View Full Version : Which feels better for a girl- anal or vaginal sex?
Mark Vieth
01-26-2005, 11:27 PM
I think this thread will probably go on for a decade as everyone has their own experiences and thoughts. So here goes.
Those girls that do try and enjoy anal sex is it the same or better than vaginal sex? Or is it just different for it's own merits? I think it's a question that many a man has thought about whilst sleeping next to his wife/girl friend.
Now of course I do understand that some girls have had a double penetration and that would be an experience in itself. So come one come all, and tell me what you all think of this.
01-27-2005, 03:34 AM
Personally I like a bit of 'clitoral' sex! LOL
For most women that's where the all the really good feelings are, and if the clitoris is getting the right kind of stimulation,the other feelings just enhance it.
I'll admit that while a little bit of anal stimulation is great, and occasionally some anal penetration, I'm more of a vaginal girl myself though.
01-27-2005, 06:27 AM
cerebral sex
01-27-2005, 07:38 AM
I'd say vaginal, but I can "put up with" anal sex too :D
Mark Vieth
01-27-2005, 09:25 AM
Ok I'm not sure if it's me, but maybe I should have added this as well.
Those girls who have had anal and had an orgasm, is it better than a vaginal orgasm, different, same or otherwise?
cerebral sex
I'm with you on that one Lil..... :devilish:
01-27-2005, 04:18 PM
Anal orgasms are pretty much the same physical effect as vaginal. they come from stimulation to the g'spot. I know I can have better g spot orgasms from anal penetration doggy style, but I enjoy the vaginal more just because there are so many more nerve endings in the vagina you can feel the fullness instead of just the stretching. Plus it takes so long to get ready for penetration anally and then after you get it in it doesn't last as, I enjoy anal on occassion, but I'm like the others. Anal is good, Vaginal is better, Clitoral is even better than that but cerebral paired with any of the other choices is the best.
01-27-2005, 04:37 PM
I didn't even know you could have an orgasm from anal sex :rolleyes2 I haven't even had a vaginal orgasm.
I have had both and for me there is no comparison at all. Vaginal all the way. :thumb:
This thread is depressing me... :(
01-27-2005, 11:09 PM
I know my wife has "stronger" orgasms from anal, she's actually came so hard she cried once or twice. She rarely orgasms from anal though, and I know she enjoys vaginal quite a bit more. Given her druthers though she'd rather have my tongue on her clit than a dick anywhere.
01-27-2005, 11:42 PM
Have to say, as depressing as that may be to many men out there, I'd have to agree with that one Jude30. Don't get me wrong...dick is a good thing.....I love it, but the clit action is the best.
Mark Vieth
01-28-2005, 01:03 AM
Cherrypie something needs to be done about no orgasm!!!!! Hey if you were here I could certainly make you smile!!!!!
01-28-2005, 01:14 AM
cerebral sex
*sends a few brain waves Lilith's way* :D
01-28-2005, 04:31 AM
It dosen't matter for me.....each orgasm is unique in it's own way.
But as the wise one says.....sometimes it's not the orgasm, but the fun in getting there!!
01-28-2005, 07:52 AM
Cherrypie something needs to be done about no orgasm!!!!! Hey if you were here I could certainly make you smile!!!!!
I've had anal sex many times, just no good reaction. It feels good, but I don't think I'll ever cum from a cock in my ass (or in my pussy for that matter). Vaginal sex feels amazing but unless my clit is being stimulated it's not happening for me.
01-29-2005, 02:28 PM
Its actually a very normal thing....80 percent of women can't climax from vaginal, anal, or breast stimulation alone.
If you always make your women cum, just think....8 out of 10 don't trust you enough to tell you the truth because you are too hung up on how hung you are. Guys, you all gotta understand that its not you and its not the size of your cock....some women just CAN'T do it. I only have g spot orgasms on occasion and its nowhere NEAR the same sensation as a clitoral orgasm, nor as fulfilling.
And for all those guys out there who say 'well you just haven't been done right' and the such. There aint a way I HAVEN'T been done so don't think you're so special you have the 'magic wand' to solve all of our problems. WE arent the one with the problem. Its you MEN who have to realize that a fulfilling sexual experience doesn't come from just your dick....matter of fact, the dick is probably the LEAST important part of the sexual experience, mentally and physically for most of us. So many of you have it backwards and think that your penis is what you use to satisfy your women and the rest is just icing on the cake....boy, you have it alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll backwards.
In short, don't feel bad cherrypie. You're normal and I'm sure you know that. Its the men that need some learning.
01-29-2005, 04:25 PM
Thanks Galatea. I know it's normal, and guys do need to get over their dicks :rolleyes2 much as I love em :D
Besides, I'm just fine with the orgasms I have from my clit ;)
07-20-2005, 07:43 PM
If any ladies are not sure and they need someone with a cock. I would be glad to have vagina or anal sex. I also enjoy giving oral.
07-21-2005, 09:54 AM
gimme the same time, please
07-22-2005, 10:40 AM
I am sorry but I have to say, at times penetration orgasims is SOOOO much better than a clitoral orgasim. They each have their own feeling to them, but for me both are intense and I LOVE it when we are having sex and I can feel myself getting ready to squirt, my hips start flying, pumping, and bucking... it is an amazing feeling and all I can think about is, DON'T you Dare STOP FUCKING ME! LOL
07-22-2005, 04:08 PM
Are you looking to get filled now?
07-23-2005, 03:07 AM
If you always make your women cum, just think....8 out of 10 don't trust you enough to tell you the truth because you are too hung up on how hung you are.
Gee, wonder why ( that would be? :rolleyes2
07-24-2005, 04:03 AM
I see your point Belial, but if you read the anecdotes about supposed 'size queens' you'll see that for most of them, their ideal minimum size is about 6-7 inches....granted that may be larger than some, but I believe it's pretty much about average size is it not?
Could it be that a lot of women think size matters, but their perceptions of what is large/small is very different from men's?
Perhaps the majority of women who say they want a well hung guy are looking for about 7 inches, while men are interpretting that as them wanting an eye-watering 10"......just a theory I've been working on.....
07-24-2005, 04:24 AM
I noticed that too, Lou. I just didn't have the energy for another round of "does size matter".
07-24-2005, 06:13 AM
I know Lou, and I agree with you (and Ginger). My intention was not to start the debate all over again. Simply pointing out that there's a reason a lot of men get "hung up", for want of a better term.
07-25-2005, 01:44 AM
We should have more talk, not less.
What is more Pixies than getting a lot of people together and mass debating?
Thank you all for coming!
Bye now.
07-25-2005, 09:34 PM
I see your point Belial, but if you read the anecdotes about supposed 'size queens' you'll see that for most of them, their ideal minimum size is about 6-7 inches....granted that may be larger than some, but I believe it's pretty much about average size is it not?
Average is 5.5 to 5 7/8, so less than 6 is average.
07-28-2005, 12:18 PM
I adore anal sex. I love the pain of it, I have better orgasms from it, I love the taboo, and how it makes me feel used.
However, part of why I love it, is because it is a rare dish. It's brought out when we're both feeling extra-kinky, or extra-dirty. If it were an everyday thing, I think the thrill would go away.
09-06-2005, 10:33 AM
i've had an 'anal' orgasm it was definitely...different lol but good! Nothing is better than some deep vaginal penetration tho mm I can go for hrs with that, there have been times I get sooooooo sore from it but I don't care, I LOVE it! :rofl:
09-06-2005, 12:55 PM
I am sorry but I have to say, at times penetration orgasims is SOOOO much better than a clitoral orgasim. They each have their own feeling to them, but for me both are intense and I LOVE it when we are having sex and I can feel myself getting ready to squirt, my hips start flying, pumping, and bucking... it is an amazing feeling and all I can think about is, DON'T you Dare STOP FUCKING ME! LOL
That sounds like an amazing experience to be on the other end of too...where do you live? I think i'm on my way... :-)
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