View Full Version : Ghosts
06-23-2005, 10:43 PM
Do you believe in them?
06-23-2005, 10:55 PM
I believe in lost spirits who are neither in heaven nor hell.
06-23-2005, 10:56 PM
I sometimes do....when I get chills down my back and feel like someone is watching me.....but maybe that's my peeping tom....
06-23-2005, 10:57 PM
do you think they are all lost or that some make a choice to remain?
06-23-2005, 11:08 PM
I think some remain because of unfinished business. Their lives ended abruptly, before their time. I've lost 2 best friends that way. I feel sometimes they are still here. My dad wasn't ready to die. He told me he was scared to die and I really still feel him here.
06-24-2005, 12:44 AM
Personally, I'm not sure. I'll tell about this experience I had not too long ago, though.
I went and looked at this house, the guy said he'd make an excellent deal, dropped the price $20,000 (wow), so I went and looked. It was a really nice house, but one of the back windows was busted out of the door, I could reach right inside and open (I had permission to break in :p lol).
Two things in particular got to me.
I stepped inside, and immediately got chills. No, it wasn't because I was alone in a strange house because I'm always alone and DO NOT spook easily. The kitchen was right off of the laundry room (where I came in), and I got so spooked by the basement door (which was locked from the OTHER side, I couldn't get in and didn't want to). I felt like I HAD to get and stay away from that door.
The second was the bedroom closest to the living room. It had a lock on the outside of the door, and could only be unlocked from the outside. The closet door in that room had been ripped off of the hinges and the bricks were showing. I got out of that room fast.
The fireplace spooked me a little too for some reason. To get out of the house I had to pass the basement door again, which I didn't like. I never called the guy back.
Mr Foker
06-24-2005, 03:32 AM
We own a pub and have been told that we have two ghosts here. Things do happen here a lot like evert saturday morning around 3am you can here them playing pool as every now and then the beer stops flowing so when I pop down to the cellar to check all the gas and pumps have been turned off.
just find it strange
I think there are ghosts that "haunt" a place ... lost there for whatever reason ... I also think that there are spirits that only come to visit here for special reasons .... that's my opinion anyway.
06-24-2005, 06:05 AM
Definately. And I have them. We've got tons of pics of the little orbs. We live next to an old church that was redone into a house. And our house was evidently the meeting place of the congregation. So mostly we have transiet spirits. Coming and going. But we have 2 other know inhabitants. One little girl ghost who follows me around very closely. And one I beleive that's my husband's father. The little girl... as far as we can figure, died here. And my husband's father seems to be here for my son.
One morning at a 3 am feeding I was standing and waiting for the bottle to heat. Alexander was crying his head off. My husband's zippo lighter that had been laying securely on the table slowly slid off the table and onto the floor. And a couple times now I've been woken by a shaken bed to check on Alexander. And every time he is need of moving. (The lil one ruches himself against the side of the crib and ends up getting his arm out. Anyone know how to stop that from happening) I've also heard a man laughing on the baby monitor. It's pretty freaky..but oddly comforting.
If I can find them, I'll post some of my orb pic then.
06-24-2005, 06:12 AM
wow thats freaky!
I can't say that i've had any run ins with spirits or ghosts....but i've heard many of stories from people that i know about how their houses are haunted or they have seen some odd stuff once in awhile.
Fortunately the house i live in is clear :D
06-24-2005, 06:17 AM
I've always been a little on the "sensitive" side as far as the presence of "others." I can't say I've seen any orbs (gosh, Eliza!), but, for a long time after my miscarriage, I would be thinking about Madison, and not a few minutes later I'd find something I'd bought in preparation for my pregnancy/child had been moved to a prominent place.
I also bought the house I live in now in September after the woman of the house lost a long bout with cancer. I never really had a problem with purchasing the house, even though I realized that she *had* died there, because she'd been fighting her battle for a long while, and she only succumbed literally within hours of getting my offer--as if the selling of the house was a worry resolved and she could finally "let go." Since then, I've felt a kind, benevolent presence, and it's probably why I have no qualms about staying in the house by myself.
06-24-2005, 07:01 AM
Not really, but I some times get the feeling that someone's swam over my grave.
06-24-2005, 07:42 AM
A chicken head was recently given to me that protects me from all the boogie men. :rofl:
... And every time he is need of moving. (The lil one ruches himself against the side of the crib and ends up getting his arm out. Anyone know how to stop that from happening) ...
06-24-2005, 08:12 AM
If I can find them, I'll post some of my orb pic then.
I've got them too. It's not always been this way. I've lived in this same house for 13 years and had this same camera for 3+ years... but certain pics have them now. I once saw 2 in one pic but usually it's just the one. The first pic they showed up in was a pic of me in a red dress and both orbs were settled right over my heart.
06-24-2005, 09:07 AM
The real question is, do the ghosts believe in *me*?
06-24-2005, 10:50 AM
yes, i do believe in them... i have seen them in both totally benign and incredibly threatening circumstances. i've heard things on the monitor, too but i'm more inclined to think the monitor is just sharing a channel with a nearby portable or cellular phone.
i'm not sure if it's ghosts as they are defined in the traditional sense...perhaps electromagnetic disturbances that re-play themselves over?...sort of a space/time thing? you have a crib bumper? if not, get one...if you do, when you make the crib tuck it down between the mattress and the slats and tie the ties up real tight.
Yes I do. I have no clue as to why they are here though.
06-24-2005, 12:18 PM
At first, I always thought it was a heightened sense of awareness to certain situations. If I were doing something that reminded me of someone special and I felt some presence...I wrote it off to "it's just me thinking about them". But I'm more inclined now to believe that there are souls around us.
I've had picture orbs too, but no unusual occurances.
06-24-2005, 12:39 PM
Sometimes people can scare themselves into believing they have ghosts when really all they have is an overactive imagination, too.
My mom grew up in this house, and she says that she used to see things upstairs at night all the time, but I've lived here for two years and haven't seen anything out of the ordinary day or night! The only *real* experience I've had that actually scared me was the house I looked at recently that I described in my other post.
I don't believe in ghosts in the traditional sense, that they look like people and all that. I believe if there are ghosts, they're just built up energy and don't really take any sort of form at all. There is a logical explanation for almost everything, I think we WANT to believe there are things like ghosts.
06-24-2005, 12:46 PM
Of course I believe in them....what kind of vampiress would I be if I didn't?
I think they are here only if they have something important to finish. As an example, I think that some murder victims trap themselves here so that they can help ensure that justice is done to their murderer. I also think some are here to protect us.
The house I stayed in on campus (yes, the house of the undying rumor, lol) seems to have 2 completely different feelings, depending on where you are (or at least that I can sense). The room I stayed in last year had a closet right next to the door. I always got a weird feeling from that room but from the closet in particular. I couldn't sleep in the room by myself unless I had a dim light on or the TV and my back to the closet. There were a few times when I felt like someone was standing behind me while I was trying to fall asleep but I did my best to ignore it and not turn to look. I never did because I was too freaked out. I also get a weird feeling from a landing in between the 1st floor and basement...I won't go there unless it's well lit.
The room that I stayed in this year felt like a "safe zone." Although it was on the same floor as the other creepy room, I always felt comforted when I came into this one. I felt like nothing could hurt me. Going out into the hallway, the atmosphere changed slightly. It wasn't malicious....just not as safe as being in the room.
I kept having this one dream over and over about a little girl in a faded flower print dress. She was always holding a basket of flowers in her hands and standing on a dirt road that went up to a run down house. I felt like I knew who the girl was and that I'd been to that place before although I don't know either of them. Mom thought I was crazy when I told her there was something to it that I was missing. She said something about "Maybe she's just an inspiration for another of your poems..." This is what came of that dream:
Beyond the Picket Fence
She stood alone in the middle if the dirt road,
Yet another day, yet another vivid blue code.
Her dress was faded, the once red roses now pink,
The net that held her breaking by each leaden link.
Her face was streaked by tears and dirt entwined,
She couldn’t run and leave this nightmare behind.
A voice that lingered in the sultry night’s air,
Called to her like a demon within its cold lair.
The tears quickened and her heart began to race,
Looking back into her past, filled with innocent disgrace.
She debated whether it was safer to flee or stay,
She had abandoned God- it was useless to pray.
The wicker basket clasped in her hands grew heavy,
And she returned to the darkness that shone blindingly.
Once gathered in, she awaited what was to come,
She wished for a savior but truly believed in none.
That what she longed for, torn from her hands,
Swirled by the current, as far as foreign lands.
The horrors revealed themselves to her one by one,
The heavens had chosen her, from birth, to shun.
Eyes that gazed upon her chose to cast an illusion,
Her skin discolored, her hopes scattered in confusion.
The heavy footsteps that found themselves before her,
Knowing full well what she was going to endure.
It was written before she knew how it would end,
Left on her own to attempt to heal and to mend.
He was supposed to be her protector, not a terror,
His cold hands replaced by the golden pallbearer.
The earth became her blanket and brought comfort,
And she stood alone on a path of simple dirt.
The dreams stopped after I wrote this poem.
06-24-2005, 04:01 PM
… We've got tons of pics of the little orbs…. If I can find them, I'll post some of my orb pic then.
I've got them too….
Were these "orb" pics taken with a 35 mm single lens reflex camera by chance? :) ……….. using a flash or with a light source off to the side of the lens? ;)
Some years back I was concerned about something being under my bed that I couldn’t see. :yikes: I worked with my annalists fro over two years, ……… once a week at $45 per visit. Then I met a carpenter that solved my problem for $35.
He cut the legs off my bed.:D
06-24-2005, 04:18 PM
I don't believe in them....
but I wish it were possible.
06-24-2005, 04:49 PM
I believe like Fzzy does there are ghosts and then there are spirits.
when I pass on who"s bedroom to reside in? Lilth,Cowgirls ,Cerrypie? ahhhh the choices
06-24-2005, 05:02 PM
Mine Mine!!! :D
06-24-2005, 05:09 PM
You didn't know that when I'm *slurping* my way through your panty drawers I was home shopping too. :lust: LOL
06-24-2005, 05:23 PM
:D lol
06-24-2005, 08:17 PM
I’ve always been interested in unexplained phenomena, so one time my buddy Booger and I went to seminar about it.
The instructor introduced himself and asked “how many believe in ghosts?” Almost every hand in the room went up. :) He then asked “how many has seen a ghost?” About half the hands went down. :( Then he asked “how many feel that ghost could be friendly?” A couple more hands went down. When he asked if anybody had become friends with a ghost, only my pal Booger and a few other still had their hands up. The instructor then asked if “anybody ever made love with a ghost?” Only Booger sat waving his arm emphatically in the air at the back of the room.
The instructor, walking back towards Booger says, “You mean to tell us you’ve actually had sex with a ghost?”
Old Boog says, “GHOST?:eek: ……… I thought you said GOAT!:o”
06-24-2005, 08:20 PM
^^^^ is in rare form tonight. :D
06-24-2005, 10:48 PM
PF..I know what a bumper pad is silly. And of course I have one. He worms his little hand under it. I've tried to tuck it. I want to try a different one, see if maybe that the issue....BUT...anyway...back to the ghosts....
The pics were taken with my digital camera. No flash.
#1 was taken first....then #2 right after. There's barely any. We we trying to capture anything with the camera. A friend told us to try it and see what happened. The first one with the bunch of um kinda freaked me out.
06-25-2005, 12:35 AM
I’ve always been interested in unexplained phenomena, so one time my buddy Booger and I went to seminar about it.
The instructor introduced himself and asked “how many believe in ghosts?” Almost every hand in the room went up. :) He then asked “how many has seen a ghost?” About half the hands went down. :( Then he asked “how many feel that ghost could be friendly?” A couple more hands went down. When he asked if anybody had become friends with a ghost, only my pal Booger and a few other still had their hands up. The instructor then asked if “anybody ever made love with a ghost?” Only Booger sat waving his arm emphatically in the air at the back of the room.
The instructor, walking back towards Booger says, “You mean to tell us you’ve actually had sex with a ghost?”
Old Boog says, “GHOST?:eek: ……… I thought you said GOAT!:o”
Now I see why you wanted a spanking!! Too bad you don't get one! :nuts:
06-25-2005, 07:54 AM
Goats, huh, here are some goats for ya
06-25-2005, 09:59 AM
Are you trying to tell us you met one of Boog's ex-girlfriends when you were in MI, Lizz?
/me runs away & isn't too worried because she knows she can outrun PF
06-25-2005, 10:27 AM
.../me runs away & isn't too worried because she knows she can outrun PF
You can run, but you can't hide. :wiggles:
06-25-2005, 10:35 AM
Should'nt Steph be saying that PF......after all she has the flying monkeys!!
06-25-2005, 10:41 AM
You can run, but you can't hide. :wiggles:
No! I was talking about Booger chasing us & I would outrun you so I'm not too worried.
06-25-2005, 10:50 AM
No! I was talking about Booger chasing us & I would outrun you so I'm not too worried.
Yeah!…….. Like the time Steph and I were walking in the woods and came upon a hungry grizzly bear. We turned to run when she stopped to take her running shoes out of her backpack. I asked her if she really thought she could outrun that bear.
She said “NO! ……… but all I have to do is outrun YOU.” :yikes:
06-25-2005, 12:05 PM
She said “NO! ……… but all I have to do is outrun YOU.” :yikes:
That is the joke I was thinking about but it still holds true!
07-01-2005, 12:04 AM
Well I am late to this posting... I sooo Believe in Ghosts and Spirts. I would be crazy not to.
The feelings my roomate has felt, I have felt as well, with an added one. I work in a residence hall next door to our house, sometimes I have to be at work at 1am or 4am. When I cross the living room coming from the sitting room I feel like there is something that chases me out of the house and sometimes up to my room. It is the uncomfortable prickly feeling that you get when you know your not alone but you don't see anyone. My freshman year I lived in the room that AngelicVamperess talked about earlier, and there is a very odd feeling from that closet and that corner of the room period, I did not like spending nights alone in that room. The room we lived in together this year was her freshman year room and my sophmore room. We both have always felt safe in this room, altho I also say that is because of the great company... (SIDE NOTE: I miss you AV... I don't know what to do without you sometimes...)
Anyway I have many more true stories from my house that I am currently residing in, yes the one I grew up in, I am at home living with the parents for the summer... let's all hope I don't find myself here again anytime soon....
Anyway... if anyone wants to hear some honest to God true Ghost stories I have them, just stuff that happens here on a regular basis.
I have seen curtains move to a vertical position and hold. I have seen a child's jacket wave at me from the hook it was on. I have turned every light and electronic device on in a house and still had the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. I have been crushed into a bed (nothing sexual) and been able to look at the mattress top from the corner of my eye. I have been scared to death to pass a particular bathroom because I felt something drawing me to the mirror. I have watched a green VW bug, with tinted windows follow me street after street and then disappear from the middle of the street. I have upset people by telling them what would happen. At the time, I was kidding and we were all joking around. However, I turned out to be right. I have read Tarot cards and scared myself shitless. Since the curtain/radio/mirror/bed thing, I have tuned that area out. I am not kidding. And, if you make a joke out of it, PF, I will do damage to many pairs of silk panties. I do, on occasion have a feeling that something should open that door. However...I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like what's on the other side. Even now, my throat is closing up on me, and there are light chills down my back. Something is there. I'm not quite certain what, though.
07-03-2005, 08:26 PM
..... And, if you make a joke out of it, PF, I will do damage to many pairs of silk panties. ......
:yikes: Nobody could be THAT cruel!! :faint:
*Runs to his 1950’s bunker and jumps in head first as if it were a flying monkey drill……. Slams the hatch and turns the crank*
Which crank would that be, sir? :wingang:
07-03-2005, 09:20 PM
Which crank would that be, sir? :wingang:
The one you INSPIER :lust: me to turn. :halo:
:boink: :D :slurp:
:eek: now I’M starting to feel like somebody is watching me.
07-03-2005, 09:42 PM
I believe in them, having experienced one in my college days.
Alone in the Music Dept building late one night practicing for an upcoming recital, I kept hearing the sounds of jingling keys, like those of a janitor.
Nobody else was in the building, definatly no LIVING janitor. It went on for like 15-20 minutes. I never found another person around.
Completely freaked me out.
Then next day I talked about it with my instructor who told me that a janitor died in the elevator (why a 3 story bulding needed an elevator I don't really know) of a heart attack, a few years before.
The "ghost" for lack of a better term, must still have something left unfinished...
07-03-2005, 11:08 PM
Did you know that there is a Federal housing law now that when you buy a house that the realitor has to tell you if any unexplained happenings have occured in the house?When we bought ours 1/12 yrs ago we had to sign a paper saying that we were told about the law.
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