View Full Version : Ladies for chat?

05-09-2005, 11:11 PM
Hello all,
I'm the perv that browses every night but rarely post. I feel so at home, with all the sexuality that freely floats here.
I'm looking for people to chat with on a semi regualr basis. Very open minded, very creative, would love to talk to new people.
I did post a pic thread a few months ago - feel free to search and browse. Check out what your getting into.

;) ;) :):)

05-23-2005, 06:30 AM
*sniffle sniffle*

I had to go and start playing over at adult friend finder because of the quietness. Its sad - I know there are so many sexy, like minded women here...

05-25-2005, 12:34 AM
Don't feel too bad, I don't post much either, and enjoy talking to new people also. I don't mind talking with you. Just don't expect too much, I am kinda quite at times. I can be open minded but am cautious what I get into as well.
What is it your are looking for? :wingang:

05-26-2005, 12:11 AM
i have no idea how to answer that question honestly. with some people, you just click. you feel comfort, friendship, and sexual energy.

drop me a line if you see me online and wanna chat, bored, need a shoulder, whatever. i can think about things other than sex for periods of 5 or more minutes...usually.


05-26-2005, 11:33 PM
great sense of humor. I am generally around here at night between 9pm and 2am central time. i work the rest of the time and sleep when I can. keep an eye out for me too. sooner or later we should catch up to each other and cause havok or at least a little trouble. okay so we can pick on each other and have fun with that........ *pokes your shoulder with index finger 3x* *laughs and jogs away amused* :jump:

05-30-2005, 06:45 AM
Meow Syn, if you like meeting new people I'm online at such times too and always like to meet new folks...it gets lonely out here. *wishes he was back in the city* :p

06-18-2005, 01:10 AM
Kool, one can never have tooo many friends.