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Wicked Wanda
09-18-2005, 04:41 PM
Hi everyone.
First things first, has anyone heard from babybunny?
Please post here and let me know.

For me,
I am now living in (shudder) Texas for the foreseable future. No one knows when we can go back.
The wonderful people here have been kind and generous beyond belief.

I have rented a home for Leigh and me, she has taken a leave of abscence to stay with me. Matt is well, off reporting, and calling us often.

If you want to know how bad it was, imaging your own Hell, and make it worse, and then know for some it was even worse than that.

Those who survived the Morial Center deserve our prayers, the many that didn't survive deserve so much more, our prayers, thoughts, and remembrance. That place was truly Hell on Earth. The last time I was there was for a Carnival Ball, and I may never, ever go there again.

Matt sent word our building is standing with relatively minor wind damage, no flooding, and still sealed from the looters, thanks to the security gating I installed a few years ago. My clinic is pretty much destroyed. What the water didn't get, the looters did.

I am just today online, and trying to learn to type with a cast please forgive the typos. (nothing dramatic, I slipped, fell, and broke the same arm I broke when and fell off my bicycle on Chartres.)

I stayed at the Hospital with so many amazing Nurses and Doctors and clerks and even kitchen and maintence people, with no power, few lights, (I learned the emergency lights have batteries that will run out sooner than you would think) until the last patient was evacuated.
At Armstong, I slipped on the wet and fell, and they put me on the plane with my patient. We landed in Dallas Texas, and Leigh found me at the Hospital there. We went to Houston, looking for our friends, and decided to settle nearby.

I have sort of new look, my hair is longer now than it has been in years, and darker, and thinner, and I now weigh 88 pounds! (didn't have much to eat for a bit, didn't feel like it after.) Good thing I didn't bring any clothes, 'cause they wouldn't fit anyways. So now I have an excuse to shop!! (like I needed one)


09-18-2005, 04:51 PM

Nice to see you back.....can't imagine what you went through but good to know you're recovering....

Do keep us posted....


09-18-2005, 05:18 PM
(((((((((WW)))))))))))))) I have been really worried about you. I'm so sorry for all you've been through. If you need anything just find me.

09-18-2005, 05:26 PM
Wicked Wanda,

It is good to hear from you! :) Thanks for posting! Many of us have been wondering....

Wicked Wanda
09-18-2005, 05:26 PM
Thanks MusicMan and Lilith.
So many had it so much worse. Believe me I am thankful to be here.
But I must know about Babybunny, she lives/lived just north of us. Has she been here?


09-18-2005, 05:29 PM
no, I'm sorry. Casseopeoia is ok but I've not seen BabyBunny yet.

09-18-2005, 05:30 PM
(((((((WW)))))))) It is awesome to see you online!!!

I'm sorry to hear you've been through hell but it sounds like your spirits are up (yay shopping! :D)! :x:

09-18-2005, 06:21 PM

It's so good to see you hun! We've been so worried for our flock! So sorry to hear of your troubles. Sending vibes of everything good from now on in!

Take care sweety...and if you need anything just PM me!

09-18-2005, 06:40 PM
I was also thinking of you. I have been reading the forums at WWLTV and was really considering putting out an all points for Wicked Wanda! LOL

I am glad that you are safe, things can be replaced, but people can't.


09-18-2005, 06:46 PM

09-18-2005, 07:02 PM
Thanks for letting us know you've made it through ... hopefully you've made it through the worst of it and things are getting better every day!!! Sending positive thoughts and mental hugs to all of you! :)

09-18-2005, 10:05 PM
Glad to hear your safe.

Babybunny via her profile was online last on September 16, so she must be alright.

09-18-2005, 11:01 PM
PF in another thread (Katrina CD) said that babybunny's in LA.

09-18-2005, 11:09 PM
PF in another thread (Katrina CD) said that babybunny's in LA.

Her profile says Louisiana and I think LA is the abbreviation for the state :wave:

09-19-2005, 12:32 AM
Don't worry, I'll get my head around this foreign geography yet.

So I'm back to worrying.

09-19-2005, 12:39 AM
PF in another thread (Katrina CD) said that babybunny's in LA.
Sorry for the confusion OldFart. :o La. is what I should have posted if I was going to abbreviate. Most of us here try not to think of Los Angeles.

(just kidding RockinTime ;) )

09-19-2005, 12:59 AM
Oh My GOD. WW I am so relieved.... I have been seriously terrified that something more awful had happened to you. PF and I were in chat last night saying how worried we were. I am so happy to know that you are alive, safe and well.

Sadly, to my knowledge there has been no word of babybunny.

Hugs, hugs and more hugs WW.

09-19-2005, 01:18 AM
((((Wicked Wanda))))

Sorry to hear you ended up iun Texas ( :D ) but overjoyed that you are safe and so is Leigh.

Sending warm thoughts your way.

09-19-2005, 01:54 AM
((((((( WW )))))))

We all worry about all our Pixies whenever anything happens. Such a relief to know you're okay. Do keep us informed. We missed you and worried about you.

09-19-2005, 06:26 AM
*runs up and huggles Wanda tightly* :hug: :hug: :hug:

We were so worried!


09-19-2005, 07:02 AM

So glad to hear from you!!

09-19-2005, 08:30 AM
Oh thank god! Been wondering where you landed in all this. So glad you and yours are safe. If you survived that bitch Katrina, you're gonna survive Houston. No fear.

09-19-2005, 09:10 AM
Adding my ((((( WW ))))) ...hearing reports of this Hell on earth, all the while my thoughts were returning to how was Wanda was doing thru this...so glad to hear you escaped with only what must seem like a very minor injury, in light of the devastating losses that surrounded you...I WILL require regular updates from you on how you cope with the challenges that are still to come...

09-19-2005, 10:22 AM
((((((WANDA))))))))) :x: :x: :x:

OMG!! I am soooooo relieved to know you're alright! I've been worried sick about you. I've been checking here constantly to see if anyone had heard from you. You've been on my mind constantly since all this insanity happened.
And even before all of this, I've missed you terribly! My e-mail is in my profile. Please drop me a note when you can. I have much to talk to you about. PLEASE get in touch when you can, hon! Take care of yourself and your loved ones and keep us posted on how things are going with you. We've all missed you and have been so very worried about you.

09-19-2005, 12:05 PM
WW im so glad to hear form you!!! been worried about everyone down there barley missed my mom in law , i hope u grow to enjoy texas while ur there and are able to retun to your home soon , now to continue holding my breath till babybunny checks in!

09-19-2005, 12:35 PM

I was praying for you sweetie...... glad you're OK.


09-19-2005, 01:47 PM
(((((WW)))))))) It is a relief to see you posting! Thanks for the update. I'm so sorry to hear about the Hell you've been through. I pray you'll be home soon and that your arm will heal quickly.

09-19-2005, 05:20 PM
WW let me add my well wishes for you and Leigh. Glad you made it through the storm and the aftermath. Take care and I'm hoping for your quick return to NO.

P.S. Texas is not to bad if you don't have to stay to long. :rofl:

09-20-2005, 08:29 AM
Thanks for checking in and catching us up Wanda. We have all been worried about you. We knew you were going to be one of the heroes and just hoped you had not taken too many risks.
Take care, since as I write this, Hurricane Rita is threatening to hammer the Texas coast.

Keep us posted and I hope your arm heals well and soon.


09-20-2005, 09:07 AM
What they all said. :hair:

Wicked Wanda
09-20-2005, 07:06 PM
Thank you all sooooo much for the kind thoughts and all the hugs (and huggles).
I was not a heroine, I was just being a Nurse. I did see some of the most amazing people do amazing things. I am happy to say that there are real heroes, and sad to say that there are evil people too.
And don't forget I broke my arm because I slipped in a wet spot. (not that kind of wet spot... sigh).

Now the bad news.

I am leaving my BRAND NEW (to me anyway) temporary home and evacuating to Austin, Texas. Rita is heading straight for us, and I feel awful vunerable right now. Not really sure when I will get back, but Leigh and I have some interesting plans while we are in Austin. There are some really great Women's Bars there, and other fun things to do. (like skinny dipping/sunbathing at Lake Austin, among others! This horribly itchy cast is going to give me a funny tan line, but I plan in it being my ONLY tan line!!)
Leigh an I are going to do a lot of room service too. Snuggle in bed, eat chocolate mint ice cream and watch movies on TV.

Love to all, hope to see you all soon.


09-20-2005, 07:15 PM
Wicked Wanda,

Good luck. Take care. Have fun. :)

09-20-2005, 07:22 PM
Glad my favorite nurse is ok.........((((((((WW))))))))))

Be well and be safe hun! :x:

09-21-2005, 09:55 AM
Thank you all sooooo much for the kind thoughts and all the hugs (and huggles).
I was not a heroine, I was just being a Nurse. I did see some of the most amazing people do amazing things. I am happy to say that there are real heroes, and sad to say that there are evil people too.
And don't forget I broke my arm because I slipped in a wet spot. (not that kind of wet spot... sigh).

Love to all, hope to see you all soon.

I heard a quote from a Marine, wearing his Medal of Honor proudly, saying, "I was not a hero, but I was among heroes"...typically, heroes are not people who look for a reward or a pat on the back, just ordinary people in extraordinary situations who swallow their fear & do their job...hey, that sounds like someone I know...

Good luck on having to adapt to having to evacuate again, actually I hear Austin can be a very cool town, as Texas cities go...

09-22-2005, 08:10 AM
it's very good to see you're ok. hang in there! (((hugs)))

Wicked Wanda
10-16-2005, 09:23 AM
Hi everyone!!
I have been avoiding posting since I got back from Austin 'cause of that STUPID cast. It made typing too much of a painful chore.
But it is now off, and my arm and hand are almost back to normal!!
Still living near Houston. Went back to NO twice for the day, and the roof and wall repairs (pretty minor stuff, believe me) are coming along nicely.
No reason to live there yet. The power and water are on, but the area is full of mostly out -of -town workers, very few residents, and my tenants were mostly students who are elsewhere this semester.
I have no job, and lots of savings, so I am going to have FUN!
My evacuation to Austin was epic to say the least. I spent 19 hours in a rented minivan, mostly sleeping, watching the built-in DVD player, (I am going to have one of those in my next car!!) and talking to Leigh, helping her navigate and keep awake. My love was exhausted by the time we got to Austin, and she slept for 10 hours once we got to our hotel.
This visit to Austin was wonderful!
Sixth Street is NOT Bourbon Street, but there is lots of music and some fun bars.
I think there are actually more Women's Bars in Austin than in NO!! We had a wonderful time, dancing to live music, and meeting women. They have some fun bar games in Austin, and yes, my panties are now stapled to the wall in one bar, with about a hundred other pairs.(don't ask).
Leigh and I spent two days sunning nude on Lake Travis (not Lake Austin--oops) This park is actually a legal nude beach!!! In TEXAS??!!!
We were still a bit of a scandal, the small crowd of men and women watching us apply sunscreen to each other was so funny! (doesn't it take everyone and hour to put on sunscreen?).
Leigh treated me with several visits to topless clubs and one totally nude club. We were let in free to a Swinger's club, and yes, we had an INCREDIBLE night there.
I have learned some new things.
A. Texans are wonderful, friendly people. (I was always a bit afraid of Texas before, it's a La. thing)
B. The Vieux Carre in NO is NOT the whole world.
C. Living near the water, the beach, is sooo much fun. This is a place where you can wander around in a bikini and sandals and not be considered weird.
D. Pain makes me horny. VERY horny. (I found myself becoming aroused while sitting in the waiting room for my PT (Physical Therapy/Torture), and even now I get stirred up just thnking about it *blush*) Leigh and Matt and I are going to discuss exploring this in the near future.
E. Houston area traffic is heavier than NO traffic, but people behave better while driving here in Texas.

Goddness!! I have been rambling on, (as they say here) too long.
Leigh and Matt are now both away, as I am now considered able to look out for myself, so I may be here more often in the future.

'Bye for now


10-16-2005, 09:38 AM
((hugs)) nice to hear the warm cheerfulness return in your posts! Glad things are getting better!

10-16-2005, 09:41 AM
Thanks for the update lady. :) You have been on some of our minds. :hug:

10-16-2005, 12:09 PM
It's so good to hear from you again, sweetie!! And as Lilith said, to hear the cheerfulness in your voice once again is wonderful!
I'm so glad that things are going well for you. I must admit that checking up on you is one of the main reasons I've been coming to Pixie's lately. I was chatting on MSN with Prophet the other night and he was quite happy to know that you made it through and that you're doing ok.

If you get a chance please drop me an e-mail (My address is in my profile) and let me know how I can contact you, if I can that is. I have a few things I really am anxious to talk to you about.

I'm glad you plan to check in more frequently. You have truly been missed, by not only me, but by all of us that have come to know and care about you.