I shouldn't use that dance or example because it is gloating and we all know Eddie drops his icecream while doing that dance...LMFAO!

Sorry about their loss Maddy...but your post is really insightful. Another injury last night? Philly's full of them too! So early in the season...I'm worried about McNabb.

I'm a bit under the weather today so I didn't get my new pool yet...and won't get it till tomorrow. I'll be back to post my picks and get some feedback on or about Thursday! Thanks everyone!

10-04-2005, 08:44 AM
So, I am 8-6 this week. I'm rather pleased with that! I'll find out later how "pig guy" did. Oh geezzzzzz! That's not nice, huh? I'm trying to think up a nickname for him. One that doesn't stoop to his level and yet get's the point across. Got any ideas?

MCP -- male chauvinist pig?

The MCP card was/is also the name for the Newfoundland health card. I digress.

Like you, I lived with a guy who could spend all weekend watching sports -- hockey, baseball, football, NASCAR -- sometimes all those games in one weekend! Fun!

Unlike you, I've been lucky enough that the MCPs I've known don't think they're sports experts because they have penises.

Can't help with football, alas. I don't know a pigskin from a foreskin. Wait . . . surely there's a better analogy out there!

10-04-2005, 08:53 AM
MCP -- male chauvinist pig?

The MCP card was/is also the name for the Newfoundland health card. I digress.

Like you, I lived with a guy who could spend all weekend watching sports -- hockey, baseball, football, NASCAR -- sometimes all those games in one weekend! Fun!

Unlike you, I've been lucky enough that the MCPs I've known don't think they're sports experts because they have penises.

Can't help with football, alas. I don't know a pigskin from a foreskin. Wait . . . surely there's a better analogy out there!
ROFLMFAO! Oh Steph...I knew you'd understand!

I'm diggin' MCP...and intend to use it from here on in! Even to his face. And when he asks what it means I'll tell him, "Oh hell...even a chick can figure that out...pfffffft"! LMAO!

PMP@last analogy...and pounding on the floor as I roll all over it! Baaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaha!

10-06-2005, 06:24 PM
Gimme some input *WEG*...and then give me your opinions of my picks (good/bad/undecided) too! TY!

Seattle@St. Louis-I picked Seattle. Seemed the stronger of the bet even though St. Louis is at home this week.

[email protected]. Jets-I picked Tampa Bay because...um...duh!

New Orleans@Greenbay-Bobbing back and forth on this one. Greenbay is pretty desparate at this point and they are home. They NEED the win and might just fight for it this time round! However, New Orleans has been trying to give it's city an uplift and now they are truely an away team as opposed to being a home team in an away situation (due to Katrina). Hmmmmm...I could use more opinions on this one. I did pick New Orleans...but it's too damn close to call!

Baltimore@Detroit-I wanna say Baltimore but I am leaning towards the home team. Baltimore has a weak advantage to me in this match-up. What do ya think?

Tennessee@Houston-Tenn. is in the top ten...but I am leaning (once again) to the home team advantage and have chosen Houston *ducks rotten tomatoes*

New England@Atlanta-Can't go the home team advantage in this pairing. N.E. is kick ass and I chose them...hands down!

Miami@Buffalo-Ain't real cold yet and this one is a toss-up to me, even though Miami is currently in first place. It's still so early in the season. I picked Miami. Tell me why I shouldn't!

Chicago@Cleveland-I took Cleveland. Good vibes here (and the stats didn't hurt).

Inndianapolis@San Fran Cisco-It's Indianapolis...of course!

Carolina@Arizona-I picked Carolina...the stronger team even though they are away.

Philadelphia@Dallas-Does Philly still have it or are the odds against them in Dallas's backyard. Never liked betting this match-up! I did, however, have to pick Philly!

Washington@Denver-Toss up here. Could go either way. I picked home team advantage for the closeness of the pair. Please Denver...don't fail me!

Cincinnatti@Jacksonville-Am I wrong in thinking Cincinnatti might get a reality check in this game? I can't trust my gut so I took the fave...Cincinnatti!

Monday Night Football

Pittsburg@San Diego-I gotta notion that Pittsburg will do it. This is a questionable notion though!

OK peeps...how am I going to do against MCP this week. All I know about his picks this week is that he picked mostly all away teams. He checks my pool when I turn it in. I show no interest in his and I tell him to try and not "cheat" off of mine. Smoothe...huh? LMFAO!

10-06-2005, 07:47 PM
Gimme some input *WEG*...and then give me your opinions of my picks (good/bad/undecided) too! TY!

Seattle@St. Louis-I picked Seattle. Seemed the stronger of the bet even though St. Louis is at home this week.!

Good pick.

[email protected]. Jets-I picked Tampa Bay because...um...duh!!
another good choice, although i really think things will turn around for the Jets a little now that they have Vinny T. back - they have really run into a string of hard luck. I'm a big Jets fan and would love to see them pull it out.

New Orleans@Greenbay-Bobbing back and forth on this one. Greenbay is pretty desparate at this point and they are home. They NEED the win and might just fight for it this time round! However, New Orleans has been trying to give it's city an uplift and now they are truely an away team as opposed to being a home team in an away situation (due to Katrina). Hmmmmm...I could use more opinions on this one. I did pick New Orleans...but it's too damn close to call!

I'm going with new Orleans too - i really think Brett F. is past his prime...he's not quick enough anymore. Plus the Saints have a little bit of momentum behind them (katrina) despite losing last week.

Baltimore@Detroit-I wanna say Baltimore but I am leaning towards the home team. Baltimore has a weak advantage to me in this match-up. What do ya think?
Baltimore, hands down.

Tennessee@Houston-Tenn. is in the top ten...but I am leaning (once again) to the home team advantage and have chosen Houston *ducks rotten tomatoes*
Are you freakin nuts? *chucks rotten tomatoe

New England@Atlanta-Can't go the home team advantage in this pairing. N.E. is kick ass and I chose them...hands down!
I disagree. I think Michael Vick is too quick to be contained. As quarterbacks they are equally matched, but Tom Brady will never keep up with michael Vick scrambling. I would go Atlanta.

P.s. if NE does pull it out, it will be because of Adam Vinitaeri, and not Tom Brady.

Miami@Buffalo-Ain't real cold yet and this one is a toss-up to me, even though Miami is currently in first place. It's still so early in the season. I picked Miami. Tell me why I shouldn't!
I'm with you...this one is a tough call. i'm taking Buffalo, based simply on home field advantage.

Chicago@Cleveland-I took Cleveland. Good vibes here (and the stats didn't hurt).
another good call.

Inndianapolis@San Fran Cisco-It's Indianapolis...of course!
duh...was there ever any question?

Carolina@Arizona-I picked Carolina...the stronger team even though they are away.
Arizona hasn't had a good team for a long time...

Philadelphia@Dallas-Does Philly still have it or are the odds against them in Dallas's backyard. Never liked betting this match-up! I did, however, have to pick Philly
Even with McNabb hurt, Philly will pull through. McNabb is a tough mother to be playing injured...even though I think he's listed as probable, it still has to hurt.

Washington@Denver-Toss up here. Could go either way. I picked home team advantage for the closeness of the pair. Please Denver...don't fail me!
Gut instinct tells me to go Washington...but i could be wrong.

Cincinnatti@Jacksonville-Am I wrong in thinking Cincinnatti might get a reality check in this game? I can't trust my gut so I took the fave...Cincinnatti!
reality check? yeah right...cincy all the way.

Monday Night Football

Pittsburg@San Diego-I gotta notion that Pittsburg will do it. This is a questionable notion though!
i will never, ever ever bet against my Steelers. Ever. Pitt will dominate.

just my :cents:

10-06-2005, 08:42 PM
Seattle@St. Louis-I picked Seattle. Seemed the stronger of the bet even though St. Louis is at home this week.

New Orleans@Greenbay-Bobbing back and forth on this one. Greenbay is pretty desparate at this point and they are home. They NEED the win and might just fight for it this time round! However, New Orleans has been trying to give it's city an uplift and now they are truely an away team as opposed to being a home team in an away situation (due to Katrina). Hmmmmm...I could use more opinions on this one. I did pick New Orleans...but it's too damn close to call!

New England@Atlanta-Can't go the home team advantage in this pairing. N.E. is kick ass and I chose them...hands down!

I think I agreed with you with everything except these three.
Sadly, I have no good reason to pick St. Louis except that Seattle has a long habit of being a lousy road team. They're already 0-2 on the road. If they can win this, I'll give them more credit in the future. It's not a good reason, but it's all I've got.
NE vs Atlanta, I agree with lonelyarmywife, mainly because the Pats are so beaten up. They couldn't stop the run at all last week, and the Falcons, even if Vick is dinged, run well. Add that they're at home and I don't think NE can do it. (I hate picking against my team...)
And finally, yes Farve is over the hill. The team is weak, they have no run game and the defense is questionable. Still, the effects of the continual road trip are going to start wearing down a Saints team that franking wasn't very good to begin with. I think the Pack pulls this one out.

Too many close games this week. This could go one way or the other too easily. Good luck

10-06-2005, 09:19 PM
I'll just say good luck - my picks are often mostly gut and less stat driven and well my gut is only right about 50% of the time so it's not all that reliable ;)

10-06-2005, 09:45 PM
Seattle@St. Louis-I picked Seattle. Seemed the stronger of the bet even though St. Louis is at home this week.

[email protected]. Jets-I picked Tampa Bay because...um...duh!

New Orleans@Greenbay......

Baltimore@Detroit- yes baltimore


New England@Atlanta-Can't go the home team advantage in this pairing. N.E. is kick ass and I chose them...hands down!

Miami@Buffalo-Ain't real cold yet and this one is a toss-up to me, even though Miami is currently in first place. It's still so early in the season. I picked Miami. Tell me why I shouldn't!

Chicago@Cleveland-I took Cleveland. Good vibes here (and the stats didn't hurt).

Inndianapolis@San Fran Cisco-It's Indianapolis...of course!

Carolina@Arizona-I picked Carolina...the stronger team even though they are away.


Washington@Denver-Please Denver... they won't fail u.

Cincinnatti@Jacksonville-Am I wrong in thinking Cincinnatti might get a reality check in this game? I can't trust my gut so I took the fave...Cincinnatti!

Pittsburg@San Diego ......

Seattle - good
Tampa - Obvious
Green Bay - I think this is the week, they are better than their record and at home
Baltimore - They are a better team, I think they will hive harrington fits and detroit has issues with the rogers situation.
Tennessee - Houston needs to get a better line to protect Carr.
New England - they will make a come back from last week.
Miami - On a role and this week JP is out and holcombe is in, qucik qb switch usually a disaster
Cleveland - feels right
Indianapolis - duh
Carolina - duh
Dallas - This is my upset for the week, I think Dallas D will step it up and their o-line plays better.
Denver - Washington is overrated, AFC is way stronger and Denver is at home.
Cincinatti - they are hot.

San Diego - on fire, first monday night for them in years, and just feels right.

Thats my opinion anyways, I am usually about 80-85%. Good luck!

10-07-2005, 02:24 AM
Oh My! Thanks guys. Some real good opinions and a few have swayed me. TY so much for such great detail. I can't get that from stat charts and the stuff I base my picks on. This was very enlightening!

Here's my final picks...

New Orleans


Good luck everyone...and I'll be back to let you know how I did against MCP this weekend!

10-07-2005, 04:22 PM

you should reconsider San Diego v. Pittsburgh and Miami v. Buffalo.....In my opinion and what I have been reading, I am convinced San Diego is a lock, and Buffalo with their qb problems and takeo spikes still out is gonna lose.

I want you to beat that guy and don't want to have to say I told u so :P, the rest that we disagree on I think are all too close to call....in any case, good luck.

10-07-2005, 06:27 PM

you should reconsider San Diego v. Pittsburgh and Miami v. Buffalo.....In my opinion and what I have been reading, I am convinced San Diego is a lock, and Buffalo with their qb problems and takeo spikes still out is gonna lose.

I want you to beat that guy and don't want to have to say I told u so :P, the rest that we disagree on I think are all too close to call....in any case, good luck.
Thanks sweetyheart!

On my way to work today, I couldn't stop thinking about the Monday night game and the "implied advantage" that San Diego might have. I mean...home team, first Monday Night televised game since dinosaur's roamed around (ok...least since the moon landing), team stats so close that I evened out from every source I had!

I changed my pick for Monday night to San Diego when I got to work.

More than that, I had to ask MCP for another pool paper because the guy who runs the pool wasn't in yet (had 2 more hours for his arrival), and I asked MCP who he picked for the game. He bantered back that he wouldn't tell me till I told him. I told him my dilemma and that I needed to fill out another pool. He laughed out loud and got another pool paper for me. As he watched me circle my picks he was counting. Said I had 6 different picks than him. Don't know what ones are differnt...only that he had said earlier that he picked mostly all "away" teams".


I told him my change and he told me he had Pitts. I told him why I changed and asked him why he wanted Pitts. He joked that he always picked "home" teams. I displayed astonisment (oh my gawd...you gotta be kiding me!)...and he said he was kidding. Then he said, "I just like Pitts. this time around".

So, here we go...this is my final picks...

Seattle@St. Louis - Seattle
Tampa@NY Jets - Tampa
New Orleans@Greenbay - New Orleans
Baltimore@Detroit - Baltimore
Tennessee@Houston - Tennessee
New England@Atlanta - Atlanta
Miami@Buffalo - Buffalo
Chicago@Cleveland - Cleveland
Indianapolis@San Fran Cisco - Indianapolis
Carolina@Arizona - Arizona
Philadelphia@Dallas - Philly
Washington@Denver - Denver
Cincinnatti@Jacksonville - Cincinnatti

Pittsburg@SanDiego - San Diego

Thanks again...EVERYONE! You've no idea how much talking to real people makes a difference when I am in competitive mode!


Be back with the results when they are in! Stay tuned!

10-07-2005, 10:04 PM
no prob lixy, good choice on San Diego again because I just found out that they are wearing their cool retro powder blue uniforms for the game.....its a sign.

10-07-2005, 10:59 PM
The powder blues! San Diego...super chargers!

10-08-2005, 07:20 AM
i think you're making a mistake on San Diego and Arizona, but we'll just wait and see.... :x:

10-09-2005, 03:28 PM
never pick againts the Pats after a loss

10-09-2005, 03:39 PM
I was praying this would be the Pack's week, but had nothing but my gut to support it. *happy dancin'*

10-09-2005, 04:15 PM
at 52-3 I guess it was the Packers week

10-09-2005, 06:32 PM
at 52-3 I guess it was the Packers week

no shit I dno't know what all that was about, but they owned the saints. And Ms. lixy, it appears I have steered you wrong in Altanta vs. NE too...i didn't know Michael V. wasn't playing.

Although i did say that if NE won, it would be becuase of Adam Vinetaeri....

10-10-2005, 09:42 AM
Hey Guys! Didn't do so bad...though I don't know how MCP did yet. As far as I can tell with just assumptions (he said he chose mostly away teams...but I don't know what home teams he picked...and he said we had 6 different this week) I might have won out over him anyway. As I said though, I am assuming!

I got 7-13 and am waiting on tonight's game.

MCP and I have picked opposite teams tonight...so let the games begin!

Thanks for all you input and for sharing your knowledge. Hey...someone has to win, right? If predicting the future was easier, we'd all be rich from betting!

BBL with tonight's game results. Keep good thoughts for me and San Diego (sorry to those who want Pitts.). Then, tomorrow I'll get a new pool and we have a go at it again...ok? Can't wait to hear what you have to say!


10-10-2005, 12:10 PM
Favorite - Under dog
at Baltimore - Cleveland
at Buffalo - NY Jets
Carolina at Detroit
at Chicago - Minnesota
Cincinnati at Tennessee
at Dallas - NY Giants
at Denver - New England
at Kansas City - Washington
at New Orleans - Atlanta
at Oakland - San Diego
at Pittsburgh - Jacksonville
at Seattle - Houston
at Tampa Bay - Miami

Monday, Oct 17
at Indianapolis - St. Louis

10-10-2005, 05:10 PM
Lixy you got 6 out of 13 so far right, not 7? I hope that is enough to beat the guy, definitely strange week.

I was still 9 out of 13 so I am proud of myself, but usually I end up around 11 or 12 out of 14....oh well San Diego will win and I will be 10 out of 14, not too far off.

good luck on tonight and I await this week ;-)

10-10-2005, 05:57 PM
Lixy you got 6 out of 13 so far right, not 7? I hope that is enough to beat the guy, definitely strange week.

I was still 9 out of 13 so I am proud of myself, but usually I end up around 11 or 12 out of 14....oh well San Diego will win and I will be 10 out of 14, not too far off.

good luck on tonight and I await this week ;-)
Wait...no...I thought I had 7 of 13 calihotguy. OMG! Gonna go recheck!

10-10-2005, 06:01 PM

10-10-2005, 06:16 PM
K...went and got the scores again. Am I wrong?

Final picks...

New Orleans-loss


That's what I got thus far...no?

Cause I talked to MCP today and he has 6 wins...and I am freaking out now cause I did the "happy song" which will go along with the "gloating dance" tomorrow, as long as San Diego holds up for me!

YIKES! I hate gloating in vain!

10-10-2005, 06:33 PM
So, here we go...this is my final picks...

Seattle@St. Louis - Seattle
Tampa@NY Jets - Tampa
New Orleans@Greenbay - New Orleans
Baltimore@Detroit - Baltimore
Tennessee@Houston - Tennessee
New England@Atlanta - Atlanta
Miami@Buffalo - Buffalo
Chicago@Cleveland - Cleveland
Indianapolis@San Fran Cisco - Indianapolis
Carolina@Arizona - Arizona
Philadelphia@Dallas - Philly
Washington@Denver - Denver
Cincinnatti@Jacksonville - Cincinnatti

Pittsburg@SanDiego - San Diego
I think the Carolina/Arizona bit above is the confusing part :)

10-10-2005, 08:04 PM
yes, I thought you picked Arizona, not Carolina.

10-11-2005, 05:17 AM
Looks like you're stuck with 7, Lix, but that's not a bad deal. What's the final verdict, how did HE do this week?

Be back later with my thoughts on next weeks picks.


10-12-2005, 05:38 PM
Looks like you're stuck with 7, Lix, but that's not a bad deal. What's the final verdict, how did HE do this week?

Be back later with my thoughts on next weeks picks.

Myself and MCP went 7-7 this week. Catch the balls on this guy! He GLOATED that I lost on San Diego cause he knew I came back and got another pool last week to change my pick! OMG! ROFLMFAO! I just told him I am still 5 up on him and he stopped gloating. He said...I was just giving you an advantage! From now on in, he claims he'll kick my ass!

SIDENOTE: I still have time to UP the ante on the original bet. I'm gonna have him drop to his knees and kiss my shoes/boots when I win...and if I lose it'll be the same bet, but me dropping. I can UP this to a higher degree of humiliation if you could help me think of something "workplace" worthy!

Come on...spew the ideas!

OK...my picks for Week 6 thus far...

Jacksonville@Pittsburg - Pittsburg
Miami@Tampa Bay - Tampa
Cleveland@Baltimore - Baltimore
Atlanta@New Orleans - Atlanta
Minnesota@Chicago - Minnesota
Carolina@Detroit - Carolina
NY Giants@Dallas - NY
Cincinnatti@Tenessee - Cincinnatti

Washington@Kansas City - ***here's where I am split, 1 of 2 games I'm split on) What do you think?

New England@Denver - N.E.

NY Jets@Buffalo - ***spit decision here too! Got some good feedback?

San Diego@Oakland - San Diego
Houston@Seattle - Seattle

Monday Night Football
St. Louis@Indianapolis - Indianapolis

Added a new feature ^^^

What's your predicted total score for the outcome of Monday night's game?

I said 44...Got any feel for it yourself?

OK guys...let's kick ass!!!!!!!!


10-12-2005, 09:59 PM
I disagree with you on the Chicago - Minn game, the Vikings have looked pretty bad all season.
I've got KC and Buffalo for the split games, I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt because they're the home teams.

10-13-2005, 03:42 AM
Thanks Fred! I think the same thing about home teams when in doubt! Minnesota/Chicago duely noted!

Got any guesses on the final total score for the Monday night game?

10-13-2005, 11:18 AM
I think you should rethink the Cleveland @ Baltimore game, Baltimore has no offense (ranked 25) second worst record in points scored (47) behind The Texans (44) and even if baltimore can run the ball where are they going to run to if Cleveland puts any points on the board and they are forced to pass the ball? My pick Cleveland

10-13-2005, 04:10 PM
TY Winston! I'll consider your advice carefully!

I note everyone's picks from Pixies as I do from the online sites I visit for the stats and stuff. I Love reading all of your analogies on why this team or that team has the advantage this particular week. I don't pay for my info from any site...though there are a million sites I could get much more info if I just forked over my cc number. I'm not about all that. I'm of the notion that betting football is a lot like fielding the stock market. I could put the teams on a bulletin board and toss a few darts at it (if only I could throw a dart straight...and not have it wobble...lmfao) and probably have some good choices when I was done...same goes with stocks!

My interest in this sport is solely to let MCP know I am not stupid because I have a pussy! The bonus I found in this endeavor is that I am loving the banter between some old friends and some new friends here at Pixies! It's so good to chat with you guys through this thread...and I can't thank you enough for taking up my challenge!

Hoping to hear from the other regulars soon!

Love you guys!


10-13-2005, 08:12 PM
Got any guesses on the final total score for the Monday night game?

I think I screwed up on that. I put 49, but I keep forgetting that KC doesn't score as much this year, Indy's denfense is awesome, and frankly, Indy's offense isn't amazing right now either. 35 or so is probably closer.
Anybody else?

10-13-2005, 09:02 PM
I just want to see the picture of him kissing your feet :x:

10-15-2005, 09:13 AM
I was in such a rush on Friday morning and I nearly forgot to circle my final picks before I left the house for work. Mr. Lixy was on the puter and I glanced over at the stool I keep my pool on...and there it was...unfinished!

I didn't have time to get on Pixies and check this thread for a final opinion...but I had noted what Fred and Winston had told me earlier...alongside what I already had from my online sources. The pool we get is two sided...mirror image style...and I keep one side and turn in the other. I usually circle both sides with my fnal picks before I rip them apart. As I said, I was running late and in a frenzy so I didn't get a chance to circle my side this week. I do have my original dashes next to the teams that opinions were given on.

In my mindset...I wonder if I circled the teams with the most dashes instead of evaluating each dash and who it came from. Anyway...my point is...I'm sorta guessing at my final choices here by just regarding the teams with the most dashes. I might have chosen differently Friday morning, for whatever reason, on a few teams. I'm kicking myself now for not taking the moment to circle my finality.

Here's who I think I picked...lmfao!

Tampa Bay
Baltimore (though I am really cringing at this pick...we'll see I guess)
Minnesota (this is one I might have changed...can't be sure till Monday)
NY Giants
Washington (another I might have changed last minute)
New England
NY Jets (and yet another I am not sure if I changed the pick)
San Diego


TOTAL SCORE 43 (I do know I changed that...downed it by 1...cause I marked that on my paper...DUH!)

OK...well I guess we'll see when I get hold of my original paper huh? Sorry for the confusion but we've had so much rain and flooding here that I barely had time for any of this tom-foolery this week.

Good news is...the sun is finally here today! It's rained for 8+ days and I am in need of some sun so bad! I'm not complaining for the rain mind you. I know there are peeps worse off than myself. I'm just letting you know that in this old house with that much rain...well she took some on and I had to help her get rid of it! It got a little crazy round here for a spell!

Good Luck on the games this week! TY for your opinions once again. Here's hoping I remembered them in my fianal choices! Don't count on that though...*giggle* I promise to be a better student next week!


10-17-2005, 04:53 PM
Oh Man! I suckkkkkkkkkkk!


OK guys...I had a bad week! I'm entitled once in a while, eh? I'm blaiming it on the rains for 9 straight days and the flooding in our cellar that distracted me! Sound good? I know...I know...I just sucked this week! My fault. I'll be more attentive and heed your words more considerably this week...PROMISE!

OK...here's what happened so far. Below are my wins and losses and my notes to go along with them...so you can see how I am following the teams (in my own little world)...

[X]Jacksonville@Pittsburg - Pittsburg...Pretty close, but bad call on my part. Lost by 6 in OT

[1]Miami@Tampa Bay - Tampa Bay...Win by 14

[2]Cleveland@Baltimore - Baltimore...Good call. Win by 13

[3]Atlanta@New Oleans - Atlanta...WHEW! Win by 3

[X]Minnesota@Chicago - Minesota...WTF??? I suck! Lost by 25. Somebody shoot me! Why didn't Minn. just stay home?!

[4]Carolina@Detroit - Carolina...Whew! Win by 1

[X]NY Giants@Dallas - NY Giants...Someone has to win! Lost by 3 in OT. Dallas ALWAYS craps me up whether I bet on um or against!

[5]Cincinnatti@Tennessee - Cincinnatti...Cinci's back! Win by 7

[X]Washington@Kansas City - Washington...again, someone has to win. Lost by 7

[X]New England@Denver - New England...Can't express my feelings! Lost by 8

[X]NY Jets @ Buffalo...NY Jets...Fuck Me! Lost by 10

[6]San Diego@Oakland - San Diego...TY guys! Win by 13

[7]Houston@Seattle - Seattle...Good call! Didn't note the win over Houston???

And that's what I jotted down last night and this morning as I got the results! Waiting on tonights game...but it can't help me this week! MCP had 11 correct...and I don't know which ones or if he has the same pick as me tonight...which is...

St. Loius@Indianapolis - Indy

OK...I'll chalk this week up to some really tight games!

On to next week...K? You guys still with me?

10-17-2005, 09:40 PM
I told you the Vikings suck. Sorry :rofl: I tell you, the Steelers losing hurt. That's ok, it's one week. Walk it off. Rub some dirt in it. Suck it up. *shudder* sorry about that, that just came out.
Point is, another week is coming. You'll get him again then.

10-18-2005, 04:51 AM
I know fred...I know! I'll listen and heed those in the know better next time. I wasn't really paying attention to much last week but the water level in my cellar! Things are better this week.

I'll post my picks either today, after work...or tomorrow after work...as soon as I finish my picks!

Thanks for all your input...*teehee* (<---couldn't resist)

Be back tonight with this weeks game roster's!

10-18-2005, 07:00 PM
OK...here ya go! Our line up for Week 7 - 10/23

Indianapolis@Houston - Indianapolis
Pittsburg@Cincinnatti - Pittsburg (tell me why not???)
Detroit@Cleveland - Detroit
San Francisco@Washington - Washington
Greenbay@Minnesota - Green Bay
Kansas City@Miami - Kansas City
New Orleans@St Louis - St. Louis (should I?)
San Diego@Philadelphia - San Diego - (want the home team...but?????)
Dallas@Seattle - Seattle
Tennessee@Arizona - Tennessee
Denver@NY Giants - Denver
Baltimore@Chicago - Baltimore
Buffalo@Oakland - Oakland


NY Jets@Atlanta - Atlanta

Total Points of Monday Night Game...33

OK...this is my best this week. How'd I do? Tell me why I will suck again! Tell me why I did good! Ya know what? I haven't watched a game all season and this is getting addictive!

OMG...someone slap the shit outta me! LMFAO!

10-18-2005, 08:38 PM
Like I know what I'm talking about You haven't watched a game and you're doing at least as well as me, if not better.

On to this week.
I'm giving Cincy the nod over Pitt because they're at home and Ben R is coming off of injury so I don't know how he'll do.
Philly had a bye week to prepare for San Diego....but they looked terrible the week before. I went with Philly, but that's a toss-up to me.
And as for the Chicago - Baltimore game. I don't honestly think that either team will have an offense based on how good each of their defenses are playing. I'm going with the home team again. Frankly, whoever turns the ball over more will lose I think.

Point is, you've been doing well all season.

10-19-2005, 03:10 AM
Good info fred...TY!

I think I'm panicking because MCP got 12 last week (including Monday night). I ended up with 8...which isn't too bad but has made our total tally to date...

Lixy - 49
MCP - 48

I've really gotta kick butt this week!

I'm up in the air about San Diego - Philly. Philly is notorious for having a string of strong weeks and then getting over confident. It's a bit early for that now...but looks like it might be happening anyway. I'll be damned if I do and damned if I don't in this one I'm afraid!

Hoping to hear from the others this week!

Thanks again fred!

10-19-2005, 06:38 AM
Indianapolis@Houston - Indianapolis

Pittsburg@Cincinnatti - Pittsburg (tell me why not???)
Pitt is hurting right now. Ben R. is coming back off injury, but after the shitty week they had last week, it will be hard to regain momentum. Is Ward back in?
Cincy is having a great year, sucessful record. They might be a little nervous since this is a divisional game, though, and they've been notorious for blowing those. Nevertheless, they are the home team.
As much as it pains me, i'm taking Cincy, although I'll still be rooting for Pitt.

Detroit@Cleveland - Detroit
Cleveland sucks this year. Thank God their in Pittsburgh's division.

San Francisco@Washington - Washington

Greenbay@Minnesota - Green Bay
also true - did you see the asskicking Minnesota got last week?

Kansas City@Miami - Kansas City

New Orleans@St Louis - St. Louis (should I?)
yes you should marc bulger is hurt, but their passing game was never that strong anyway - and their at home.

San Diego@Philadelphia - San Diego - (want the home team...but?????)
I'm saying San Diego on this too. Don't know why.

Dallas@Seattle - Seattle

Tennessee@Arizona - Tennessee
double duh.

Denver@NY Giants - Denver
I'm taking the home team - i thought they looked good against Dallas last week, even though they lost.

Baltimore@Chicago - Baltimore
Chicago. Baltimore is ass.

Buffalo@Oakland - Oakland
Suprise here. But a good choice.


NY Jets@Atlanta - Atlanta
Yes. Do not change this pick, no matter what.

10-19-2005, 07:09 AM
My only comment on Green Bay @ Minnesota: don't discount the dome effect, Brett has historically played very poorly in the Vikings playground. While I'm hoping the bye week was enough to rest the team up and keep them up from a great win the week prior, that dome is deadly.

10-19-2005, 06:23 PM
Oh guys! You've really given me confidence this week!

law...Damn G/F...You know your shit! Great analysis and exactly what I had hoped for when I initiated this thread! Whatever happened to Minnesota? Back when I used to watch football (in my cave, with my pet dinosaur by my side...lol!) The Vikings were a team to be reckoned with! Matter of fact, so were the Rams (they were in LA then). Things sure done gone crazy since I've dropped from the wonderful world of sporting! Things that make ya go hmmmmmmm! Thanks for taking the time hun!

maddy...I didn't know that fact! Geezzzzz...really gives me something to think about as far as poor performance due to past superstition. Now I have to ask myself...am I superstitious or am I feeling lucky? Well...am I? Thanks hun...good insight! Even though I'm sticking with Green Bay...if I lost that one I'll know why and what to say to MCP!

All you peeps have been great! I thank you again...and now, ON WITH THE GAMES!

I'm turning my pool in tomorrow morning! I feel pretty good about this week's picks. Here's my final choices...

Green Bay
Kansas City
St. Louis
San Diego (might come back and bite me on the ass)
NY Giants


Atlanta (with a total for both teams scores of 33)

OK...we'll see! Teams? Don't fail me now!

Be back with results when they come in!

10-19-2005, 09:10 PM
:) I'm rooting for Green Bay too, I just know that damn dome is one place they struggle.

10-20-2005, 08:16 PM
((((maddy)))) Let's turn this around and keep chanting...SD, SD, SD! LOL! We can change that dome karma!!

So...found out today that MCP has 4 different picks than me this week. I only know of the San Diego@Philly game. He's a die hard and wouldn't choose SD unless they were home...and then I'm not even sure he'd do it then. It'd be tough...that I do know!

So 3 teams that he chose are a mystery...but this makes it a competition to me. I think I am ready!


10-23-2005, 07:57 PM
Damn that dome...eh maddy? Just noticed my oopsie (above) too! I meant to say that we should chant GB...but I guess I had the San Diego game on my mind. Prolly what screwed me on both games! Eagles did it to me again! Told ya...if I bet on um they lose...if I bet against them they win. You guys should take a cue from me on that note!

Anyway...I got 9 of 13 thus far this week. As I said...MCP had the Eagles so we know he won that one. And he said we had 4 different picks this week. Can't wait to find out his tally.

I am going to the oral surgeons tomorrow so I won't know his total till Tuesday. If I find it out earlier I'll get back here ASAP.

Tomorrow nights game seems like a lock...but I ain't discounting anything with my luck (or lack thereof).

How'd you guys do?

10-24-2005, 05:00 AM
Damn me for betting against my Steelers! And how's about that Washington game! /begin redneck accent That's what we call down hurr in the soufland a good ol fashioned asswhoopin /redneck accent out.

I see the dome caught up with Brett F. after all - suprised by this. Also suprised at how close the Dallas game was - i thought for sure it would be a blowout.

I still think Atlanta is solid for tonight. I don't see NYJ pulling it out.

10-24-2005, 06:17 AM
I'm just glad Seattle pulled it out LAW! Round here, for some reason, Dallas is the Eagles biggest nemesis. There are a few guys at work who butt heads when Dallas and the Eagles play one another. Some guys never pick the home team unless they are in the play-offs, and that pisses the others off that they could be faithful to another team until we are close to the Super Bowl. Ya know how testosterone flies in times like that. Anyway...TY Seattle!

I didn't see the Wash. game, but I go to a site that gives me play by play (and refreshes the page every 10 seconds or so) and "watched" Washington kick ass! Geezzzzzz! How embarassed is San Fran today? 35 points? Yikes!

On to tonight's game!

10-24-2005, 08:37 PM
Damn me for betting against my Steelers! And how's about that Washington game! /begin redneck accent That's what we call down hurr in the soufland a good ol fashioned asswhoopin /redneck accent out.

I see the dome caught up with Brett F. after all - suprised by this. Also suprised at how close the Dallas game was - i thought for sure it would be a blowout.

I hear you. I can't believe MN came back, but I should know better, Farve can not play in that dome. I'm kicking myself.
On to next week. (after the Falcons wipe out the Jets. It's early still, but already looking ugly)

10-24-2005, 09:25 PM
Well...I went to the oral surgeon's today and boy am I sore! Had molar #3 removed cause the root canal I had way back in 2002 got all shitty. The tooth was cracked and just recently it cracked again...and was near a sinus and had to be cut out. So...I'm hoping to feel a bit better in the morning cause I need to go to work, if for nothing else but to find out what MCP did.

I have a good feeling about this week. Can't explain it...I just do. We are going to be close if I don't beat him outright! I'm still one up on him from last week...so here's to keeping that good feeling!

BBS with the results! Keep good thoughts for me to make it to work tomorrow!

Thanks guys!

10-26-2005, 06:21 PM
OK guys and girls...

MCP and I went 10 each this week. I'm still just 1 up on him to date. He keeps getting more and more cocky as the weeks go on. Lets get him BAD this week!

Here's the match-ups this week...and my tentative picks. Some are so close to call that I really need your persuasion. You've been great so far and I trust your knowledge more than the "office kibbitzing" or any online banter on the sports sights. OK...gimme your breakdowns!

Cleveland@Houston - Cleveland (dunno why not???)
Greenbay@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti (hey...they're home)
Arizona@Dallas - Arizona (real close call for me...convince me otherwise...it won't take much!)
Chicago@Detroit - Detroit
Oakland@Tennessee - Oakland
Miami@New Orleans - New Orleans
Washington@NY Giants - NY Giants
Jacksonville@St Louis - St Louis
Minnesota@Carolina - Carolina
Kansas City@San Diego - Kansas City (again...real close call for me!!!)
Tampa Bay@San Francisco - Tampa Bay
Philadelphia@Denver - Philadelphia (they'll fuck me again...won't they?)
Buffalo@New England - New England


Baltimore@Pittsburg - Pittsburg (no doubt!)

My prediction for the total score for Monday night's game is 35...what do ya think?

OK...give it to me and don't hold back!


10-26-2005, 07:44 PM
Washington @ NY Giants ... I'd go Washington, I know the Giants rock at home ... but Washington's been kicking asses and taking names all season so far... I'd not followed them for many years, but they got their stuff together this year.

Arizona @ Dallas ... I'd go Dallas here. This isn't the norm for me, I typically bet against the Cowboys any opportunity I get, but they look to me the better team, particularly when you factor in home field.

10-26-2005, 10:15 PM
Arizona @ Dallas ... I'd go Dallas here. This isn't the norm for me, I typically bet against the Cowboys any opportunity I get, but they look to me the better team, particularly when you factor in home field.

Maddy is right, Dallas is the better team, and being home, I think they'll win.

Oakland / Tenn - ewww. How about they just say they played this and flipped a coin. Frankly, the same for the Houston / Cleveland game. Except I think you're right the Cleveland will win.

I think the Eagles with fuck you over again. Sorry. Dever is playing well, especially at home. Philly can't seem to run, which i think will stop them here.

And as for that SD/KC game. My gut says SD can win. My brain says KC. I don't know. I do think it's going to be very high scoring.

I don't know. Good luck.

10-27-2005, 05:02 AM
WOW! TY guys!

I'm keeping this pool till tomorrow cause I don't have time to sort it out this morning. I've noted all the arguments from above though...and good ones they are!

I know...I know...I am always on the fence with Philly and I never fall on their side. They are the most unpredictable team I know of!

Keep your ears open and thinking caps on peeps! I'll be back later this evening!

10-27-2005, 05:15 AM
Cleveland@Houston - Cleveland (dunno why not???)

Greenbay@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti (hey...they're home)

Arizona@Dallas - Arizona (real close call for me...convince me otherwise...it
won't take much!)
You know, i'm with Maddy. I usually bet against Dallas every chance i get. But not this time. I think they've got it...IF it doesn't go into overtime.

Chicago@Detroit - Detroit
hmm...i'm on the fence with this one. Stay with Detriot I guess.

Oakland@Tennessee - Oakland
Tenessee. They're at home, and Oakland is without Moss...go with TN

Miami@New Orleans - New Orleans

Washington@NY Giants - NY Giants
Washington. This will be a huge game for both teams - it's a divisional game and that division is very close.

Jacksonville@St Louis - St Louis
JAX...see last week's reasoning.

Minnesota@Carolina - Carolina

Kansas City@San Diego - Kansas City (again...real close call for me!!!)
I'm with you on this....stick with KC

Tampa Bay@San Francisco - Tampa Bay

Philadelphia@Denver - Philadelphia (they'll fuck me again...won't they?)

Buffalo@New England - New England


Baltimore@Pittsburg - Pittsburg (no doubt!)
hmmm....let me think....this will be a close one....

Pitt. by an asswhoopin

10-27-2005, 05:23 AM
There's a football pool at my new job and my female trainer just went 14-0 this week. I was very impressed. Alas, I don't know her well enough to steal her picks for you yet, Lixy. Maybe soon!

She also made the point that it's awesome to kick the guys' butts.

10-27-2005, 06:56 PM
Oh Man! Great insight LAW! Ya know what...TY everyone!

I know you must be frustrated with me that I don't actually watch the games. As you can tell, I do know the game and I do get some pretty good info from sports sources. I even follow the games as they are all in progress, on a site that refreshes it's page every 5 seconds and tells me who has the ball, where the ball is, what down, and pretty much all that is going on to the moment...without having to flick channels and listen to the dismay or dramatics of the announcers. I keep the site up and running while I clean, have sex, trot from barn to house, etc. or all of the above. Doesn't interrupt a thing!

Gotta say again, there is nothing better than filling in the blanks with a few closer friends than the sources I get on the sports sites I visit. I even have one source that is a computer doing 90 (or so) runs of a match-up and keeping the averages. A computer has no way of knowing personal things like injuries, divisions, and such. This is why I came to you!

Oh...Steph? Tell her my situation! Ask her secret! Hold her down and stick bamboo shoots up her nails. Um...OK...don't do that. But...um...try cheating off her paper...LOL! OK...JK too! But...if you could strike up a conversation about her "secret to success"...I'm here and listening! Maybe she has a system "WE" haven't tried *shrugs* Hugs for noticing her and thinking of me!!!!!!

OK...don't have a clue what MCP has this week. I didn't ask and he is off work tomorrow. We'll wait till Monday for his pick tally!

Here's my finals...(and TY for the gentle persuasion everyone!)

Dallas (thanks...I needed that!)
New Orleans
Washington (needed that too!)
Kansas City
Tampa Bay
Denver (OMG...will I ever learn to never count on them either way? Eagles, that is...blah!)
New England



35 points for the combined score of Monday night's game!

:x: to you all!!!!!!!!

10-27-2005, 07:55 PM
.....I know you must be frustrated with me that I don't actually watch the games. .....
Not to worry. :) Any good part of any pro sport game can be seen in 120 seconds on the 11:00 o'clock news. :rofl:

10-27-2005, 08:19 PM
She also made the point that it's awesome to kick the guys' butts.

Hey now, what am I, chopped liver?
We're not all MCPs :faint:

10-28-2005, 04:38 AM
Not to worry. :) Any good part of any pro sport game can be seen in 120 seconds on the 11:00 o'clock news. :rofl:
I do go to a site where I don't even have to watch the news to know the exciting plays. They give me play by play and even do recaps at the end of the games if I care to sit and watch it refresh. No one talks and gives their opinion. And none of the team members can make excuses or brag on themselves! :rofl:

10-28-2005, 04:42 AM
Hey now, what am I, chopped liver?
We're not all MCPs :faint:
:x: :hug: :x: :hug: :x: :hug:

I'm sure she didn't mean you fred! Thinkin she meant the MCP's in her office!

10-28-2005, 11:25 PM
Hey now, what am I, chopped liver?
We're not all MCPs :faint:

Come on, now. MCP or not, feminism or not, football is still enjoyed more by the male populace. For a woman to go 14-0 in an office football pool, it's time for us to do a li'l victory dance a la battle of the sexes.

Lixer, all I know is she asks her boyfriend for help & she's a competitive soul. I'll let you know anything I learn!

10-28-2005, 11:31 PM
WOW! TY guys!

I know...I know...I am always on the fence with Philly and I never fall on their side. They are the most unpredictable team I know of!

Unlike Tennessee, who can always be counted on to shoot themselves in the foot by the 4th quarter....

10-29-2005, 10:06 PM
Unlike Tennessee, who can always be counted on to shoot themselves in the foot by the 4th quarter....
Another country heard from!!!!

Hey scotz? Where ya been? We're in week 8...ya know? Not that I don't appreciate every input (<---I said input...lol!)...but, um...well...WHERE THE FUCK YA BEEN?

Stick around babe! And did you check out the reason for the thread from the beginning?

*pacing the floor because I know he's right about Tennessee...eek!*

10-29-2005, 10:15 PM
Lixer, all I know is she asks her boyfriend for help & she's a competitive soul. I'll let you know anything I learn!
Can't hurt to hear opposing views Steph. I'm open to all reasons why a certain team "might" win over a team I initially picked. Can't say as I'll be swayed...but I love to hear the reasoning!

10-29-2005, 11:21 PM
Another country heard from!!!!

Hey scotz? Where ya been? We're in week 8...ya know? Not that I don't appreciate every input (<---I said input...lol!)...but, um...well...WHERE THE FUCK YA BEEN?

Stick around babe! And did you check out the reason for the thread from the beginning?

*pacing the floor because I know he's right about Tennessee...eek!*
Yeh, I've been keeping abreast (uhuh uhuh I said a breast) of your football challenge, but I've held back 'cuz I don't really have any useful input that would help you...at my house, it's Mrs Zoid who really keeps up with the sports action, & I just go along as long as I see an entertaining game...but the Titans haven't been nearly as much fun since your Eagles got the Freak away from us (now tell me you don't know who I'm talking about)...

10-30-2005, 10:23 AM
Yeh, I've been keeping abreast (uhuh uhuh I said a breast) of your football challenge, but I've held back 'cuz I don't really have any useful input that would help you...at my house, it's Mrs Zoid who really keeps up with the sports action, & I just go along as long as I see an entertaining game...but the Titans haven't been nearly as much fun since your Eagles got the Freak away from us (now tell me you don't know who I'm talking about)...
Well...as I said on numerous occasions, I don't watch the games or know any of the player's, persay. If a name is continually repeated I'll get to know it...but as to matching it up to a team, that's debatable as to if I can do it. I am of the science that if I hear talk of a player missing for an injury (for example)...I'll investigate his value to the team then, and usually only then.

I know people who spend football season living vicariously through certain players...usually only the cream of the crop. Much like reincarnation and "coming back" as a well known past figure, these people never choose to "sit on the bench". Instead, they take on the role of...say...the quarterback, and their emotions and moods swing on how well "they" did in any particular game.

I just can't get into the games this much or I'd be an emotional wreck! So...I choose not to keep names and stats in my head all season. I'm emotional enough for other reasons...I don't need to add fuel to my fire! :rofl:

So...enlighten me scotz baby!

10-30-2005, 07:45 PM
Man alive...I'm sucking pond scum this week! It's almost 7:45pm and I only have 4 wins. Just waiting for one more game tonight and then tomorrow's game.

This was a freaky week in football! Surprised as hell that I got the Philly/Denver game!

10-30-2005, 08:32 PM
I can't believe Houston and SF won. What the hell?

10-31-2005, 05:18 AM
I'm 5/13 so far...

Can't wait to put this week behind us!

C'mon Pitts!

10-31-2005, 06:08 AM
ok, let's chalk this one up to a full moon and move on....


10-31-2005, 11:00 PM
Is it just me, or is this year getting screwy? With a couple of expections, good (Indy) and bad (I'm so sorry any of you Vikings fans), most of the teams are just too close to call week to week.

11-01-2005, 05:52 AM
I know guys...I know! Things are so unpredictable.

I've got to say...I felt soooooooooooo good about last weeks picks. I don't know how to trust my feelings anymore!

*shake, shake, skake*

OK...OK...We'll do what LAW said and shake it off, pull ourselves up by the boot straps, chalk it up to the moon phase...then we'll DROP BACK FIVE YARDS...AND PUNT! Lmfao!

Total wins for me this week - 6/14

I think MCP went 9/14 this week, and if so I am down 2 games for the season.

I'm just gonna tell him the story of the Tortoise and False Security. Oh...wait...I mean the Tortoise and the Hare. :jester:

OK guys...get your thinking caps on and I'll be back with this weeks match-ups either tonight or tomorrow evening!



11-01-2005, 07:00 AM
all i can say is free agency... players are moving around frequently and most don't stay long enough to form a "team" - thus they all don't consistently gel, but rather from week to week you end up with a differing star player who was "on" that game.

11-01-2005, 10:18 PM
Indy @ New England = Pats by 3

11-02-2005, 04:14 AM
Here are the match-ups and my picks so far...

Carolina@Tampa Bay - Carolina
Houston@Jacksonville - Jacksonville
Cincinnatti@Baltimore - Cincinnatti
Atlanta@Miami - Atlanta
Detroit@Minnesota - Detroit
Chicago@New Orleans - New Orleans
San Diego@NY Jets - San Diego
Tennessee@Cleveland - Tennessee
Oakland@Kansas City - Kansas City
Seattle@Arizona - Seattle
NY Giants@San Francisco - NY Giants
Pittsburg@Green Bay - Pittsburg
Philadelphia@Washington - Philadelphia

Indianapolis@New England - Indianapolis (with a nod to Winston that this could change) Total combined points = 49

These are my initial instincts...and you know what I am feeling about my instincts at the moment! What say you?

11-02-2005, 05:54 PM

MCP went 10/14 this past week. I am down by 3 games!!! EEEEEKKKKKKK!

C'mon peeps...what do ya thinking for this week's games? I LOVE your feedback!

I know I picked Indianapolis...but Winston says it'll be close and New England will conquer. I noticed that MCP picked New England today too. For some reason he kept filling out his pool while I was talking to the girl who works next to him, and was saying his picks out loud. He's all full of himself, and I didn't show it, but it's getting under my skin like maggots in a pile of 4 day old discarded chicken necks (<---OMGGGGG...did that sound Pa. Dutch or redneck?...roflmfao!) I noticed he picked mostly "away" teams too...but I didn't memorize what his picks were...exactly.

Please don't lose interest now! No matter what happens...this thread has been fun all the way!

11-02-2005, 08:46 PM
There's only two games that I'd have you look at (Besides the PATS)
The Bears are coming into their own lately and the Saints are making way to many mistakes and Philly going into DC after the embaressment the Gaints handed the "Skins" I really don't think Joe Gibbs is going to let that happen.
yahoo head line today "Owens doubtful with sprained ankle; McNabb has sore rib"

11-03-2005, 05:48 AM
I hear ya Winston! I can't agree more about Philly! They surprised me last week cause I'm usually damned no matter what I do with them. And the Skins being home and all...I am iffy with that game for sure!

I'm keeping an open mind to all of your observations/suggestions. It's not that I go "eeny, meeny, miney, moe"...so I love all the feedback I get here in addition to my own sources on some sites I frequent. I'll total up the dashes I have beside each team and I'll be back tomorrow morning with my final picks!

Thanks for your thoughts hun...and Happy Birthday!

11-03-2005, 09:01 PM
I agree with Winston on those games. I'm nervous about them, but I think the Bears and Skins will win.
I'm also much more nervous about the Green Bay/Pitt game now that I know Roethlisberger is going to be out. But I think they can still win that.
And there's something about the Cincinnati/Baltimore game that I don't like. I chose Baltimore, even though Cincinnati should be the better team. I can't explain why, and I'm not going to recommend it. When I'm wrong y'all can laugh at me.

There's a long time to go in the season. You'll get him

11-04-2005, 05:49 AM
Lix, i'm not sold on the Philly/Washington game either. I think Philly is the Murphey's Law of football teams. You bet against them, they win. You bet with them, they lose.

Stick with Pitt over Green Bay. Even though R-burger is out, Brett Farve is no better than Tommy maddox (Pitt's backup) this season. With that being equal it will come down to their running game and their defense, and Pitt's is better. They will be able to force more interceptions and turnovers (Farve had 5 last game, remember) and hopefully get some points off of those.

just my opinions.

11-04-2005, 05:58 AM
Thanks once again...for all the great feedback guys!

Here's my final picks...

Cincinnatti (I was on the fence with this one too...so I did flip a coin...lmfao!)
Chicago (you both swayed me...it was so close you could barely fit a wedge between the two)
San Diego
Kansas City
NY Giants
Washington (again, so close to call till I heard more about T.O. and McNabb's injuries...not to mention a couple of other players)


New England (I feel good about this change...my computer sources play the game with no feeling and I trust real people's reasoning. Now let's see if the player's agree!)

Final Combined Total of Monday Night's Game...49

OK...here we go again! *crosses all philanges* (<---can't hurt...lol!)

Good Luck everyone!

P.S. I agree LAW! Philly is my Achilles Heel!

11-04-2005, 03:20 PM
Philly has no chance this week so your all set

11-06-2005, 09:46 PM
With the Washington & Philly game still going on she only has one loss so far. Good going

11-07-2005, 05:39 PM
Actually 2 losses Winston. The Detroit/Minnesota game and the Tennessee/Cleveland game are loses. But I still have 11 wins so far!

Now let's hope New England comes through for me tonight!

11-07-2005, 07:48 PM
Been a good week for us, Lixy! Hope this helps to make up for the shitbomb last week. how did MCP do this week?

11-08-2005, 05:33 AM
Holy S**t! New England choked big time, eh?

Oh well...I'm still 11/14. All in all it was a pretty good week. Good to know you faired well too LAW! How'd everyone else do?

Dunno about MCP yet. I do know we had 2 different picks this week and one of them was the Eagles. He had Philly...lmfao! I am thinking the other may have been Indianapolis (not sure though). We may have tied but I won't know till this afternoon.

I'll get back to ya when I know! I'll be getting the new pool today as well so...here we go again!

Stay tuned!

P.S. What are your feelings about T.O. getting the boot from the Eagles?

I feel like he got what he wanted all along and he had it coming fore all his antics this year. It's a shame to lose such a good player. He is full of himself and so I hope he can find a team that only needs one player...Terrel Owens!

Does anyone know where he would prefer to play? And...this doesn't make him a free agent, does it? Are there teams interested in him knowing how he is?

I tell ya...he'd not make a good Musketeer! LOL!

11-08-2005, 06:21 AM
TO is a superdouche that deserved what he had coming. If you or I acted like that at our jobs, we'd have been fired way before. Philly will not pick him up again next year, so it's my understanding that he now become a free agent at the end of the season. I can't say if anyone else will pick him up or not. He got canned from San Fransisco for doing the same shit and Baltimore passed because of it as well. This is the third team he's managed to piss off - that says something and people are noticing. Any team that picks him up deseres what they get. But some teams are going to be desperate at the end of the season.

*EDIT - it just occured to me that Green Bay will be one of those desperate teams, and maybe they will pick him up. If that happens, we'll have to see how much TO really DOES like playing with Brett Farve as QB.

DOUBLEDIT - that is, if Green Bay doesn't can Farve at the end of this season...

11-08-2005, 06:53 AM
I don't think Green Bay will "can" Brett Favre. He's likely to retire, been talking about it publicly for a good 2-3 years already. He's proving what we all should know already, the QB can't make a team - only make it stronger or weaker. Look at who he has on the other end of the ball on the offense - and how helpful the defense has been... the team has a lot of weaknesses and Brett isn't one of them. I'm not familar with the salary TO makes, but I'm willing to bet it's outside of what Green Bay would pay.

11-08-2005, 12:17 PM
I forget, Lixy, what is the consequence of losing this bet? Does it involve you stripping completely, and running through the field of view of all the security cameras in your workplace?

11-08-2005, 06:52 PM
MCP and I went 11/14 this week! I'm still down (by 3) but not out!

He was pretty smug today about the Indianapolis game. He picked Indy and had the total points for the game right on (61). Had to keep rubbing it in whenever I passed him too...but he wasn't the weekly winner so I made a point of saying, "The outcome of a game DOES NOT make a winner in the whole scheme of things"! Hey! It was off the cuff and the only thing I could come up with...lmfao!

Heard more from T.O. today too! Suddenly he wants to appoligize to all who he was asked to appoligize to before they let him go. BUT...this was his appology today...(paraphrasing)...I feel as though I need to appologize to the fans, my teammates, and to Donovan McNabb.

I ask you...If you feel as though you need to appologize, don't ya just say it..."I APPOLIGIZE!" He never said "sorry"...he never said "I appoligize to these people"...he just said he feels as though he should! SEMANTICS! He's full of SHIT! He isn't sorry for his past antics...he's just sorry the team let him go!

As far as money...they are witholding $800.000.00 for the four games he was suspended on for fighting in the locker room and they are trying to get his $1.5 million dollar signing bonus back. After that, they have to pay him till the end of the season.

It's been said that he was a cancer for the team since his manager (Drew...somethingorother) picked him up this season. Anyone besides me think Drew has steered him wrong so early in his career?

OK...nuff about that! On to this week's match-up's!

New England @ Miami
Minnesota @ NY Giants
Washington @Tampa Bay
Baltimore @ Jacksonville
Houston @ Indianapolis
Arizona @ Detroit
Kansas City @ Buffalo
San Francisco @ Chicago
Denver @ Oakland
NY Jets @ Carolina
ST Louis @ Seattle
Green Bay @ Atlanta
Cleveland @ Pittsburg


Dallas @ Philadelphia

OK...I have my thoughts...I'll collect my info...and I'll be back tomorrow night to make my predictions! Keep your thinking caps on!

Luv you guys!

And gecko? We don't have security cams in my workplace...but if you want hun...I'll set some up! Oh...and gecko baby? If I do that...what will you do for me??????????????????? And HEY! What makes you think I'm gonna lose??????

Gecko? You watching the games this year? If so...are you crossing your digits for me to win or lose?

*smart ass gecko's...blah*

*giggle, giggle*

11-08-2005, 09:00 PM
Holy S**t! New England choked big time, eh?

You know, I really thought they were going to play better than that. They just don't have the people right now. Sorry.

P.S. What are your feelings about T.O. getting the boot from the Eagles?

The thing that I don't think is getting enough attention is that this is a pattern, he did it in San Francisco, he did it last year, and in the preseason. He's a good player, but he doesn't seem to realize that it's a team sport. And pissing off the guy getting the ball to you, isn't going to help you get the ball.
I hope nobody is desperate enough to pick him up, but of course, someone will think that they'll be able to work with him. Enjoy sitting out this year TO.

11-09-2005, 05:50 AM
New England @ Miami - New England
Minnesota @ NY Giants - NYG
Washington @Tampa Bay - Washington
Baltimore @ Jacksonville - JAX
Houston @ Indianapolis - Indy
Arizona @ Detroit - Detriot
Kansas City @ Buffalo - KC
San Francisco @ Chicago - neither? is that an option? no? hmm....I think Chigaco.
Denver @ Oakland - Oakland
NY Jets @ Carolina - Carolina
ST Louis @ Seattle - Seattle
Green Bay @ Atlanta - Atlanta
Cleveland @ Pittsburg - Pitt


Dallas @ Philadelphia - Dallas
Ok, I know Philly fucks us every week. This might just give them another opportunity to do it, but Dallas has (unfortunately) been playing really well this year. Philly is not at all focused, and I think that Dallas can pull it off. Somebody convicne her that i"m wrong - i really really want to be wrong!

11-09-2005, 05:57 AM
No need to be sorry fred! I get good feedback from you guys, but I make the final choices. Please don't ever feel bad for the banter here. It's fun and no matter what happens I'll still have had a good time. I hope you all will too!


As to T.O. It's been duely noted (over and over again...here, in my area at least) of his behavior over the years. He's gotten worse since this Drew dude took over his management. And it seems to me he might have a lot of YES men/women hanging out in his posse'. Much like Michael Jackson, no one cares about him enough to tell him to stop making an ass of himself and ruining what could be a brilliant career.

One of the worst things I heard him say to the press was something like (paraphrasing again)...I'm the best player this team has and I deserve more money. I'm like anyone else...I'm just trying to feed my family!

This ^^^ from a man who makes millions for playing a game! Granted...it's a tough game...but ALL the players are in it the same as him.

Also, I wonder if he knows the plight of the homeless people in the town he makes so much money in? If he could walk a mile in their shoes I think he'd consider his salary satisfactory for the time being!

And whatever happened to holding yourself responsible for signing a contract? In these times a contract doesn't seem to mean didley squat. What's the purpose? A signature and/or a handshake used to mean something. People used to stand behind what they signed. Now they just disregard it on a whim. The more the disregard is tolerated, the less a signature means! So...why have anyone sign anything?

OMG! *looks down at the soapbox under my feet*

How'd that get there? LOL!

11-09-2005, 07:39 PM
Denver @ Oakland - Oakland


Dallas @ Philadelphia - Dallas
Ok, I know Philly fucks us every week. This might just give them another opportunity to do it, but Dallas has (unfortunately) been playing really well this year. Philly is not at all focused, and I think that Dallas can pull it off. Somebody convicne her that i"m wrong - i really really want to be wrong!

Are you sure about the Denver - Oakland game, LAW? I don't know if Oakland is good enough to stop them and they had the week off to prep.
I think you're right about Dallas. I just don't think Philly has the weapons right now.

11-10-2005, 05:58 AM
Are you sure about the Denver - Oakland game, LAW? I don't know if Oakland is good enough to stop them and they had the week off to prep.
I think you're right about Dallas. I just don't think Philly has the weapons right now.

Nope not sure about that one. Going with oakland becuase they've been on a streak (momentum) and have a solid defense. They don't turn over the ball much, and i think that's what's going to pull them through, regardless of the fact that Denver had a bye last week.
But I could always be wrong.

EDIT - Went back and reevaluated. I'm wrong - take Denver. I don't know WTF I was thinking.

11-10-2005, 05:48 PM
Hiya Guys!

I've gotta say...I am right there with you LAW! And I am so glad you made your reevaluation (Denver/Oakland) cause I feel squirmy when I have to go against anyone who knows so much more about football than me. So...WHEW!

TY fred...for making her take a second look (if that IS indeed what happened)! :x:

Herein lies my dilemma. I am bouncing, like a superball, back and forth from Dallas to Philly...

BECAUSE...(and ya'll [<---testing my Texas accent in print] can tell me if I'm nuttier than a fruitcake)

I keep feeling like the Eagles are feeling a major need to PROVE to their fans and to T.O. and Andrew (fuckyhead) and to the owners and coaches and especially to the naysayers who all felt T.O. shouldn't have been treated this way...and to anyone of any concern around the country, that they CAN DO IT without T.O.... regardless of the rookies and the injuries. And I'll reiterate what Philly feels about Dallas...THEY ARE OUR BIGGEST RIVAL IN THE NFL (for some reason that I am not privvy to).

With that said...Dallas has the potential to KILL PHILLY! Both teams have something to prove in this game! FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKK...I can't bring myself to make a choice!

Here's my final choices thus far...(take note I am right there with you guys till Monday Night)

New England
NY Giants
Kansas City


Dallas...NO! Philadelphia...NO! Dallas...NO! Philadelphia...I swear peeps I am damned no matter what I do!

Know what's gonna happen? A coin toss for sure!

Curses to the friggin Philly/Dallas rivalry!

You guys HAVE to help me with the total score (combined score of both teams for the Monday night game...it's the tie breaker when pool players have the same amount of winning teams)...C'mon...gimme something!

Be back tomorrow morning (with my final Monday Night choice) as I suffer through tonight and make my choice via coin toss upon coin toss! LMFAO!


11-10-2005, 06:01 PM
BTW...can anyone think of why an Eagle would dislike a Cowboy?

And...if we were playing "rock, paper, scissors" in a sense...would the Coyboy win or would the Eagle win?

I'm thinking the Eagle could shit on the Cowboy's head...therefore, pissing him off enough to rope that eagle neck and pull him to the ground! Eh?

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Make me stop thinking!

11-10-2005, 08:24 PM
BTW...can anyone think of why an Eagle would dislike a Cowboy?

And...if we were playing "rock, paper, scissors" in a sense...would the Coyboy win or would the Eagle win?

I'm thinking the Eagle could shit on the Cowboy's head...therefore, pissing him off enough to rope that eagle neck and pull him to the ground! Eh?

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! Make me stop thinking!

Well, if that Cowboy has a gun, the Eagle is fucked.

This is cracking me up. Have you consulted the magic 8 ball yet? :jump:

11-10-2005, 08:57 PM
Well, if that Cowboy has a gun, the Eagle is fucked.

This is cracking me up. Have you consulted the magic 8 ball yet? :jump:
Oh shit LAW! So...now the friggin Cowboy can rope AND shoot the Eagle!

Oh...wait...Isn't the Eagle protected from harm...(we're talking bald eagle ya know!)? Hey! I mighta found a loophole!

Lemme ask the magic 8 ball...

(or, I could toss the ball up in the air...hitting the Eagle square in the head and eliminate the competition!!!!!!!) :rofl:

11-10-2005, 09:42 PM
TY fred...for making her take a second look (if that IS indeed what happened)! :x:

LAW is better at this than I am, she hasn't steered you wrong. (Unlike me who had New England and Baltimore last week. What the hell was I thinking?) I just was curious why she was choosing Oakland, I figured there was a good reason.

Eagles (the team)...have motivation and need the win...cowboys (also the team) probably have a better team and are more balanced.
I'm going with the cowboys. I think Philly can't (or doesn't run) and they're still going to be a little distracted. Of course if they focus and come out mad....

49 points. Sure, why not.

oh, and maybe the eagle is ticked because the cowboys trampled the land and killed all the animals (except, of course, cows). If this is the case, I think they'll try to recruit the bears and redskins. The cowboys will get help from the texans (if you can call that help, that o-line couldn't protect an invisible quarterback) and maybe the colts. I expect a battle royale :line:

11-10-2005, 11:05 PM
The stars of Dallas will fall right on the eagles head

11-11-2005, 05:38 AM
lix, in all seriousness, I'm going Dallas. Philly has a good reciever in Westbrook, but no running game...that's all Dallas. I really think the Eagles are going to be too scattered in the head to win this on Sunday. Total score...uh....49 sounds good to me too. Why the hell not?

P.S. here's alink you might want to take a look at if you haven't already for some more insight.


I'm not endorsing any of those picks nessacarily, but it does give you something to think about.

11-11-2005, 05:39 AM
I slept on it and don't ya know I woke thinking football. That's NEVER happened in my entire 47 years! LMFAO!

I'm inclined to think that if I think Philly will beat Dallas...I should pick Dallas because Dallas wasn't my first inclination. Or...was it? Arrgggggggggggg!

OK...Dallas it is!

Final Total Points

49 (<---it's as good a number as any, eh fred?)

Thanks for kibbitzing once again peeps! Good luck to all this week!


11-11-2005, 05:44 AM
Thanks LAW!

We keep posting at similar times in the morning. Seems you really do sleep, eat and sh*t football! I'm bringing up the rear in that dept. lately (no pun intended...or was it? LOL!).


11-11-2005, 06:21 PM
I handed in my pool very early this morning. All day I kept thinking...Kansas City/Buffalo and Dallas/Philadelphia!

Let me say...just for posterity...I am rethinking these games and there is nothing I can do about it now!

If Buffalo and Philly win...just remember that hindsight is 20/20 and I have NEVER had 20/20 sight since the day I was born!!!!!!!!!!!!

^^^Don't ya love it? A disclaimer at the end...instead of the beginning! OK...I admit it...I am bassakwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11-11-2005, 07:49 PM
And gecko? We don't have security cams in my workplace...but if you want hun...I'll set some up! Oh...and gecko baby? If I do that...what will you do for me???????????????????

Oh, what *wouldn't* I do for you?

And HEY! What makes you think I'm gonna lose??????
Gecko? You watching the games this year? If so...are you crossing your digits for me to win or lose?

Yeah, I'm generally catching at least one game a week. It is my *second* favorite sport, after all. And, oh, I don't necessarily think that you are going to lose...and I certainly hope you don't. Your dick-head co-worker is well, a dick-head.

Remember football is a complex game. You have to be smart enough to understand it, but dumb enough to think it's important.

11-11-2005, 07:52 PM
I slept on it and don't ya know I woke thinking football. That's NEVER happened in my entire 47 years! LMFAO!

I'm inclined to think that if I think Philly will beat Dallas...I should pick Dallas because Dallas wasn't my first inclination. Or...was it? Arrgggggggggggg!

OK...Dallas it is!

Here, I'll have to disagree with you Lixy. I think that Philly will want to prove something to themselves after the lost to the 'Skins last Sunday, and something to Owens after his antics.

11-11-2005, 08:19 PM
Here, I'll have to disagree with you Lixy. I think that Philly will want to prove something to themselves after the lost to the 'Skins last Sunday, and something to Owens after his antics.
I already put in my disclaimer in my last post (which should have been in the beginning...and I had all day to think about it...but I handed in my pool first thing this morning)...lmfao!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh gecko...I don't know if you've read about me and the Eagles...but they are a worm hole in the cherry of the cake of my day!

And hunny? Why can't you get here earlier to give me your opinions? Could you do me a big favor and read some of the previous posts about my feelings on the Eagles and the T.O. incident?

Ahhhhhhhhhh...forget doing me a favor. JUST DO ME!


Um...yeah! So...follow along from now on in and gimme some of those reptile opinions...K?

11-11-2005, 08:30 PM
Ahhhhhhhhhh...forget doing me a favor. JUST DO ME!


Yeah, but if I do, then it brings up the question of just who is doing whom the favor?

11-11-2005, 08:31 PM
Yeah, but if I do, then it brings up the question of just who is doing whom the favor?
Semantics baby! Don't think so much! If it feels good...make it feel better!


11-11-2005, 08:35 PM
Why can't you get here earlier to give me your opinions? Could you do me a big favor and read some of the previous posts about my feelings on the Eagles and the T.O. incident?

Um...yeah! So...follow along from now on in and gimme some of those reptile opinions...K?

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to log in the past few days, too busy. My take on the Owens controversy...it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Then it's pointing and laughing.

Truth of the matter is, I don't really often have an opinion on the outcome of the games themselves...a major reason I have never bet on football. The rare occasions that I do, I mostly tend to keep them to myself. This just happened to be one of the times when I did, and I didn't.

11-11-2005, 08:45 PM
K...I gotcha! So if you do, you don't...and if you don't, you do! :dizzy:

I'm not asking so that down the road I can ROAR at you and tell you that you've steered me wrong! I just love the banter here...and the bit-o-help I can get in understanding the players and teams. If you haven't read...I DO NOT watch the game[s]. I know the game...I just don't have the time (or interest) to watch.

As an invite...if you get a notion and you see this thread up at the beginning of the week and have some opinions of who can do what...come on in and gimme something to think about!

Any and ALL contributions are greatly appreciated!

Now back to the sex games! TAG...you're IT!

11-12-2005, 10:55 AM
At work yesterday, being Friday afternoon, people were wandering around & socializing. The guy who runs the football pool was talking about how iffy the Dallas game was going to be. LOL I was hoping they'd give me some info for the pool but alas, nothing!

The top three in the pool at my office are female! :jump:

11-14-2005, 03:31 AM
LOL Steph! That's ok. And yes...Dallas/Philly is gonna be tenses...LMAO! It's a huge rivalry and it's Monday night and all eyes are on how well Philly does without T.O.

Well...so far I am 9/13 this week. Not too shabby. I told ya bout my 20/20 for KC/Buffalo. Too bad I didn't have that feeling sooner. And for the 3 other games I missed too...lol!

K...let's see what happens tonight!

How'd everyone else do?

11-14-2005, 11:33 PM
I can't believe Minn and GB won.
I would've won the pool this week except for those two.
And even though the game isn't over, looks like I was wrong about Philly. Which is to say, they've fucked you over again. Not good

11-15-2005, 05:44 AM
Well...Dallas came through for me...by 1! Whew!

I am 10/14 and MCP is 9/14 this week. He had Philly...roflmfao!

Ahem...*tries to stop gloating*

OK...now on to Week 11

I'll just give you the match-ups and my pics straight out. All suggestions welcome!

Philadelphia@NY Giants - NY Giants
Arizona@ST Louis - ST Louis
New Orleans@New England - New England
Oakland@Washington - Washington
Jacksonville@Tennessee - Jacksonville
Carolina@Chicago - Carolina
Tampa Bay@Atlanta - Atlanta
Miami@Cleveland - Cleveland
Indianapolis@Cincinnatti - Indianapolis (with reservations)
Detroit@Dallas - Dallas
Seattle@San Francisco - Seattle
Buffalo@San Diego - San Diego
NY Jets@Denver - Denver
Pittsburg@Baltimore - Pittsburg
Kansas City@Houston - Kansas City


Minnesota@Greenbay - Green Bay


16 games this time around. Wouldn't it be cool to go 16/16?

Sorry for your losses fred! Guess that's why they call it gambling!

Let's regroup and you all can give me your opinions of my picks.

Also...They are saying McNabb was injured again last night, which exacerbated his already hurting ribs. I think he pulled a groin muscle...probably overcompensating for his aching ribs. Should he have taken care of his injury earlier? Is it too late for him to take himself out now to tend his wounds? What's the future like for the Eagles? They did play a good game last night (according to the highlights I saw). Thoughts anyone?

11-15-2005, 06:34 AM
Rethink your pick on Miami - they played a good game against new England last week. I think they deserve more credit than they are getting. I think they defiantely absolutely have a chance to pull it out.

And I would stick with Indy over Cincy. They had a good start and are a good team, but they've had an easy schedule. I don't think they can hack it against a tougher team - that was proven when they played Pittsburgh. Indy and Pitt have alot of similar qualities, both on offense and defense. I'm pretty confident that Indy will pull it out.

Good luck girlfriend! here's to 16/16 this week!!!!!!!!

11-15-2005, 07:40 PM
TY LAW! I'll take your suggestion about Miami into consideration...for sure! It's a thinker...

I agree with you about Cincy...but they hold a certain place in my heart because I know Tony Stewart's mother personally. Which isn't to say I know Tony...or that it's even a good reason to lean to them when in doubt...lmao! Anyway...I agree and I'm sticking with Indianapolis!

Anybody else have any thoughts?

I went into work today and MCP was grinning like a Cheshire cat! All I asked was, "Did you go to sleep before the end of the game?" He wanted to say "fuck you", but he held back and just said "One...by one!" I couldn't wipe the grin from my face! Later in the day I was talking to the guy who works next to MCP. Coincidently, Dallas is this guy's fave team and so I said, loud enough for MCP to hear me, "What do ya say ______ (<---insert name of co-worker) I personally thank the Cowboy's when I go to Dallas this coming January?" He laughed and turned to MCP, who wasn't smiling so much now!

Oh, the feeble mind is so easily amused (<---referring to myself) ROFLMFAO!

Oh...and Steph? How's the snooping going?

Wow...Sunday is so far away!

*tick, tick, tick*

OK...chat at me peeps!


11-15-2005, 08:25 PM
lix, mcnabb is beat up from playin' contact ball. :D
he also has a sports hernia and says he will not get surgery til the end of the season 'cause it'll lay him low for a while, but they are waiting for mri results to say for sure. looks like he might not play next week.

other than that, i haven't a single thought on any of it. :p:D

good luck though!

11-15-2005, 08:30 PM
The only game i see as an issue is the carolina/chicago game

carolina's offense has been struggling of late and chicago seems to be stepping it up on defense. With Chicago at home I would say they have the edge in that game.

11-16-2005, 05:45 AM
LMAO@wyndhy! I think McNabb should be "beat up" from doing the moon walk in the end zone! He loves to carry the ball in and ham it up...but THE MOON WALK???? For one thing he probably aggravated his hernia and/or ham string from doing it, and for another thing...how friggin embarrassing! Next he'll be doing "the funky chicken"...lol! Yes...I just heard that he'll be sitting out this upcoming game. That clinches my pick (like I'd change it anyway...NOT!). Ya know what though, this factor could bring out the ache in my Achilles heel...*ouch*

Carolina/Chicago huh, BIGbad? I agree with the home field advantage...but why is Carolina's offense struggling? Change-up's, injuries, etc.? If you've read any of this thread you'll know I don't follow the teams as closely as others might. Can you elaborate?

So far LAW...I'm sticking with Cleveland for the home field factor. It's not out of the question that I might change it last minute, but it's such a close call for me and that fuels my reluctance to change yet.

Thanks for the feedback so far everyone! Does anyone else want to chime in?

11-16-2005, 01:38 PM
but lixy... he's mcnabbulous. :rolleyes2 lmfao

11-16-2005, 02:10 PM
From the Panther's own web site..."A pair of winning steaks will be on the line when the Carolina Panthers (7-2) meet the Chicago Bears (6-3) in a match-up between the NFC South and NFC North division leaders at Soldier Field on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. EST. The Panthers have won six consecutive contests, and the Bears own a five-game winning streak.
The game will feature two of the League's best defenses. Chicago leads the NFL in total defense, while Carolina ranks eighth. Both teams reinforced those reputations last week as the Panthers forced six turnovers in a 30-3 victory over the New York Jets and the Bears held the San Francisco 49ers without a touchdown in a 17-9 victory." Just because Chicago has the 12th man I think advantage then goes to Chicago. IMHO

Good Luck!

11-16-2005, 07:37 PM
I tend to agree with Bigbad...I think being at home Chicago has the advantage. If the weather was going to be what it's like right now, I'd pick them easily. But it'll be a little warmer...so...it'll be low scoring. I think Chicago can run and that will be the difference.

I also don't trust Pittsburg right now. If Maddox is starting...*shudder*. All he seems to be able to do is throw interceptions. I don't know if I can pick Baltomore, though. They're just no good.

11-16-2005, 11:40 PM
The latest news from Pittsburg is that Roethlisberger guy should be ready to go.
also my choice would be DA Bears and Miami
Just thinking outloud

11-17-2005, 05:05 AM
Yep wyndhy...he is pretty alicious, ain't he? He's def out this week and we're left with McMahon. Last time McNabb was out (in 2002) the Eagles won the next 5 games. Hmmmmmmmmmmm...I'ma thinking I might be damned again!

OK...LAW made a pretty good case for Miami and everyone tends to agree but I am still on the fence so I'll make my final decision by tomorrow. Thanks for all the research BIGbad and thanks for all the input/reasoning fred and Winston. I'll evaluate with care...I promise!

Taking into consideration Da Bears too, fred and Winston.

I've got some tallying and thinking to do!

*hugs to everyone*

11-17-2005, 06:08 AM
I also don't trust Pittsburg right now. If Maddox is starting...*shudder*. All he seems to be able to do is throw interceptions. I don't know if I can pick Baltomore, though. They're just no good.

Does tend to make one a bit nervous when the starting quarter back has had, oh...7 interceptions in his last two games as a starter!!! But even with him starting, I think they've got Baltimore in the bag.

oh and by the way Lixy...*coughMiamicough*

11-17-2005, 08:19 PM
OK...I appreciate all the input and gentle persuasion *couchLAWcough* and you've convinced me. My other sources are real close on both games and with the way things have been going this year it's all a toss up in the end!

My final picks for Week 11

NY Giants
ST Louis
New England
San Diego
Kansas City



TOTAL GAME POINTS...46 (<---again, why not? lol!)

So thanks once again guys for the blah, blah! I really do appreciate everyone taking time to chat at me in this thread! It's fun and informative!

Good Luck everyone...and I'll see ya here when the results are in!

11-17-2005, 10:33 PM
This has been a great topic. Thanks for putting it up!

11-19-2005, 11:24 AM
This has been a great topic. Thanks for putting it up!
I'm just so glad to have such insightful Pixie friends to participate with me on this topic! It's really been fun for me to find a reason to get to know some of you better. I had no expectations when I started this thread...just a hope that I'd spark an interest in one of our great American sporting events. You know, Male vs. Female! LOL!


So, I found out yesterday that MCP and I only have one different pick this week. I'm sooooooooooooooo glad I relented to you guys in changing my Carolina pick! He has Carolina and I changed to Chicago. No matter the outcome, I just love the suspense! I always hope that he and I have several different choices, but this week it's so close that I am on pins and needles for the results! I told him I had Carolina initially but "had a feeling" and made the change last minute. I sighted some of the reasons BIGbad gave me from the Panther's website (but didn't tell him my source) and I told him "my gut" told me to take my chances with the change! Not entirely untrue, eh? LOL!

OK...not too exciting this week as far as competition, but my eye will be on Chicago! Put out your best vibes peeps...and however I do, it'll have been fun!


I love you guys!

11-20-2005, 02:51 PM
So far so good at the half chicago is winning 13-0! *fingers crossed*

11-20-2005, 05:08 PM
We got um Mr. BAD stuff! *moing, moing, moing* (<---kisses...in case you couldn't tell...lol!...ut oh! Sorry wyndhy...NOT! *giggle*)

Shame about Miami...but as I said above, MCP and I have same picks EXCEPT for Panthers/Bears!


Anyone ever see Saturday Night Live's "The Super Fans"?

Da Bears! Da Bulls! Indy 500 or Da Bears and Ditka in a bus? Da Bears and Ditka in a bus!!!!!


Gonna do the Super Fan dance when I go into work tomorrow!

11-20-2005, 05:32 PM
Help me out with the status check, Lixy. This means you win this week by one over MCP - where do you stand with him now? I know as of a few weeks ago you were down a few points... what's the tally currently?

11-20-2005, 08:14 PM
Way to go, Chicago!

And Maddox sucks. He sucks, sucks, sucks. (I'm so glad I chose Baltimore. But St. Louis doomed my pool)

So, Lixy, you're up by one this week. It's time to take back the lead next week!

11-21-2005, 05:46 AM
And Maddox sucks. He sucks, sucks, sucks. (I'm so glad I chose Baltimore. But St. Louis doomed my pool)

God I hope rothliesburger is back next week for Indy or we're fucked. Fucked.
I never would have thought Baltimore could do it against pitt.

11-21-2005, 09:54 AM
Yes it was upset city yesterday! There are still a few weeks to get you back where you belong though. Some tough picks for the up coming week I'll have to take a long hard look at some of these games.

11-21-2005, 05:08 PM
Yes Maddy...I beat MCP by 1 this week. Can't do any better than that tonight cause I'm pretty sure he has Greenbay too. Least I'm 99% sure I saw that on his pool. So, that puts me at 1 down from him on the whole!

Yep fred! It's time! Keep the faith hun...we're gonna need it! *hugs* Let me know of any of your intuitions and thoughts...I'll jot um down as fast as I can!

Awwwwwwwwwwwww ((((LAW)))) So sorry hun! Let me know about the burger meister...k? Hey! Does anyone call him that? If not I am gonna trademark it...lmao! C'mon sweety...we'll get back in the groove from this day on!

Time to start kickin' serious butt now Winston! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP! OMG...sounded pathetic huh? I've gotta hand in my pool by Wednesday of this week because we have Thursday and Friday off and I bet they wouldn't trust that I "truely picked ALL the winner's" this week...if I waited till Monday...lol!

OK...nose to the grindstone everyone! We gotta find out who's in and who's out this week. I'm not positive about McNabb but I think he's a gonner for the season. Doubt that'll matter much, but it could since they are home and they actually have nothing to lose anymore! McMahon is too green I think and, well, ya know!

Here's the match-up's and my picks for this week. Don't be shy now! Smack me upside the head if you have to to get me to see what you want me to see if you think I am wrong.

Love you guys for chiming in! Now's the time to gimme your best of the best!


Atlanta@Detroit - Atlanta
Denver@Dallas - Denver (I have this game as a Thanksgiving Day game. Is that right? Also...it's so close to call I took a stab...what do ya think? Gimme reasons!)


Baltimore@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti
ST Louis@Houston - ST Louis
Carolina@Buffalo - Carolina
San Francisco@Tennessee - Tennessee
New England@Kansas City - Kansas City (close, close, close call. I took home field advantage...YES?)
San Diego@Washington - San Diego
Chicago@Tampa Bay - Tampa Bay
Cleveland@Minnesota - Minnesota (again...close call. thoughts?)
Miami@Oakland - Oakland
Jacksonville@Arizona - Jacksonville
NY Giants@Seattle - Seattle (for the home field...but a REALLY tough call!)
Green Bay@Philadelphia - Green Bay (Just heard on the news that McNabb is out again this week and possibly for the season. Might be best for him and the team is in the shitter anyway!)
New Orleans@NY Jets - New Orleans (by a not so big margin)


Pittsburg@Indianapolis - Indianapolis (close call and depends on some factors...let me know ASAP how Pittsburg is looking!)


Go get um guys! Gimme the lo-down!

*hugs n hugs*

11-21-2005, 08:46 PM
Lix, I'm disagreing with most everything this week.


Atlanta@Detroit - Atlanta
Denver@Dallas - This is a tough call. I'm like you, flipping back and forth. right now I'm going Dallas, because they've been on a hotstreak, and they're at home. Denver has been on a hotstreak too, but i just feel Dallas on this one. Wait for everyone else to weight in before you make your final decision though.


Baltimore@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti

ST Louis@Houston - ST Louis

Carolina@Buffalo - Carolina

San Francisco@Tennessee - Tennessee

New England@Kansas City - NE. They are a more established team than KC. While KC is really pulling their shit together, NE has it togehter and has had for a long time. Plus, tom Brady. And tedy Bruschi. And Adam Vineteri - yeah, I'll take NE.

San Diego@Washington - San Diego

Chicago@Tampa Bay - Chicago. Are you kidding? did you not see the chicago carolina game last weekend?

Cleveland@Minnesota - Minnesota sounds good to me.

Miami@Oakland - Oakland

Jacksonville@Arizona - Jacksonville

NY Giants@Seattle - Seattle

Green Bay@Philadelphia - Green Bay

New Orleans@NY Jets - New Orleans. the jets quarterback situation is in the shitter. It couldn't possible get any worse - wonder what they pick first round in the draft this year...


Pittsburg@Indianapolis - first and foremost I HAVE TICKETS TO SEE THIS GAME!!!!!!!!! 29TH ROW RIGHT BY THE TUNNELS!!! I WILL BE THERE!!!AHHHH!!!!

Ok. here's what I think. Indy is on a tear. Peyton Manning is leading his offense to one of the best streaks in football. There have only been, like, 11 teams i think that have ever gone 10-0.
That being said, all good things must come to an end, and if Indianapolis is going to be beaten by anyone, it's going to be Pittsburgh. Their defense is strong enough to handle peyton and his O-line. Colts have a good offensive line, but they still struggle a little against the blitz - everyone does. And Blitz is what pitt does best.
Plus - rothleisburger is back from injured this week, i think, and rested. Offensively, both teams are about tit-for-tat as far as QB's, recievers, and runners. The difference is going to be the defense, and i think Pitt has it. Plus, Pitt lost last week, so they're going to be PISSED and they will be playing for blood. colts need to watch out.....
If the Colts win this game, they will have an undefeated season, mark my words.

Cliff's notes - I pick Pittsburgh, and watch for me on MNF.

*Opinions stated above are solely those of LAW, so please don't, like, sue Pixie's or anyting when it's proven that i don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.


Go get um guys! Gimme the lo-down!

*hugs n hugs*[/QUOTE]

11-21-2005, 10:09 PM
God I hope rothliesburger is back next week for Indy or we're fucked. Fucked.
I never would have thought Baltimore could do it against pitt.

A while back I saw this
article (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=simmons/0510121) about Maddox. I think it sums everything up.

11-21-2005, 10:21 PM
Wow. I hate choosing this many road teams. I mean....I hate it. I don't feel good about this week. That being said, I tend to agree with LAW

Atlanta@Detroit - Atlanta
Denver@Dallas - Dallas
Baltimore@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti
ST Louis@Houston - ST Louis
Carolina@Buffalo - Buffalo. Carolina I think is overrated right now, and Buffalos defense is decent. Plus. Cold weather
San Francisco@Tennessee - Tennessee
New England@Kansas City - NE. But not with a lot of confidence. Arrowhead is tough to play at
San Diego@Washington - San Diego
Chicago@Tampa Bay - Chicago. Yep. This game is going to loooooooow scoring
Cleveland@Minnesota - Minnesota
Miami@Oakland - Oakland
Jacksonville@Arizona - Jacksonville
NY Giants@Seattle - Seattle
Green Bay@Philadelphia - Green Bay
New Orleans@NY Jets - New Orleans. Like Law said...they have no one.

And as for Indy vs Pitt. I'm sorry, I have to go with Indy. They're at home.

11-22-2005, 04:02 AM
Thank You LAW and fred! Very insightful info above!

When I read LAW's reply in the beginning I was thinking, "ut oh...what did I say?" But we aren't all that far off. I was expecting nearly all our picks to be opposite. I'm keeping close tabs and will make my choices later this evening. The teams we differ on are most of the ones I have at like 2/10% difference (NE/KC for example). It sucks when the match-ups are so close!

Have fun at the game (((LAW)))! I'll try and peek in from time to time so you'd better flash the cam once in a while! Oh...wait! That'll get you ejected and you might go to jail in this day and age. Don't do that! Just smile pretty!

Any more opinions/facts? Hurry peeps! Not much time this week!


11-22-2005, 02:07 PM
Atlanta@Detroit - Atlanta
Denver@Dallas - Denver (I have this game as a Thanksgiving Day game. Is that right? Also...it's so close to call I took a stab...what do ya think? Gimme reasons!)


Baltimore@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti
ST Louis@Houston - ST Louis
Carolina@Buffalo - Carolina
San Francisco@Tennessee - Tennessee
New England@Kansas City - Kansas City (close, close, close call. I took home field advantage...YES?)
San Diego@Washington - San Diego
Chicago@Tampa Bay - Tampa Bay
Cleveland@Minnesota - Minnesota (again...close call. thoughts?)
Miami@Oakland - Oakland
Jacksonville@Arizona - Jacksonville
NY Giants@Seattle - Seattle (for the home field...but a REALLY tough call!)
Green Bay@Philadelphia - Green Bay (Just heard on the news that McNabb is out again this week and possibly for the season. Might be best for him and the team is in the shitter anyway!)
New Orleans@NY Jets - New Orleans (by a not so big margin)


Pittsburg@Indianapolis - Indianapolis (close call and depends on some factors...let me know ASAP how Pittsburg is looking!)


One of the only picks I can see is the K.C. New England game. Nethier teams defense is doing that great ( although now that New Englands make shift deffense has some games together under there belts they are playing a little better) and if it does turn in to a shoot out New England has by far the better offense.
You can not forget the DA Bears they just seem to be finding more ways to win.
Those would be the only two pick I would change

11-22-2005, 03:03 PM
Atlanta@Detroit - Atlanta
Denver@Dallas - Dallas (Parcells is arguably the best coach in the NFL right now, Denver's D is sub par and Parcell's will pick it apart, they can not pressure Bledsoe, Dallas will be able to deal with Denver's running game but they will not entirely shut it down, so being at home I feel Dallas has the edge)


Baltimore@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti
ST Louis@Houston - ST Louis
Carolina@Buffalo - Buffalo (tough call it is really cold up there this time of year!)
San Francisco@Tennessee - Tennessee
New England@Kansas City - New England (Belichick is a Parcells disciple, nuff said!)
San Diego@Washington - San Diego
Chicago@Tampa Bay - Chicago (same reason as last week)
Cleveland@Minnesota - Minnesota (Home team is my only reason)
Miami@Oakland - Oakland (Home team is my only reason)
Jacksonville@Arizona - Jacksonville
NY Giants@Seattle - Giants
Green Bay@Philadelphia - Philly (Home team is my only reason here too)
New Orleans@NY Jets - No guess (flip a coin on this one)


Pittsburg@Indianapolis - Indianapolis (this will be a low scoring game)


11-22-2005, 08:31 PM
Wow guys! I'm swayed and then again I am feeling defiant!

I have to reiterate...I LOVE this thread! And I think I get a better thrill out of all the chit-chat here than I do on Monday morning when I see/hear the verdict between myself and MCP. Didn't expect this perc when I started this thing. Thank you all for participating!

One last chance to "smack me upside the head". I'll check back here tomorrow morning to see who wants to re-route me with a fervor! Till then...and if I see nothing to change my mind...here's my final picks for Week 12...




ST Louis
Buffalo (changed my mind so much on this one...took the cold weather call!)
Kansas City (this is my "defiant" call...I appreciate your input everyone, but I'm taking the chance that may come back to bite me on the ass!)
San Diego
Chicago (can't take another defiant chance...but NOTE: I was/and still am tempted!)
Minnesota (feel a bit safer, but still have mixed feelings!)
Seattle (there is such a slight edge here...and that's because they are home. Tell me why not BIGbad! You are my ONLY leaner!)
Philadelphia (I've got to believe that McMahon felt sooooooooo good in the last half of the last game and that he wants to make an even better impression...and they are home and, and, and). Oh fuck it...I'm taking the chance!
New Orleans



TOTAL COMBINED SCORE...25 (had a few sources say this will be a low scoring game...TY for the extra input!)

Oh peeps! This was a tough week. Least for me. Good luck everyone! And iffin' you have anything else to say...please say it before 6am EST...or forever hold my...er...your piece (and allow me to watch...*giggle*)!


11-22-2005, 09:00 PM
Maybe this will sway you?

After poking around the web for a little while I found these factoids...

The last four games in the Chiefs-Patriots series have been decided by an average of just 4.8 points per game with NE holding a slim 112-97 scoring edge. All four of those contests have been decided by eight points or less, with three of those games coming down to the closing seconds.

The Patriots have won just once in four previous trips to Arrowhead Stadium, but have not lost to the Chiefs in the Bill Belichick era, taking victories in 2000, 2002 and 2004.

PEYTON MANNING "It's going to be a four-quarter game, overtime, you never know what to expect, but you have to make plays throughout the game and have disciplined football on both sides of the ball because these guys know how to win close games."

Bill is a gamer he will find any team's weakness and exploit it to the best of his team's ability.

It is your call after all, but remember this - "Over the last four seasons, the Patriots have stepped things up a notch as the calendar has flipped to November. Since 2001, New England has done a remarkable job of finishing the season strong, compiling a 41-6 (.872) record after Nov. 1, including playoff games. In fact, since the 2003 season, the Patriots are 24-2 (.923) in games played in November or later, and New England has won 25 of its last 27 games post-Nov. 1. Their record in such games is the best in the NFL since 2001."



11-23-2005, 05:54 AM
TY so much for taking time to research that for me BB! Dunno how to explain it but I can't bring myself to change over...even after knowing all of what you posted above.

My instincts aren't the greatest and so I take full responsibility for kicking my own ass and slapping myself upside the head IF it turns out I am wrong!

My choices stand as posted above. No way I'll be able to change them after this morning so I guess we'll just have to sit on pins and needles till after the games.

Good Luck everyone! I think we're gonna need it this week!

Let the games begin!


11-23-2005, 04:51 PM
:bite: :bite: :bite: Here's the bite on your ass

11-23-2005, 04:59 PM
Good Luck :cheers: here's to biting your ass!

11-24-2005, 09:09 AM
Know what's funnier than those posts^^^?

The fact that I can only see x's where the emoticons should be! (Pixie program still fucked up?)


Love you guys!

11-24-2005, 05:45 PM
I'd be more then willing to lick your ass instead of biting it

11-25-2005, 12:46 PM
ARGH Parcells let me down! I hope your opponent had picked Dallas as well.

11-26-2005, 11:39 PM
It's almost chomping time

11-26-2005, 11:51 PM
Is it too late for ass lickin time Winston?

Damn...day late and a lick short! Story of my life!

Dunno if MCP picked Dallas BB...but I'm thinking not cause the guy that works beside him is a HUGE (and I mean that literally) Dallas fan and they bicker about it all the time. Only reason I think he picked Denver...but I could be wrong.

On with the ass lickin! Um...I mean...On with the games!

A wink's as good as a nudge to a blind man! (<---why I needed to add that is beyond me!)

11-28-2005, 03:40 AM

So far I sit at 12 winning picks out of 15 games played! Not too shabby, eh?

Dunno how I pulled out the KC win but I am glad that I stuck with them after all. Something just told me not to let go.

One more game tonight! *crosses all philanges*

How'd everyone else do?

11-28-2005, 05:51 PM
I dunno ... I came here ... found myself looking at your AV and that's all she wrote.

Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV. Look at AV.

Sorry ... got carried away. Although, I could also say I won with every look. :D

11-28-2005, 07:34 PM
well I'm at least glad you changed the Tampa pick to the Bears

11-29-2005, 04:01 AM
LMAO@db! Everyone loves a winner!

Yep Winston...me too! TY for the tip!

Well...Indianapolis won last night so I am 13/16. But, so is MCP! He had 3 different picks than I did so we sorta cancelled each other out. I am still 1 game down in the count *sigh*

I've got next weeks match-up's but no time this morning to post them. Hopefully I can post this evening. BBL!


11-30-2005, 06:07 AM
Blahhhhhh...MCP and I tied this week, so I am indeed still down by one. I so wanted to move ahead of him this past week *sigh*

Welp...gotta do it this week then, I guess!

Here's the match-up's this week. I've noted my picks at a glance. What say ye?


Tennessee@Indianapolis - Indianapolis
Green Bay@Chicago - Green Bay
Houston@Baltimore - Houston
Jacksonville@Cleveland - Jacksonville
Minnesota@Detroit - Detroit
Dallas@NY Giants - NY Giants
Tampa Bay@New Orleans - New Orleans
Buffalo@Miami - Miami
Cincinnatti@Pittsburg - Cincinnatti
Atlanta@Carolina - Carolina
Arizona@San Francisco - Arizona
Washington@ST Louis - ST Louis
NY Jets@New England - New England
Denver@Kansas City - Kansas City
Oakland@San Diego - San Diego


Seattle@Philadelphia - Seattle

Total Game Points...39

So...how did everyone do? Did you have fun at the game LAW? All opinions welcome on above picks!


11-30-2005, 06:10 AM
First and foremost Why?
Picking against Da BEARS again and they are at home

11-30-2005, 12:46 PM
First and foremost Why?
Picking against Da BEARS again and they are at home


here are what I would pick if I was playing...


Tennessee@Indianapolis - Indianapolis (I agree but I would love to see them lose)
Green Bay@Chicago - Chicago (D-Fence!)
Houston@Baltimore - Baltimore (Baltimore's D will handle Houston)
Jacksonville@Cleveland - Jacksonville
Minnesota@Detroit - Minnesota (detroit's coach was fired this week!)
Dallas@NY Giants - Dallas (I am still sticking with Parcells)
Tampa Bay@New Orleans - Tampa Bay (at NO doesn't really mean at NO anymore)
Buffalo@Miami - Miami (flip a coin)
Cincinnatti@Pittsburg - Pittsburg (must win for Pitt!)
Atlanta@Carolina - Carolina
Arizona@San Francisco - Arizona
Washington@ST Louis - ST Louis
NY Jets@New England - New England
Denver@Kansas City - Denver (Denver won last time 30-10 on 9/26/05)
Oakland@San Diego - San Diego


Seattle@Philadelphia - Seattle

Total Game Points...55


11-30-2005, 03:05 PM

Indy - why not
Chicago The #1 defense and they are at home
Baltimore - only because they are home
Minnesota- Way to many ifs on the Detroit side ( Fire Matt Millen )
Dallas and NYG - This is a flip the coin, although the Gaints only lost by 3 in Dallas ( Do you think they will miss that many field goals 2 weeks in a row)
Cincy - Pittsburg has 2 many weaknesses
San Fran (why not)
St Louis
Denver ( better defense then New England)
San Diego


11-30-2005, 09:45 PM
Oh guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!

I knew I'd spark a fire on my "pick" for GB/Da Bears! Just wanted to get you riled...lol!

Not much time tonight to post my finals, but I sure am glad to hear from you with reasons and changes. Didn't know about Detroit's coach for example. Gotta admit, I've followed this sport more this season than I have in the past 17 years...but can't keep up with everything! Tis the reason for this thread!!!!

Be back ASAP with the final picks and I hope to hear from everyone else who's following along!

Thanks again to the sweetie's above ^^^


12-01-2005, 06:34 AM
Tennessee@Indianapolis - Indianapolis - if they can beat Seattle, i think they will have an undefeated season.
Green Bay@Chicago - Chicago - what were you thinking taking GB?
Houston@Baltimore - Baltimore - they beat Pitt, i think they can handle Housten...
Jacksonville@Cleveland - Jacksonville
Minnesota@Detroit - Detroit
Dallas@NY Giants - Giants
Tampa Bay@New Orleans - Tampa Bay
Buffalo@Miami - Miami
Cincinnatti@Pittsburg - Pittsburg. Cincy is notoriously bad at division games, plus they are at Heines Field. I didn't realize the complete impact of home field advantage until i was at the game monday night. The noise is outrageous!

Atlanta@Carolina - Atlanta.
Arizona@San Francisco - neither? oh, alright...uh...Arinzona
Washington@ST Louis - Washington
NY Jets@New England - New England - who are they playing again?
Denver@Kansas City - Denver
Oakland@San Diego - San Diego


Seattle@Philadelphia - Seattle

The game was awesome! I was right over the tunnels and got the see the Steelers come out onto the field! jerome Bettis is a big mutha - he scares me now.

Lucky me, I get to go again in four weeks when pitt plays Detriot! At Pittsburgh!! ahahahahahaha!!!!

12-01-2005, 10:09 AM
I am changing my St. Luis pick to Washington. They (St. Luis) will most likely be starting their third string quarter back, who is a rookie (from Harvard of all places).


12-01-2005, 04:28 PM
Name G QBRat Att Comp Pct Yds Y/A Y/G TD Int Long Sack YdsL Fum Fum

Ryan Fitzpatrick 1 117.4 30 19 63.3 310 10.3 310.0 3 1 56 5 22 1 0

12-01-2005, 09:59 PM
^^^Looks Greek to me Winston! LMFAO!

Um...I am so rushed this week and so I barely had time to get back here to post my finals. Should be in bed now but couldn't disappoint my greatest helpers!

Thanks so much for taking the time to search the web to find all the info provided! I do my share of surfing...but NOTHING compared to the diverse facts I get on this very thread!

Here's my final picks for week 13...

P.S. PEEPS...OH PEEPS! Just fucking wit ya bout the GB/Bears thingy...geezzzzzz! *giggle*

Houston (defiant here...got a feeling again!)
Minnesota (freakin' cause of the coach ousting!)
NY Giants
Tampa (little leary of this call...we'll see???)
Cincinnati (scary...but Cincy calls me!)
ST Louis (duely noted on the Haaaaaaaaaavad grad (<---in my bestest hoity toity Biff like accent)...but what they hey???
New England
Kansas City
San Diego

Seattle...Total Game Points 55 (<---just stuck in my head...lol!)



Love Ya!!!!!!

12-01-2005, 11:02 PM
Geez, I missed the whole week. I know it's too late, but...

Tennessee@Indianapolis - Indianapolis
Green Bay@Chicago - Chicago...don't look now but the Bears are not only not hibernating this year, they seem to be pissed.
Houston@Baltimore - Baltimore
Jacksonville@Cleveland - Jacksonville
Minnesota@Detroit - Minnesota...they're on a roll. Detroit is...ummm...not good.
Dallas@NY Giants - Giants
Tampa Bay@New Orleans - Tampa Bay
Buffalo@Miami - Miami
Cincinnatti@Pittsburg - I hate to say this, but I think it'll be Cincy.
Atlanta@Carolina - Carolina
Arizona@San Francisco - Arinzona
Washington@ST Louis - Washington
NY Jets@New England - New England
Denver@Kansas City - Denver
Oakland@San Diego - San Diego

12-02-2005, 06:11 AM
Not too late fred. Just in time, actually! I always try to check one more time in the morning. Glad to hear from you!

Gonna stand on my finals above! Eeeeeekkkkkkk! Scary week!

12-04-2005, 06:05 PM
Oh defiant one

12-04-2005, 06:06 PM
Well BITE ME Houston!

LMFAO! Um...ok, they lost by one stinkin point. But...they LOSTTTTTTT! SHIT!

Oh well, I still have 9/10 so far. Games are still going on. BB when they shoot their wad!

12-04-2005, 06:08 PM
Oh defiant one
You rang???

Oh com'on Winston...ONE STINKIN POINT? I know...I know...a loss is a loss. But it wasn't that crazy a call on my part...can ya give me that?

12-04-2005, 06:14 PM
A W is a WIN A L is a loss one point or not one point
What is MCP or whatever you call him going to say when you lose by one game

12-04-2005, 06:33 PM
Someone ALWAYS has to win. I stuck by a close call. They lost by one. I've seen larger loss margins in this thread...lol! If I could predict the future I'd be perfect, eh? OK...don't answer that. It's rhetorical!

MCP has 4 different picks than me and I think a few were in the first games played today. I'm feeling confident that I am still up on him!

Don't quote me on that^^^ LMFAO!

12-04-2005, 09:03 PM

12-05-2005, 06:08 AM
13 of 15 so far guys! Can't wait to see what MCP has. I'll get back to ya on that later this evening.

Seattle is in Philly and getting ready for the game. It's gonna snow today/tonight...so here's hoping the Seahawks are up for some flakes!


How'd everyone else do so far?

12-05-2005, 09:59 PM
Week 14

Chicago @ Pittsburgs = Da Bears
St. Louis @ Minnesota= Minnesota ( They are home and playing for something now)
New England @ Buffalo= Patriots (If Maimi could........)
Tampa Bay @ Carolina= Carolina (This is the coin flip game but Carolina is at home)
Oakland @ NY Jets= Oakland ( They're playing the Jets)
Houston @ Tennessee = Houston ( I think this is the week)
Washington @ Arizona = Washington
NY Gaints @ Philly = NY ( just to much at stake for the Gaints to lose)
Cleveland @ Cincy= Cincinnati
San Fran @ Seattle= Seattle ( just hit me with a brick)
Maimi @ San Diego = San Diego
Detroit @ Green Bay = Green Bay ( The frozen tundra)
Indy@ Jacksonville = ( I know my pick I just want to see yours)
Baltimore @ Denver= Denver
Kansas City@ Dallas = Kansas City ( My upset pick )

Monday Night Football
New Orleans @ Atlanta = Atlanta

12-06-2005, 05:57 AM
Seattle - 42
Philadelphia - 0...I said ZEROOOOOOOOOOO!

OMG is MCP gonna be pissed! He was so confident yesterday. Dunno why either. I had 13/15 and he had 12/15. Now I am 14/16 and he is 12/16...which means I am one win up on him now!

And ((((Winston))))...damn hun! I haven't even seen the match-ups for this week, till now that is! The guy who runs the pool wasn't around yesterday (hunting) and MCP was to get the pools printed up. I didn't get back down to the upholstery room till it was time to go home. I'll get mine today and be back later tonight with my picks (I see I have a challenge here with Indy/Jax...*giggle*. Thanks for the insight and I'll post as soon as I can this evening! Might be late though cause dad-in-law is in the hospital (had his knees renewed) and I might go for a visit after work.

I could go back here and calculate, but for lack of time...how'd everyone do this week (week 13)?

12-06-2005, 06:13 AM
I am in mourning. Pittsburgh is so icky right now. Seems like my boy Benny can't shake off the rust.

Glad to know you're doing well Lix. I will hit you up with my predictions later on today.

12-06-2005, 06:53 PM
Checking in!

(((LAW))) I'm thinking this could be Pitts week hun! Hang in there! What goes up must come down, and vice versa...ya know?

OK...As I suspected, MCP was livid today. As if he is playing vicariously through the Eagles! Almost felt sorry for him....NOT! LOL!

^^^Nuff with the gloating *giggle*...on with my picks for Week 14! Here's my choices and reasons in order of presentation according to my pool from work. Pardon that they are in a different order than yours Winston.


Oakland@NY Jets - Oakland
ST Louis@Minnesota - Minnesota (I agree with you Winston...for the home team advantage. The choice was close for me...in the single digit percentage margin even!)
Chicago@Pittsburg - Pittsburg (I know how you all are gonna get on me for this...I might need a spanking and you might wanna ask Lil to shackle me in the dungeon...but I am going with Pitts!)
Tampa@Carolina - Carolina
Indianapolis@Jacksonville - Indianapolis (Now ya know Winston! My reasoning? Just a hunch!)
Houston@Tennessee - Houston (I agree...it's such a close call, but Houston might be out for bear!)
Cleveland@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti
New England@Buffalo - New England
Washington@Arizona - Washington
San Francisco@Seattle - Seattle (DUH!)
NY Giants@Philadelphia - NY Giants (see above DUH!)
Miami@San Diego - San Diego (must I repeat myself again?)
Baltimore@Denver - Denver (and yet again?)
Kansas City@Dallas - Kansas City It's a bit wavery Winston...but I like that you jumped over to confirm my intuition!)
Detroit@Green Bay - Green Bay


New Orleans @Atlanta - Atlanta

TOTAL GAME POINTS...41 (<---yeah? nay?)

So...hit me with your best shot peeps! I can't wait to see all the picks and banter!

*ducks Winston's rotten tomatoes and gives him the raspberries for Da Bears/Pitts game* ROFLMFAO!

Oh...and try to remember? I do love you guys!

*searches for the big, fuzzy, red, beating heart smilie*

12-06-2005, 07:16 PM
Oakland@NY Jets - Oakland
ST Louis@Minnesota - Minnesota
Chicago@Pittsburg - I have to go with Chicago. But I think it'll be low scoring, and if they can get a couple of turnovers, Pitt will win.
Tampa@Carolina - Carolina
Indianapolis@Jacksonville - Indianapolis
Houston@Tennessee - Two truly bad teams....I'll take the home one. Give me TN
Cleveland@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti
New England@Buffalo - New England
Washington@Arizona - Washington
San Francisco@Seattle - Seattle
NY Giants@Philadelphia - NY Giants
Miami@San Diego - San Diego
Baltimore@Denver - Denver
Kansas City@Dallas - I'm going with Dallas here. No good reason though
Detroit@Green Bay - Green Bay


New Orleans @Atlanta - Atlanta

I hope this week goes as well. Let's put a little distance between you and MCP.

12-06-2005, 10:33 PM
TY for checking in (((fred)))!

I'm keeping an open mind to all votes for or against whoever I picked till I turn my pool in Friday morning!

I'm so glad to see your picks in earlier this week! Duely noted on my pool for a total tally and possible change up! Some of the teams I picked are so up in the air that I can still be swayed.

Com'on LAW and BIGbad! What say ye?


P.S.I'm keeping my posts to the bare minimum till I can get pics to post for my impending milestone thread. You all might just start getting PM's till I can figure out what I am doing with that. Hope you understand! TY!

12-06-2005, 10:55 PM
P.S.I'm keeping my posts to the bare minimum till I can get pics to post for my impending milestone thread. You all might just start getting PM's till I can figure out what I am doing with that. Hope you understand! TY!

What? Oh no. You hurry up and get that milestone taken care of so you can post normally.

12-07-2005, 05:55 AM
Ok, hold your horses, I'm coming...sheesh. j/k

Oakland@NY Jets - Oakland - who are they playing agian?
ST Louis@Minnesota - Minnesota
Chicago@Pittsburg - Pitt - hooray! I have a convert!
Tampa@Carolina - Carolina
Indianapolis@Jacksonville - Indianapolis
Houston@Tennessee - Tennessee, i guess.
Cleveland@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti *(god I would love to see them lose this game)
New England@Buffalo - New England
Washington@Arizona - Washington
San Francisco@Seattle - Seattle
NY Giants@Philadelphia - NY Giants
Miami@San Diego - San Diego
Baltimore@Denver - Denver
Kansas City@Dallas - I'm taking Dallas as well. They've been having a good year, and I think Drew Bledsoe will be the deciding factor. Trent Dilfer is too prone to turn the ball over.
Detroit@Green Bay - Green Bay


New Orleans @Atlanta - Atlanta

12-07-2005, 12:03 PM
Oakland@NY Jets - Oakland
ST Louis@Minnesota - Minnesota (Ya gotta stay with the hot team on this one)
Chicago@Pittsburg - Chicago (duh!)
Tampa@Carolina - Carolina
Indianapolis@Jacksonville - Jacksonville (if they are going to lose it will be this week, not a hunch "really", Jacksonville has the tools to do it!)
Houston@Tennessee - Houston
Cleveland@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti
New England@Buffalo - Buffalo
Washington@Arizona - Arizona (only because they are at home, flip a coin on this one!)
San Francisco@Seattle - Seattle
NY Giants@Philadelphia - NY Giants
Miami@San Diego - San Diego
Baltimore@Denver - Denver
Kansas City@Dallas - Dallas (see all my previous Parcells adulations)
Detroit@Green Bay - Detroit "Favre is expected to be limited in practice this week after taking a beating in Sunday's loss to the Chicago Bears. The Packers' veteran quarterback is nursing a bruised right forearm, cut right hand and general overall soreness..."


New Orleans @Atlanta - Atlanta

TOTAL GAME POINTS...27 (27 - 0 Atlanta!)

12-09-2005, 08:57 AM
Well...I'm later than usual in posting my final picks but it's because I've had a lot more feedback (in PM) this week than any other week. I've considered all the reasons and stats very, very carefully. There are some really close calls this week and that makes me a bit reluctant in some of my choices. I've changed my mind a few times and then I remembered saying to myself in weeks past that I should really go with my gut instincts and I would have had that one (whichever game I lost for not going with my initial pick).

I must say thank you all once again! Your encouragement and input are so very much appreciated! Regardless of my choices and the outcome...this thread is still the most fun I've had with sports in a very long time!

Here are my final picks...finally!

Pittsburg (I've heard you...and I'm taking a chance, I know! But it's an instinct I mentioned above!)
Indianapolis (rather tempted to take Jax...can't bring myself to do it...blahhhh!)
Cincinnatti (Don't hope they lose now LAW...after we all picked um! Cheer for them! LOL!)
New England
NY Giants
San Diego
Kansas City
Green Bay



TOTAL GAME POINTS...31 (kept it between what I first predicted and what BIGbad suggested)

Good Luck peeps! Love ya heaps and heaps!


12-09-2005, 01:27 PM
Good luck! My gut feeling is Jacksonville will pull off the BIG upset this week! *crosses fingers*

12-11-2005, 09:52 PM
What a strange week this has been

12-12-2005, 05:33 AM
10/16 this week - not too shabby.

Here's to our instinct's, Lixy! Pittsburgh looked great!!!

Just curious, does this pool at work go through the playoffs or just the regular season? Hit me back in PM's and let me know.


12-12-2005, 10:11 PM
Oh Lixy why have you not been posting, Don't worry about the pictures!

12-13-2005, 09:51 AM
This weeks games

Saturday, Dec 17

Denver at Buffalo
Tampa Bay at New England
Kansas City at NY Giants

Sunday, Dec 18

Arizona at Houston
Atlanta at Chicago
Cincinnati at Detroit
San Diego at Indianapolis
San Francisco at Jacksonville
NY Jets at Miami
Carolina at New Orleans
Cleveland at Oakland
Pittsburgh at Minnesota
Seattle at Tennessee
Philadelphia at St. Louis
Dallas at Washington

Monday, Dec 19
Favorite Open Today O/U Underdog
at Baltimore NL 3 33 Green Bay

12-14-2005, 01:02 PM
LAW...^5 for Pitts! The pool goes through the play-offs to the Super Bowl...I think!!!??? LOL!

Winston...Oh (((Winston)))...I'm trying to use my posts sparingly till I get an idea for pics. If it never cums...er...comes...I'll just post a YIPPEE thread for me and go on! Don't worry hun! I miss you as much as you miss me!

OK...here's my initial picks just out of the gate. What do ya think?


Tampa@New England - Tampa
Kansas City@NY Giants - NY Giants (by a VERY slim margin!)
Denver@Buffalo - Denver
Cincinnatti@Detroit - Cincinnatti
Arizona@Houston - Arizona
San Diego@Indianapolis - Indianapolis
San Fransico@Jacksonville - Jacksonville (by a pretty large margin)
NY Jets@Miami - Miami (those Jets pissed me off last week! Fluke?)
Pittsburg@Minnesota - Pittsburg (Got their groove back?)
Carolina@New Orleans - Carolina
Philadelphia@ST Louis - ST Louis
Seattle@Tennessee - Seattle
Cleveland@Oakland - Oakland (marginal here too!)
Dallas@Washington - Washington (home team advantage reasoning...but Dallas bites my ass all the time!)
Atlanta@Chicago - Atlanta (shivering in my boots for the lash back here!)
Green Bay@Baltimore - Green Bay

I was 11 for 16 this week! MCP had 7 or 8 for 16. Dunno about his Monday Night pick cause I haven't seen him to date. I'll make sure you all know our difference before the end of the week...K?

Sooooooooo...how'd I do in my picks this week? Cum one, cum all to steer me in the right direction!

Did I ever mention I love you all?


12-15-2005, 06:07 AM

No opinions? Oh com'on! I can't be that far off this week...can I?

P.S. I saw that post in my other thread Winston! *giggle*

Be back tonight for my final picks!

12-15-2005, 01:45 PM
My Picks

New England over Tampa They are at home the defense is starting to get heathy and the only way this pick changes is if Brady doesn't play

The New York Gaints over KC pretty close to call but the Meadowlands will make the difference

Denver over Buffalo

Arizona over Houston Houston just doesn't want to win

Minnesota over Pittsburg Minnesota is home and on a roll, and they seem to have a bigger "GROOVE" should be a great game

Seattle over Tennessee

Carolina over New Orleans

Maimi over the N.Y. Jets

Indy over San Deigo

Jacksonville over San Fran

St. Louis over Philly I'm just not to sure about this one

Cinny over Detroit

Oakland over Cleveland only because they are home

Dallas over Washington Real close call here but the Cowboys need it bad

Here's the pick just for you Lixy!!
:p :p The Chicago Bears are at home, Micheal Vick is hurt and after that game in Pittsburg last week they will what they have to to get back to winning.

Baltimore over Green Bay home team that's the only reason for this pick

12-15-2005, 05:37 PM
Umm Winston, Mikey's gonna be back sunday and if you'd seen our backup, Matt Schaub, last week.... you mightn't wanna feed those bears just yet. Of course I'm biased LOL

12-15-2005, 07:25 PM
I've got a few changes in the works.

And...some I ain't gonna change! *giggle*

But I'll let you ponder till tomorrow morning for my final picks!

Still waiting for all my other cohorts to chime in!

Oh...and Bear? Hiya sweety! Why haven't you been in this from the begining? No matter...let me know your thoughts on the match-ups this week! I'm always open to more voices of reason and strategy! *hugs*

Gonna be kinda icy around here tomorrow morning...so I may go to work later than usual. I'll check in to see if LAW, BIGbad and fred add their words of wisdom!


12-15-2005, 07:32 PM
Oh...and a big P.S.

Our company will shut down from the 26th through the 1rst and so I have to pick weeks 16 and 17 ASAP!

I'll post those match-ups this coming weekend so we can think about it after this week's games...k?

And another thing...I am 134 total correct picks so far this season and MCP is 132 total correct picks.

*giggle, snort* (<---SHIT! I hate snorting when I gloat!)

NOTE TO SELF: Stop gloating! It's not very lady-like and it'll come back and bite your ass!


OK...I'm done talking to myself now! Carry On!

12-15-2005, 10:50 PM
Picking for those weeks ahead of time is going to be rough, We will not be knowing injury reports, who is going to rest there starters after claiming their playoff spots, In true football fashion I'll just have to gut it out.

12-16-2005, 05:56 AM
I know what you mean Winston. Actually, we'll only be picking Week 17 blindly, so to speak. Might be interesting, eh?

OK...here's my final picks for Week 15

Tampa Bay
NY Giants

St. Louis

Green Bay
Total Game Points - 40

Couldn't wait for anymore persuasion from the M.I.A.'s this week. Sorry I missed you LAW, fred and BIGbad! Still, I'd love to hear your picks for the week if you do stumble in today!

Thank for laying it out for me Winston. Guess I'm just stubborn sometime. You can chide me if it turns out I am wrong. I'm used to it from MCP...up close and in person...LMFAO!

Good Luck everyone!


12-17-2005, 01:01 PM
Let the GAMES begin

12-17-2005, 01:15 PM
Tally Ho!

Um...I mean...*tweet* (<---a metal whistle)

Hey Winston? Where do you spose our other gamblers are?

12-17-2005, 02:58 PM
Tally Ho, What the hell was that........
It's half time with the Tampa Bay Defense playing great ..........

For Patriot fans He He He He 21 to 00000000000000000 at the half

12-17-2005, 09:03 PM
Tally Ho, What the hell was that........
It's half time with the Tampa Bay Defense playing great ..........

For Patriot fans He He He He 21 to 00000000000000000 at the half

Worked out great for me :D

12-18-2005, 12:34 AM
A 3 for 3 Saturday

12-19-2005, 05:59 AM
Blahhhhh! 8 for 15 so far...

No big surprises though. I knew Dallas was gonna screw me! Oh...and Philly too!

Yeah...that shut out sucked for me!

Oh well, I've had worse weeks...as you all well know!

How'd everyone do? Any upsets that bit your butt?

On to Week 16...

Saturday...December 24th

NY Giants@Washington
San Diego@Kansas City
Atlanta@Tampa Bay
Detroit@New Orleans
San Fransico@St. Louis

Sunday...December 25th

Chicago@Green Bay

Monday...December 26th

New England@NY Jets

Total Game Points _____

And...I'll post Week 17 a little later, but I have to pick that week too because of holiday shutdown.

I'm feeling a little deflated now so I have no puns and quips to add. Someone cheer me up!


12-19-2005, 07:46 AM
I'm feeling a little deflated now so I have no puns and quips to add. Someone cheer me up! *hugs*

Just know in our books your a "11" on a scale of 1 to 10 and always a winner! (((( HUGS ))))

12-19-2005, 08:30 AM
How about them BEARS

12-19-2005, 03:20 PM
Blahhhhh! 8 for 15 so far...

No big surprises though. I knew Dallas was gonna screw me! Oh...and Philly too!

Yeah...that shut out sucked for me!

Oh well, I've had worse weeks...as you all well know!

How'd everyone do? Any upsets that bit your butt?

On to Week 16...

Saturday...December 24th

NY Giants@Washington
San Diego@Kansas City
Atlanta@Tampa Bay
Detroit@New Orleans
San Fransico@St. Louis

Sunday...December 25th

Chicago@Green Bay

Monday...December 26th

New England@NY Jets

Total Game Points _____

And...I'll post Week 17 a little later, but I have to pick that week too because of holiday shutdown.

I'm feeling a little deflated now so I have no puns and quips to add. Someone cheer me up!


Ok so let's make up for it this week...but no more screwing around girl! you don't have alot of time left! How are you doing overall?

here's my picks for this week:

Saturday...December 24th

Buffalo@Cincinnatti - Cincinnatti
Pittsburg@Cleveland - Pitt
Jacksonville@Houston - JAX
NY Giants@Washington - NYG
San Diego@Kansas City - SD; after beating Indy last week they will be on a roll
Dallas@Carolina - Carolina. this will be the straw that broke the camels back for Dallas playoff hopes.
Atlanta@Tampa Bay - Atlanta, provided Vick is 100%
Detroit@New Orleans - Detriot
San Fransico@St. Louis - St. L
Tennessee@Miami - Miami
Philadelphia@Arizona - Philly
Indianapolis@Seattle - Indy. They have something to prove after getting beaten last week.
Oakland@Denver - Denver

Sunday...December 25th

Chicago@Green Bay - Chicago
Minnesota@Baltimore - Minnesota - they have something left to play for, Baltimore is completely out of playoff scenarios.

Monday...December 26th

New England@NY Jets - NE

12-19-2005, 09:02 PM
I noticed you picked the Falcons if Vick is 100%, don't forget if the replay refs are smokin' the same shit the ones in Atlanta were. Damn!

12-20-2005, 05:24 AM
Awwwwwwww! TY (((((db)))))!

Ain't he ^^^ the cutest?

Yep Winston...them Bears did good! *smack*


LAW...MCP "thinks" he had 11 and I don't know his pick from last night. I'll know the tally for sure this evening. I'll have my initial picks then too. No time this morning. Gotta run, but I'll be back tonight!

12-20-2005, 06:04 PM
We had our company X-mas party today and so I didn't get a chance to talk to MCP about what he tallied.

Matter of fact, I was so flustered this morning that I didn't even check to see who won Monday night's game...and I still haven't checked to this minute. Too much to do right now to open a new page (still on dial up and the time it takes to do that, I'll have five answers here before the page is loaded...lmfao!)...so someone tell me please...Did Green Bay win?

Anyway...I got some picks and I noted LAW's picks and here;s what I've come up with thus far...

Washington (but by a slim margin)
San Diego
Tampa Bay (by an even slimmer margin
New Orleans (by an even slimmmmmmmer margin)
St. Louis
Arizona (you all know how the Eagles screw me...well HAAAAAA! I'm screwing them!)

Chicago (no reservations...ain't Winston gonna be so proud of me?)
Baltimore (home advantage only)

New England

Total Game Points...39????????

Gonna post Week 17 later tonight if I have time (I'm wrapping...no not gangsta rap...X-mas wrap! Blahhhhh...like we haven't heard that before??!!). If I don't have time tonight, I'll be back tomorrow to see how bad I get my ass chewed out for Week 16 picks and to post Week 17 to get some opinions!

Com'on peeps! I need all the help/reasoning/chewing out I can get!


12-20-2005, 10:25 PM
Baltimore 48, Green Bay 3

12-21-2005, 05:55 AM
Speak up Winston! Now's not the time to dummy up!!!

LMFAO! Geezzzzzzz...I think my hair blew straight back when I scrolled that ^^^ post!

What's Minnesota gonna score...and how bout Chicago? I mean...Baltimore isn't playing Green Bay (which could look confusing when you read that post...ya know?). How's the rest of my picks?

12-21-2005, 10:52 AM
..so someone tell me please...Did Green Bay win?n
I was just answering the question

12-22-2005, 05:09 AM

LOL! I forgot I asked!! *shrugs*

TY (((((Winston)))))

I'm in the top 10 on the work pool! I'm actually number 9 and MCP is number 8 with 1 more win than me. The guy who runs the pool isn't even in the top 10. There is another girl from work in the number 2 position, and her boyfriend (who doesn't work with us) is number 1. I'm not sure, but I think there is something like 27-32 people in this particular pool. Might be more!

Here's Week 17 and my picks. What say ye?

Saturday Dec. 31rst

Denver@San Diego - San Diego
NY Giants@Oakland - NY Giants

Sunday Jan. 1rst

Cincinnatti@Kansas City - Cincinnatti
Chicago@Minnesota - this is a tight call and I bet I know what Winston thinks...my margin is 5% (according to a computer game played 100 times...it's the only early source I have) that Minnesota could win. HELP!
Buffalo@NY Jets - Buffalo
Miami@New England - New England
Baltimore@Cleveland - Cleveland (close call here too!)
Detroit@Pittsburg - Pittsburg
Arizona@Indianapolis - Indianapolis
Carolina@Atlanta - Carolina (close call)
New Orleans@Tampa Bay - Tampa Bay
Houston@San Francisco - Houston
Tennessee@Jacksonville - Jacksonville
Seattle@Green Bay - Seattle
Washington@Philadelphia - Washington
St. Louis@Dallas - Dallas (will they screw me again?)

Total Game Points ________?????? (need help here!)

So how's that ^^^ looking? I did my best but I doubt my best all the time!

I need some feedback by tomorrow morning at the latest. I'll hand in the pool[s] at work tomorrow.

Love you guys!

12-22-2005, 08:18 PM
Awwwwwwwww...I was hoping for some nudges/suggestions...etc!

It's OK. I know how busy we all are this time of year. Please don't yell at me too bad for my final picks in Week 17 though. I'm dropping back 5 and punting!

Final picks for Week 17...

San Diego
NY Giants

Chicago (get my back here Winston!)
New England
Carolina (still leary!)
Tampa Bay


Total Game Points...54

Can't wait till tomorrow is over and I can relax for a week!

Happy Holiday's Everyone!

I'll check back real quick in the morning and make sure I ain't making a mistake of a lifetime...otherwise, my picks are going in tomorrow morning and I have to stand as is! TY for all the input...good, bad, or not so good. Again, this is so fun for me no matter the outcome!


12-23-2005, 08:16 AM
I think you're good on Carolina, Lix, but i would swap Cleveland for Baltimore.

just a suggestion.

12-25-2005, 11:48 AM
Oh Damn! It's in and done LAW! I can't swap now. As I said, I punted on some. Hmmmmm...let's just hope that this is a topsy turvy week for the teams I should and shouldn't have picked...lol!

Hey! MCP ain't doing all that much better than me. I have no clue of his picks though and I won't know till I go back to work on the 2nd. Unless, he and his wife drop by for X-mas cheer???? Stranger things have happened...ya know?

Good Luck everyone!

12-26-2005, 02:07 PM
Blah! I suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

8 for 15 so far. Hmmmmm...I wonder what MCP had? This was quite a match-up this week. He could'a sucked worse than me...right?

How'd everyone else do?

12-26-2005, 08:42 PM
I did great! Of course, that's because I got a new job and aren't part of a pool. So I didn't get any wrong! :p

That being said, way to go BEARS! (C'mon Pats tonight!)

12-27-2005, 11:43 AM
(((fred)))...where ya been hun?

Well, my final total for Week 16 is 9/16.

Here's hoping it's enough to hold up to MCP!

What's everyone think of my Week 17 ("blind") picks? Who's gonna screw me this time?

12-27-2005, 11:54 AM
Who's gonna screw me this time?

I'll jump to the head of that line!

12-27-2005, 09:32 PM
(((fred)))...where ya been hun?

Well, my final total for Week 16 is 9/16.

Here's hoping it's enough to hold up to MCP!

What's everyone think of my Week 17 ("blind") picks? Who's gonna screw me this time?

Between the new job and the holidays, I haven't been able to spend much time here (or watching football). My priorities are clearly out of whack. :eek:
Your week 17 picks look ok (except like LAW said, Baltimore for Cleveland). Not that you could do anything about them. Good luck!

12-28-2005, 02:02 PM
I'll jump to the head of that line!

I was wondering who was gonna be first!

12-28-2005, 05:47 PM
Sorry I couldn't help you with your picks but good luck to you

12-28-2005, 10:07 PM
Sorry I couldn't help you with your picks but good luck to you
It's ok (((Winston)))

As I said earlier, I understand how busy everyone must be during the holiday season.

What do you think of my picks? Do I have a chance...slim or none?

01-02-2006, 05:13 AM
Geezzzzzzzzzz I suck!

Only 8 right this week...

Was this a stranger week than most?

01-02-2006, 10:39 AM
Was this a stranger week than most?

I don't know, but it's a good week for me to be stranger than most.

How is the contest going overall? And is this the end, or are you trying to include the playoffs, as well?

01-05-2006, 07:59 PM
MCP was 9 on Week 16 and 9 on Week 17...

I was 9 on Week 16 and 8 on Week 17...

I think...I think...I am 2 down for the regular season! Still in the top ten, but didn't beat MCP! ARRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!

Dunno bout the playoffs. I'll let you know!