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04-01-2005, 10:29 PM
Gotta love the Northwest.

Snohomish school bans 'Snohos' T-shirts


SNOHOMISH, Wash. -- "Snoho" has appeared without incident in Snohomish High School yearbooks, on the school district's Web site and in the name of an espresso stand, SnoHo Mojo, but the plural form is another matter.

Justin Patrick, 17, a senior, was suspended briefly in February after arguing when he was told to cover up a T-shirt with "SNOHOS" emblazoned across the chest.

He and four friends wore SNOHOS T-shirts mostly beneath coats in a protest Wednesday.

They said the term is merely a self-reference, short for Snohomish, an Indian word meaning "lowland people" or "sleeping waters," and adopted it as the title of a video they made of themselves doing stunts around town.

School administrators, however, say it's all too easily seen as a derogatory reference to prostitutes.

"There's a real difference between the word 'Snoho' and the word 'Snohos,'" Principal Diana Plumis insisted.

"I can't see our boys football team wearing a shirt that said 'We are Snohos,' can you?" Plumis said. "It's a pejorative reference to women, and I don't want our name to be used to rank on our girls."

In the previous school year, she said, members of an opposing team at a girls sports game produced a sign saying, "Beat the Snohos," and the principal of the other school called to apologize.

The singular form also got the Snohomish girls dance team scolded this school year. After they made their own T-shirts saying "Snoho" on the front and "mish" on the back, the coach ordered that they not be worn, the principal said.

Patrick said he and his buddies printed their T-shirts two years ago and wore them occasionally to school without incident until last month.

04-02-2005, 06:04 AM

"What’s in a name? That which we call a rose / By any other name would smell as sweet"

Given the political sensitivity of public school administrators, I can't say that I'm surprised.

04-02-2005, 06:28 AM
OK...if they'd admit it...the kids do have an underlying reason for their SnoHos shirts. It's a piss and giggle to them...rather like a child saying Hi to his/her knee...lmfao!

This country has become too damn sensitive about sexuality. The moral majority has taken us back several centuries. The more you make of something and/or hide it from the curious...the more the curious will want to experience it! It's human nature.

If they (the high and mighty moral majority who is "protecting" our children from sex) continue on this path and keep putting it out there in the media of how they are "cleaning up this country"...the youth will revolt in some way, shape, or form...and we'll have a rash of sexually crazed young adults running rampant!

We were on a rather good path prior to this bible thumping presidency...speaking openly with our children and with sex education and parents doing the parenting. Of course there are always the strays who have lost their way. But when the government began to preach of our evils and started to stick it's nose into our private parenting lives...I tell ya...ALL HELL HAS BROKEN LOOSE!

Now...everything has a sexual connotation and we must take it from the eyes of the children before they...they...before they do...do...WHAT? What will they do?

Because the shirts say SnoHos...ya think all the girls of Snohomish will become whores/prostitutes? OMG...what if?

This is rigodamndiculous!!!!!

04-02-2005, 08:10 AM
to be honest... I just bet its the adminstration over reacting.. It happens alot. I could bet.. that there is only a few of the student body that actually goes around during the day thinking haha.. I got the word Ho on my shirt.. Its really nto that big of a deal.. and to think that when your a high school kid, thats all they think about is Degrading itself.. The name of the High School is Snohomish HS... i don't know a HS in existence where the students don't cut the name down in some fashion just to be cool with slang..

Back when i was still going.. all the varsity used to wear their jersey's.. on friday or thursday. depending on what day your game was.. but then one year we all a sudden had to stop.. the reason.. It was offending other schools... Tell me how simply wearing your jersey on a friday to get yourself pumped up for your game is offending.. that i don't know..

in this I'm gonna have to support the kids cause.. i don't see anything wrong with the shirts.. maybe the principal should just unclench her asshole a bit...

04-02-2005, 08:23 AM
It looks to me as if someone has backed herself into a corner in the name of PC

and now can't back away without compromising herself.

Damned if she does and . . .

04-02-2005, 08:34 AM
If only people would concentrate on the important things..but then that would be too easy!

04-02-2005, 12:07 PM
Now I see why we have no money to educate our kids. It goes to being PC

04-02-2005, 01:00 PM
What some will do to be politically correct!

I say change the name of the school! How about Lowland People High? :) LOL