View Full Version : Caught

07-20-2005, 07:09 PM
Has anyone ever caught you Masterbating?

07-20-2005, 09:09 PM
Almost. On more than one occasion. *giggle*

Thanks for asking. :spin:

07-20-2005, 11:06 PM

...Oh, did you want details?...

07-20-2005, 11:17 PM
there have been a few close calls

07-21-2005, 01:50 AM
I don't consider being "caught" by my wife ... but almost a couple of times by the kids.

07-21-2005, 08:56 AM
Yes...As I was cumming. My sister walked in the room on me. She just stared at me, my cock and walked out. :eek:

07-21-2005, 09:02 AM

...Oh, did you want details?...

Yes please ;)

07-21-2005, 02:46 PM
Yes please ;)
Not much to tell about the early episodes, the usual "mom-walks-in-without-knocking" incidents, since there were no further repercussions...the one time I got "caught" that I found interesting has been deemed uncountable by dicksbro...ah, WTF, I'll tell it anyway...Mrs Zoid usually had to get up early to put her face on, etc., leaving me a few minutes alone to play with the morning wood...one am, she walks in to see the me "saluting the flag", she decides this would be a tasty treat for her, unaware that I was just a few strokes away from the moment of truth...she jumped on the bed & went down, she didn't hear my warning (I couldn't yell out loud, we had a roommate down the hall)...a few seconds later she's grimacing at me & saying "Yuuuuuuuck!!!"...

....your turn now Lil...

07-21-2005, 02:49 PM
:swoon: mine might be if someone walked in right now :hot:

07-21-2005, 05:30 PM
Oh Lilith - you are such a tease! :x:

07-21-2005, 05:57 PM
we need some pics lilith.

07-22-2005, 09:51 AM
Well, evidently my story got the desired result from Lilith...so, has anybody else got a tale to tell? Anybody?

07-22-2005, 09:55 AM
Just for the record, I used to compare watching Jerry Springer to masturbation...it's a lot of fun until someone walks in & catches you doing it... :yikes:

07-22-2005, 09:58 AM
I have been caught by roomates and sister. None are good stories, or I would tell them. All of them were just very embarassing. I would usually just pull my hand out quickly and act like nothing was going on. I will tell you what tho, there is nothing more frustrating than playing with yourself, ready to cum and you have to stop. Luckily I have never been walked in on while I was cumming, I don't think I would be able to stop at that point... :slurp:

07-22-2005, 10:15 AM
I guess that's the problem, usually it's just embarrassing to get caught...it's hard to think up an intelligent & witty response when your animal brain was in charge just a second ago...

07-22-2005, 10:24 AM
Amen... I would love for a guy to walk in and take over... Too bad that won't ever happen

07-22-2005, 12:54 PM
Amen... I would love for a guy to walk in and take over... Too bad that won't ever happen

Sounds like you need a hug Kaelynn, come over here and I'll give you one! :hug:

07-22-2005, 04:31 PM
My story is not so much about masterbating but was very embarrassing. I used to practice magic when i was a teen. One day after showering i was escaping from handcuffs. This became very easy so i kept thinking of ways to make it difficult. I was having no problems escaping so i guess i got brave or just stupid. I handcuffed my self to a couch with arms, oh and not just my hands. Yes I also did my feet. So here i am naked laying across this couch and I start to escape, just as i get the pick into the cuffs and turn it the pick springs out of the cuffs and hits the wall. I have no key and the pick is now behind the couch. I struggled for a long time but was not very successful. I remeber hearing my mom come home and wondering if I should let her find me or call for some help. I guess the hormones were pumping because i was hard and had no way of hidding it.

10-05-2005, 12:31 AM
Personally, I'm an exhibitionist, so I LIKE being caught. Of course, masterbation in the right location certainly contributes. I have been "caught" masterbating by the cleaning lady in a hotel. That was really exciting. "Caught" by my ex-girlfriend while I was in the shower. "Caught" by a lady that I worked with...which, by the way led to some great on-line sex. I've even gone so far as to masterbate while driving in traffic, just to pull along side of a hot soccer-mom in her SUV, at a stop light, so that she might watch. Of course, this can be a bit "touchy" since you never know what her reacition will be. I've had extremely mixed results with this approach. However, I REALLY love having a woman watch. Anyhow, too many stories tell at once.