04-28-2005, 10:57 PM
:rant: ahead
By sheer chance I happen to work with numbers and attempt to comprehend the reality of their significance beyond the ten digits I’m trying to type this message with. As the members who have actively posted to the One Million thread can attest, slightly larger numbers become mind boggling. With all the different forms of making an entry to that thread, by the many people who have come and gone from the “active” players list, we have just over 50,000 posts at almost exactly two years of activity. At the current posting rate, we will complete the stated task in about another 37.4 years.:eek: ……..That’s right! With all the admirable work and enthusiasm, 50,000 is still only 5% of 1,000,000. The other 95% of the goal is still in front of us.:(
You can see, first hand, that numbers are not a convention that go along with the will of the crowd or take on new value with use. They obey laws that are constant realities that are ABSOLUTE! When the mind of man is incapable of truly understanding the magnitude of a subject, we are clever enough to do what we call “abstract thinking” to be able to theorize what “may” be or “could” be. A short distance down the road from the concept of the ten digits ant the end of our arms and in front of our face, numbers begin to fade into the abstract………….. but they DO obey the laws and ARE constant.
We are seeing, that regardless of how well your catalytic converter works, 6.4 billion life forms of our nature is more that this planet can sustain.:yikes: Even when a minority is consuming the majority of the resources and producing the majority of the pollution, it’s having major issues. As the balance of demand evens up and produces the equal consequence, no technology or miracle or “something will happen” will change the effect of the increasing numbers.
When authorities talk about dealing with a “TRILLION” anything, they are talking ABSTRACT. Something beyond comprehension.
If you started a business in the year 1 AD and lost $1,000,000 a day, (that’s right folks, a million dollars per DAY) ….every day, …..including weekends and holidays, …you will not lose a trillion dollars [1,000,000,000,000 (10^12) ] for another 734 years, …until the year 2739 AD. That how much a trillion is. Even St. Carl (Sagan ;) )only talked about “billions and billions”.
When somebody makes statements, passes laws that you and all your decedents will live by, make edicts that effect you life, they are talking out of their PAPER ASSHOLE!! They are completely out of touch with any reality in this world. They are totally FUCKING CLUELESS!!! It may be out of utter ignorant stupidity, but it is meaningless.
…. So cheer up people. :) It’s all smoke and mirrors.:D A fucking joke! :grin:
*As you were* ;)
:rant: ahead
By sheer chance I happen to work with numbers and attempt to comprehend the reality of their significance beyond the ten digits I’m trying to type this message with. As the members who have actively posted to the One Million thread can attest, slightly larger numbers become mind boggling. With all the different forms of making an entry to that thread, by the many people who have come and gone from the “active” players list, we have just over 50,000 posts at almost exactly two years of activity. At the current posting rate, we will complete the stated task in about another 37.4 years.:eek: ……..That’s right! With all the admirable work and enthusiasm, 50,000 is still only 5% of 1,000,000. The other 95% of the goal is still in front of us.:(
You can see, first hand, that numbers are not a convention that go along with the will of the crowd or take on new value with use. They obey laws that are constant realities that are ABSOLUTE! When the mind of man is incapable of truly understanding the magnitude of a subject, we are clever enough to do what we call “abstract thinking” to be able to theorize what “may” be or “could” be. A short distance down the road from the concept of the ten digits ant the end of our arms and in front of our face, numbers begin to fade into the abstract………….. but they DO obey the laws and ARE constant.
We are seeing, that regardless of how well your catalytic converter works, 6.4 billion life forms of our nature is more that this planet can sustain.:yikes: Even when a minority is consuming the majority of the resources and producing the majority of the pollution, it’s having major issues. As the balance of demand evens up and produces the equal consequence, no technology or miracle or “something will happen” will change the effect of the increasing numbers.
When authorities talk about dealing with a “TRILLION” anything, they are talking ABSTRACT. Something beyond comprehension.
If you started a business in the year 1 AD and lost $1,000,000 a day, (that’s right folks, a million dollars per DAY) ….every day, …..including weekends and holidays, …you will not lose a trillion dollars [1,000,000,000,000 (10^12) ] for another 734 years, …until the year 2739 AD. That how much a trillion is. Even St. Carl (Sagan ;) )only talked about “billions and billions”.
When somebody makes statements, passes laws that you and all your decedents will live by, make edicts that effect you life, they are talking out of their PAPER ASSHOLE!! They are completely out of touch with any reality in this world. They are totally FUCKING CLUELESS!!! It may be out of utter ignorant stupidity, but it is meaningless.
…. So cheer up people. :) It’s all smoke and mirrors.:D A fucking joke! :grin:
*As you were* ;)