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11-28-2004, 01:19 PM
This morning I was soooo disappointed because while washing my hair I knocked one of my very most favorite silver stud earrings down the drain. Mr. Lil immediately grabbed his telescoping magnet, then I "reminded" him that you can't pick up silver with a magnet :( I thanked him for trying and ran off to grocery shop.

When I came home the earring was on the bathroom counter. I was sooo happy, I asked "How did you get this out?" and my kiddos said, "he used a dental pick and a peanut butter chewy candy" :yikes: After accusing them of being full of a substance usuallyfound in a pasture, their father assured me he had indeed got my earring out of the drain using a dental pick and peanut butter chews. When I asked him how the hell he came up with that idea he replied, " I couldn't find any chewing gum." :spin::dizzy::spin:

Have you ever solved a problem in an extremely creative way?

11-28-2004, 01:33 PM
unfortunately I'm not that creative and usually let anger and frustration take over in the form of a pity party. You've got a wonderful husband Lil...

11-28-2004, 01:40 PM
Yep...i do that shit *LOL*

Where theres a will theres a way!

11-28-2004, 01:41 PM
unfortunately I'm not that creative and usually let anger and frustration take over in the form of a pity party. You've got a wonderful husband Lil...
shhhhhhhhh don't let him hear you say that :p

I usually just say fuck it and blame it on bad luck.

11-28-2004, 04:24 PM
My wife dropped one of her contacts down the bathroom sink once. She was all perturbed and mad at herself. I took the flashlight and saw that fortunately, it had landed, curved sides up, on the little lever that normally lifts and lowers the drain plug. It's about 4 inches down the drain though. She says "Great, now what?" I went to get one of those 8 inch long q-tips that I used to clean my cassette player heads and a jar of honey. Dabbed a little on the q-tip end lowered it down the drain and ......voila! Brought up contact on the end of the q-tip and handed it to her............... WELL......... that is what MacGuyver would have done!

11-28-2004, 04:50 PM
Before my dad passed away, he had an old Oldsmobile Delta 88 that had a rear tail light lens with a hole in it. After the dealer told him it'd cost $70 to fix; he brought it home. I saw the broken part of the lens laying in the bottom of the light fixture; took a straw with bubble gum and pulled the broken chip up. Put glue around the opening and pulled the lens piece back into place. Held it until the glue set and ... voila ... it worked. Lens lasted like that for several years after dad passed away and my brother took over the car. :)

11-28-2004, 04:50 PM
I've never done anything like that--I guess I just think inside the box lol

11-28-2004, 05:51 PM
My daughter's car, an old Daewoo (Korean crap), needed a rear lens cluster.

Replacements were almost 200 Ozbucks and had been on order for 18 months.

The Motor people were not going to pass the car for registration.

I found a trailer lens for 15 Ozbucks and cut coloured bits to shape and stuck them in

the holes with silicone so I could change the globe if it blew.

DMV passed the car and you still can't get the part.

11-28-2004, 06:26 PM
have used rope wrapped in duct tape for a fan belt.
radiator hose to fix the kitchen drain till I could get to the store.
bailing wire to splice a spark plug wire that burnt into (just dont touch it while running
improvise,adapt,& proceed

11-28-2004, 08:43 PM
nope, but i don't need to. i'm married to macguyver, too.(the damn polygamist, when the hell did i move to utah?? :p :D )

11-28-2004, 09:27 PM
nope, but i don't need to. i'm married to macguyver, too.(the damn polygamist, when the hell did i move to utah?? :p :D )

I'll be damned if he isn't training me to think like that. It just goes to prove you can too teach an old bitch new tricks/trix/trics/triks/whips/trikz.!!!!??!!!!!

11-28-2004, 09:33 PM
Umm, I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue....does that count?

*edit* I forgot to mention, that I tie it in a knot AROUND my tongue ring :P Just think what I can do with a REAL cherry :P

11-28-2004, 09:59 PM
Oh boy, I can't tell you how many times I have pulled something out of thin air.

One of my favs was when a Starling flew down our chimney. I opened the flue but he wouldn't come out. I had to come up with a way to get the bird out without hurting it. So, I climbed onto the roof and lowered a rope with a plastic lid tied to the end of it. The lid acted as a "pusher" to force the bird to walk out of the flue.

Once it was in the house, catching it was fairly easy.


11-28-2004, 10:14 PM
Oh boy, I can't tell you how many times I have pulled something out of thin air.

One of my favs was when a Starling flew down our chimney. I opened the flue but he wouldn't come out. I had to come up with a way to get the bird out without hurting it. So, I climbed onto the roof and lowered a rope with a plastic lid tied to the end of it. The lid acted as a "pusher" to force the bird to walk out of the flue.

Once it was in the house, catching it was fairly easy.

what? lighting a fire below it was not an option? :D I am sure it would have vacated the premises out the top of the chimney. :jester:

Hopefully you now have a proper chimney cap on there (they are actually a really good idea just in case your chuimney were to ever catch on fire, they keep the embers off the roof!)

11-29-2004, 06:08 AM
I love your hubby Lil! Oops...I mean...whatta man! Mr. Lixy is no MacGyver...but really mechanically inclined. I'm usually the one to come up with the uses for duct tape, etc...but I'll be damned if I can think of any at this time in the morning. As usual...I'll think of something[s] during my work day and get back to ya!

11-29-2004, 04:59 PM
what? lighting a fire below it was not an option? :D I am sure it would have vacated the premises out the top of the chimney. :jester:

milktoast, here's the thing...we HAVE a cap on there! He snuck underneath it!

Had to take the cap OFF to get my little trick to work!


11-29-2004, 05:53 PM
scuse me - can someone please pass the yellow pages? :D

11-29-2004, 07:41 PM
I am learning that Mr. Osuche can be creative and competent...as long as I have the fortitude to chase him around the house until he actually performs said task.

...today he fixed the wireless network for me, before he left.....and he didn't even need bubblegum to do it. :rolleyes:

12-01-2004, 12:45 AM
Addendum: My sister-in-law's place was broken into yesterday and Mr. Osuche has already begun to design an intruder alert system, complete with infrared sensors, piezo buzzers, IR cameras, data logging features, and other such devices. He wants her to be safe.....and for a guy who is working on Dept. of Defense anti-terrorism sensors and equipment, I suspect he will be remarkably successful at implementing a solution.

Damn, sometimes I realize how awesome he really is. :love:

12-01-2004, 03:09 AM
Addendum: My sister-in-law's place was broken into yesterday and Mr. Osuche has already begun to design an intruder alert system, complete with infrared sensors, piezo buzzers, IR cameras, data logging features, and other such devices. He wants her to be safe.....and for a guy who is working on Dept. of Defense anti-terrorism sensors and equipment, I suspect he will be remarkably successful at implementing a solution.

Damn, sometimes I realize how awesome he really is. :love:

*imagines Mr. Osuche smiling proudly as he watches paratroopers jumping out of black helicopters over your sister-in-law's place :) *

12-01-2004, 12:20 PM
Got a heater for the barn the other day. It's propane so hubby had to run some copper pipe from inside to out. He got it to the point of flaring the pipe for connection and found his flaring tool was shot. The ridges were worn down from many uses over the years. It was late and no store open to buy a new one and Mr. Lixy was frustrated fore having to cut the pipe...try the flaring tool...cut the pipe again...etc. and so on. The tool just wouldn't grip the copper pipe and the pipe pushed through so that the flare wasn't proper. I suggested something rubbery to grip the pipe better. Ya know...like those rubber things to open jars and such! He scoffed and continued to try the tool as is. I handed him a wide rubberband...like the ones you get around asparagus at the market...and went into the house. I just couldn't take his frustration! I soon returned to find that he had the pipes all set up and ready to go. He mumbled that the rubberband trick worked. I giggled to myself and thought of this thread!

This is the kind of stuff I mentioned earlier. I dare not tell him HOW to get things connected because he is so mechanically inclined...but if he runs into a problem and needs to modify a situation to make the fit (or whatever)...I can usually come up with an idea that'll do the trick in a pinch!

*rubs fingernails over upper chest and puffs on them*