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Nice Guy
10-29-2004, 01:10 PM
Due to a particularly strange dream last night I really feel then need to talk about it. Now I enjoy dreams as much as the next person. However sometimes they are just to real.

The dream I had last night dealt with me finding out I had a son and then of course meeting him. Now I don't have any children and I know that for a fact but it is amazing how real it all seemed. It was all a dream but after I woke up I had a real feeling of loss. I had been introduced to a child that was mine only to lose him because I had to wake up. As I said I don't have an kids so I don't know what it really feels like to have one, but this has given me a glimpse of it at the very least. It is hard to believe how much a simple dream can affect you.

Thanks for listening to this odd topic, I just needed to get it off my chest.

10-29-2004, 05:17 PM
I have some doozies too! ((nice guy)) * a kiss for each eyelid* keeps the boogman away

10-31-2004, 08:56 AM
That sounds like a nice dream tho...... I dream very detailed dreams myself and always wake up thinking about them because they seem so realistic.

10-31-2004, 01:17 PM
Every now and then I have dreams that cannot have possibly happened, but they do indeed feel very real upon awakening. The feelings stays with you for a while, and then dissipate over the days and weeks to follow. Only a handful can I now call up and get the feeling I did when I initially woke from it. Some, I'd call nightmares...some intuitive...and a few good feelings from yet a few more. I've tried to find meaning for the ones that stick with me. Almost all books on interpretation seem to agree but disagree at the same time. I found the best answers to the question "why" lie within us...and we can interpret the meanings better than any book's author...who never has or will meet us!

Search your feelings hon...that's where the answers are!