View Full Version : Modling..........legitimate or not?

Slow Ride
06-05-2005, 07:23 PM
My 16 year old Daughter was contacted by a Modeling and Acting School.

We went to meet with them this morning and she auditioned for them.
She will know tomorrow if she has been seclected,if she is seclected she will be required to attend they're Modeling and Acting School.The School will cost me about $1,600.00.............I guess I can mention the name of the School here. .........Barbizon School of Modeling.

does anybody know if this is legitimate? Is Schooling required to be a Model.

thank you for your input on this.

06-05-2005, 08:05 PM
I am not sure about the place you mentioned, but I do know that there are classes for modeling and from what I understand they teach a girl to act like a lady, with their posture, manners, etc.

Keep us updated

06-05-2005, 08:14 PM
I'm not familar with the school you mention, but I imagine they are all fairly similar. I know someone who also took their daughter to one of these "auditions" ... make sure this is REALLY what your daughter wants - modeling is HARD work. Find out from the agent what her chances are for work, what sorts of modeling she would do, how it would demand of her time, how it would impact her academics, how much MORE it will cost after the initial $1600 outlay. Don't make any rush decisions, if she really has the potential to be a serious model they won't pass her by, they will be persistent and follow up while you take time to make the decision with her. I think teens see stardom at these sorts of things and don't realize that it's a lot of work without a high success rate. I don't want to dash your proud father moment, but I'd hate for you to jump in uninformed.

Sorry I didn't really answer your question, but rather gave you a lot of questions to consider.

best of luck...

06-05-2005, 08:21 PM
Schooling is no guarantee of employment as a model, but an agency will look more favourably

(probably, all things being equal) on someone who has shown the commitment to get

through the course.

A would-be model would have to be something very special to be taken up without a course.

Ultimately, it's a gamble and it's a very good money earner for these schools.

It may be worth finding out how many of their last 3 classes are now employed as models.

Slow Ride
06-05-2005, 08:25 PM
Thank you IWM & Maddy for your input on this..........I guess what worries me about this is the matter of putting out the money...........and nothing happens............I'll let you know what happens.

Thanks again !!!!

06-05-2005, 08:33 PM
I was curious and did a quick little hunt on the web to learn more about this particular school. I'd recommend it (the searching that is!). You might want to do a bit of research on getting into the modeling industry overall as well. I think you might be a bit shocked at some of what you read. I will forwarn you, I found stories on both sides of the fence and I think you can get a pretty good look at what you are getting into, as well as a good idea of the things you should be asking.

Slow Ride
06-05-2005, 08:35 PM
Thanks Oldfart................this Modeling stuff is new to me........

it seems like a big risk

06-05-2005, 10:01 PM
Slow Ride.........

I am VERY familiar with that school. Almost everyone with the cash gets "accepted". As mentioned above, there is no guarantee that you'll land an assignment. There are other ways to go if she is REALLY SERIOUS! I've been in the biz for 30 yrs. and i'll fall short of saying this is a scam because they now call themselves a school.

If you or anyone wishes more info, PM me...... I answer questions like this every time an "outfit" like this blows into town. They really just provide you with pictures that can be done locally by a pro for much less.

Sorry to be so negative.... I just hate to see hard working people throw this much money away .....

06-05-2005, 10:51 PM
In earlier years,both of my daughters modeled.They didn't go to school for it.
They were payed for each modeling session.It was mostly local in session.
They finally got out of it,because it wasn't that steady an income & they
couldn't stand how efeminate(sp?) the men models were.They grew up around
bikers & in those days,they were a pretty crude but very protective bunch.
Just remember-If it seems to good to be true,it probably is.I'd investagate,
before investing any money! Irish
P.S.They're both in their 30s now & each have 2 kids!

Slow Ride
06-05-2005, 11:05 PM
your comments are really making me think more about this......

Thanks everybody for your input........that's why I posted here for help...

Maddy.........thanks for researching

06-06-2005, 12:17 AM
I say google it. :google: is your friend! and if you still aren't sure if it is bona-fide contact a magzine company... write a letter to the editor or whatever... they may be able to refer you to someone who can or will check into the agancy to see if it is legit! they may even write your letter into the mag if you put enough info about your concerns in the letter. perhaps put it in as part of a "modeling article" etc. where they may answer your questions. i personally dont know though. hope i dont get your hopes up too high but try contacting magazines such as ym etc.(teen mags) they have the most exposure to teen models.(at least i would think so.)

06-06-2005, 03:41 AM
Somebody may have mentioned it and I just missed the comment ..

check with your local Better Business Bureau. A couple of times our kids were attracted to an offer (not modeling) and we did contact the BBB ... and were glad we did. They had a considerable file on the places and steered us clear of a few that were not desireable and could have been problems.

06-06-2005, 07:01 AM
This isn't really advice on a the schol or modeling or anything, and here's my disclaimer: by saying this I DO NOT mean to tell you how to raise your kid. Just sharing experience I have witnessed.

Be very very very careful and make damn sure your daughter wants to do this. I see too many parents that push their kids into stuff, be it modeling, acting, singing, sports whatever. these parents don't do it for the kids, they do it so that they can live vicariously through their children. The end result it usually pissed off and disappointed parents and a really fucked up psychotic kid, becuase they believe they'll never measure up to what their parents want them to be.

Case in point. I teach at a local middle school. We have several girls that do modeling, but one has started to make it big. Her parents have pushed and pushed her, lining up her auditions, buy clothes no twelve year old girl should wear, shuttling her to acting, singing dancing and ettiquete coahces, even to the point of making her business cards with her hair and eye color, clothing sizes, and measurements printed on them. (Yes, measurements! For a tweleve year old! I swear to god, that makes me want to vomit)...but I digress. This has been going on for a year. Their daughter has been in therapy for bulemia for the last six months, becuase some douchbag photographer told her she was too fat (she MAYBE weighs 105 pounds) and has been harassased, threatened and picked on at school because the other kids think she is stuck up. They have also ingrained in her little brain that money is the solution to all her problems, and so now she is absolutely obsessed with money and nice things. She's had her stuff stolen on numerous occasions.

I guess my point is that she's hurting, and she's missing the opportunity to be a kid. and I feel like her parents are to blame for it.

cliff's notes: Be careful what you wish for and listen to your kids.

:box: :box: :box: :box: :box: :box:

06-06-2005, 01:28 PM
What she said ^^^ no offense intended. ive just seen it happen to too many kids.

06-06-2005, 02:35 PM
We USED to have ads for Barbizon here in Seattle years ago... haven't heard a peep about them for a looong time.

Not sure if that's good or bad, but I would be wary.

Good luck!

06-06-2005, 03:44 PM
I'll answer what I can...we have relatives who own Barbizon. PM me and I'll tell you what I know.

06-07-2005, 10:08 PM
Been there done that but with a different company. Seems Lilith has your answers. Just be certain it's not just a phase. There's a whole lot more to it than just smiling for the camera and it can and will take its toll...best wishes and good luck