View Full Version : Which is sexier?
06-05-2001, 09:25 PM
I've always been told that I dress conservatively provocative. Which means that my business attire makes my male coworkers drool...So, I want to know what men think is sexier...A woman wearing professional skirts, silk blouses with fitted jackets, stocking and heels....or a woman wearing tight fitting pants and curve clinging knit shirts?
06-05-2001, 10:13 PM
Deffinately the profesional look. Leaves a lot more to the imagination.:D
06-06-2001, 08:18 AM
At the risk of putting my foot in my mouth I have to say that it depends on the woman. I have seen some women that take my breath away in a suit but put the tight clothes on and forget it and visa versa too. By this I don't mean that size has anything to do with it, it is just the particular look of that woman. Fortunately my wife looks great in both.
I'd say the business look is the sexiest, can't beat it! There's something special about a lady dressed up for the office.
06-07-2001, 10:49 AM
here's an example of my conservatively provocative business attire...
06-07-2001, 11:29 AM
In my opinion there is nothing sexier then a woamn in business attire... I am surrounded by it all day and all I can say is... WOW!
Sapphie... that is a spectacular pic...and I luv how that skirt is riding high on your hip.... mmmmmmmmmmm
Now to get that right leg to spread apart a little we could see if you have thongs on under that 'conservative' business attire...
begging for more....... ;)
06-07-2001, 07:33 PM
sorry to disappoint you bogey...but, I probably won't be posting any skin shots...guess it's the conservative part of my personality!
by the way...thongs or nothing! ;)
06-07-2001, 07:53 PM
a little disappointed but that pic was amazing and really lets the imagination run wild... i think.... hmmm is she wearing thongs, or nothing at all....
I wouldn't mind to see more pics like that...
06-07-2001, 08:44 PM
care to post a pic of YOUR conservative side? surely you don't wear just those undies to work....:rolleyes:
06-07-2001, 10:12 PM
My conservative side is at work is jeans and shirt....not much of a turn on...
but I'll see what I can do...
06-08-2001, 07:03 AM
the right ass in the right pair of jeans can definitely be a turn on!
06-09-2001, 01:26 AM
I have always had a fetish about women dressed in business attire, and your pic has just fueled my imagination. Even without the pic being sexy or showing your face, all I can say is wow. If the women in my office looked as good as you do in that outfit, I would get no work done at all.
Wow Sapphire, you look incredible! You prefer a guy in jeans then, or perhaps something else?
06-09-2001, 04:36 PM
older men wearing suits and ties......but nothing beats a hunk in a faded pair of Levi's with a white button down shirt...cuz then all I can think about is unbuttoning that shirt and running my fingernails across his chest!
06-18-2001, 10:22 PM
My personal pref. is for conservative clothing on a woman. But only in this limited, either/or case. What a person wears says things about them. Not entirely sure, but I think conservative dress appeals for the same reason librarians fascinate pervs like me. There seems to be an implication of repression, prudishness, or sexual innocence in a person dressed this way. This makes the fantasy of this person's surrender to lust all the more sweet.
Too, a business woman image implies forcefulness and strength of will. I personally prefer those women and men who have a little moxy.
There are exceptions to this rule for me tho. A woman in casual dress usually doesn't catch my eye, unless because of her other charms. But if I should spy her at a soccer game, wearing a baseball cap and cheering on her kids.... :cool:
definitely brings out the naughty thoughts.
Hot pic by the way Sapphire. :D
06-30-2001, 05:14 PM
It really does not matter a damn. A sexy woman is a sexy woman.
Some suit the business look more than others, but really depends on the viewer - women in uniform? It's just the same thing with business attire, if thats what you like, thats what you like... personaly if prefer the candy, and to hell with the wrapper.
06-30-2001, 06:27 PM
prefer a woman dressed up in sexy workclothes... I dunno something about the time and effort put into looking so damn delicious... At work it's hard to talk to the ugliest chick in business attire cuz she looks soooo damn sexy... I see dressed down women all the time and it depresses me... Why show so much when you can gift-wrap it nice 'n' pretty for me?
I'm under your desk like Ah!!!!!
07-01-2001, 07:32 PM
A lady dressed for business in black hose, there is nothing sexier
07-09-2001, 12:18 AM
GREAT LEGS! Love the SHINEY, SILK LOOKING stockings. They would feel SO good wrapped around my neck - while I bury my face into that PUSSY!
I think I'll just jack off looking at those legs. My poor cock is dripping a little now. Time to get the lube anda towel!
07-09-2001, 02:43 AM
If it is not to late, I will vote for your "Business" look. Very elegant and very alluring. The three problems I can see with you wearing your outfit to the office are;
1) Your coworkers complaining about neck pain as they constantly follow your beautiful form around the office.
2) Your clients being unable to sign documents because their hands are shaking from their repressed urge to have passionate sex with you on your desk.
3) Me thinking about you spreading you legs as you sit on your chair so that I may lick, kiss, and suck upon you is constantly distracting me from my work.
07-09-2001, 04:54 PM
thanks for the nice comments John_L...I have to admit, I've closed more than one deal wearing my "business as usual" suits...I've not heard any complaints about neck pain...and I've had more than one offer to having someone sit under my desk while I worked...diligently, of course...hmmmmmmm
07-11-2001, 09:33 PM
Fair Sapphire, would you honor us by posting another picture? Our lives would be brightened by your beauty, and I am sure I will have a much happier day!
07-24-2001, 03:03 AM
i've usually gotten hard over both, but i like the tight pants and the tight blouse, usually gives an overseeing of the womens body before actually seeing it.
07-24-2001, 08:35 AM
I love the pro look.
I wear stockings, the business attire, all of it.
Of course, the absolute hottest thing is to see a woman such as yourself who looks so good in her business attire, slowly strip off that suit to reveal a sexy and seductive lingerie ensemble, preferably something in a shade of fetish (leather, latex, etc.) Oooooh, we'd all love to see that Saphire!
07-24-2001, 09:36 AM
Sapphire, I most say that the conservative business attire on a woman is rather provocative! It is to bad that we will not get to see your "liberal" undressed attire!! LOL :(
07-24-2001, 06:43 PM
check out the thongs post....
07-15-2007, 09:47 PM
Anyone else care to weigh in?
07-16-2007, 01:13 AM
It depends on what you fel good and sexy in! I've seen women in uncomfortable pumps and skirts that were clearly unsuited to them - and I am not impressed. Likewise, I've seen women in pained on jeans and lowcut tops and been repulsed.
If I had to choose, I'd choose professional....or sundress and nice sandals. That look is always attractive.
07-16-2007, 02:46 AM
I agree 100% with Osuche.
If a woman looks comfortable in her own skin, a confident happy woman in sweats can be more sexy than an ill-at-ease awkward woman wearing corset, thong, stockings and suspenders.
I also think it can be sexy to see a woman in the clothes that you don't normally see her in. For a woman's co-workers, they may find her sexy in the suit but seeing her in her weekend clothes might make her appear more so. For her husband, who is used to seeing her in suits and weekend clothes, seeing her dressed up for a night out might just tip the scales for him.
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