View Full Version : This made me so mad and cry at the same time

05-10-2005, 06:42 AM
Hi all,

I think of you all as one big family and feel so comfortable with you that i wanna share something today that made me cry. Lil i know we are not supposed to bitch about ex's etc but i dont have another outlet for this, if you wanna delete it go ahead i just wanted to post and express how sad i feel right now.

My ex wife and i were trying to have kids almost since we got married but never made it past 3 months. She always miscarried and usually very badly. This made me very upset and i think started me on the long slippery slope to depression (thanks lizz and others for pulling me out). We were always heartbroken when it happened because we wanted a baby so badly and because of my rare blood group its difficult. I even went to a doctors after the second to make sure that it wasnt me.

Today i bumped into not one, not two, but three old friends that i hadnt seen for months all in different places and they all told me the same thing that my ex has HAD a kid....not expecting but HAD..... i worked out the timings and iif im right she was pregnant the last time we were in court. I thought she had puut on weight. No wonder she didnt want the case to drag on.

Im mad because she was doing all this while she was trying to distroy me and it made me cry because she actually had this kid after everything we went through.

Thanks for reading


05-10-2005, 06:48 AM

I don't think there's anything I can say that'll help you feel better. It must be a horrible thing to go through, but you know we're here to offer support and a friendly ear.

I know it hurts, but it will get better. I promise.


05-10-2005, 06:54 AM
Mayhem.... I only suggest that members don't involve everyone in their personal affairs when those affairs involve other members. It can cause intense resentment.

Don't assume anything til you have facts. If it is your child you have legal rights and if not then you know there were extenuating cicumstances in your marriage you may not have been aware of. Either way there is a reason she didn't tell you. It could be that she was hiding it because it isn't yours, or because she is angry and wants to get back at you, or she didn't want you to stay just for the baby. Either way...you should probably give her a call and just ask.

05-10-2005, 07:14 AM

Good luck sir. I hope this works out well for you.

05-10-2005, 07:24 AM
Thanks everyone. I didnt expect such a quick reply though.

Lil:- we didnt do anything that could result in a child for 3 months before we seperated and it took another year for the divorce to be finalised so there is no way the kid could be mine thats why im upset. I should have explained that earlier sorry

05-10-2005, 07:29 AM
Well I'm very sorry. I guess you could take this as the ultimate sign that you made the right decision in ending the marriage.

05-10-2005, 07:31 AM
yeah i guess i did make the right call. Thanks again for reading .

05-10-2005, 09:27 AM

05-10-2005, 10:17 AM
I'm sorry to see anyone in pain. Hope time and friends can help to comfort you.

05-10-2005, 10:32 AM
I can only imagine how that makes you feel and I'm very sorry that you're hurting. I'm praying for you... (((mayhem)))

05-10-2005, 12:33 PM

My Friend, I know it hurts to find out she has what you both had wanted. I get the feeling from reading your post that this may be the only child she may be lucky to have. It wasn't meant to be for the 2 of you. But you have another chance in life to get to where you would like to be. My little voice keeps telling me that within 5 years I bet there is a little Mayhem running around causing mayhem. It's gonna hurt for a bit, but think about the future you still have time for. Your EX is out of your life now and you can move on, you don't have to put up with her trying to destroy you anymore. Maybe she did'nt tell you at the time because she did'nt want you to hurt even more.
Think to the future my friend. :)
Sorry I have'nt been around to talk to, been trying to get these boxes packed up. If you need to chat, I'll make some time!

Huggs my friend.....hang in there!

05-12-2005, 08:48 PM
.... My little voice keeps telling me that within 5 years I bet there is a little Mayhem running around causing mayhem. It's gonna hurt for a bit, but think about the future you still have time for. ........Think to the future my friend. :).........Huggs my friend.....hang in there!

5 years, huh....i was thinking along the lines of 2-3 years that we'll have our little Mayhem. :baby: ( Lizz has baby-fever! LOL)

Yes, Sweetie, think about OUR future. i KNOW that will make you smile! and hey, it is less than three weeks and i will be there to hug and hold ya and we can have lots of practice in making our own! :D

I love you Mayhem with all that i am!

05-12-2005, 09:12 PM
OK so I was really thinking sooner but didn't want to rush ya Lizz!! :D

Teddy Bear
05-15-2005, 04:51 PM

I'm glad we met and got to be friends.

But even more importantly I'm glad your future looks so wonderful with lizz!!!

Keep smiling and never forget how special you are! :)

Wishing you both all the best in life; lots of love, laughter, happy memories and of course great sex!!! :D

05-16-2005, 04:30 AM
I wanna thank everyone for everything that they have posted reading them reminded me why i joined here.

Teddy thank you so much for introducing me and lizz and i hope that when i visit the states i can come and see you and give you the hug you earned for it.

Soda dont worry about not being around to talk to ill catch you when lizz is there.

I just have to say that this is such a great place and feels like a second home to me. Thanks everyone

Teddy Bear
05-16-2005, 08:14 AM
Teddy thank you so much for introducing me and lizz and i hope that when i visit the states i can come and see you and give you the hug you earned for it.

I hope you do !!

It'd be great to meet you ! :)