View Full Version : John Lennon's Jukebox

05-20-2005, 11:05 PM
Did anyone here have the opportunity to see this show yet? It's a PBS (heh almost wrote "PMS" LOL) Great Performances broadcast.

It was facinating to see how directly the Beatles/Lennon music was influenced by other earlier artists. I think we always knew how much their music was connected to these other famous and not-so-famous groups but it was surprising to see just how much so!

The jukebox itself certainly was a fantasic find as well! Full of music history for sure.

05-20-2005, 11:17 PM
i have not but it sounds interesting

05-20-2005, 11:19 PM
I'll have to see when it is on here...I had not heard of it.

05-21-2005, 01:29 AM
I forgot to post the link earlier. It's really quite interesting....a bit of reading for when ya bored maybe. LOL
