View Full Version : It's a georgeous day in paradise .... but....
Oh my word my nipples itch! And it's just got to be said .... it is a hard thing to scratch your nipples really good when in polite society!!! :) Sorry .... carry on everyone
12-23-2004, 08:45 PM
LOL....too funny...must be contagious. I'd be your cover so you could just have a go;)
You're a true friend Lil, but watch out, I'm talking some serious scratching and I wouldn't want to knock you over in my frenzy!!! :)
12-23-2004, 08:58 PM
.... it is a hard thing to scratch your nipples really good when in polite society!!! :) Sorry .... carry on everyone
That's one more reason it's so nice to come here where it IS polite to just be you. :) You can do it with total, open, acceptance any time, or if you so chose to proudly display there will always be grateful watchers. You can even take your choice of gleeful assistance that are happy to help in ANY manner you would like. :lust:
God don't you just hate when that happens!
LOL PF ... could you just lend me a hand here ... several reealllllly hard rubs ... throw in a few pinches and pulls for good measure .......
12-23-2004, 11:14 PM
^ passes fzzy a hairbrush...have yourself a field day...
12-23-2004, 11:35 PM
<cringes at the thought of a hairbrush coming anywhere near my nipples - itching or not>
Yep Chey ... I don't think even I would do that! but thanks for the thought Scotzoidman!
12-24-2004, 03:57 AM
Let's see ... some good ol' rubbing and nipple pulling ... yep ... sounds like a plan. :drool:
DB to the rescue ... my hero!!!! :hug:
12-24-2004, 09:45 AM
LOL *hands fzzy a bottle of lotion* :D
LOL ... thanks CGT ... had the itchiness for several days now and been trying lotion ... A LOT! tried various kinds ... worked up to the ultra creams ... I don't think that's the problem this time, cause ... well the ladies are ultra soft and touchable now but still itch like the dickens! (figured dickens was a good word for this time of year).
12-24-2004, 11:39 AM
Thats really strange........ Are you sure you're not allergic to something?
could be I guess ... but I haven't changed anything ... except all the lotions ... and all the varieties I've used are the anti-itch "non-allergenic" types. One by Aveeno for babies, a couple of Eucerine ones, a new healing Jergens .... so since the itch started before all of the lotions/creams and is still the same type of itch ... well .... maybe I did something bad to someone without knowing and they built a voodoo doll of me and are rubbing poison ivy over that area????? :) If I did ..... please let me take a moment to say .... I'm sooooooooo SORRY!!!!! LOL
12-24-2004, 11:47 AM
Sounds like an allergy to me. Possibly the material of your bra, or shirt, if you're using something new. If not, possibly one of the lotions you've tried is in fact the culprit. It could also be dietary. It could also just be a weird time for your hormones - how long has it kept up?
12-24-2004, 11:49 AM
poor fzzy! i know that feeling, they itched so bad during my pregnancies that i actuallly did use a hairbrush to scratch 'em. :yikes: but... ahhhhh. could be a hormone thing, fzzy. hope it goes away soon. ooo, i know!, a sandpaper bra could be just the ticket! :D
12-24-2004, 12:06 PM
you haven't changed brands of laundry soap have you?
Nope no changes in anything .... but the hormone thing is probably the answer ... at that age in life when "hormones" seem to be the answer to all of the wretched type of questions! ah well ... life is not so bad ... so I rub at my nipples every time I'm alone .... life could be worse I guess!!! :)
12-24-2004, 02:17 PM
.... maybe I did something bad to someone without knowing and they built a voodoo doll of me and are rubbing poison ivy over that area????? :) .....LOL
It’s Steph! She did it!:mad:
The Wicked Witch of the North must have been whirling wammies at me again:yikes: and they got caught in the jet stream. I KNOW these 5f (-12c) temps came across the lake when she took off her bra and bared her heart.
12-24-2004, 07:14 PM
It’s Steph! She did it!:mad:
The Wicked Witch of the North must have been whirling wammies at me again:yikes: and they got caught in the jet stream. I KNOW these 5f (-12c) temps came across the lake when she took off her bra and bared her heart.
Yeah PF - I miss her too. :(
12-24-2004, 10:36 PM
well I could skip shaving for a day or two and let you rub them all over my face,or you might try ivy-dri to stop the itching
PF we all miss Steph, but I think you miss her the most!!!
Jay-t - thanks what a helpful man you are!!! :D
12-25-2004, 01:48 PM
PF we all miss Steph, but I think you miss her the most!!! .....:D
Yeah............. but it's only because somebody knocked my sights out of line. :cool:
12-25-2004, 02:01 PM
Better duck PF or them flying monkeys will get ya!!!!!!!!!
12-25-2004, 02:42 PM
How in the hell did this thread on itchy nipples turn to me?
Yum, nipples! :D
The frozen flying monkeys have begun their journey across the lake & should be in Cleveland by dusk.
12-25-2004, 03:04 PM
PF you better hide your panty collection the flying monkeys are comming!!!!!!!
fzzy mine are itching today, but not as bad as yours sound. Hope you find something that helps!!
12-25-2004, 05:49 PM
How in the hell did this thread on itchy nipples turn to me?.....
It was the COMMON subject of something being a pain I think. :rolleyes2
..... Hope you find something that helps!!
And I hope it's ME! :slurp: :slurp:
12-26-2004, 10:57 AM
That sucks fzzy, but I cant help but giggle :D that happened to me once, but it happened after I fell asleep sunbathing topless at my parents house (rural, no neighbors, parents not home). I woke up, I was red as a freaking lobster! I dunno what possessed me to think I was going to do much more than freckle, but the sun felt good. Anyway, the next day I couldn't stop scratching my tits, so I feel for you.
If it doesn't stop, maybe you ought to go see a doctor....Or get some hydrocortisone cream and try that!
12-26-2004, 02:50 PM
/me shrugs
I've never had itchy nipples. Guess this miracle of life is yet to occur. :D
12-26-2004, 04:47 PM
Don't scratch them.Instead rub your nipples between thumb and forefinger lightly at first then slowly apply pressure until you throw your head back and begin to breath heavy.Don't stop there,keep going until you feel rapture.Does this stop the itch? Well I don't know but it couldn't hurt. We guys get the same thing once in a while with our balls.A good stiff natural bristle hair brush does a world of good.So does a warm shower and some lavendar or vanilla scented bath gel used with one of those scrungies on a rope lather applicaters.Don'tcha know another word for horney is Igottheitch........
12-28-2004, 11:08 AM
Okay, maybe a little off topic, but similar situation. I went jogging outside yesterday to do something about the holiday eating situation. Got a nice 4 miler in, feeling good, until I got home. I'm in Philadelphia, USA, and it was COLD. So as I'm back inside thawing, the head of my dick starts hurting badly. You know how your fingertips hurt when you get back in from the cold? Well, imagine that in a MUCH more sensitive area. Fortunately, no frostbite or permanent damage, but I may have to double layer my underwear for today's run.
12-28-2004, 10:53 PM
Update us on your condition, I'm curious as to how it's doing. I'm telling ya, hyrdrocortisone cream is the way to go, cheap and effective ;)
thanks everyone ... Lakritze ... been doing that a bit! ahhhhh!
Malcolm ... double bagging ... not a bad idea in cold climates!
Cherry ... had a friend recommend Desitin (yes the diaper rash stuff) it is such a heavy cream that it really seems to be helping .. don't like the idea of putting steroid cream onto my nipples .... probably nothing bad about it at all, just don't like the idea of it. But still have the odd moment here and there when I'd like to dig right through the skin to try to destory that itch! ah well. :)
12-29-2004, 09:16 AM
As you can see by the replies, you're not alone in your quandry. Rest assured, I'm here to help.
Take a cool shower (hot showers only irritate them more) and dab your skin dry gently with a soft cotton towel. Dry your hair, because you don't need to catch a cold on top of having itchy nipples. Then retire to your bedroom where the heat should be set at a comfortable temperature and lay on the bed, face up. Because I believe the problem lays in the realm of "sensitivity to light", you're going to have to accustom your nipples to brighter lights than they currently get all tucked away inside a bra, under a shirt. This is best achieved in small, yet powerful doses not unlike the flash of a camera. Regular cameras will work ok, but the added benefit of using a digital camera is that you can put all the pictures in one place (best if you use an alternate server like Pixies, so you don't run the risk of losing all of your medical research and data) and examine the pictures for subtle differences throughout the process. It may take several angles to assure even coverage, and might have to be repeated a few times before you notice a difference. I suggest a round of pictures every day for one week.
By the time one week is past, you'll have one hell of a thread and whatever is really the cause will go away on it's own. :D
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