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05-31-2005, 04:58 PM
June 1 is . . . . . Dare Day

June 2 is . . . . . National Rocky Road Day

June 3 is . . . . . Repeat Day

June 4 is . . . . . Old Maid's Day

June 5 is . . . . . Festival Of Popular Delusions Day

June 6 is . . . . . Teacher's Day and National Applesauce Cake Day

June 7 is . . . . . National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

June 8 is . . . . . Name Your Poison Day

June 9 is . . . . . Donald Duck Day

June 10 is . . . . National Yo-Yo Day

June 11 is . . . . National Hug Holiday and King Kamehameha Day

June 12 is . . . . Machine Day

June 13 is . . . . National Juggling Day and Kitchen Klutzes Of America Day

June 14 is . . . . Pop Goes The Weasel Day

June 15 is . . . . Smile Power Day

June 16 is . . . . National Hollerin' Contest Day

June 17 is . . . . Watergate Day and Eat Your Vegetables Day

June 18 is . . . . International Panic Day

June 19 is . . . . World Sauntering Day

June 20 is . . . . Ice Cream Soda Day

June 21 is . . . .Cuckoo Warning Day More Info on Cuckoo Warning Day

June 22 is . . . . National Chocolate Eclair Day

June 23 is . . . . National Pink Day

June 24 is . . . . Museum Comes To Life Day

June 25 is . . . . Log Cabin Day

June 26 is . . . . National Chocolate Pudding Day

June 27 is . . . . National Columnists Day

June 28 is . . . . Paul Bunyan Day

June 29 is . . . . Camera Day

June 30 is . . . . Meteor Day

05-31-2005, 05:05 PM
well that is a bit appropriate, Camera Day is my birthday and i plan on taking alot of pictures........

05-31-2005, 05:11 PM
June is a fine month for chocolate! :drool:

June 12 is . . . . Machine Day ~Or as I call it Spin cycle day! :spin:

June 24 is . . . . Museum Comes To Life Day ~That's scary! :yikes:

05-31-2005, 05:27 PM
June is a fine month for chocolate! :drool:

June 12 is . . . . Machine Day ~Or as I call it Spin cycle day! :spin:

June 24 is . . . . Museum Comes To Life Day ~That's scary! :yikes:
Is why you won't catch me dead in a wax museum!

05-31-2005, 05:36 PM
My ex-husband is getting married on Old Maids Day. LMFAO. :D

05-31-2005, 05:44 PM

June 17 is . . . . Watergate Day and Eat Your Vegetables Day


...and now we know! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4597503.stm

06-01-2005, 06:47 AM
June 20th.....the Lama gets an ice cream SODA for his B-day!!

06-01-2005, 09:55 AM
June 8 is . . . . . Name Your Poison Day

I think I'll name mine "George"...

06-01-2005, 11:37 AM
June 18 is International Panic Day

....glad to have a few days to work up into one