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06-16-2005, 01:28 PM
As i was rolling 'em up into my industrial strength over shoulder boulder holder....i was wondering does anyone else hate their boobs with a passion.....and if ya could what size would you change em to?

06-16-2005, 01:36 PM
<---is not sure she hates her breasts as much as that God-awful invention of underwires. :rolleyes2

06-16-2005, 01:40 PM
I actually dislike my chest. Not that I want a different size mind you, but there is a bit of a 'depression' in the center so it doesn't look 'cut' or toned. Thankfully my wookie pelt covers it pretty well.

Oh, and I will gladly volunteer to help you carry your boobs around, Alassė. ;)

06-16-2005, 02:23 PM
mine are not big just B+ but I'd really like them perkier, firmer, fuller looking . I'm waiting for them to start filling implants with helium :p

06-16-2005, 02:27 PM
I'm a big fan of knockers, but I do understand that part of what makes it easy for me to love them is the fact that I don't have to carry them around all day.

But that's not my fault! I'd love to carry your :boobs:! :D

06-16-2005, 02:43 PM
I just got a fitting, and mine are now a f*cking large DD... and they are a major pain in the ass... and neck, and back... :) Going down to just a D would be fine for me. But alas... I could never do that.

06-16-2005, 03:30 PM
don't hate em but they aren't what they used to be. the price of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
decent trade :)

06-16-2005, 03:38 PM
Mine are F's. I'd be happy with a full D and if they'd point a little less south...

06-16-2005, 03:45 PM

I can't thank you enough for creating a thread that gathers all the healthy bosomed ladies of Pixies in one place.

Brings a tear to my eye.

06-16-2005, 03:46 PM
<---is not sure she hates her breasts as much as that God-awful invention of underwires. :rolleyes2

I am with ya on that one!!! Those pain in the ass wires anway! I can NEVER find a bra that fits right or is comfortable! I would be happy going from an F cup to a C...

06-16-2005, 03:52 PM
Comfortable *is* the issue. I'm in the unfortunate situation in which a DD is too big and D *most* of the time works but not always. I would *love* my C back--or, at a minimum, just being able to buy a bra in a regular department store without too much effort. :D

06-16-2005, 03:57 PM
Mine aren't as big, contrary to what some people might think :p

I've looked into implants just to perk them up. Apparently, you can finance these things now days.

06-16-2005, 06:22 PM
I can't say that I hate my boobs, but I'm not overly thrilled with them. After losing quite a bit of weight they are down to a D cup, as opposed to a DD. However, when I stand naked and look in the mirror I realize my tits look like my grandmother's did when she was about 80 lmao

06-16-2005, 09:36 PM
My boobs are a G, I don't so much hate them as not being able to fine a pretty bra that doesn't cut into my sholders...........I think a full D cup would be nice that way they are still big but I could get some pretty bras.

Prophet Reality
06-16-2005, 09:54 PM
I agree with Wild Irish, thanks for bringing all these lovely bosomed ladies togehter. Would love to see some example of why you ladies hate them so.... besides the back pains!

06-16-2005, 10:13 PM
i dont have big ones like some of the others. but mine look so ugly. solid stretch mark scars. YUCK! and they are literally all scar my first pregnancy they went from b maybe c to DD+! in 8 mos. Then back down to a b maybe c again. So now they just hang there like socks. now that i am pregnant again they are swelling up nice though. but i would like to be happier with how they look. would like to get them augmented to be fuller, so they stand up a little more, not necessarily larger.

i didnt realize you could finance breast augmentation. interesting!


06-17-2005, 12:50 AM
I'm a big fan of knockers, but I do understand that part of what makes it easy for me to love them is the fact that I don't have to carry them around all day.

But that's not my fault! I'd love to carry your :boobs:! :D
Y'know, it's always been my ambition in life to be a "living bra"...

06-17-2005, 05:10 AM
I think that i am a D but i have given up completely on bras with cup sizes and the dreaded underwire *poke poke* and NOT in a good way....I wear sports bras all the time now, as they are great for support and my sholders don't hurt anymore...Hurrah!

i too would like mine a bit more perky. Two kids, breastfeeding and yoyo weight loss has left them not like they were when i was 19. i got my dragon tattoo when i was 19...back then he was short and fat....now he's tall and skinny, roflmao

06-17-2005, 05:26 AM
back then he was short and fat....now he's tall and skinny, roflmao
OMG...ya made me splurt me coffee!!


06-17-2005, 05:37 AM
OMG, too funny, lizzardbits!

Speaking of sports bras--why don't they make sexy ones? I think this could be a Pixies enterprise. :D

06-17-2005, 06:38 AM
They do make sexy ones if you are a size 32 A

06-17-2005, 07:10 AM
Yes, but I don't think I was ever that ^^^, even as a teenager. :D

06-17-2005, 07:20 AM
Scotzoidman has the right idea a "living bra" :wobble: Since I'm retired
and have a lot of free time on my hands. I feel I should offer my services as a walk behind "living bra". Instead of free time I rather have big beautiful breasts on my hands. :jump: :rofl:

On a more serious note, I sympathize with you when it comes to pain and discomfort, but looks I think are another matter, I prefer REAL whether it's stretch marks or sagging like T's grandmother (I always told my wife I don't mind saggy boobs, when they have a navel between them, they'll be just right (suck a nipple, lick a navel, suck a nipple, etc)) I have felt boobs that were augmented that were hard as a rock (didn't even want to play with them), real boobs move, sway, jiggle and bounce. That's my kind of boobs.
Remember, just cause you're not happy with them, doesn't mean that someone else doesn't think they're beautiful just the way they are.
BTW Lillith, we used to say "Over the shoulder boulder holder" when I was a kid, never thought someone down under would know that silly phrase. :spin:

06-17-2005, 08:00 AM
For a long time I felt like that.....in my late teens, I hated my breasts and couldn't go in a lingerie store without leaving with tears in my eyes.

Ironically, back then I was only a 34DD, but it was impossible to get nice looking bras above a C cup then. Now, thankfully, choices have got better, and I've learned to love my now E/F cups....took a long time though and I do still get sensitive about them sometimes. Mainly because you can be as skinny as you like everywhere else, but if you've got a hefty sized chest, you'll always look 'big boned' and looking professional for work often comes off as looking matronly.

Pixies has helped me accept their size, and in general I'm happy with them....I certainly wouldn't consider having cosmetic surgery on them, or any other part of my body. Sometimes I think I'd like the rest of the world to have surgery on their brains to remove the preconceived ideas they have about big-breasted women......

06-17-2005, 08:51 AM
OMG...ya made me splurt me coffee!!


ooopsie, sorry Teehee :):):) it is really sad when i run across my original drawing of it and put it next to my dragon tattoo and really see how tall and skinny he's gotten, lol

i thought about trying to make one of my sports bras sexy and lacy...kind of a "Pimp my Bra" thing (for those of ya that have seen "Pimp my Ride" on MTV, you'll understand) i sat there and stared at it for a while and the swatches of lace and velvet that i had, puzzled it around in my head, got bummed and ate some chocolate instead, lol

06-17-2005, 11:07 AM
....I certainly wouldn't consider having cosmetic surgery on them, or any other part of my body.......
Yes! My prayers have been answered!! ;)

06-17-2005, 02:20 PM
YES!! I hate them! I am 42 D and gravity is rapidly sucking the life out of them! :eek:

I would have a lift and make them a 36 C if I had my way about things. :)

06-17-2005, 08:54 PM
sorry. i didnt mean to offend anyone when i mentioned augmentation. i was just brainstorming.
I have felt boobs that were augmented that were hard as a rock (didn't even want to play with them) i dont want mine to be hard either just fuller.
that lift thing sounds like it might work too. though i'll probably never be able to afford either. LOL

06-17-2005, 11:07 PM
I am with ya on that one!!! Those pain in the ass wires anway! I can NEVER find a bra that fits right or is comfortable! I would be happy going from an F cup to a C...

Let me finish that sentence for you Cheyanne.....

I would be happy going from an F cup to a C...

...to a Coaster's mouth! :slurp: Sorry Cobalt...I couldn't resist! :D