View Full Version : The Vampiress

05-18-2005, 05:24 PM
Some say she is evil, a daughter of demons and sister of the undead
But these are who cannot understand where her feet have tread
Her skin is pale and her features hidden in dancing shadows
Not one knows where she comes from nor where it is she goes
Animalistic habits that cannot be undone, for grace is her enemy
And she wins over her prey with temptations, always seductively
In the day she sleeps and dreams of where to wander when she wakes
And men pray that she will not love them, for it’s their life she takes
When the night falls and the moonlight caresses her soft cheek
She arises and begins her search, and it is a man that she will seek
She’ll choose one that suits her fancy and her undying lust
Moving softly and quickly, for youth’s nourishment is an absolute must
Entering his bedroom so quietly and deadly, moving to his side
He’ll not know he’s in her trap until she chooses to no longer hide
By that time it’s far too late, for she is never defeated in her quest
And she’ll portray the part of lover, kissing his neck and chest
Until he falls victim to ignorance and embraces her wildly in his arms
For he has become entrapped by her touch, her beauty, and her charms
Though her breath is cool and there’s no heartbeat to be found
He notices not for his lusting breath is the only broken sound
His eyes lock on hers and he can never look away again
This is where his life ends and his death will begin
Suddenly her soothing kisses become more and more malicious
Her glistening fangs search for his vein of life, so wonderfully vicious
A subtle bite and a rush of warm blood entice her appetite
And her lips drain out his life, ever eager and full of delight
He knows what is happening but cannot fight against her
For she is always victorious and his death will be her cure
A love letter signed with his crimson seals his eternal fate
And yet still he cannot force himself to target her with hate
A moment’s pleasure that led him to his final place of rest
A futile fight and not one has ever survived her greedy test
Her deed done she returns to her haven of safety from revenge
Leaving the living world to discover her work and to cringe
She travels alone gladly for she wants no companion of her own
For darkness is her only lover and she cherishes being alone
Don’t seek the truth behind her face as pale as bright marble
For she is a phantom, filled with mystery as others marvel
Men of wisdom fall to your knees and pray to your God above
That she never finds her way to you and that you never ask for her love

:halo: Ok, So I had to make a poem about my namesake, lol.

05-18-2005, 05:54 PM
VERY well written!!!..Got some of my veins standing out and throbbing..Umm..Not on my neck though..Really enjoyed it!!

05-18-2005, 06:13 PM
Lol, thank you very much. Just another one of my "Series of Ladies" that I'm working on. I'll only post the more "interesting" ones on here since some of them are more serious. :wiggles:

On a side note, I'm also working on another story. Look for it in the "Boy/Girl" section when I finally get it completed. Above all...ENJOY!!!

07-20-2011, 06:34 PM
Please I want pixs of u in pantyhose