View Full Version : I'm so Bummed..
09-02-2005, 02:11 AM
i just got a speeding ticket =( G'damnit.. 72 in a 45 .. yea i know.. its bad 179.50$ and then just to be dicks they gave me a 60$ no seatbelt fine... i feel like shit and im pissed off... G'dmnit why cops gotta be such dickheads? i was cruise'n down route 11.. and its a 3 lane highway and i was literally the only car on the road... wtf...and the fucked up part is.. iwas not even half a mile from my house... like my bro said he was sitting on the front porch laughing about someone getting pulled over cause he coulde see the lights... and i pull out down and right into the driveway and then he's just ike.. fuuccckkkkk.. and the ASSHOLE fucking cops right have the nerve to drive by the house realllllll slow. and then honk and wave... i hate the state police.. i really really do...
09-02-2005, 02:57 AM
Sweetie . . . yeah, it does suck but you were going over the speed limit by almost 30 m/hr!!! The city spends a lot of money choosing speed limits. Even though you may have been the only person around, they may have decided on that limit because a big turn was just around the bend (please don't argue with me about the road, I have no clue what the dealio is there. If you disagree with the speed limit a) contest the ticket b) contact your city councillor).
Also, er, a seat belt is a good idea.
Judging from your post, I am going to go out on a limb and ask if you were being a bit obnoxious to the coppers and could that be why they honked, etc.?
09-02-2005, 03:08 AM
Ranger...I'm sorry for your bad luck...but hun, you admittedly were speeding. OK, so all the lanes were empty and therefore you weren't endangering anyone but yourself...but the limit is there for everyone, not just to bust YOUR balls when you are alone on the road.
I highly doubt that the cops were sitting incognito just to bust you and piss you off! They are doing the job they were hired to do! If you choose to give them a reason to stop you (and with each ticket you had a choice in the matter beforehand), they will do their job and you'll pay the price.
And I've gotta ask...why in the world weren't you wearing your safety belt? It's been proven to save lives more times than not and I find it second nature now to wear it at all times in a moving vehicle. Regardless of it being "the law", it's smart to wear it and a nice thing to do for one's self!
Sorry if this seems callous...I'm just putting myself in the situation and thinking I'd deserve the tickets if it happened to me.
09-02-2005, 03:15 AM
Yeah ... what ^^^^^ they said ....
... and with a new month, they probably had to start on a new quota. :D
(Seriously, the real bummer is when it's only a question of 5 or 6 miles over the limit.)
09-02-2005, 03:20 AM
oh i know... and i was breaking the law.. no contesting it.. and no they weren't hidden.. right out at the pull out of a graveyard in plain sight.. i prolly could have seen them from a ways off had i had my brights on.. but i didnt.. and by the time i did there was no point in my even hitting the brakes cause thats just asking for it.. so i just let off the gas and let it coast.. didn't help much seeing as i was slightly downhill.......
Nah no turns or anything on that stretch of the road is a straight shot for well over 6 or 7 miles.. i'd say... but i dunno i'm jsut bummed out big time cause of the ammount of money.. its gonna make me broke ... like dangerously broke...... in a time that i really really shouldnt be..
oh and no.. i didn't hassle the cops at all i was very nice and cooperative.. actually it was them that was being dicks.. the one asked me right as he was letting me go if i had any weps int he car.. Guns.. knives.. bombs.. grenades even and he said the last two jokingly so trying to lighten the situation i was like oh yea.. i got a case of grenades in the back with a pack of rpg rockets...
the fucking dick... frowned at me and asked me to step out of the car this is after giving me the ticket and saying i was free to leave.. and then they searched the car.. what fuckheads.. i mean i had JUST cleaned the fucking car.. they tore al lthe magazines out of the pockets behind the drivers seat.. tore my plastic bags with cleaning supplies in the trunk. apart and scattered that shit all over my fucking freshly cleaned car.. and then the dick even fucking put his hands all over the fresh wax job... god i'm so pissed now theirs hand prints on the paint and tomorow if the sun comes out i need to redo the wax..
09-02-2005, 03:40 AM
Sorry...but you asked for it
You were speeding...they were doing thier job!....Ya don't wanna get booked then dont do it
As for the search....again you said you told them you had grenades and rpgs in the car...i mean in now day and age ya just asking for trouble there...again they were doing their job
09-02-2005, 03:52 AM
ranger, after i got all my speeding tickets (i was a crazy driver back in the day) with each one they let me make payments on them, i had to go to court and talk to the judge and tell him my financial situation but all the judges were cool because i was polite , and honest with them. i know the feeling i just got a speeding fine in the mail i was only goin 3 over (now that makes me pissed) and i got caught by a camera , no cops to pull us over here they do it the lazy way so u cant even flirt ur way into a warning LMAO!!! its 60pound fine or 120dollars for 3 miles over ,
09-02-2005, 12:09 PM
I completely agree with Alasse.
My sister's ex is a cop & he told me that cops do prefer that you slow down when you see them because it shows respect. He is the biggest speed demon I know, too. He knows people like to go fast but if you don't brake when you see them, you're essentially giving them the finger.
Also, I owe *cough* a lot of money in parking tickets & haven't paid them yet & I've not had a car in months. If it's going to make you dangerously broke, don't pay them or, like nikki says, go and plead your case.
09-02-2005, 12:36 PM
72 in a 45? You're lucky they didn't beat your ass and tell everyone you tripped!
09-02-2005, 02:59 PM
You know what they say don't do the crime if you can do the time this also gose for paying the fine.
09-02-2005, 04:07 PM
I recently got a speeding ticket doing 15 over the limit. The bad part is my son was in the car with me. The fine didn't bother me but the fact that I set a bad example for him really hurt the most. :mad:
09-02-2005, 05:02 PM
Wow we are a sympathetic bunch. :D I am sure getting a ticket sucks but speeding is gambling, risk taking and a conscious choice.
bare4you~ so glad you have his opinion and values in the forefront of your mind.
09-02-2005, 06:25 PM
Speed was a contributing factor in the big damage to my car....someone thinking the road rules aren't for them
Definately no sympathy here *L*
I get so sick of hearing people bitch they got caught...blaming the police for what they did...the police arent the ones with the foot too hard on the gas pedal...they need to take a good hard look at themselves...most just find it easier to blame someone else
Sorry hit a nerve here....i'll take meself back into my corner *LOL*
09-02-2005, 06:59 PM
Alasse, I am right with ya! I recently lost someone to a person who decided their need to get somewhere fast outweighed other's rights to be safe.
09-02-2005, 08:21 PM
speeding is one thing, and on the wrong road a major hazzard. but i think that's been covered. :) that really sucks ranger but that'll learn ya, heh?
but the seatbelt crap, however, that's a bone i' can pick with ya. not that you got the ticket, cause that's the risk with non-compliance. i just hate the fact that you even can get a ticket for it. (and booster seats. which have not been proven to have saved any more toodlers' lives than belt adjustrs). plus, at the same time that they made them mandatory here, they obliterated the helmet laws. wtf? that's crap.
09-02-2005, 09:25 PM
Tough shot sir. In my younger days I picked up a few. It bites. :( Put it behind you - and slow down a bit.
09-03-2005, 04:06 AM
One little hint, use your handbrake to slow yourself if you don't want the tail-lights flashing.
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