View Full Version : So...... freakin.... bored

06-07-2005, 02:16 AM
ARG SOMEONE BEAT ME WITH A FREAKIN STICK!!!! lol this workin the backshift sucks ass I tell ya , just thought I'd yell a little lol

now it is I get off work at 12 30 and get home and stay up for the next like eight hours while everyone else sleeps , at least in a few weeks I'll be working till 4:30am

man oh man passing the time is hard , more people need to stay up late dang it

06-07-2005, 02:38 AM
i am naturally a night person, and i preferr to work the overnight shift. But yes there have been times that i too have gotten so flippin' bored. at least you have the internet and pixies to go to :):):)