View Full Version : Early Father's day present

05-23-2005, 12:35 PM
Today my son's kindergarten class had the student's bring thier Father's and/or grandfathers in for a father's day special, just as they did for Mother's day.

I got a Shrinkable (anyone remember those) that Ryan drew of himself that was turned into a keychain.

I also got a card:

To My Grea (the T is missing) Dad

* My Daddy is 39 years old
* He weighs 120 lbs and is 12 feet tall
* His hair is brown and his eyes are blue
* He loves to cook macaroni and cheese
* His favorite TV show is Sports Center and his favorite song is Mr Lonley ( I have no idea what that song is....I think Ryan made it up)
* Daddy always tells me sports are cool
* It makes him happy when I play golf
* If he could go on a trip, he would go up North and he would bring golf clubs
* I really love it when my Dad plays with me

Happy Father's Day! I love you Dad


Ryan's coming over this afternoon, and we are going to have Mac and cheese and play together.

Who can beat that?

05-23-2005, 12:52 PM
No one! Perfect! You've done a marvelous job!

05-23-2005, 01:03 PM

One of the delicious Dad Moments. :thumb:

05-23-2005, 01:04 PM

have a great time with him today!

05-23-2005, 01:49 PM
Ok...I was hoping to avoid being verklempt over "dad stuff" until Father's Day actually arrived! Damn you for hitting me with it this early!

05-23-2005, 02:48 PM
Ryan's coming over this afternoon, and we are going to have Mac and cheese and play together.

Who can beat that?

It's said that we all get 15 minutes of fame in our lives..Thx for sharing one of yours..Used to really choke me up when the Step kids did things like that for me..

05-23-2005, 03:29 PM
Oh man, your son thinks you're 12 feet tall! That's like epic/hero proportions! WOW!!!
Feelin' a bit verklempt myself here. :hug:
What a great gift that was!! :D

05-23-2005, 04:44 PM
Being a parent can be very difficult sometimes, but moments like this make you realize just how wonderful life can be!

05-23-2005, 05:24 PM
Ok...I was hoping to avoid being verklempt over "dad stuff" until Father's Day actually arrived! Damn you for hitting me with it this early!

Sorry WildIrish, I just couldn't help myself.

I've just put alot of unhappy thoughts out there recently, and so I kinda feel like I OWE it to my Pixies friends to chip in some GOOD news.


05-23-2005, 06:59 PM
I bet you are 12 feet tall in his eyes. :) You sound like a wonderful father.
Thank you for sharing such a special moment with us.

05-23-2005, 09:15 PM
Congratulations, Nutworld. Times like this make difficult moments of parenthood all worthwhile. Treasure the day, and save the card........take it out and look at it when he's 16 and suddenly you wonder where that little boy went. It will see you through till he grows up and remembers just how much he still loves you.

Have a great Father's Day!!

05-24-2005, 03:09 AM
That was neat, 1nutworld. Save that list somewhere ... it's priceless! ;)

05-24-2005, 05:50 AM

Save it, cherish it and keep it handy for the day it'll be the only thing to keep you from

throttling him.

05-24-2005, 07:11 AM
Awwwww that is so sweet, very cool nutworld!!!