View Full Version : Pets...

11-29-2004, 09:59 PM
I never really thought about it, until recently, but isn't it a bit quirky how our pets become a huge part of our lives? I never really understood this until I got my cat about 18 months ago and have endured costly vet bills ever since. My family keeps telling me he's just an alley cat and to get rid of him and get another. I can't help but think, in a twisted sort of way that he's like a child to me, and you surely wouldn't think of trading in a child with a heart defect because it was costly to try and maintain some standard of living, right?

I was looking forward to my cat being a long companion in my household and hope that somehow he overcomes the odds that face, afterall he doesn't seem to have any idea that he has a heart problem... he still does all the normal things cats do, you know, sleep most of the day without a care in the world, chase shadows, play with paper and boxes, and purr softly when I rub that certain spot beneath his chin.

11-29-2004, 10:24 PM
I've heard the same things about my sweet little pug. When I got her she had a hernia and a problem with her jaw, partly because her tounge is so big. I had those fixed as best as they could be and had her spayed. Then we found out she has sever hip displaysia and we had that treated early enough that her doctor think she won't have a huge problem as she gets older. She has cromic ear infections and allergies to certian dyes in her foods and treats. People tell me all the time that it's just a dumb dog and to put her to sleep. My reply is usualy if you kid had something wrong with them would you put them to sleep? They just give me a weird look but i know they don't understand and i feel sorry for them to not have the unconditional love that an animal can give.
I'm sure your cat will be fine, if not do what i do and try to make the time they have here the best. (((((hugs)))))

11-30-2004, 01:25 PM
I would do anything possible to keep any of the pets in my house alive and comfortable. One of the worst things I ever faced was having a cat put to sleep because he had leukemia and there was nothing the vet could do for him and I never want to go through that again.

11-30-2004, 02:33 PM
try sending pictures of the "grandkids" to their "grandparents"! the "grandparents" really love that, especially if they don't have "real" grandkids!

11-30-2004, 03:08 PM
TCF, too cute!!!!!

Aqua, my sympathies to you, had to do the same thing 2 thanksgivings ago to our one cat, absolutely broke my heart! We have pics of her around and we will hang her stocking up again this year! I know, sounds silly to others, but I'm sure all here understand.

Maddy, I agree 100%. We got our other cat (fifth Avenue) at an auction, she came free with a box of $.99 cat food. Never realized how expensive that box of cat food was! But, she is still with us 17 years later and we both love her to death! She is truly our kid!

DG, you are so correct about the unconditional love! I know that when I get home, the fiffer will climb up in my lap and just start purring away and the rest of the world goes away for those few minutes!

11-30-2004, 04:24 PM
TCF, your cat looks quite similar to mine except mine has more white and his orange isn't quite so pronounced... okay so really they are only similar in specie :)

I'm convinced when my parents spend a week with my cat at Christmas they will learn how much more loving he is than their yip yip spoiled rotten Pom.

11-30-2004, 04:41 PM
I am an animal lover and I admit it freely! Maddy, I had a cat with a heart problem, which was what turned out to be a murmur and he lived to be 13 years old. Everynight after the kids were put to bed, he would go spend a few minutes with each of them (they were very small at the time), then come to me, climb up on my lap and lay there to be petted. One night, after he crawled up in my lap, he curled up and died quietly. It was, at the time, a horrible experience. However, now that time has passed I can see how lucky he was to have such a peaceful death and how lucky I was to be with him when it happened. I will never forget him.

Now I have a very, very, very spoiled mutt. He is 6 years old and I have had him since he was 3 weeks old, when I rescued him, his 8 brothers and sisters and his mom. Maybe because of the very precarious start he had in life and how hard I struggled to keep him alive, I feel in my heart that he is one of my kids.

I have always found it hard to trust or like someone who doesn't like animials. How can anyone not love them? Here is a not so clear shot of my third child! lol

11-30-2004, 05:10 PM
try sending pictures of the "grandkids" to their "grandparents"! the "grandparents" really love that, especially if they don't have "real" grandkids!

LMAO. My mom CLAIMS all she'll ever have is a grand-kitty. ;)

11-30-2004, 06:08 PM
I'd do anything for my dog....he's my baby *L*

I'd do almost anything for my cats...but then mine are not terribly affectionate...well unless they feel like it that is *L*

The fish...well they are goldfish....i wouldnt take em to the vet or anything...but i do my best to care for them....i tend to euthanise them if they are very ill (into the freezer they go)

11-30-2004, 06:25 PM
I can relate to you, Maddy. My mom has two cats that I adore (though fiance wont let me keep cats in the house). Don't you listen to those people that tell you he's just an alleycat....Maybe that's true, but you wouldn't throw something out because it wasn't "good enough". I was just amazed at that. I love animals of all kinds, and we have lots.

11-30-2004, 06:53 PM
though fiance wont let me keep cats in the house)

won't LET you?! unless he's allergic i'd bring three or four home!

(you can nver have too much pussy around the house!) :)

11-30-2004, 07:12 PM
^^^ lol

11-30-2004, 09:44 PM




All the Scotties

Yeah hand made my dearest likes to sew for the furkids even the wings 4 foot wingspan hand feathered took about 1.5 hours each.... I'll get more pictures of the kimono it was soooo cute, she even learned to tie an Obi for the costume contests


yeah you all know my house is devoted to my animals. I have 12 dogs living in the bedrooms, 18 cats living in the kitchen and den areas and two rats living right next to me and my computer ..... they grab me and scare the shit outta me when I lean too close. in the quarentine pens we have 10 dogs that are rescues that need training to be brought up to date on shots, sterilization, or to get over their mange.

11-30-2004, 09:52 PM
.....(into the freezer they go)
:shock: Just how big are those Aussie goldfish? :bite:

Your feeling are only going to grow deeper Maddy, and when they pass after 18 years, like our cat Happy or 16 for my girl (http://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/showthread.php?t=7881&highlight=dangeroushttp://www.pixies-place.com:81/forums/showthread.php?t=7881&highlight=dangerous) ............. you WILL have lost a member of the family.:(

DreamGurl understanding of “unconditional love” from something that shares our lives is something that money CAN’T BUY, and unfortunately, few humans can really get past the lip service part of that. Like TinTenn says, people’s attitude towards animals is helpful in sorting out, the otherwise hard task, of who you can trust in life.;)

11-30-2004, 10:12 PM

Its to kill em...not for eating :D

12-01-2004, 07:28 AM
<<< Prays she doesn't come back as a goldfish in Sharni's house....Might catch a cold and she'd put me in the freezer! :D lol

12-01-2004, 10:13 AM
This is such a timely thread for me. All sweet pics (above)...and LMFAO@BamaKyttn's links! Geezzzzzzzz, those pups are patient!

I'm not a "mommy" in the traditional sense, and so I only have my cat Rocky to mother. He's been our "baby" for nearly 17 years now, and he's never cost us very much money over those years...till now. He's stopped doing most of the things that make having a cat so fun. He could care less if a fly landed on his nose. Going outside is more of a chore than a must and a new adventure. He hasn't cleaned himself in just over a year and hates to be brushed except for his head and under his chin. I thought bathing him would prompt his need to lick himself...but he just shivered and let the fur dry in clumps till I got out the hair dryer and insisted I brush him dry.

He's been on a drug I have to administer 1/2 tab twice a day...everyday for the rest of his life...for a hyperthyroid condition. He's gone from 16 lbs. to light as a feather since the onset of this condition. I can feel his ribs and hind bones even though he is rather furry. He gets severe bouts of constipation...at times to the point where I have to take him to the vets for an enema. This might not seem so awful to you, but Rocky WILL NOT let anyone handle him except me, and he'd even bite and/or scratch my face off if anyone comes near him or touches him while I am holding him. He's not a mean cat...just really scared, and has been all his life. Mr. Lixy is the only other human ever able to pick him up for a very short time without him hissing and clawing his way away. So, in order for the vet to "look him over", he has to be knocked out every time. I don't take him to the vets unless absolutely necessary, and while he is under anesthesia I have them do all his blood work, clean his teeth, cut his nails (he has all his claws), give him all his shots, take x-rays and give him an enema if necessary.

As the years go by it is getting more and more traumatic for him (and therefore, for me), and he is having a longer and harder recovery time each time. It can cost us over $350.00 when all is said and done. Even more if they have to keep him overnight.

I know he'll not be with us too much longer, though the vet says it could be a couple more years yet. Just this past Thanksgiving I thought for sure "this was it". First, he lost control of his bowels all over my house, then he stopped eating and wouldn't get out of bed except to drink water and look at his food. I noticed he seemed to be straining to evacuate something that wasn't moving and I thought I'd have to take him to the vets. I just couldn't bear to do that to him unless he seemed in pain, so I got a product called Babylax (first time I ever tried this on my own), a liquid glycerin suppository for babies, and hubby held him down while I delivered it as gently as I could. I quarantined him to the cellar (where his litter box is) for as long as I could stand hearing him scratch on the door to get out...and lo and behold this seemed to do the trick. He's bounced back and seems to be feeling much better today.

I have to admit, I hate the thought of life without him. But I would never want him to suffer, and my hopes are that he'll just die in his sleep one day so that I don't have to make the ultimate decision. He's been with us since Mr. Lixy and I first started living together...and so he IS our son. He knows what I mean when I say "Daddy's home", and he always greets me at the door on my arrival...unless he is sick (the tell-tale sign for me). He knows the word TUNA and can even tell I am talking about it when I spell it, so we have to say "the T word" around him. He's persnickety at times and loving at other times. He hates change, but will start a new ritual just when you think he's settled into a previous one. He's sitting right beside me as I type this and I swear he knows I am talking about him...lol!

Thanks for listening...and so sorry I took so much space with my mini-series! I just had to share my son's life with you all...who knows how much longer I'll have to brag about him!!!???

12-01-2004, 10:35 AM
Here is Buffy,he must be about 30 now,good company no noise or mess,just dust him off now and again

12-01-2004, 10:37 AM
Lost Buffy,he's here some where :rolleyes:

12-01-2004, 10:40 AM
Here's the little bleeder

12-01-2004, 10:52 AM
...sorry I took so much space...


No apologies required. That's about as sweet, open, and honest as it gets!

Thanks. :x:

12-01-2004, 10:55 AM
Awwwwwwwww! TY (((jseal)))!!!!

12-01-2004, 01:40 PM
Lixy Rocky looks like my Tasha...a russian blue too. I love her but phew she is lazy. She's about 9 or 10 now.

12-01-2004, 01:46 PM
Lixy Rocky looks like my Tasha...a russian blue too. I love her but phew she is lazy. She's about 9 or 10 now.
YES Lil! Least that's what he's listed as on his adoption papers. We got him from the S.P.C.A. so we really just figured he was a mixed up mess.

Did you notice they used a Russian Blue in Pet Semetary? YIKES!

P.S. I know I mentioned this before in a similar thread about pets...but it's worth mentioning again, here, for all to understand. We named our cat Rocky after the cartoon "Rocky and Bullwinkle"...but it turned out he was more like the pugilist in the Rocky film[s]...Rocky Balboa! He'd fight anything that got in "his yard" when he was young and spunky. I always feared he'd get some funky disease from some critter or another. Never did though! And...with "Rocky the Squirrel" as a pet, I always thought I'd get a chocolate lab and name her Bullwinkle (yeah, hubby hated the idea too...so you aren't alone in going YUCK!). Anyway...with Rocky's demeanor...he never allowed me to have another pet (the cat...not hubby). LMFAO! Damn cat!

12-02-2004, 07:52 PM
okay, here's a pic of my furball...

12-02-2004, 08:31 PM
My baby Paco keeps me sane when otherwise, I'd fall off into the void.........

12-03-2004, 06:17 AM
okay, here's a pic of my furball...
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So sweet! How could you not love that thing to pieces? I wish her good health and a long life with you (((maddy)))! And...if for some reason that is not to be...I just know the memories you make now will be treasured forever!

12-03-2004, 07:34 AM
Lixy, when I read your post about Rocky I just about cried...I know it's hard to lose something that you've loved for so long, and I hope that he's with you for a long time yet. He looks like a sweetheart.

12-03-2004, 09:30 PM
Trying to find some Closure

I am 20, and when I was 6 months old an orange and white kitten wondered into the back yard... and wouldn't go away. We say he adopted us. His name, Magic (Max for short). I remember growing up with him. When we ate dinner, he was right there waiting to see what scraps he'd get. Over the summer he'd bring us birds and squirls he'd caught, i guess in his own little cat way it was him giving us a gift. And every night he would come sleep on my bed with me, purring away softly. He was my baby, one of the family. And yesterday morning I had to say goodbye.
I know it's only been just over 24 hours since I put him down, but it hurts and i miss him terribly. It feels like a part of me is missing. Lastnight i cried myself to sleep in the arms of my bestfriend. And I find that at random little things that remind me of him I can't help but cry.

When i found this thread, and read what you all had written I figured i could share my story with you. So thanks for listening.

12-03-2004, 09:38 PM
I'm very sorry DangerousPet, I hope in time you can appreciate all the wonderful years you had with Max.

12-05-2004, 12:48 AM
I have 4 dogs. A Lab/Greyhound mix; a Malamute/Husky mix; a Husky/hybrid mix and a chihuahua. Everyone but the chihuahua is a rescue. Lab is 11, Mal is 14 or so, Hybrid is 4, chi is about 14 or so. Love 'em all. Previous owners were jerks and abusive. Chi was mother-in-law's when she passed away. Have had to put down my OES, hubby's Wolf mix (with yellow eyes), and one of the mellowest chihuahuas you'd ever meet. I can sympathize with those who have lost their "kids". There's always a little piece of your heart that they capture, and they are never forgotten.

12-05-2004, 11:59 AM
Missed this thread first time around, but it prompted me to share a recent event...most of you have prob seen Lucky's pic in PF's "more dangerous...baby pictures" thread, he's a Pomerianian/? mix, tricolor about 15 lb furball we adopted from the shelter when he was about 11 months...now he's about 12, & been in excellent health & still frisky as a pup till a couple weeks ago...he began vomiting repeatedly til there was nothing left to bring up, & was walking funny when he moved at all...we all got so concerned I took him to the vet's office...several hours later when I went to pick him up he could hardly walk at all, his eyes were rolling around & seemed disoriented...I was sure the we were going to have to put him down...till the vet told me he was suffering from a usually temporary condition that affects old dogs sometimes, can't remember the name but it usually passes within 48 hrs...said to give him the non-drowsy dramamine pills for the nausea, that it was just extreme dizzyness, he couldn't tell which way was up...set me back a couple hundred bucks, but my wife agreed it was just as if it had been one of the kids...he was much better the next day, he still has a little difficulty with the step to the den & the vinyl floor in the kitchen, but he's back to play-fighting with the 13 yr old (he growls so viciously)...but this was a whole new for me, never had a dog get old on me before, & if you could have been in that vet's office you would have seen a grown man crying over his scared little dog that he thought he was gonna lose...

12-05-2004, 12:24 PM
I’m so glad to hear they feel it’s something normal of an aging pup and he’s doing better, Scotzoid. That is a new one on me, after having a number of pets that passed expected life spans, as mentioned many other threads. I’d like to know more about it and hope he continues to drive you crazy for a few more years. ;)

12-06-2004, 09:09 PM
It's begining to look a lot like christmas around here.

12-06-2004, 11:36 PM
my pet isn't so soft and cuddly, although i absolutely adore cats, one wouldn't mix with Geek. Geek is my 5 1/2 year old male Leopard Spotted Gecko. If I pet his chin/ bottom lip err what ever it is, he'll lick my finger. So I get lizard licks and kisses from him in that way. He is a beautiful blending of yellow, brown, green, and purple. He likes to sit on my shoulder while i am sitting, other wise he goes in my hair. He's shedding right now, and quite grumpy so i'm not gonna bother him to get a pic.
maybe I should get him a girlfriend for Christmas, hehehehe:D

11-21-2006, 09:38 AM
Here's my buddy Sarge. He's a fun little fella. Lately I've been spending a lot of time at home due to some health problems and I'm afraid he's starting to get a bit more spoiled than ever. He could probably stand to lose about 10 lbs. but he doesn't seem to want to cooperate with me on that one.

11-21-2006, 09:39 AM
Sarge is adorable!

11-21-2006, 09:43 AM
Yeah, I think he's a keeper. :D

Not so sure he'd want me posting naked pics of him on the internet but I figure it's probably better him than me. Not so sure the world would be ready for that. :faint:

11-21-2006, 09:44 AM
Hey it's a start...we'll get you soon ;)

11-21-2006, 09:46 AM
We'll see............ maybe somewhere down the road. ;)

11-21-2006, 10:55 AM
Yup, he looks like a Sarge!! He's adorable!!!!

Thanks for the pic!

11-21-2006, 05:18 PM
He is sweet, Iowa. What a great companion. :)

11-21-2006, 07:32 PM
P.S. That's a chihuahua on my chest.

Awwww, I though you were just happy to see me.

08-20-2007, 01:16 PM
Here are a couple of pics of my new kitty Lou. I named him after the Cubs manager Lou Piniella, go figure. :p

As you can see, he has at least one thing in common with me, he likes to spank his monkey. :rofl:

08-20-2007, 03:59 PM
Here's a couple more of the little furball.

08-20-2007, 04:00 PM
here are lucky and brownie

08-21-2007, 01:28 PM
Guess this is as good a place as any for an updated pic of Riley (see "Introducing a new bitch on the block"), as well as the most recent pic I have of the Luckster (still hanging in there against all odds, nearly blind & deaf, but still seems to enjoy being a dog)...

Third pic is from the back window of my sister-in-law's suv...you wouldn't guess she's a dog lover, too, would ya?

10-14-2007, 07:16 PM
I'm just a couple of days shy of having my kitty Lou for two months. Here's a really recent pic of the little guy. He was either 8 or 9 mo. old when I got him so he's coming up on his first birthday pretty soon.

10-15-2007, 12:32 PM
the vet told me he was suffering from a usually temporary condition that affects old dogs sometimes, can't remember the name but it usually passes within 48 hrs...said to give him the non-drowsy dramamine pills for the nausea, that it was just extreme dizzyness, he couldn't tell which way was up...Wife was watching this "Emergency Vet" (or something like that) show on Animal Planet the other day, when they showed a case of a bigger younger dog than my Lucky, who was suffering the same symptoms...the name of which is "vistibular(sp)" disease, if I heard right...in this case, with the younger dog, they were going to check him for a brain tumor or some such, they claimed that that would be the only cause for his problems...apparently old dogs like Lucky can come down with it for no reason, & recover the same...

He still shows signs of impaired vision, probably cateracts, & frequently misjudges the big step up from the den, scaring us all when he slams into the step or head first onto the kitchen floor...but he stills does his little dance when he sees me, still eats well, & still growls and barks at Riley when she invades his personal space...so we'll just see how long he lasts for now...

11-02-2007, 07:24 PM
Here's a recent pic of Vinci that my sister sent me a couple of weeks ago!!!

11-02-2007, 07:38 PM
I love seeing pics of Vinci, he's so adorable Neige!!!

02-23-2008, 07:41 PM
May as well add a pic of Gabby, formerly known as gray stray kitty. She's moved in and gets along really well with Lou. She has gone from being absolutely scared to death of me when she first started coming around to being about the most gentle and loving kitty you could ever want. Well, except for when Lou thinks it's a good idea to pounce on her while she's trying to use the litter box, that one sort of pisses her off. :p

02-23-2008, 07:42 PM
Gabby looks like my Tigger.

02-23-2008, 07:51 PM
Not sure if she was born without it or what but Gabs only has a little stub for a tail. Oh, and that's another thing that gets Lou in trouble with her....... when he decides to go sniffing around there. :yikes:

02-24-2008, 01:42 AM
Gabby reminds me a little of Catnip, a "spare" kitten I got from my farmer relatives back when I was just a little Zoid...her postion also reminds me that cats seem to have the Art of True Relaxation down in a way that other mammals can only dream of.

This pic is just to remind everybody how much fun a body can have with dog & a big dollop of peanut butter. Don't worry, the "viscious" look is just an odd moment frozen in time by the camera flash, she loves it when daddy gives her a finger full, & the five minutes (minimum) of chops-licking never fails to give me a smile...

02-28-2008, 05:41 PM
That's a great picture Scotz! :thumb:

03-08-2008, 12:02 PM
Here's one of Vinci I took last week! Look at the eyes... :D

03-08-2008, 08:15 PM
Hi Vinci! :wave:

03-08-2008, 09:07 PM
WOW................he really got pretty!!!!!

03-08-2008, 09:13 PM
Oh yes, he is!!! He knows it too, I think :p

03-09-2008, 02:18 PM
May as well add a pic of Gabby, formerly known as gray stray kitty. She's moved in and gets along really well with Lou. She has gone from being absolutely scared to death of me when she first started coming around to being about the most gentle and loving kitty you could ever want. Well, except for when Lou thinks it's a good idea to pounce on her while she's trying to use the litter box, that one sort of pisses her off. :p

Gabby looks just like my Saffron....she's my barn mouser.

03-09-2008, 02:20 PM
...oh, and here's a picture of our collie...

04-02-2008, 02:28 PM
What a beautiful dog Rabbit! :thumb:

Here is my Gabby taking a nap with her 4 kittens last week. :)