View Full Version : Toys: What's the most you've spent in one go?

09-08-2004, 07:45 AM
Hiya all!

I just put in an order for a whole heap of sex toys.... glass dildos, nipple clips, a paddle - lots a stuff!

In total it came to a bit over AU$400 - about US$277 or so.

A bit painful on the bank balance, but I'm sooo looking forward to them coming in!

Got me wondering though - what's the most you've ever spent on sex toys, in one go?

I'm not talking about over ten years or anything, I'm talking about all at once.
I don't normally shop like this, but there were so many toys I wanted and the site was cheap.... I almost couldn't stop LOL :D


09-08-2004, 07:59 AM
Not too much, just usually go for one toy.....last time I went to the sex shop I spent $100 tho.....

I really want one of those glass ones and stare at it like a kid in a candy store with no money!

09-08-2004, 09:55 AM
/Steph sits at the computer until Casper's toys arrive and the pics start rolling in!

I would loooooove to go to buy so much stuff! The most I've ever spent was $70 or so in one go. A friend wants a few of us gals to visit some sex shops together and she's my friend who most closely resembles Paris Hilton (re: spending) so we'll see if she influences my spending. :)

09-08-2004, 12:02 PM
About $100 in one pop;)

09-08-2004, 12:26 PM
The last one I bought was the most expensive and sadly has never been used over once ( they should warn a virgin about the, may appear larger in person) it was about $70. I try to stay from the high priced things.

09-08-2004, 01:23 PM
my wife i having a "toy party" this weekend. it's sort of like a tupperware party, only this rubber stuff doesn't hold food! last time she had a party she got close to $300 worth of stuff. the best part, she getsa discount since she's the host. the bad part....i can't be at the house during the party......the good part, part 2, i take the boat to devil's cove and watch all the action! for those who don't know devil's cove, have you ever seen the grils gone wild videos? alot of the lake scenes are filmed at devil's cove! i've never been in any of the films that i know of. guess they really aren't looking for mid-30's guys with more hair than a wookie! :(

09-08-2004, 01:31 PM
As a fellow Aussie Casper....can ya PM me the site you used....i'm all for cheap toys *LOL*

09-08-2004, 01:36 PM


I spent around $500 in one visit for one thing.

09-08-2004, 05:46 PM
$110 for one item.

09-08-2004, 05:50 PM
I tell hubby all the time what a nice treat it would be if he would just swing by the sex store and buy me a surprise.....I think I will ask all my friends for sex toys for my birthday this year!!! Ya think it'll work?

Have any of you seen the can of stuff you buy to make a mold of a cock to use as a dildo? Anyone tried it? I think that would be so hot!

09-08-2004, 05:59 PM
Have any of you seen the can of stuff you buy to make a mold of a cock to use as a dildo? Anyone tried it? I think that would be so hot!

Try www.cloneyourbone.com It does a great job. There may still be a picture under the mens pic page from when I made one with my wife...if not, maybe I can rustle up a pic of the final result..


09-08-2004, 06:20 PM
Thanks!!!! What would really be cooler is for some hot pixie men to make these and let us ladies make bids on them!!!!

I want to see the pics for sure

09-09-2004, 04:34 AM
As a fellow Aussie Casper....can ya PM me the site you used....i'm all for cheap toys *LOL*

Rather than PM, I'll post it here for all the Aussies:

Some things are cheap, some aren't. Funny how I thought of you, Sharni, when I saw the "corn-it-up vibrator" for $17.50!! :D

And Steph.... I'm sure I'll have time to take SOME pics.... but i'm planning on being rather preoccupied with them at first LOL.


Teddy Bear
09-09-2004, 01:22 PM
(((((Casper)))))!!!! Its so good to see you all over the board! I missed ya. :)

Is that site only for Aussies?

The most I ever spent at one time was around $50.00, not much compared to all you.

And Casper, can I come over to your house when you get that order?
:D :D

09-09-2004, 02:02 PM
I spent about 50 dollars on a toy a while back and I thought I was one odd guy..I don't feel too bad now.

09-11-2004, 02:04 AM
Thanks!!!! What would really be cooler is for some hot pixie men to make these and let us ladies make bids on them!!!!

I want to see the pics for sure

Here is one I made. The detail is amazing, but it is not as easy to make as it seems...there is a funny story behind the episode, but here is a pic of the finished product for comparison...

09-11-2004, 05:17 AM
Here is one I made. The detail is amazing, but it is not as easy to make as it seems...there is a funny story behind the episode, but here is a pic of the finished product for comparison...
Oh come on!! Tell us a story!!!

Is that site only for Aussies?
Hiya Teddy! Yep, that site only ships within Australia. But they have an 'international shop' or something, at http://www.hottotrot.com - not sure why they have a separate site, but they do. The international site seems pretty much like the Aussie version, but you'll have to check the prices to see if it's cheap for you foreigners! :D

You'll all be pleased to know that the toys all came in yesterday, but unfortunately I'm really busy right now and won't get a chance to play for a while. A word of warning for everyone buying over the net: double check your order before you submit it! I accidentally ordered the same double-ended vibe twice lol! I guess a friend of mine's going to get an early Christmas present LOL! Oh, and if you can also check the dimensions of anything you're buying.... I got the 8" dildo, and it looks great - except there's no way that's going to fit! It might be 8" long, but it looks at least 8 feet wide lol!
So I guess my friends are gonna be pretty happy with me :D

But otherwise, like I said, I'm very happy with the order! Money well spent!

09-11-2004, 02:27 PM
Here is one I made. The detail is amazing, but it is not as easy to make as it seems...there is a funny story behind the episode, but here is a pic of the finished product for comparison...

Oh my!!! Thank you for the picture!!!

I want one for sure!!!!

09-11-2004, 02:46 PM
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... a sex toy????????????

:( 0 :(

09-11-2004, 02:50 PM
Coaster, send one to me!