View Full Version : \\ Clothes Make the Man //

11-18-2004, 08:51 PM
and the woman as well!

Is there something that you wear or that your S/O wears that makes either of you salivate?

Is it lingerie or something meant to be sexy or is there something that just does it for some unexplicable reason?

The reason I ask is because today when I got home from school I began to peel out of my "teacher clothes" and Mr. Lil was surprised to find I had a very sexy red see-thru bra on underneath. When I asked him to go retrieve a specific shirt for me from the place we hang clean laundry he went and got it but then toyed with me and refused to give it to me. He said he always loves me in that bra and just wanted to look for a little bit longer. I reached my hand to the front of his trousers and sure enough he does like me in that bra ;)

What about you is there something that turns you on like that? I know he has a tight maroon tshirt that is more form fitting than the stuff he usually wears and everytime I see him in it I think.....mmmm yup I'd do him :D

11-18-2004, 08:52 PM
i seem to wear a lot of nice things that seem to get the b/f's attention. For me if he dabs on some polo sport and a nice long or short sleeved shirt w/ a button up collar.....YUM!

11-18-2004, 09:05 PM
Mr. Osuche has a blue suit and a tie that I simply LOVE on him.

11-18-2004, 09:20 PM
I like Mr. Cherry in a "wife beater" (ribbed tank top) and boxers--or just boxers. Honestly clothing doesn't turn me on that much, I say take the damn clothes off and lets get busy.

He doesn't care much for lingerie, but he likes it when I wear sweaters because I'm "stacked" (his words, not mine) and he says I look hot. He has this one army wool sweater that I put on, instant erection for him.

Also, I might add, I think he looks sexy in his army uniform!

11-18-2004, 10:43 PM
His blue jeans or his silky jammi type lounge pants............but find him waiting naked for me when I come out of the shower is very nice too.

11-18-2004, 10:44 PM
Hubby loves me in lingerie, stockings and all.

I love him in a tight, really faded pair of blue jeans and a slightly wrinkled white T-shirt. Mmmmmm :slurp:

11-18-2004, 10:50 PM
Tess we like Stud's faded blue jeans too ;o) !!!!

11-19-2004, 12:11 AM
Hubby has this dark blue poly shirt that has the silhouette of palm trees on it...its very urban and cool. Now being that he's a good ol country boy and he normally either wears torn jeans and polo shirts, when he pulls that one out I totally drool. I don't know if its so much the way it looks on him or that it makes him look like a different person or something but its so hot.

I dunno what he thinks looks good on me...

11-19-2004, 09:02 AM
I've always had a thing for the faded jeans, white tshirt and dusty work boots look on a woman. And if she's climbing out of a pick-up...woot! But Mrs. WI doesn't do boots. On her, I think she's sexiest when she's not trying to dress sexy.

Mrs. WI likes crisp new jeans and a black cotton button-down shirt I wear. It always seems to get discussed whenever we're with others, and she gets all goofy and attentive. There might be some hallucinogen in the thread or something.

11-19-2004, 09:17 AM
yep...like the faded jeans here, too, but a bit on the baggy side. and he's got this mustard colored t-shirt that looks so yummy on him. underneath it all: a pair of silk boxers, any color will do. love the way my hand can slide around his butt when he's got 'em on.
he likes to see me in skirts, whatever length, and high boots. underneath: nothing at all or something lacey and push-up with a thong.