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06-01-2005, 10:49 PM
Did anyone see the Eagles 1 Final Tour on TV tonight?I may be dating myself,
but they have always been great & still so.I especially appreciate Glen Frey.
He was one of their lead musicians & songwriters.He was always under the
influence of something & one day said---If I have this much talent stoned,
imagine how good I would be if I wasn't.He quit booze & every other drug &
is still great.The "Miami Vice" television show.once even had an episode,based on his song "Smugglers Blues"(sp?)He played a cameo role in it
as a pilot.I appreciate anyone that has gone thru quitting.The 15th,of this month,will be 13yrs,since I quit alcohol,so I know,what your body & mind,go
thru. Irish

06-02-2005, 04:30 AM
Nope i didnt see it...but i do like the Eagles music

06-02-2005, 06:44 AM
I think I saw the same concert last summer live.

They were great. Glen Frey choked on his water at the one I went to and someone had to start singing for him. It was cute. He's very animated, so he played it off.

06-02-2005, 08:03 AM
One of the band members,said last night,that as long as they put a #,to
their LAST tours,they can have as many last tours,as they want to. Irish

06-02-2005, 10:00 AM
I love the Eagles, and saw them many times in the 70's... and then saw them again when they did the Hell Freezes Over tour, it was incredible! They've got a tour this summer and will be playing at the university in my humble little city... but I'm not willing to mortgage the house to buy the tickets (which are long since sold out anyway)

I saw the show, or at least part of it, last night. I sat down to watch it and promptly fell asleep. I noticed they were missing Don Felder, the lead guitar who's been with them for decades. Anyone know about that?

06-02-2005, 10:31 PM
The concert was repeated again tonight,on BRAVO(Cable network Station)
It was taped in Melbourne,Australia. Irish
P.S.Don Henley even said-It's good to be back"Down Under".

06-02-2005, 11:30 PM
I caught it half of it tonight, what I saw was great! Joe Walsh is a nut!

06-03-2005, 12:22 AM
I noticed they were missing Don Felder, the lead guitar who's been with them for decades. Anyone know about that?Felder was fired from the band a year or 2 ago, for undisclosed reasons...which surprised me to the extent that from various things I'd heard along the way, Joe Walsh would have been the one I expected to get the axe before anybody...Don Henley said in an interview sometime before the Hell Freezes Over reunion that "Joe Walsh was an interesting group of people"...

06-03-2005, 05:00 AM
I need a really good antenna extension to catch things like that.

06-03-2005, 05:21 AM
I saw the show, or at least part of it, last night. I sat down to watch it and promptly fell asleep. I noticed they were missing Don Felder, the lead guitar who's been with them for decades. Anyone know about that?

FYI everyone, that show from NBC is out on DVD (or will be any day I believe) in case any one missed it

As for Felder, he was fired about 5 years ago an replaced by a guy named Stuart Sutcliffe (at least I'm pretty sure that's his name - trying to recall fromt he concert I saw) - the man is an excellent guitar player...I didn't miss Felder at all....

06-03-2005, 08:54 AM
FYI everyone, that show from NBC is out on DVD (or will be any day I believe) in case any one missed it

As for Felder, he was fired about 5 years ago an replaced by a guy named Stuart Sutcliffe (at least I'm pretty sure that's his name - trying to recall fromt he concert I saw) - the man is an excellent guitar player...I didn't miss Felder at all....
There is a combination(DVD & CD) available,that I bought, in the music section,of Wal*Mart,some time ago.It is titled-" EAGLES-The Very Best Of"
It has 2 CDs & a Special Limited-Edition Bonus DVD with 1."Hole in the World"
2.Making the Video.
3.Backstage Pass to Farewell 1 Irish

06-04-2005, 01:23 AM
As for Felder, he was fired about 5 years ago an replaced by a guy named Stuart Sutcliffe (at least I'm pretty sure that's his name - trying to recall fromt he concert I saw) - the man is an excellent guitar player...I didn't miss Felder at all....
Interesting name...that was the name of the Beatles' bass player who left the group & died of cerebral hemmorage before the Fab Four made it big...whatever the Eagles' new guitar player's name is, he did seem more than competant, & bore a passing resemblance to Lyle Lovett (with a better haircut LOL)...

06-05-2005, 09:57 AM
Hotel California is one of those songs like Stairway to Heaven that I never need to hear again. Both were great when originally performed,but were played and played and played ad nausium on the radio. Always been a fan of Joe Walsh dating back to The James Gang.