View Full Version : U.S. Porn Pioneer Goldstein Back in Business

04-14-2005, 12:21 PM
(submitted by gekkogecko)


NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. hard-core porn pioneer Al
Goldstein, who went from multimillionaire owner of
Screw magazine to being homeless on the streets of
Manhattan after his sleaze empire collapsed, is making
a comeback.

Goldstein, 69, last employed as a greeter at a Kosher
deli and as a wholesale bagel salesman working on
commission, is back promoting smut, this time over the
medium that helped push him from his porn pedestal --
the Internet.

Goldstein was named on Monday as national marketing
director for XonDemand, an Internet video-on-demand
porn Web site. The site is an Internet version of the
old-fashioned peep shows that populated the once-seedy
stretch of 42nd Street west of Times Square. Customers
can pay a per-minute charge for viewing a pornographic
firm or order the whole movie.

Goldstein built an $11 million fortune off the
now-defunct Screw, which he founded in 1968, and New
York cable TV show "Midnight Blue." He went bankrupt
more than a year ago, blaming his fall on the
proliferation of porn on the Internet.

Legal problems have also plagued the former porn king,
who was forced to sell his $2.5 million Florida
mansion and New York townhouse to pay off debts.

Goldstein, who had taken to sleeping in Central Park
and at homeless shelters, was charged with shoplifting
from a Manhattan bookstore last year.

He was convicted in 2002 of harassing a former
secretary, whom he accused of stealing, by disparaging
her on his cable TV show, printing her home address in
his magazine and threatening her over the telephone.

04-14-2005, 01:37 PM
sleaze empire??? where do i get me one of those?

04-14-2005, 01:59 PM
sleaze empire??? where do i get me one of those?

With your great :boobs: ....you're well on your way. :D

04-15-2005, 08:18 AM
With your great :boobs: ....you're well on your way. :D
:boobs: do not a sleaze empire make :D
hmmmmmm...what else would i need :baa:

04-15-2005, 09:39 AM
From smut king to greet at kosher deli LOL

04-15-2005, 11:07 AM
yesterday i was making porn.....today i greet people at the deli.....tomorrow i conquer the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jester:

04-15-2005, 11:25 AM
Are you sure that "Screw" was founded in '68?I was out of the armed forces by then.Before that,when I lived with my parents,the father,next door,used to
get "Screw".I remember because,I benifited greatly from it,from his two
daughters!(Armed Forces-'61-65) Irish

04-15-2005, 01:37 PM
:boobs: do not a sleaze empire make :D
hmmmmmm...what else would i need :baa:

Well... :boobs: alone may not do it, but have you ever seen a sleaze empire without them? lmfao

04-15-2005, 01:55 PM
sure...sexy, hot gay sleaze empires have no :boobs: lol
errrr...at least not real ones :p

04-15-2005, 02:01 PM
Leave it to you to consider penis. :p

04-15-2005, 02:08 PM
moi!? i... know... nathink!

04-15-2005, 02:24 PM
moi!? i... know... nathink!

Anyone else buying that?