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05-15-2005, 06:37 PM
How old were you the first time you tried anal sex? And did you like it? If not, how old were you when you did it and liked it?

05-15-2005, 07:17 PM
Hmmm...I think I was 17. And I liked it. ;)

05-15-2005, 07:56 PM
20 or 21...loved it!

05-15-2005, 10:21 PM
I think I was 18... and loved it, too. :grin:

05-16-2005, 01:17 AM
i think i was 17 ... it was ok... not bad but not great. would love to try it again.

05-16-2005, 05:47 AM
<~~~~ Lilith the Late-Bloomer~ I think I was 30 and liked it!

05-16-2005, 06:28 AM
44, fun but still preferred the front bottom.

Teddy Bear
05-16-2005, 07:56 AM
I think i was 45..... love it !!

05-16-2005, 08:46 AM
18 or 19 and i loved it. still do

05-16-2005, 08:50 AM
I really don't remember how old I was! I'll guess I was in my early 20s and didn't love it right away. It took several times of experimenting & I probably had to relax a lot.

I'm curious about those who tried it later in life. What made you want to try it? A new lover or was it something in you (pardon the pun)?

05-16-2005, 08:58 AM
I really don't remember how old I was! I'll guess I was in my early 20s and didn't love it right away. It took several times of experimenting & I probably had to relax a lot.

I'm curious about those who tried it later in life. What made you want to try it? A new lover or was it something in you (pardon the pun)?
mudslides :D

05-16-2005, 09:05 AM
mudslides :D


:confused: mud...slides...mudslides :confused: :yikes:

05-16-2005, 09:17 AM
alchohol....the great lubricator lol

05-16-2005, 09:21 AM
18....... and it's about time to do it again!!

And alchohol does relax....... everything! :)

05-16-2005, 09:27 AM
Uhm... you don't wanna know.

05-16-2005, 12:04 PM

:confused: mud...slides...mudslides :confused: :yikes:

Oh man, I don't recall you having such a dirty mind! So gross! :D

Teddy Bear
05-16-2005, 12:21 PM
I'm curious about those who tried it later in life. What made you want to try it? A new lover or was it something in you (pardon the pun)?

Actually i guess if i'm to be completely honest i'd have to say it was Pixies. Had thought about it before but never did anything about it.

TY Pixies for the openess shown here and of course the 'how-toos'! :D :D

05-16-2005, 01:54 PM
I was 35 and loved it, although at first I was very doubtful. I still love it, when I can get it...lol

05-16-2005, 03:47 PM
Actually i guess if i'm to be completely honest i'd have to say it was Pixies. Had thought about it before but never did anything about it.

TY Pixies for the openess shown here and of course the 'how-toos'! :D :D

Yay! I wondered if anyone would mention Pixies as an influence!

05-16-2005, 03:49 PM
i was about 19 the first time i got fucked in my ass. it hurt, bit i still liked it and wanted more. then i learned about using a dildo to stretch myself out anf using lots of lube. then it felt great! i've been fucked lots of times since and always want more! :)

05-17-2005, 09:47 AM
This is something I just recently tried. The first time I really liked it...I was scared and it hurt a bit but my partner was patient and a good coach. Then I tried it a few weeks later and didn't like it at all. I haven't tried it again...so the verdict is still out on this one.

05-17-2005, 01:45 PM
Oh man, I don't recall you having such a dirty mind! So gross! :D

Damn...you have been gone awhile, huh? :D

05-17-2005, 03:45 PM
Damn...you have been gone awhile, huh? :D

ROFL No! I knew you were a naughty boy but it was more like boarding school in England naughty -- not the mudslide crack

(oh man, I just said crack in this thread)

*runs away shrieking with schoolgirl giggles*

05-17-2005, 04:18 PM
ROFL No! I knew you were a naughty boy but it was more like boarding school in England naughty -- not the mudslide crack

(oh man, I just said crack in this thread)

*runs away shrieking with schoolgirl giggles*

I feel it's important to bring you up to speed on something else that has happened in your absence. I went back to college briefly. I was majoring in Animal Husbandry until...well, until I was caught at it. :rolleyes2

Damn that :baa:! I swear it set me up! :D

Now, before we officially hijack this thread...I was 35 when I first had a vibrator used on me during fellatio.

05-17-2005, 10:34 PM
Have had several fairly unsuccessful attempts, the first of which was when I was about 19.

Never really got to grips with it or had a partner patient enough to teach me.

Anyone wanna help? ;)

Prophet Reality
05-17-2005, 11:33 PM
Have had several fairly unsuccessful attempts, the first of which was when I was about 19.

Never really got to grips with it or had a partner patient enough to teach me.

Anyone wanna help? ;)


Loulabelle..... You know all you need to do is ask and I will be more than happy to oblige!

05-18-2005, 02:43 AM
Thanks Proph - I'll remember that. ;)

05-18-2005, 04:31 AM
was 19 and verra verra drunk, so i remember very little of it.

then with a long term partner, i got to like it, as long as there was plenty of lube and patience ;)

05-18-2005, 09:33 AM
I was 18, it was ok, still enjoy it

05-18-2005, 10:27 AM
I'm the late bloomer. I was 46 (maybe 47, I'm not sure). The first time I really did enjoy it and was proud of myself, but I think the planets must have been properly aligned or something... because the two other times I tried it, I wasn't thrilled.

05-18-2005, 10:31 AM
Have had several fairly unsuccessful attempts, the first of which was when I was about 19.

Never really got to grips with it or had a partner patient enough to teach me.

Anyone wanna help? ;)

DUH! :p


05-18-2005, 10:36 AM
Hehehehe.....well Aqua, you're only allowed to help if you spill the beans on how old you were the first time you had anal sex.....enquiring minds need to know. ;)

Cindy Kim
05-18-2005, 12:42 PM
19 years old, and I liked it, but didn't love it, the first time.

05-18-2005, 01:12 PM
Can't say I have had that cherry popped...

Cindy Kim
05-18-2005, 01:15 PM
When you do, make sure he uses lots of lube...

05-18-2005, 09:47 PM
I was 19 and I didn't particually enjoy my first time since she HATED it. I slipped going in and went in too hard too fast. She cried and I felt like a complete asshole for hurting her like that. In the (mumble) years since then we have perfeted our technique and now it's a regular part of our sex lives.

05-19-2005, 12:29 AM
19 and it was fantastic

05-19-2005, 08:25 PM
Is there no one who absolutely hated it? Just wondering.

05-24-2005, 03:49 PM
I was 47..Remember it veryyyy well..lol..Woman I was with used a vibe first,then we went to get her a harness..No regrets here...

05-24-2005, 08:31 PM
Interesting. For those who were older..what was the reason to try it?

05-25-2005, 12:48 AM
I was 23 the first time, he did not use any lube so it was uncomfortable. The next time I was 32 and with the right lube and partner it felt pretty good.

01-18-2006, 01:15 AM
You know, I don't thinK I answered here. I was 17 or 18 and the gal and I did it a couple of times, but not real sophisticated or anything with lubes - think it was just spit and her. And there was a lot of alcohol involved too.

01-18-2006, 09:52 AM
Never did.

05-12-2006, 09:56 PM
I have played with my own ass while masturbating on occasion since my teenage years....

My first encounter with someone elses ass was my first wife's in a weird transitional period... I think I was 23 at the time...

I've played by myself with vibrators and butt plugs sometimes.... I had a girlfriend fuck my ass with a strap-on she wore a couple of times

With a kid in the house, it's been a while since I've been able to fuck my wife in the ass.... but thinking about it is great fodder for masturbation excitement... (I will sneak a finger or two into her ass while she sucks my cock or while I'm eating her pussy.... )

The truth is that if I go straight to the ass, I'll cum very quickly.... better to save anal for a 'second go' when circumstances allow.

05-13-2006, 05:51 AM
I was almost 18, before that, when I had sex with my bf(then) I only let him cum outside or in my mouth unless he put on a condom. He said he wanted to cum inside me so bad so we we did the next best thing but we took our time though. We even got a book and read how to do it. We started with his finger and alot of lube and work our way up until he can put a dildo in my anus. It was evenmore fun when he was fucking my anus with his fingers while I was on top riding his cock and with dildo, it was like getting DP!!. When I was ready, I got on all four with my butt up high and he slowly pushed his cock in. I love it since the start. Our sex got more intense after that, he would fucked me until he was about to cum then slipped his cock in to my anus and cum as hard as he want.

Ahhhhh....sweet memories.

05-13-2006, 01:27 PM
Never had the honor.

05-14-2006, 10:32 PM
I was 17 when we did it. I remember it hurting, but we tried it on several different occassions. Now it's something I love!

05-15-2006, 06:09 PM
i was 27 when i first tried it with a gf... and a bit older when a gf first probed me!

well worth the experiment

05-15-2006, 06:17 PM
19...I didn't like it and the guy it was with had no clue what he was doing. Maybe I should try it with someone experienced... ;)

05-15-2006, 06:19 PM
welcome! and i am always suprised how man people try it again when it hurts so much the first time for many... but all my recent gf's have been keen... so i guess it gets better with a litle stretching!!

05-16-2006, 04:00 AM
Well, I was 20 when I 1st officially tried anal for the 1st time and I would try again

04-17-2007, 07:25 AM
The last taboo thread got me thinking about this thread. Figured it was worth a bump.

04-17-2007, 07:36 AM
I was 18 the first time I tried it. It wasn't really a positive experience for me but even less so for her.

The first time I was the receiver of anal play I would've been 21 and I did enjoy that quite a bit. I've only had women use their finger(s) with me though, never a strap-on, yet. ;)

04-17-2007, 08:31 AM
19...I didn't like it and the guy it was with had no clue what he was doing. Maybe I should try it with someone experienced... ;)

and a volunteer !!!! :69: :kissass:..................(oh yeah 18....she 16 ...) luv a sexy lady givin it all to me trusting me so.....mmmmmmmmm excuse me.

04-18-2007, 08:26 AM
I had tried well kinda tried anal sex with previous partners. The reason why i said kinda tried is because they were hopless and didn't know what they were doing. The 1st official time that I had tried anal was with my current partner, I was 21, now I am 22. I didn't really like it. I heard that once all the pin and hurt of it goes away that it feels great that is why I originally wated to try it.
So they day come that DP and I tired itad yes was very painful, I think now looking back more painful than childbirth but after the pain was gone it didn't feel that good it's alot more uncomfortable. I would do it again if DP wanted to but that would be the only reason no for pleasure

04-18-2007, 08:39 AM
I did it aged 17 without lube and was a little painful... But I enjoyed it enough to want to try again. So after purchasing some lube (I'm so proud to be able to buy things like that with a big grin and no blush) we tried again a couple of times and very little pain for me and I enjoyed it quite a lot too. However, I think maybe I enjoyed it more than my OH, so he's never really been interested in it.

04-18-2007, 09:56 AM
I did it for the first time age 17, it hurt a little but we used a hell of a lot of KY and... um... "natural" lube :)

04-18-2007, 12:19 PM
I just actually did this for the first time the other day. Got the lady horny as well by watching some lovely dvds, then was working a toy in front and she was begging for it. Must say I had my reservations in the past, but would do it again.

P.S. Im 27

04-19-2007, 07:53 PM
Very young. I went to a guy I knew and had it.

04-19-2007, 09:08 PM
I was 22

04-20-2007, 06:17 PM
Hehehehe.....well Aqua, you're only allowed to help if you spill the beans on how old you were the first time you had anal sex.....enquiring minds need to know. ;)I can't say it out loud! :rolleyes2

04-21-2007, 12:56 AM
I didn't enjoy it. I was 18. Hell, I still don't enjoy it!

04-23-2007, 07:43 PM
I can't say it out loud! :rolleyes2Changed my mind.
My first anal experience was scary and it was 1965. I only did it a few times that summer. I fought off the knowledge that I am homosexual. I posed as Hetero for thirty years with many gay affairs in the meantime. Thanks to the openness of Polyamory and the wide acceptance of bisexuality (along with being utterly frustrated in monogamous marriage) I was able to out myself years ago. Folks seem to think that the bisexual is a confused one. I'm not having any problem loving Woman and Man - Vagina and Penis. Now I'm 55 and I truly am addicted to anal sex. I crave having my ass nicely lubed, filled with a cock and pumped til I'm delirious. Yeah, I crave fellatio giving also. It's all the best thing in skin.

08-30-2007, 10:43 PM
Anyone else?

07-05-2009, 09:57 PM
Can't remember exactly but early 20's. It hurt a LOT even with lots of lube. Learning to relax was the key. I liked it more when I learned to do DP...him in the rear (haha) and a toy in front.

07-06-2009, 05:46 AM
i THINK i was about 19...so 9 yrs ago.

07-06-2009, 08:39 AM
First anal penetration was an 'oops' with a drunken partner when I was 19.

First full anal intercourse was when I was around 29. Only reason I didn't do it before was that the man I was with previously wasn't particularly interested. The reason I did it the night I did go all the way was because I was incredibly horny and in lust and wanted to give myself to him in every way possible. I enjoyed it despite discomfort but because the relationship was all that healthy, I didn't like being that vulnerable with someone I didn't trust so after a few times, we stopped.

I introduced my current boyfriend to my arse last year, 3 years into our relationship. Previously he was dead set against anal sex but I think he did it partly to satisfy me and partly out of curiosity. He was converted and now we do it roughly once a month.

07-06-2009, 08:40 AM
tried with now spouse and didn't care for it at all

07-06-2009, 10:40 AM
I tried it with my NOW wife.I happen to have a very thick penis(NO bragging,
just helping to explain!)It hurt her terribly,so we never did it again.She could relax more and we could use more lube but there are SO MANY other things,
sexually,that we enjoy,that we figured,why bother?It reminds me of not liking
Scotch Whiskey,at first.People told me that you have to acquire a taste for it.
I said-I drink so much of everythng else,why bother?Now I've been dry for over 15yrs,so it doesn't matter! Irish :shrug:

07-06-2009, 05:12 PM
...we do it roughly once a month.

Do tell...

Some of us love stories about things done roughly ;) :p

07-06-2009, 05:44 PM
I was in late 20's early 30's i spose, cant remember exactly. Cant recall what made me want to try either (yeah yeah, i'm suffering from old timers!) But after much discussion with a gay friend *L* who gave me some awesome advice, i tried it.

Being that i was a horny young thing, lust oozing out that night, damned if it wasnt the dang near best thing at the time. I gotta be in the mood for it tho.

07-06-2009, 07:44 PM
I was 19 living in the dorms my second year. I met him in a yahoo gay chat room and my roommate was out of town so I invited him over. He had such a nice cock. About 7 inches long and nicely thick. It hurt more than I expected it would at first, but once I got used to it it felt so damn good. He fucked me good for about 15 minutes until he came. I should asked him to stick around for seconds, but I wasn't thinking properly.

07-07-2009, 10:31 AM
Do tell...

Some of us love stories about things done roughly ;) :p

Oh dear, what an evil mind you have Lilith.

07-07-2009, 02:20 PM
OK how about giving anal ? me mid 30's my wife is so tight that way ..... What was that line from Ferris Bueller's day off ? ' Cameron is so tight that if you stuck a lump of coal up his ass, in two weeks you'd have a diamond.' copied it from the internet...... I think the original quote was he'd shit a diamond ...... but one evening we were at my parents condo on the beach we were both relaxed not sure if she enjoyed it really she told me she did but it was quite easy

07-07-2009, 10:03 PM
Mine and my wife's first time was abouta year and a half ago. I had just gotten back from Iraq and she wanted to try something new. Lots of lube and now if we don't have anal sex almost every time there is atleast something pushed up her ass (i.e. finger, dildo, vibrator.)

07-07-2009, 10:04 PM
Mine and my wife's first time was abouta year and a half ago. I had just gotten back from Iraq and she wanted to try something new. Lots of lube and now if we don't have anal sex almost every time there is atleast something pushed up her ass (i.e. finger, dildo, vibrator.) Oh yeah, I was 35 and her 28 yrs old respectively.

07-09-2009, 12:20 PM
the first time i ever had anal sex i was 19 she was 26 my x's step mother. however when i was 30 am now 34 was the first time i had a rimjob an now i seek out woman who enjoy a nice tossed salad.

07-10-2009, 01:08 PM
My first anal experience was about 17, my future wife decided to stick her finger up in me while I jacked off...I was astonished at the force of my orgasm, I didn't yet understand about the prostate thing yet. We've tried it again a couple times since, but apparently I can't relax & enjoy it like I used to.

My first time "giving" anal was right after we got married; her idea, & I think it may have been in mind that that was the only "cherry" she had left to give her new husband...just theorizing...no lube available except her natural juices, & I think she liked it, but she seemed to forget about later. We didn't go that route again until many years later, while doing doggy I slipped a thumb up in her, & she went over the edge. Soon became a real favorite of hers, especially when we used her toys to simulate DP.

07-12-2009, 08:41 PM
I actually started anal stimulation during masturbation at 12 or 13 and actually had anal sex as I recall at age 16 or 17........

07-14-2009, 11:09 AM
I think I was 21 or 22, it hurt a bit at first, but once I got used to it, it felt GREAT!!!!

08-13-2009, 07:55 AM
On the giving end I was 21, the other end not yet. My hottest fantasy right now is to be tied up and have a woman wearing a strapon take my virginity !

11-03-2009, 05:22 AM
I was 22 the first time...WOW what an experience...very intense.

The first time someone let me do them, I was 30...that too was bot a surprise and felt great as well.

IMHO it is better to recieve then give.

11-09-2009, 03:24 AM
the first time I ever put my dick in someone's ass, I was 22 or 23. Didn't really do anything for me, I prefer the pussy.

11-11-2009, 03:22 PM
I THINK I was 19 and he was 20 the first time he tried anal on me...I wasnt too in to it at first...but now, I enjoy it when we do partake of it.

11-13-2009, 06:19 PM
I actually started anal stimulation during masturbation at 12 or 13 and actually had anal sex as I recall at age 16 or 17........

thanks kitten .............anymore details??? :thumbs: :kisser: :kisser: :kisser:

11-20-2009, 06:13 PM
Never fucked a woman in the arse but I have been fucked by another guy/s and it was great each time. Totally awesome. I have fucked two guys and that was really good, not better than pussy but different. Pussy is incredible I love seeing my s/o' pussy spread and her lovely labia. Especially in open knickers. Pussy looks great. Fucking other guys is different tight on entry but less so when I got in. Love being filled with cock.

12-28-2009, 09:19 PM
Never fucked a woman in the arse but I have been fucked by another guy/s and it was great each time. Totally awesome. I have fucked two guys and that was really good, not better than pussy but different. Pussy is incredible I love seeing my s/o' pussy spread and her lovely labia. Especially in open knickers. Pussy looks great. Fucking other guys is different tight on entry but less so when I got in. Love being filled with cock.

/faints into her own drool

02-13-2010, 05:19 PM
22 ( 59 now) Once I got used to it being in there, it felt great.

Vicious Tease
02-13-2010, 11:45 PM
31 the first time ... never really had any desire to try it, but too much alcohol and lines get blurred ...

loved it, btw

02-20-2010, 12:56 AM
I think ,I was 16 or 17 when had anal sex first time and enjoyed it.
Its a great fun at that time.