View Full Version : Happy Chanukah

12-05-2004, 08:12 AM
With the first candle on the Menorah to be lit Tuesday nite - a very Happy Chanukah to all our Jewish Members of Pixies!

Happy holidays!

The Chanukah Song Part 1

Performed by adam sandler

This is a song that uhh..
There’s a lot of christmas songs out there and uhh..
Not too many chanukah songs.
So uhh..
I wrote a song for all those nice little jewish kids who don’t get to hear any chanukah songs.
Here we go...

Put on your yarmulke
Here comes chanukah
So much funukah
To celebrate chanukah
Chanukah is the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents, we have eight crazy nights

When you feel like the only kid in town without a christmas tree
Here’s a list of people who are jewish just like you and me
David lee roth lights the menorah
So do james caan, kirk douglas, and the late dinah shore-ah

Guess who eats together at the carnegie deli
Bowser from sha na na and arthur fonzerelli
Paul newman’s half jewish, goldie hawn’s half too
Put them together, what a fine lookin’ jew

You don’t need deck the halls or jingle bell rock
’cause you can spin a dreidel with captain kirk and mr. spock- both jewish

Put on your yarmulke
It’s time for chanukah
The owner of the seattle supersonicahs
Celebrates chanukah

O.j. simpson, not a jew
But guess who is? hall of famer rod carew- he converted
We got ann landers and her sister dear abby
Harrison ford’s a quarter jewish- not too shabby

Some people think that ebenezer scrooge is
Well he’s not, but guess who is
All three stooges
So many jews are in showbiz
Tom cruise isn’t, but I heard his agent is

Tell your friend veronica
It’s time to celebrate chanukah
I hope I get a harmonicah
Oh this lovely, lovely chanukah
So drink your gin and tonicah
And smoke your marijuanikah
If you really, really wannakah
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy chanukah
Happy chanukah

12-05-2004, 08:15 AM
Chanukah Song Part 2 - Adam Sandler

Time to take out those menorahs!
Put on your yamaca
It's time for Hanukkah
So much fun-uka
To celebrate Hanukkah

Hanukkah is, the festival of lights
Instead of one day of presents
We get eight crazy nights
When you feel like the only kid in town
Without a Christmas tree
Here's a new list of people who are Jewish
Just like you and me

Winona Ryder drinks Manashevits' wine
Then spins a dredl with Ralph Lauren and Calvin Klein
Guess who give and receives loads of Hanukkah toys?
The girls from Barukasouhl and all three Beastie Boys

Lenny Kravitz is half Jewish, Courtney Love is half too
Put them together, what a funky, bad-ass Jew
We got Harvey Kietel and flash dancer Jennifer Beals
Jasmin Bleeth from Baywatche is Jewish and
Yes her boobs are real

O.J. Simpson, still not a Jew
But guess who is, the guy who does the voice for
Bob Dylan was born a Jew, then he wasn't, but now he's back
Mary Tyler Moore's husband is Jewish 'cuz we're pretty good
In the sack

Guess who got bar mitzvah-ed on the PGA tour?
No I'm not talking about Tiger Woods, I'm talking about
Mr. Happy Gilmore

So many Jews are in the show-biz
Bruce Springsteen isn't Jewish, but my mother thinks he is
Tell that old harmonica, it's time to celebrate Hanukkah
It's not pronounced Chanukkah
The C is silent in Hanukkah
So your your Hooked on Phonic-a
Get drunk in Teawonica
If you really really wanna-ka
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Hanukkah

12-05-2004, 08:16 AM
Chanukah Song Part 3 - Adam Sandler

Put on your yamulke
It's time for Chanukah (sounds good guys)
Once again it's Onakah
The miracle of Chanukah. (give it up for the Drei Dels)

Chanukah is the festival of lights.
One day of presents?
Hell no, We get eight crazy nights.

But if you still feel like the only kid in town without a
Christmas tree
I guess my first two songs didn't do it for you
So here comes number three!

Ross and Phoebe from "Friends" say the Chanukah
So does Lenny's pal Squiggy and "Will & Grace"'s
Debra Messing.

Melissa Gilbert and Michael Landon never mixed meat with dairy.
Maybe they should have called that show "Little Kosher
House on the Prairie."

We got Jerry Lewis, Ben Stiller and Jack Black.
Tom Arnold converted to Judaism, but you guys can have him back!
(Just kidding Tommy!)

We may not get to kiss underneath the mistletoe
But we can do it all night long with Deuce Bigalow! (I'm
Oh My God! Sweet Robbie Schneider is here!

Put on the yamukah
Here comes Chanukah
The guy in Willie Nelson's band who plays harmonica
Celebrates Chanukah.
Oooo, good job Schneider

Osama bin Laden--(Booo!)--not a big fan of the Jews.
Well, maybe that's because he lost a figure skating match to
gold medalist
Sarah Hughes, her mama's Jewish!

Houdini and David Blaine escaped straightjackets with such
But the one thing they could not get out of
Their painful circumcision.

As for Half-Jewish actors, Seann Penn is quite the great one,
And Marlon Brando not a Jew at all ,
But it looks to me like he ate one.

There's Lou Reed, Perry Ferrell, Beck and Paula Abdul.
Joey Ramone invented punk rock music
But first came Hebrew school.

Natalie Portmanukah
It's time to celebrate Chanukah.
I hope I get an Abrtronicah,
on this joyful, toyful Chanukah.

So get a high colonicah
And soil your long johnukahs
If you really really wantukah.
Have a happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy
Happy Chan-u-kah!

12-05-2004, 08:39 AM
We have a mini celebration at my home too. Here is a great website with fun and info about the Festival of Lights (http://www.holidays.net/chanukah/) Shalom!

12-05-2004, 08:57 AM
Happy Chanukah!

I keep checking that song to see if Adam will mention that I'm not jewish...lol! Maybe next year!

Have a wonderful holiday season everyone!

12-05-2004, 10:28 AM
lol gotta love adam! and while I'm not jewish, best wishes to all who are, I have many friends who are as well so I get to learn all about it, quite interesting!

12-05-2004, 10:55 AM
The Chanukah Menorah

The Chanukah menorah is called a HANUKIYAH. It has nine candle holders.

There are eight candles, one for each night of Chanukah. The ninth is called the SHAMASH

The Shamash is used to light the other eight candles. The Shamash is lit first and then is used to light the other candles.

The candles are placed in the HANUKIYAH from right to left. But when the candles are lit, you light from left to right

12-05-2004, 12:59 PM
I know I'm not the only one. :) So happy Chanukah to all! L'chaim.

12-05-2004, 02:18 PM
Happy Chanukah guys! :hug:

12-05-2004, 02:33 PM
Best wishes and blessings to all celebrating Chanukah. Le'chayim - To life!

Teddy Bear
12-05-2004, 05:04 PM
Happy Chanukah.

May you have a blessed holiday.

12-05-2004, 05:45 PM
Happy Chanukah/Hanukkah!!!

12-07-2004, 06:53 PM
To all those for whom it is important - Happy Chanukah.

12-07-2004, 08:05 PM
Happy Chanukah :)

Love that Adam Sandler song. :D

12-08-2004, 03:41 PM
happy hanukkah!!! may your dreidel be balanced and your sufganiyot be sweet.