View Full Version : In the Funny Papers

06-13-2005, 05:31 PM
What is your favorite comic strip and why????

06-13-2005, 05:33 PM
LOL... I like the Family Circus although I haven't seen one in quite a while....

I also like Dilbert... worked in many an office that was similar.. :D

06-13-2005, 05:41 PM

It's a tie between Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side

The Far Side is sooooo bizarre and odd.

Calvin and Hobbes personifies the essence of childhood and friendship and when you least expect it you get a warm fuzzy instead of a laugh.

06-13-2005, 06:31 PM
Swamp...cause the frog cracks me up

Footrot Flats....good Aussie humour

Garfield....That cat reminds me of me some days *L*

06-13-2005, 06:59 PM
I like Rose is Rose best cuz the cat, Peekaboo, is just tooooooo cute!

06-13-2005, 07:10 PM

its just good controversial jab and I've read it from day one

06-13-2005, 07:36 PM
For Better or Worse
and Too Much Coffeeman
plus Hagar the Horrible

06-13-2005, 09:11 PM
Pooch Cafe


The dog is spunky & hates his owner's wife because she has cats. He always eats too much and hangs out in bars with his friends.

06-13-2005, 11:53 PM
I hardly ever read them, but Peanuts would have to be my all-time favorite. Just love Snoopy!

06-14-2005, 01:18 AM
I canceled the paper and stopped reading the funnies when I met Steph, ………. But I use to regularly read B.C., Marmaduke, Wizard of Id and Hagar.

06-14-2005, 01:44 AM
in this order~~~The Far Side(Eric Larson)--Calvin and Hobbes(?)--and- Non-Sequiter(???)

06-14-2005, 04:15 AM

its just good controversial jab and I've read it from day one

i really enjoyed this site thank you galeata :wiggles:

06-14-2005, 06:03 AM
my current one is Non Sequitur - I think that it has a dry humor that I enjoy, but unfortunately as of late I am not finding it as funny

ones no longer with us...

The Far Side - it was just plain weird, which made it so good!

Calvin and Hobbes (being re-run now) - when it ran orignally I just liked it, now there is something about a little kid with a good imagination as well as sheer enjoyment from reading it, I also give Waterson credit for not selling out the characters to the mass production mills

Bloom County (see avatar :), also being re-run now) - what can you say... a penguin that plays the tuba in a rock band... what more can you want?

06-14-2005, 03:10 PM
I love Family Circus; Dilbert; The Far Side; Calvin and Hobbes and Peanuts ... but my all-time favorite was probably POGO. Loved that comic strip!

06-14-2005, 03:17 PM
in this order~~~The Far Side(Eric Larson)--Calvin and Hobbes(?)--and- Non-Sequiter(???)
Fyi... Far Side is Gary Larson and Calvin and Hobbes is Bill Watterson. :)

Not sure on Non-Sequiter.

Did you know that there is a species of lice named after Gary Larson? Strigiphilus garylarsoni.

I'm not kidding. It is a chewing lice only found on owls.

I haven't read it for years, but I was a big Bloom County fan as a teen. Go Bill! *Ack!*

06-14-2005, 03:52 PM
Did you know that there is a species of lice named after Gary Larson? Strigiphilus garylarsoni.

I'm not kidding. It is a chewing lice only found on owls.

Your knowledge of such things sorta scares me but mostly entertains.

06-14-2005, 04:01 PM
My favorite is For Better or Worse, though I also enjoy Blondie, Family Circus, Non-Sequitur and Dilbert.

06-14-2005, 08:31 PM
Not sure on Non-Sequiter.

Wiley Miller

06-14-2005, 08:44 PM
Baby Blues
Foxtrot (I can totally relate to the geeky kid :grin: )
The Far Side kicks ass too, I have books of just "The Far Side" :D

06-14-2005, 11:58 PM
Sign me up for The Far Side....I also used to like Doonesbury -- but recently have been a bit turned off by it.

06-16-2005, 02:08 AM
Dilbert continues to entertain me, but since the local paper (no names, but the abbreviation is TN) decided to bury it in the business section, & I'm no longer involved with the bizarro world of business, I don't keep up with it much...
Far Side & Calvin & Hobbes were 2 of the best, made all the better when their creators knew how to go out gracefully, rather than let their strips rot as they lost relevence & humor...
Presently, Zits still relates to my life in raising teens, & for just plain craziness for its own sake you can't beat Get Fuzzy ...

06-16-2005, 08:57 PM
I like the Boondocks, Get Fuzzy, and Frazz. Along with a dozen or so webcomics I've picked up reading recently.