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09-20-2005, 11:41 PM
Anyone who has experienced the truly painful loss of love in their lives will understand.
I would greatly appreciate any and all comments on this, I am really looking to know that I was not alone in feeling the things that I did during this time in my life.
Thanks to anyone who takes the time to read this document, just the oppurtunity to post this has brought me a small measure of solice.

09-21-2005, 01:48 AM

It stays like that until you open yourself to hurt again.

It takes time to step beyond the selfishness of "I'm hurting, so why is the

world outside still going on?"

When the time is right, you'll put the gloom behind you.

09-21-2005, 05:13 AM

Take it one day at a time, healing takes time. If the darkness threatens to overwhelm you, seek help.

Good luck

09-21-2005, 08:03 AM

You're not alone in what you've experienced. I've lost a love I held most dearly to the senseless act of a stranger who'd given up. He took my girlfriend with him. It's not something you ever forget, and it's not something you ever get over. 20 years later, it's still with me.

But I've learned to love again. Twice. The healing does happen, but it happens slowly. When you think about it, it's much like a physical wound. Cuts don't heal overnight. Gradually, layers and layers form over the cut until it's no longer open. There's a scar, it feels funny when you touch upon it and the memories of why it's there surface.

The pain will diminish and you'll learn to love again. If you need help getting through the darkness, find someone to talk to.