View Full Version : you know what?
06-04-2005, 09:43 PM
dear pixie's dudes and chicks,
you know what? you guys are awesome. Seriously. I have been on several other message boards and none of them treat their members with the same respect and courtesy that you guys do. I have been off and on at pixie's over the last few months but I am happy to say that i feel like i ahve found an online community where I feel I can be myself and voice my opinions without being flamed or persecuted. You are all very respectful, openminded, tolerant individuals. I enjoy being a part of this group.
So everyone give themselves a big pat on the back (or what ever body part suits you best) because you's guys are the COOLEST!
06-04-2005, 09:49 PM
what a sweet thing to say. :) Sometimes we get a lttled riled. LOL But we do TRY to keep it civil.
06-04-2005, 09:55 PM
I know what you mean. I tried to join another board but they wanted nude pics to prove I was a woman. Oh brother, what did it really matter, I wasn't trying to get a date!
06-05-2005, 01:05 AM
I've been a member of quite a few bulletin board sites too and I couldn't agree with you more LAW....this is an amazing group of people, probably the nicest bunch of perverts one could ever hope to mingle with, online or off.
06-05-2005, 05:34 AM
...the nicest bunch of perverts one could ever hope to mingle with, online or off.
Good line! :boink:
06-05-2005, 05:57 AM
...this is an amazing group of people, probably the nicest bunch of perverts one could ever hope to mingle with, online or off.
yeah, I will have to agree with that line. If it weren't for pixies then i wouldn't be mingling with Mayhem right now :):):)
06-05-2005, 06:26 AM
I definately couldn't have said it better myself although i must confess when i stumbled across pixies i wasn't even looking for a place to hang an perv,
but one day i tried the chat room and was encouraged in there to join by some very friendly folks(thanks poe). and the rest as they say is history....even better i get to see two folks i truly enjoy the chat company of hook up and there's nothing like a bit of love to encourage the rest of us to hang on thru rough waters....oh dear i DO ramble on and on don't I? wellanyway what she said!!!!! :thumb:
06-05-2005, 11:01 AM
I love it here too! The other sites are just meat markets, everyone is looking to either A.) Meet you or
B.) Have cyber sex
I have to say it's not like that here, and that's why I've stuck around and gotten attached to all you guys and gals!
Teddy Bear
06-05-2005, 11:28 AM
Pixies is truely unique! A 'family' of sorts.
The members are terrific but I think its also the way it was originally set up to be run. And thanks to the owners and our super mods it will continue to be run in the same way.
Thanks Pixies!!
06-05-2005, 08:30 PM
Next month is my 4 year anniversary here...and the reason is the people. A very unique and special place with some truly special people.
(((pixies people)))
06-05-2005, 08:35 PM
Lonelyarmywife, thanks for the :thumb:! What makes Pixies so special (IMHO) are special people like you. I do believe this is the best site on the web. Just passed my three year mark May 15th and wouldn't trade the experience being here for anything. ;)
06-06-2005, 12:28 AM
i have only been a member for a little over a month. maybe month and a half. joined in really late april. but i agree with you all completely. my appreciation for this forum cant be put into words. i take your compliment to heart LAW and thank you in return. And i also thank you LAW for being just as nice, welcoming, open-minded, and perverted as the rest of us. :)
06-06-2005, 09:16 AM
I too have found Pixies to be the "Best on the Web!" I don't even look for other sites anymore. All of you Pixies have been real, whether it be some serious stuff or even the goof ball stuff that takes place here.
I just have to agree with L.A.W. Pixies is the best :thumb:
06-06-2005, 09:37 AM
Yeah, I think Pixies is quite the phenomenon too.
06-06-2005, 09:49 AM
to quote CGT (from what thread, i cannot remember) "...this is our feel good place." that has stuck with me for many many months. it truely is a feel good place, both sexy and realistic too.
This is where i met my Love, made lots of friends, can share in their joy in their personal lives, or talk to a few that have struggles. I even know a few pixies offline as well, and there is still that sense of community/family there.
Hip Hip Hurray HIp Hip Hurray Hip Hip Hurray for Pixies! :line:
06-06-2005, 11:19 AM
Pixies has heart!!!
06-06-2005, 03:39 PM
This was really nice to come home to. ((hugs))
06-06-2005, 05:55 PM
to quote CGT (from what thread, i cannot remember) "...this is our feel good place." that has stuck with me for many many months. it truely is a feel good place, both sexy and realistic too.
Thanks Lizz. It's true. I really have a bond with these people. I talk to them daily in personal IM's and they really do care. Anyone I chat with has a special place in my heart. :)
I too have found Pixies to be the "Best on the Web!" I don't even look for other sites anymore. All of you Pixies have been real, whether it be some serious stuff or even the goof ball stuff that takes place here.
I just have to agree with L.A.W. Pixies is the best :thumb:
What 'goof ball' stuff? :p Kidding!
LAW, I'm glad you're here with the rest of us to take part in making Pixies the truly special place that it is!
06-12-2005, 09:18 AM
OK First I have to agree with what every one has already stated.
I have been on forums that had nothing to do with sex, that still had trouble makers and I am truly amazed at how nice and encouraging everyone is here.
I think we do owe our thanks to the creators and moderators, but we ourselves have helped them make PP what it is today (I think this is where we all stand up and take a bow).
I have only been here a short while, but I feel like I have known some of you much longer. I am here every day if at all possible.
If PP was a geographical location, I'd sell everything I own (except my guitar, I might need that to serenade you lovly ladies) and move there, Ahhh! Paradise.
Thanks to all Spanky
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