View Full Version : curiosity
12-15-2004, 03:25 PM
ok those of u who know me know ive been workin real hard at tryin to loose weight and yet am havin absolutly no sucsess!!! ive been on diets Dr prescribed pills, workin out (constantly for 6 months) and all the rest , im not HUGE but i think i am u know what i mean, i made an apointment w the base hospital for friday to see if maybe i can have a gastric bypass done, im not 100lbs over nor am i 40% bmi like they want tho, so my question is, do any of yall know anyone who has had it done when theve been below the limits ??? and if so, did they have any issues with it, i wuddnt have it done for a few months, i go in next month to have a couple of lumps removed so ive got to heal from that before i do anything else (oh joy ) lemme know what yall know LOL
12-15-2004, 04:19 PM
I don't know anyone personally, that's had it done, but it would suprise me if the gov't paid for it. If you were able to have it deemed "medically necessary", there'd probably be a chance, but I'd imagine they would have to try a bunch of other things first. But what do I know? I mean they're the same people spending $500 on toilet seats!
Good luck with your lump removal and I wish you luck with whatever else they have you do.
12-15-2004, 09:31 PM
I know two people personally that have it done... both were more than 100 lbs overweight as well. It is not a wonderful solution... my father is one of those people. He had it 20 years ago, and while medicine is more advanced... he's struggled for the past 20 years with gastro-intestinal problems directly resulted from the surgery as well as constantly trying to adjust to his "new" system. And as WI pointed out, I would be shocked if you can get it covered. Very few insurance companies are still covering it, even when medically necessary. I'd consider discussing options with a dietician or a personal trainer as maybe the exercise or diet aren't working for your body.
It's a very risky thing to do. Especially since your not really obese at all. Its very radical. I watched a show on the down side of this. I would do more research and maybe try new approaches.
I am in the same boat and am working very hard on it. I have days I would do that surgery in a heart beat. But it scares me too much still.
12-15-2004, 10:42 PM
I know people who have had wonderful results and I know a woman who is dying of starvation due to complications and scar tissue from the same surgery. My personal opinion, because I too have considered it, is that I'm not willing to take the risk and I know that despite my many valliant efforts/failures there are still things I could do (or do better/longer/more intensely/with more conviction) that do not require surgery.
12-15-2004, 11:29 PM
..... I would be shocked if you can get it covered. Very few insurance companies are still covering it, ....
I "believe" nikki is dependent of ACTIVE duty service man, no?
(good medical coverage ;) )
12-15-2004, 11:40 PM
true... I know the government has excellent benefits... but typically the surgery is only covered with documented proof of medical necessity... high blood pressure, diabetes are examples that I'm familar with, as well as documented proof of attempts and failures to get those conditions under control with other methods. But you make a good point, I'm not really familiar with the benefits of the government, so I'll shush.
12-15-2004, 11:56 PM
please never shush hun. I think that her being on station, makes a difference though.
12-16-2004, 07:20 AM
actually, this base has done several WLSs tha ti know of, its rather easy to get them done if ur over the 40% BMI, im fed up w my tries but i know before they will aprove ill have to have a documented gym schd and a diet diary so itll be awile and who knows maybe they have a new pill to give me thatll help! LOL i can dream
12-16-2004, 07:38 AM
Nikki, every person that I have encountered that has had the bypass surgery has had a major, permanent complication or four following the procedure. A couple of them are going to die, painfully. Granted, I have dealt with less than twenty five of these folk, but still it seems to me to be a non-viable option.
Besides, you look damn good just the way you are! ;)
12-16-2004, 08:45 AM
My mother had one of the early gastric bypass procedures, nearly 20 years ago...she met all the requirements, she had been morbidly obese for a long time, she was diabetic, high BP, etc., it really is intended only as a last resort when nothing else will save your was eventually successful for her, she slimmed down & got the blood sugar & pressure under control, but the transistion period after surgery was still a difficult time for her, the real difference it made for her was it forced her to make the changes in her eating habits she had been unable to do on her own...when she overate after the procedure, she would end up vomiting...sorry if that's an unpleasant image, but I think it makes the point...I believe it did extend her life, she had other health problems, she had 7 different forms of arthritis, I can only imagine how much more unpleasant her life would have been had she not lost the weight...she died from heart failure in 1998, & weighed about #100...but in short, it's not a good alternative to changes in diet & lifestyle, it's a drastic surgical procedure, not a shortcut...
12-16-2004, 01:01 PM
I know 4 people who have had it done. 2 of them have had GREAT results. But those aren't the 2 I am going to talk about.
My stepmom had it done a few years ago and everything was great for a while, she was down to a size 8 and very happy. She had times where she couldn't eat much or she would get sick, but so far smooth sailing. She recently started having MAJOR stomache pain and it turns out some of her intestines had kinked (like a water hose) and she had to have 2 more MAJOR surgeries to fix it. She is still very sick. She gets really ill everyday because her stomache is so messed up from this procedure.
My aunt had the surgery over the summer, and she died from complications.
She is dead because of the surgery. It may be pretty popular right now, but it is a MAJOR surgery and you really need to think about that.
I'm going to PM you with a link to my other aunt's website. It may make things more hopeful for you.
Best of Luck!!!! Really think this decision through!!!!!
12-16-2004, 01:32 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmm i think maybe ill be talkin to the doctor about sending me to the heatlh and wellness center to get a personal trainer first, i had nly been gettin told the pros to the surgery and not the cons, im glad i posted, thereiam hunny ur to damn sweet ty i needed that boost!!!!!! makenzie ty for the link it was awsome !!!
12-16-2004, 02:06 PM
hmmmmmmmmmmm i think maybe ill be talkin to the doctor about sending me to the heatlh and wellness center to get a personal trainer first, i had nly been gettin told the pros to the surgery and not the cons, im glad i posted, thereiam hunny ur to damn sweet ty i needed that boost!!!!!! makenzie ty for the link it was awsome !!!
You are welcome!!! She's really amazing!!!
12-16-2004, 03:32 PM
get a personal trainer
"personal trainer"? Raises my hand...pick me, pick me!!! :grin:
12-16-2004, 06:18 PM
*picks rockintime* now hunny what do wanna train me on first!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-16-2004, 10:24 PM
nikki, if you haven't already had your thyroid checked, ask your doctor to do so. It is often an inhibitor to weightloss if it isn't acting appropriately. Mine is checked annually because both of my sisters have had difficulties with theirs. The initial tests are just simple blood tests. Abnormal results lead to additional tests, which I've not endured.
I'm pleased to hear that you are going to consider a personal trainer. :)
12-17-2004, 04:33 AM
maddy my thyroid is perfect. the only thing i have is LOW blood pressure (how that for ironic) and extremly high testosterone. i get the other levels checked once a year just to make sure but ya all else is well, im actually very healty. ive not had the problems that come w being fat but the drs are stressing out over it and i want to be sexy again !!! i miss all the heads turnin, i get a few still but not like highschool!!! LMAO i know i know im vain! cant help it
12-17-2004, 07:54 AM
In many ways we are in the same boat nikki... except I'm not quite determined as you are... I've always been overweight, but my health is very good. I also don't suffer the many ailments that come with the extra weight. Unfortunately for me it's a part of the unmotivating factor to losing the extra pounds.
Best of luck to you... keep your mind on the track of finding a solution that works for YOU and you will succeed.
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