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View Full Version : Short Rant on IMing Pixies

05-19-2005, 04:19 PM
This is not directed to the constant memebers of pixies, but more to the casual members.

Ever since DP and I posted pix on the site she has been getting a lot of people IMing her to say hi and be friendly. That's great, we're both all about meeting new people, and neither of us are shy.
However most of the pix are posted under my Username, so occasionally I get random IM's from users stopping by to say hi. That's fine by me. Most of the time I am bored anyway.
But of the 4-5 times this happened the conversation has gone something like:

Them: "Hey"
Me: "Hey"
Them: "Saw your pics on pixies. Very hot"
Me: "Thanx"
Them: "You have a very lucky boyfriend"
Me: "I am the boyfriend. You're thinking of DP"
Them: "Oh sorry"
Me: "It's okay. And yes, I do feel lucky"
Them: "Great, Bye"

Is there something wrong with talking to me just cause I'm the guy in the relationship? It's not like i'm going to try to cyber with you, and if the only reason you are IMing me thinking i'm someone else is the possible chance to cyber, I'd suggest not choosing people who are in relationships.

Sorry, this might be nothing. But it's happened to me twice today and the second time the guy blocked me to make it look like he logged off. That's kinda gets to me.


05-19-2005, 04:26 PM
I totally agree! Absolutely, 100%!!!!

You have a very lucky boyfriend! :D

Ok, stupid jokes aside, I agree with you too. I'm sure it's nice to hear the great feedback on your and DP's pics, but it'd be nice to have someone talk to YOU too. It's just polite.

05-19-2005, 05:01 PM
Really I wouldn't care if they did or did not talk to me. But it gets on my nerves when people suddenly end a conversation because I'm not who they thought I was.

05-19-2005, 05:08 PM
Well your sig line may be sending a mix signal if they are under the impression you are the she in the couple. And they may want to play/train with her and not you necessarily. Also if they think they are chatting up a girl and surprise it's a boy they may be embarrassed. If it's a really big problem for you then you could remove you IM information or possibly make your sig line less inviting and your av obviously male (not that it isn't). Not sure...just some ideas.

05-19-2005, 07:45 PM
put something in your bio...i did and i don't get nearly as many fishing expeditions as i used to.
at least they said bye to you...i rarely even got that much :p

05-19-2005, 08:10 PM
Lilth I think it really comes down to the embarasement part. As I don't mind people IMing me. It's the sudden "I don't want anything to do with you" attitute I get when they find out I'm a guy.

05-19-2005, 08:32 PM
as a wise woman once told me...some peeps are just assholes. :)

05-19-2005, 09:23 PM

05-19-2005, 10:20 PM
I, too, got tired of the IM's that they just wanted a cyber. so I changed my location and my sig line and even my Yahoo messenger thingie. There are good peeps out there that may really want to have a real convo (besides doing the Pixies private messaging thimg) so i set up a new Yahoo account. I gave Mayhem my password to it so if there is a particularly persisitant one, He can "talk" to them......oh i am so naughty, lol

i just got to know when to take the good with the not so good... it just comes with the territory of posting pics. at least we aren't a real meat market like *clears throat* other ameteur sites, there is a great sense of family here.

05-19-2005, 10:55 PM
Sorry to hear you've had these problems .... hope it happens less often in the future ..

PF ... LOL at the fly fishin' pic!!!! :)

05-19-2005, 11:12 PM
I too understand exactly what you are saying. I too enjoy a good conversation every once in a while.


There is a bit more to life than sex....although it is fun tooo.

Just my two cents..


05-19-2005, 11:16 PM
^^^ I agree with you txgrneyes

I have lots of people on my messenger list, but only a handful want to have real conversations :rolleyes2 The others get ignored.

05-19-2005, 11:23 PM
There is a bit more to life than sex....


:eek: **Gulp** There is? :hug:

05-20-2005, 12:16 AM
I've had it happen to me, too. As soon as the guy figures out I'm not up for a booty call........and that I occasionally type with *both* hands..........and use polysyllabic words.........they're gone. :p

That's why I stick with you all here. :)