View Full Version : Transitions — David Frost

05-30-2005, 06:48 PM
David Frost – Sir David Frost – has aired his last syndicated TV episode.

He came to television in the 1960s with That Was the Week that Was. He mixed pure entertainment - shows like The Frost Report, with serious political interviews: Benazir Bhutto, Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, Harold Wilson and President Bush were all of his subjects.

Mr. Frost seemed to prefer making new shows rather than extending existing ones, The Frost Programme, Frost on Friday, A Degree of Frost, Not So Much A Programme, More a Way of Life were some of them. There was also the ‘Frost Over’ series. Frost Over England won an award. Other Frost Over shows included ones about America, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Perhaps he’ll now turn his talents towards producing, but I doubt it. :(