View Full Version : Thievery
06-07-2005, 07:12 PM
I cant stand it dammit!!
Some low life scum sucking bastard has stolen from me and i dont like it!
I have had to deal with my local police & interstate police (major city and my old home town) trying to figure out how these assholes managed to get their hands on my number plate!
The original (which i still have in my possession) has been photographed and handled by more ppl than it has in its entire life *L*
a motorbike has a real bad accident interstate and strangely it has a duplicate of my plate on it!
Not happy Jan!!
I dont like thieves...never have never will..i worked hard to get them plates..i still own the contract on em
And when i find out more...someones head is gonna roll!!
Tell me your anything you've had stolen?
06-07-2005, 07:25 PM
Oh how awful. A number plate form your car?
06-07-2005, 07:28 PM
My motorcycle plate was not on my bike and hasnt been for about 8-9 years (cant have an interstate plate on your vehicle whilst living in QLD)...the bike just has a regular QLD plate on it at present (though unregistered)
06-07-2005, 07:29 PM did he get it? Do they know?
06-07-2005, 07:32 PM
They are investigating *LOL* (but they are stumped)
They figured that i'd had my original plate stolen and they had that.....not so
The only way another can be reissued is for me to sign for it and i can only get another if the original is stolen ...which it hasnt
I asked them to let me know the outcome....i want charges laid against the thieves
06-07-2005, 09:21 PM
Seems your plates work very differently in australia, interesting! I would never have thought - I'll mark it as my thing learned for the day :) I know here often the plates for our vehicles are made by prisoners - perhaps someone conveniently made an unofficial duplicate. It wouldn't shock me anyway, not in the States. Can't comment on the theft bit at the moment, as I'm too stunned to learn that you own your plates for life and you have different kinds (perhaps the different kinds are like how ours work by state).
06-07-2005, 09:52 PM
I'm pretty sure plates here are not made by prisoners....but i could be wrong....And if someone made an unofficial duplicate...i'm gonna eat em alive
Here we have Normal State plates....Personalised plates and Custom plates
Unsure on how the custom and personalised work now...but when i bought mine in '89 you got a contract with them and you had permanant and exclusive rights to that plate
Unless of course you choose to sell them that is...and you must use a certain form and sign them over to the new owner (which i have not done)
06-07-2005, 10:34 PM
Years ago,when my family,was visiting my parents,in Conn.,my house was broken into.The only thing taken,was about 1/2 an oz of a 1/4 oz bag of
pot & a "shotgun" pipe that I had bought in the old "Combat Zone" in Boston.
You can't call the cops & report your pot stolen(illegal) but thru a little
detective work of my own,I found who stole it in ,about,6hrs.According to my
friends,he had an unfortunate accident,because he should have known better!
I never got my things back.Just satisfaction. Irish
P.S.MORAL:Never screw with a Biker.There used to be a code,that was very
strong! :line:
06-08-2005, 01:23 PM
I got my first "grown up" bike for my 12th birthday and my mom told me to put it up because we were going to go have a birthday dinner out and when we got back it was gone. We were only gone for maybe a couple of hours and the Bike was behind our house inside the privacy fence so it couldn't have been seen and it was just up and gone like that. I think it scarred me for life. Now every time I get something I REALLY REALLY want theres always that little seed in the back of my head that it's not going to be there for long before somebody takes it from me.
That really sucks Gal... I've had a couple bikes stolen from me in the past. Actually, more than a couple. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
Teddy Bear
06-08-2005, 08:37 PM
We used to have an American flag on a pole that fit into a bracket outside the front door. The bracket was quite high and at 5'8" I had to stand on a bench to get the flag in it. I'd put the flag out in the morning on all patriotic holidays and a few other days of importance to me and most Sundays and I took it in at night.
On Memorial Day 1983 we took my oldest to the parade in town. Flag was waving in the breeze when we left.
When we got back the flag was gone!!
I've had a few other things stolen but that one surprised me the most.
06-09-2005, 07:31 AM
We had a theving bunch of mutherfuckers at my school this year, and one of them got my cell phone. :mad: Two other kids turned them in, and when we went to question the kid, he got real offended that we would even think he had done such a thing. Looked me right in the face and said that he wasn't a theif, and he would never do that to me, he had more respect for me than that. He actually got kinda nasty about it. To make a long story short, they searched his locker and his things, and the little bastard had it the entire time. I got my phone back, and he got ten days of suspension followed by ten hours of community be supervised by yours truly... :nuts:
My whole house got cleared out last May....over $7000.00 worth, not to mention sentimental value of some jewelry.
I have also had two cars stolen that of course I didn't get the true value of from my insurance company......
No one knows what that feels like until it happens to them.
06-09-2005, 10:33 AM
[QUOTE=Alassė]I cant stand it dammit!!
Some low life scum sucking bastard has stolen from me and i dont like it!
I have had to deal with my local police & interstate police (major city and my old home town) trying to figure out how these assholes managed to get their hands on my number plate!
The original (which i still have in my possession) has been photographed and handled by more ppl than it has in its entire life *L*
a motorbike has a real bad accident interstate and strangely it has a duplicate of my plate on it!
Not happy Jan!!
Does your plate #,stay the same year after year?For example,the plate # on
my motorcycle was NH 1125.I live on RT 125,& my friends used to say-You're
#1 on 125(joke)Therefore,if they saw another motorcycle,with that #,they
would automatically know that it wasn't mine & let me know! Irish
06-09-2005, 01:19 PM
My plate stayed the same Irish....i own the rights to the combination of letters used (it was a word actually)
06-09-2005, 01:37 PM
Here we only own a tag for a number of years...vanity plates ( with stuff spelled out) are renewable but can lapse. Not sure if they are able to be picked up by someone new. I joked with Mr. Lil I was gonna get BRB LOL
06-09-2005, 04:19 PM
My plate stayed the same Irish...
06-10-2005, 01:43 AM
Back in the day, me & my guitar player got our axes stolen out of the back of the van after a freebie gig...looking back, it seems foolish of us to have gone out swimming at the Cliffs on Priest Lake without unloading our gear first, but we were young & loss actually turned to good fortune, as I lost a Jazz Bass that I really had trouble playing due to the narrow neck, insurance paid our claim, & I found my '64 Precision in the back room at the music store (in need of refinishing due to sun damage, but with a lot music left in it), still playing it to this gp wasn't so lucky, he lost an irreplacable Les Paul Jr. from the 50's, & he never got a cent from his insurance co...
More recently I discovered 3 unauthorized charges on my credit card (totaling about $350), requiring me to close out the cards & wait a week for the bank to send new ones...along with a big wad of forms to fill out & sign, testifying that I didn't make the charges & that I will press charges against whoever did (yeah, right, like they'll ever catch the bastards)...
07-14-2005, 09:41 PM
UPDATE: I'm gonna hit the fuckers upside the head!
I just got an infringement notice in the mail...124km/h in a 60km/h zone....$440 bucks and 12 months licence suspension
Though after much ringing local and interstate its all sorted....but i swear if i get me hands on em!!!
07-14-2005, 09:45 PM crazy :spin:
07-14-2005, 11:27 PM
When I was 5 years old, we went across the US Border from Arizona to Mexico when I was along on one of my dad's business trips. My dad bought me a beautiful handmade little Mickey Mouse necklace that was made by local jewelry makers. I treasured this necklace as a little girl.
My first day of gym class back in 1st grade, we were required to take off all jewelry. I had placed the necklace deep down inside my backpack, and after gym was over, found out it was gone. I do know who stole it, but never got it back, despite getting my teacher and parents involved. It broke my heart.
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