View Full Version : What About Bob?

07-26-2005, 10:39 AM
I mean Boob. :D

Guys - It's just a given that we love breasts. It does it for some more than others, but who among us doesn't feel their heart skip when we see a breast? They come in all different shapes, sizes and colors...and we may prefer one type over another...but we appreciate seeing any and all breasts. Do you remember when, in your mind, you first looked at a breast and thought "wow...I kinda feel naughty now"? I mean, how was the transition from "milk to cream" recognized for you?

Ladies - I have the utmost respect for you. What your body is capable of, and what it endures is truly remarkable. When I talk about my love of breast...it's in addition to my love of you. That having been clarified...Do you remember a moment when you noticed that your breasts gave you pleasure when touched? Were you already sexually active or was this a private discovery? When did you realize the fascination us guys have with breasts, and do you feel a sense of power...or do you get annoyed by our love of them?

07-26-2005, 10:52 AM
I remember the first time a boy palmed my breast and my heart raced. I love boob men and I do like the attention I receive when someone notices them.

07-26-2005, 11:23 AM
I love boob men...
/me pouts and walks out of the thread


07-26-2005, 11:34 AM
"palmed my breast" -- love that phrase!

I honestly can't remember when I realized my breasts were wonderful, sensitive erogenous zones. All I know is I can almost orgasm if they are sucked, nibbled, bitten & tweaked in the proper manner. YAY breasts!!! :cheers:

07-26-2005, 11:37 AM
/me palms Aqua's ass :D

07-26-2005, 11:41 AM

07-26-2005, 12:05 PM
All I know is I can almost orgasm if they are sucked, nibbled, bitten & tweaked in the proper manner. YAY breasts!!! :cheers:

Mrs. Sama is the same way, except for one little difference. She orgasms almost every time I play with her breasts. The orgasms aren't as intense, but she still loves them. :)

As for the first time I realized how wonderful breasts were I was probably 11 and was at the pool with a buddy and his MUCH older sister (late 20's) when she pulled her shirt over her head and "accidentally" grabbed her bikini too. :faint:

07-26-2005, 02:58 PM
I suppose I first noticed that my breasts were a source of pleasure was when I was with my first proper boyfriend at 17. He was something of a breast man, as it turned out, and would spend hours 'breast worshipping'.

Having always hated my oversized breasts, I found not only the sensations, but also the mental kick of knowing he loved my breasts so much a huge turn on....from then on I've always had a thing for breast men! :D

07-26-2005, 03:52 PM

07-26-2005, 08:13 PM
I'm not sure I remember when I became aware of my breasts as a source of sexual pleasure, but I remember the first time I felt teeth lightly chewing on a nipple and nearly falling off .... whatever it was I was sitting on ... I think it was the couch ... oooooo!! I love that feeling, love the feeling of someone (even if it has to be me) pinching, pulling, twisting on my nipples and a couple of good hard, full hand squeezes .... well, like Steph, the right breast play gets me very close to the mark!

The guy I'm dating .... big time breast man ... he likes all of me, but has never really been able to hide his particular preference for my largess in that area ... :) It always makes me feel a little giddy ... maybe it's being drunk with power or something, but it's kind of fun when you're into the guy and you can easily catch his attention, totally shut down his thought process with a good descriptive phrase or such! (ok, call me a bad girl!!!!) :D

07-26-2005, 08:27 PM
Ok...that "lightly chewing on my nipple" comment just turned me into a babbling idiot.

Not that I had far to go. :D

07-26-2005, 08:40 PM
I just fell in love with all the women who replied to this thread. I am soooo prooo Bob...

07-26-2005, 08:47 PM
What a nice thought for a new thread - and what nicer thoughts from the ladies who have responded so far. As most of you know by my postings, I am a devout boob guy. There isn't a boob I don't adore, a part of a boob that doesn't deserve attention from a guy's mouth, tongue, fingers, shall I go on? I think you get the idea. I can't wait to see more posts! Thanks ladies for having those wonderful body parts that have fascinated guys since the beginning of time!!!!! :x:

07-27-2005, 01:51 AM
I can't remember when a tit first got my attention, but I am forced to admit, that even after 30+ years of seeing them on a regular basis, & even tho gravity is taking them closer to the ground, Mrs Zoid can still render me speechless with a quick flash...

07-27-2005, 10:46 PM
bobbie, i remeber a girl named bobbie with nice boobies. but i can't remeber the first time a boobie cought my eye. i do remeber watching wheel of fortune as akid just to see vanna white's butt.

07-28-2005, 05:19 PM
I admit I am a boob-aholic and have been addicted for more years than I can remember!large, small,perky or not it dosent matter. Im addicted to the feel of a nipple hardening on my tongue! (Hangs and shakes head) Hope there isnt a 12 step program for this type of addiction!

07-29-2005, 02:58 AM
The first time I really remember feeling in awe of breasts was when I was in grade school and several of us boys walked home by a construction site and the calendar on the wall of the little work shack had a nude girl on it. Seeing those breasts had my head spinning.

I guess I'm a boob man, too. I love to look at, touch, kiss, fondle and worship my wife's breasts ... and always "notice" them on other ladies, too. Wow! Neat body parts, that's for sure!! :drool:

07-29-2005, 03:02 PM
...baby steps to the nipple, baby steps to the underside, baby steps back to the nipple and then baby steps to the top. :D

i love it when he licks in circles all around...like a dripping icecream cone. yum.

07-29-2005, 03:25 PM
I'm sorry wyndhy...I can't do that.

My feet are too big to take baby steps. :(

07-29-2005, 03:50 PM
i'm like the yellow pages.... let your fingers do the walking

07-29-2005, 03:54 PM
i'm like the yellow pages.... let your fingers do the walking

The international yellow pages?

Roman hands & Russian fingers? :D

Pussy Willow
08-14-2005, 05:15 PM
I'm sure that there is an invisible thread directly connecting my breasts, more
specifically my nipples to my pussy. He starts sucking, licking, nibbling my
nipples and I come almost immediately !!! I love it !!!!

When hubby and I were dating, the first time he touched my nipples, I nearly exploded, it felt sooooooooo gooooooooood !!!!