View Full Version : Death
12-13-2004, 04:49 PM
for killing his wife and baby, Peterson.....couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
12-13-2004, 04:55 PM
WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did they announce how he will die yet? FRY the bastard I say.
Good and now he gets to spend years and years wasting away on death row thinking about what he did to that beautiful woman and innocent baby.
12-13-2004, 05:48 PM
They should have given him life in prison. With the death penalty he will be on death row for 25 to 30 years. If he had been put in the general population he would have a life expectency of 6 months, the other prisoners would take care of him. They do not like baby killers.
12-13-2004, 07:46 PM
What a relief
12-13-2004, 07:52 PM
death is too easy a punishment--let him rot in a hell hole surrounded by some rapests and the like...he can suffer in this life and the next
12-13-2004, 08:31 PM
Wrong tack.
Stick him in a 5ft cube (can't stand up), fed through a slot and shitting down a tube.
No direct human contact, instructions by computer voice.
Leave him in permanent twilight.
One of my views of hell.
can he take chang vang with him? send them both to hell.
12-14-2004, 12:08 AM
See and if he would have had OJ's money he could have been back home as we speak. * runs out of the room*
12-14-2004, 07:55 AM
See and if he would have had OJ's money he could have been back home as we speak. * runs out of the room*
or at a sports bar near me :o
12-14-2004, 12:07 PM
12-14-2004, 01:40 PM
Does anyone else miss Kato Kaelin? That's what Scott needed, a fun witness! :D
I have been following this case since a very pregnant Laci went missing. I even belong to a group online that purchased all the transcripts of the trial. It is a forum filled with those that believed only in his guilt.
I don't know if you read about Peterson's lawyer Geragos putting an identical boat like Peterson owned in the parking lot of a building he owned in Redwood City. He had the boat placed there and in it was a headless dummy that weighed the same as Laci. He had used this boat to videotape evidence for the trial.
Leaving that boat out for all to see really was disgusting and so in trying to put the focus back on the victims our site started sending flowers to the boat. That gesture took on a life of its own and many others from around the world followed suit......
It was a remarkable feeling to be part of that, to show our support for the family of the victims. Too many times the victims of crime are left by the wayside.
No one can explain why the murder of this young woman and her child has had such an affect on so many people. Was it the fact she was pregnant? Christmas? Her smile?
Personally this tragedy enabled me to show someone very dear to me the dangers of being with a certain type of person and who since has abandoned a very toxic relationship.....
For that, I am grateful.
I am also grateful that justice has been served to the man who murdered his family.
His sentence is the correct one even though he may never get executed. He is Death Row's 642nd inmate in California and the rate of execution is less than one per year.
Chances are he will die of old age, alone with no friends or family with him.
He will spend years without the perks that would have come with life without parole for eventually he would have found his niche in his protected enviorment with others who would have accepted him.
The judge at sentencing can disagree with the jury on the penalty and make it LWOP but it is unlikely.....that occurs in Feb.2005.
OK lol...enough rambling!!!
12-14-2004, 03:50 PM
BIBI~ I respect how you feel and that you felt compelled to be involved. In general I am a fairly non-violent person but it just made me sick. So much hate in this world and I hate to be perpetuating more but he is vile and I can find nothing redeeming in him. His actions were inhuman.
BIBI~ I respect how you feel and that you felt compelled to be involved. In general I am a fairly non-violent person but it just made me sick. So much hate in this world and I hate to be perpetuating more but he is vile and I can find nothing redeeming in him. His actions were inhuman.
There is nothing redeeming in him......but it sure is scary to think that people like him are everywhere. Seemingly "normal" people!
My opinion, which I sadly believe to be the minority, is that any murder is a vile deplorable event. Read that again... and take note of the word 'any'. Murder, in any form, should never be a cause for celebration, even in the name of justice. Should he ever actually be put to death, Laci and her child will still be dead. People will cheer his death, but why? They will most likely say it's because justice has been served. The injustice that led to this execution will still be standing, however, so I think a more suitable reaction would be mourning for those who were killed. But again, that's my opinion.
12-14-2004, 06:06 PM
The "closure" argument of a few years back was almost as sickening as the crimes that were commited.Justice is served even if a murderer gets life in prison without parole.I whole heartedly agree with Aqua on this one....
12-14-2004, 08:47 PM
I am not debating anyone here or putting anyone down for feeling the way that they do so please don't feel that I am. Everyone has the right to feel what they feel - and who am I to say that they are wrong? I am just explaining my feelings about the death penalty and my conflicting emotions that sometimes allow me to support it, and sometimes be against it.
I have a difficult time debating within myself the justification of utilizing the death penalty. At times, I am a blood thirsty human that believes in an eye for an eye (especially when children are victims) and at other times it saddens me that many in our society celebrates this form punishment. While I believe that he is guilty, I was disturbed to see people's celebatory reactions. Hoots and hollars, dancing and shouting out horray!
This is my conflict - Why is it ok to punish a person who has murdered someone with death? Isn't that another murder? A life is taken without that person's permission too. Is it because the person who murdered decided alone to commit the act and by comparison 12 members of a jury decided as a group that it was ok to use murder as a form of punishment??? I have a difficult time seperating the two, and I think that is why it makes me sad when I hear of someone sentenced to death. In that aspect, I see the death penalty as a sentence and permision to murder someone. I don't see it any other way and in that aspect for me, I think the death penalty is wrong.
I know that there are pros and cons for this, and I can sometimes see both sides because sometimes I feel both sides, but that doesn't make it right.
I am just typing what I am feeling...
12-14-2004, 09:08 PM
I am actually not for or against the death penalty. I personally do not believe I could ever truly make such a monumental decision and am not sure whether anyone else should. For some reason this case just hit me hard. I don't think there is "justice" for an act as deplorable as was committed or at least not any that can be handed down by a jury.
12-14-2004, 09:21 PM
^^^^that is exactly why I am so conflicted! Some cases just hit me hard too and I feel the punishment should be like the crime - and in some cases worse than the crime...and then I question as to the right of society to make that decision.... I guess I am just thankful that I wasn't and probably never will be on a jury that has to decide the fate of someone like that....
12-14-2004, 09:31 PM
it should be done rapidly, within the next week
from a large crane errected over his parents house
they should hang is worthless ass
and allow the birds and bacteria to process his organic remains
the crane should remain for the period of 1 year, as a reminder to all
the parents should be required to pay passerbys -- 10 dollars to piss on their son's crane
[ in case you may not have guessed, I think his actions were far outside of societal norms.. and the punishment should be proportionate]
12-14-2004, 10:19 PM
Good riddance to the fuckin sicko.
12-14-2004, 10:53 PM
I was wondering as well over the past couple of weeks why this case has gripped the attention of so many. I self-centeredly thought it only captured the attention of those of us in the states, but seeing Bibi's post proved that thought wrong. I was thinking last night of the young woman in Utah that was murdered this summer and was curious if her husbands trial would gather this much attention as well. If I recall correctly she was also rumored to be pregnant at the time of her murder, though she was not as far along in her pregnancy as Laci.
The thing that irritates me the most about this whole situation is many taxpayer dollars have already been sucked up in this case, and will continue to be as Scott sits waiting for appeal after appeal or his day to come up on Death Row. Somehow it doesn't seem just that he has all of lifes necessities provided to him at our expense. I understand that his quality of living will not be one that I would ever choose, but it is us taxpayers that will support him for the rest of his life.
03-16-2005, 01:55 PM
The judge has ruled, the sentence is death... by lethal injection.
03-16-2005, 02:44 PM
For me, that will be a very sad day. Only because it saddens me that people can do what he did, and his execution will remind me of that.
03-16-2005, 03:07 PM
I have NO intention of debating the Death Penalty,but has anyone ever heard
of "Prison Justice"?The shortest time that an inmate in Calif. has spent on Death Row,is approx,20 yrs.He will be in San Quenton.When his sentence was announced,the other inmates were chanting-"Bring him on"!He will be guarded closely,but I'll give him,approx,2 weeks.If anyone remembers Polly Klasses(sp?)
killer,he was a big man.When he was first there,he was being walked & guarded,by a big(approx)300lb,guard.He was attacked & severely injured.
Inmates HATE anyone that injures a woman or child.To other inmates,they are
the lowest in their society!Take it from one who knows.There won't be a lot
of taxpayers $ spent.Guards also have a funny way of looking in other places,
when things are happening! Irish
03-16-2005, 05:21 PM
Today is not the day for me to post about stuff like this....I have no compassion...I hate myself when I feel so hateful.
Just remember Lil... we still love you. :grope:
03-16-2005, 05:26 PM
....and Robert Blake found not guilty!
Next on tap is Phil Spector...
03-16-2005, 09:09 PM
The whole event has disturbed me to say the least, living in the Bay Area I have watched this unfold ever since Laci went missing. That someone could do such a thing to someone you supposedly loved...I realize these sort of things happen all the time unfortunately, but to see it so close just makes it hit home even harder. While it is closure for a lot of people, I know a lot of people, including myself just have to ask...why, why did he do it? Unfortunately we will probablly never know...and perhaps, in a way, we do not want to know...but now I am rambling, I am just glad it is over, for better or for worse.
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