View Full Version : Basic relationship rant

06-19-2005, 09:36 PM
Sorry about this, I just wanted to complain, and you're all good listeners, so you'll have to put up with it.

About a month and a half ago, I met a girl online. We emailed, found that we had some things in common, and arranged to meet for a date. The night of the date, she called to cancel because she was sick. Fine. Shit happens. I know, I've been the one making that call. Point is, we reschedule, go out on the date, and have a good time. I had a good time. She says she had a good time. Things are good. Our schedules play havoc with the next couple of weeks, but we talk several times and manage to go out another time. Again, I think it went well.
Since then we've talked a 2-3 times a week and arranged 2 dates. Neither have happened. But what really bothers me is the way that they're not happening. I'll call and we'll talk for a while. It's usually late, sometimes we've agreed on a day for a date but not the activities. Sometimes one or the other of us get a call or need to go or whatever. If it's Tuesday and I tell her I'll call Wednesday, I call her Wednesday. If she's not around I leave a message. But if she says that she'll call me, there's nothing. Two or three days later I call her. Using the Tuesday example again (since that's the most recent actual events), we talked, agreed to go out on Thursday and I'd call the next day and we'd decide what to do. I call the next day and she's busy right then, but she'll call me back. But she doesn't. So there is now no plan and it's the day of the supposed date. There is still no call, so I call. And this is when she cancels.
This is what's pissing me off. If you're going to cancel, call me. Tell me. I understand that things come up. It's not like any of what she's told me seems unreasonable. It's just so frustrating to get blown off. And if you don't have any interest in seeing me again, just tell me. Don't agree to a date and make me think that you're interested if you're just going to cancel
So. I'm done. If she really wants to see me, she can call. But I'm not holding my breath.

Thanks for listening.

06-19-2005, 10:04 PM
((((fred)))) ~~~ sometimes people need to learn manners. Better to move on, or hope she learns FAST. ;)

06-19-2005, 10:11 PM

Hate to say it - move on - if she's serious about seeing you again, she'll call....but if not, don't waste your time - not worth it....there are much nicer women out there who would return your call....

Just my 2 Cents


06-19-2005, 10:29 PM
Sounds like she is not really interested and her not responding etc. is how she is trying to subtly get the point across...move on. If she can't be forthright and tell you what she does or does not want then most likely there would be huge communication issues at some point.

06-20-2005, 12:41 AM
They ^^^ said it all. ……………………………….. unless Manner Classes is one of the activities on your schedule? :rolleyes2

06-20-2005, 07:08 AM
Yup....best to let that one go!! She needs to grow up!!

06-20-2005, 07:17 AM
I was in the same position as you a while ago. I stupidly suspended my cynicism and called her after she wasn't returning my calls, talked to her, everything's fine as far as I can tell, then she starts hanging up when I call, so I text her asking if she's having trouble with her phone. No answer, so I gave up. Moral of the story? I looked like an ass for holding on, you probably don't want to do that.

06-20-2005, 10:42 AM
Fred....You're right. That's pretty fuckin rude of her.... I say blow her off and find another. ;)

06-20-2005, 09:35 PM
Yeah. I know. I had already decided to move on before posting, but it's nice to have some support. Ah well, what'cha going to do?