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10-27-2004, 05:33 AM
What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
10-27-2004, 06:38 AM
Silence of the Lambs was the last movie to really freak me out! lol i watched it when i was in junior high at my best friends house and even tho i only lived a few houses down i still made her dad walk me home LMAO !!
i saw that ring movie(is that the name where the phone rings after u watch the film and u have a week to live) with a bunch of friends me n EnglishLush laughed our way tho it and the other two girl were terrified on the couch!!! and it was so funny cuz the second after the film eneded my phone rang , lush and i fell out laughing as the other two freakied out, i answered and it was Jeeping calling from one of the deployments he was on, he laughed so hard when he heard what was going on LOL i almost peed myself laughin at those two girls!!!!
10-27-2004, 07:40 AM
Exorcist, hands down....freaked me out as a kid
10-27-2004, 07:46 AM
It might be The Omen or Rosemary's Baby. But then again, as I get older, different things freak me out. It's not some dude in a hockey mask loppin heads off with a machete anymore. It's bad stuff that really does happen that hits closer to home now.
10-27-2004, 10:02 AM
House on Haunted Hill was without a doubt the scariest, creepiest, most chilling movie i've ever seen. there are scenes in this movie that had me peeking between my fingers like a little kid. i really love scary movies but this one scared me so much i think i missed about a third of it 'cause my eyes were closed.
how about you, lilth? (i ask that alot, don't I?)
10-27-2004, 11:31 AM
I love horror movies...the ones that had me most freaked that have not been mentioned is Signs and Children of the Corn.
10-27-2004, 12:12 PM
I have to agree with Osuche. The Exorcist was the scariest movie I've ever seen. Yes, I know there were tons of subliminals in it back in the 70's, but it still freaked me out so badly that I couldn't even manage listening to the theme song on the radio. Years later, I tried to watch it again, but had to turn it off.
I love scary movies, but I can't handle "Devil movies".
10-27-2004, 01:37 PM
Chalk up one more vote for "The Exorcist". I've seen it several times and every time it creeps me out. It also has the power to leave me thinking afterwards. Something most horror movies don't do. It also strikes me that the movie was based on actual events.
The movie "The Shining" also ranks high on my list. It was the first horror movie I ever saw and still gets me out of my chair at times. Heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrre's Johnny!!! :eek:
10-27-2004, 01:41 PM
I dont cope well with ANY horror flick....ask Bilbo LMAO
I'm a chicken i tell ya....i avoid em like the plague!
10-27-2004, 03:03 PM
The only movie that ever scared me was Amittyville II -The Possession......scared me to death!!!!! I was told that it was a true story!!! I love horror flicks! They are the BEST!!
10-27-2004, 03:34 PM
I love horror movies...the ones that had me most freaked that have not been mentioned is Signs and Children of the Corn.
watched Children of the Corn when I was smaller..and let me tell you..having grown up in a rural area in Pennsylvania w/ corn fields all around, that scared me a lot! lol (I'm from NJ of course, jersey born and bred..just happened to live out there for a few years) So since I never got used to living in that much of a rural that definitely was freaky..
I can't think of a movie that REALLY scared me...hmm..
10-27-2004, 04:15 PM
The movie "The Shining" also ranks high on my list. It was the first horror movie I ever saw and still gets me out of my chair at times. Heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrre's Johnny!!! :eek:
OMG yes!
10-27-2004, 09:33 PM
The 1976 movie that gave me chills that I'm still not over is Network. :shock:
Many years ago, I worked at a video store. All employees were required to take the movies home to become familiar with them. I got "Phantasm". I was sitting in a recliner/rocker, watching it. The chrome ball had already drilled thorugh one of the actors, and it was whipping around corners chasing someone. Right when it came around a corner to attack, one of my kids came up behind the chair and said "MOM! Eric's bothering me." They didn't know what I was watching. I went up and over the chair backwards. Scared the shit out of me. Of course, the kids thought it was hysterically funny.
Like Sharni, I don't do horror flicks ... but I do love mystery or suspense movies ... there's an old black and white suspense movie with Audrey Hepburn, Efrem Zimbalist Jr., Richard Crenna and some others ... called "Wait Until Dark" there is a scene in that one that I still jump about a mile when it happens and I've seen the movie a number of times ... doesn't matter, I JUMP!!!!
10-28-2004, 02:13 AM
Horror movie I reacted worst to was a thing called "Return of the Evil Dead", not the
shlock movie but one about skeletal Knights Templar returning on the 500th anniversary
of their massacre by villagers for unspeakable crimes. Understated and very spooky.
After that, line up Count Yorga and all the devil/evil spirit/demon crap.
I think I'll stick with 2001 re-runs. Yes HAL, I'm coming. . . .
10-28-2004, 04:39 AM
My vote is for the exorcist or the omen.....still can't watch either of them at night, alone...... they still scare the whosit's outa me
05-25-2005, 10:00 AM
adding the remake of dawn of the dead.......i saw it a month or so ago and since then i have had terrible visions of the little girl in the beginning, except it's MY daughter standing in our bedroom door with blood all over her mouth. and scary flashes of the last seen play through my head as i try to fall asleep. kinda wishin i never watched it.
the 1963 movie...The Haunting starring Julie Harris
It is the opposite of the gory horror movies. It is made from the book the Haunting of Hill House. The movie serves one's own little fears back to them. Also the music definately added to the dread of what would be happening next.
05-26-2005, 07:42 AM
Is that "Tubular Bells" I hear in the background?
Is that "Tubular Bells" I hear in the background?
Yes it is...part one and part two
05-26-2005, 10:57 AM
Third vote for "Children of the Corn"!
(Actually, seeing PF on Web cam for the first time -- does that count?) :vamp:
05-26-2005, 11:44 AM
While this movie wasn't really scary when I watched it, 28 Days Later gave me nightmares, I swear there were like subliminal messages in it or something lol
I used to dream about zombies attacking me and my ex, and having to fight them off with a baseball bat. Nothing like waking up at 1 AM and thinking there are zombies outside :p lol
When I was a little kid, around 5 or so, my evil stepsister made me watch "Silver Bullet". I had nightmares for weeks.
Master Scribe
05-26-2005, 01:48 PM
The video of my second marriage............
NOW that ws one scary film............
(Actually, seeing PF on Web cam for the first time -- does that count?) :vamp:
:spank: lol
05-26-2005, 10:44 PM
I have a very low tolerance for anything scary... they all give me nightmares for weeks and I have to sleep with the lights on and won't leave my room at night. :) Doesn't take muchto scare me... I still can't listen to the Halloween theme music... though the one that scares me the most, as cheesy as it is, was the Blair Witch Project... that scene at the end just sticks with me...
05-27-2005, 12:06 AM
For me It Was the Orginal Alien, When the Alien burst through his chest.
05-27-2005, 01:02 PM
I don't like horror movies especially the slasher kind. The one movie that did scare me was "The Candyman." For over a week I wouldn't look in mirror....LOL
Another movie was "The Mothman Prophicies." It didn't scare me but I found it unsettling.
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