View Full Version : Tell me your love story...

jaybee from UK
09-04-2004, 06:29 PM
When were you last in love? Why did you continue or break-off? How did you know it was love?

Did you ever want to fall at her feet and weep your undying love for her until time itself ended? Did you feel you could literally melt in the gaze of his deep eyes?

Could you not eat?

Did opposites attract?

What drove you crazy about him? The "aw shucks" smile? Did she push you over the edge with the way she could be your best confidante in the restaurant, yet a whore in the bedroom?

Did you both listen to Al Green while doing a joint? Did you both cry when the DJ played "If you leave me know, you'll take away the greatest..."

Did she laugh at your cruddy jokes? Did he charm you with his somewhat eccentric taste in music?

How did it happen for you? And what convinced you that s/he was the one?


09-05-2004, 01:54 AM
Wow, I really like this and can't wait to hear what people have to say.

I met him in 10th grade (1989)....so no it wasn't some magical thing but I remember it like it were yesterday. We were in typing class and all of a sudden I noticed him differently.....soon after that day we started talking and never were away from one another after that. Of course, he was the only boy in school with a cool car and I remember my dad telling me "don't pick a guy for his car" We are the best of friends, he takes such wonderful care of me, been thru soooo much together, nursed me back to health after 5 surgeries and several several doctor visits and I would do anything in the world to make him happy. It's always been the little things that have meant the most to me. He's not the romantic type, which at times of course I regret, but he is him...and we love eachother.

geesh, you made me all mooshy!

09-05-2004, 05:50 AM
In 1975 while in England I met an Australian girl. We were in love. On our return to Australia in late 78 we became engaged in late 79. She was killed in a car crash in early 80. I have not been in love that way since.

09-05-2004, 06:36 AM
My wife and I met May 14, 1960 on a blind date. A week before, my best high school buddy and I had double-dated and had planned on doing that again. Then, my date broke her leg and couldn't go out, so my friend asked his girlfriend and she fixed me up with my now current wife.

We went to a movie and I can honestly say, I fell for her that night. I think it took her a while longer. :rolleyes:

Anyway, we dated for three years, our folks became great friends as did our families. Then, we married, had seven children and just celebrated our 41st wedding anniversary in June. I think it's going to work. :)

Truthfully, I wouldn't trade a minute (well, okay, probably a few minutes) of the time and am even more in love with her now then I was back when we met.

I know I was very lucky ... she's the very best.

Teddy Bear
09-05-2004, 12:23 PM

09-05-2004, 12:44 PM

Your very kind.

09-05-2004, 04:04 PM
I was housebound for a while, medical stuff. I was in a new town, up at wierd hours because of the meds, lonely and bored. A bunch of my friends from college arranged to hook up with me online. Very sweet. Wonderful folks. But they had real lives and real jobs and weren't up at 2am. Still, internet=SOME human contact, and typing was therapy so I stayed online a lot through my recovery.

Someone I didn't know posted a public comment that made me giggle, and I sent a note to thank him for the laugh. I didn't mean anything by it. Hell, I've done it here. He was a class A night owl, and we started chatting. Had tons in common, never got tired of talking, made each other laugh. I didn't want an online relationship, neither of us wanted a long distance relationship. Because of a misunderstanding early on in our conversations, he thought I lived on the other side of the country (I still do it, when someone online asks where I'm from...I don't immediately think they're asking where I AM). We were just friends, I insisted. Mind you, my heart didn't race when my college friends logged on, but dang it...we were just friends.

One day I was telling him about the amazing storm that was going on outside my window, and he thought it was odd....one had just passed through his town. Misunderstandings got cleared up all of a sudden, this wonderful guy lived 3 hours away from me. That's it. But I'm a moron, I didn't want a long distance relationship. I pulled away fast. He, luckily, is much smarter than me...recognized a good thing when he saw it, and when I ran he chased. It took him weeks to calm me down enough to go back to being friends, then MORE weeks to convince me we should meet. Once we did, and the chemistry sparkled, and my knees nearly buckled when he hugged me, I gave up all resistance. Nonetheless, he was so busy trying not to scare me away that it took me three whole hours to trip him into bed. I think of it as making up for lost time ;).

That was 8 years ago this coming thursday. It took us 4 and a half years to get our lives into the same city, but it was well well worth it. We're still sickenly happy. He still makes me laugh, and my knees still wobble. The best part of my day is finding new ways to make him smile. He still thinks I'm fascinating, or at least can convince me he does ;). I couldn't imagine wanting anything else.


09-05-2004, 07:13 PM

Nothing in the past can compare to how I feel right now. I've fallen head over heels. It's like I have known him all my life, yet really don't know much of him yet. He can put a smile on my face in an instant just by signing online or because he occupies most of my waking thoughts. If it was not for work being a distraction I would have butterfly's in my tummy all day. I've never clicked with a man like I have with him. I can't think of all the words I want to describe how I feel. I just want to put my arms around him, embrace him and never let go. I want to fullfill he needs, wants and desires. I would love to grow old with him. Sometimes, even though I've been told it isn't, I still feel it's a dream and when I wake up, he will be gone. My heart has been hidden for so long I did'nt think it would ever know love. This feeling took me by storm and I hope we can ride it out together.

09-07-2004, 05:03 AM
I knew him for almost a year. Then it dawned on me...I want to know him better and forever! Everyone kept saying how cute and nice he was. I knew it...as a friend. Then, one day I knew I had to have him in my life. I tended bar...and he'd wink at me when I walked by. "Did he just wink at me"?, I'd think to myself, and smile. With all the beautiful girls dancing here, he's winking at me? Hmmmmm! So, I walked over to him and leaned in over the bar and he leaned to me and I said, "Do you realize that under all these clothes, I am completely naked"? It might not have mattered to anyone else...ya see, I worked at a bar where the dancers were nearly naked all the time. But he was used to them and I'm not sure, but till that moment I don't think he thought of me that way. I'm eight years older than him and I was still in a marriage at the time (divorce already pending).

We started "dating", but after 2 weeks he called it quits. I was going to abide by his wishes but I couldn't stop thinking of him and so 2 weeks later I stopped him in the parking lot of the bar I tended and told him so. He felt the same, and we've been together ever since. He broke up with me because of my marriage situation and out of respect for my ex...but the marriage was over before he and I got together and so it didn't help to NOT be together.

This is only my third long term relationship ever...and it's lasted the longest. My first was nine years, my second (the broken marriage) lasted eight years, and my lifelong one (current) has been going strong for nearly 17 years ( I count the weeks we were broken up...lol). We married in Sept. of 2000, but have lived together since those days long ago when he used to wink at me.

Wait...what am I saying? He still gives me that wink now and then! *giggle* We are more in love today than ever...and it just keeps getting better!

09-07-2004, 07:45 AM
I have only fallen in love a few times, each time deeply, with one exception keeping the

friendship after the passion.

The rest of the time I was ruled by my dick like any other bloke.

09-07-2004, 08:22 AM
I met Mike (Studmuffin) on December 18, 1987 at a job training class. On the second day he asked me out. It was love at first sight for both of us. We were together everyday for two weeks and then moved into together on January 7, 1988. We married on April 18, 1991.

Its been a true love match and we are each others best friends. We have been through a lot together but our love for each other is as strong as ever and the sex has never been better. :sex:

09-07-2004, 09:24 AM
Where are all the nice single ladies that could aspire such feelings in my heart? A hurrican, catagory 5, hitting is more common occurance then love in my life--oh well.

But once--some 3 years ago, Cupid took careful aim and nailed me good. Somehow I noticed a lady and in one instant I saw all the spendour and beauty that was hers. A witty personality, and intellect that was more then a match for my own. For 1 year it was being in in a better place then Heaven, for nothing there could equal the bliss of that year.

Well--sadly, she had an ex, the father of her 2 girls, and for their sake she gave him another chance. Honorable I bowed out devastated. Nothing even that wonderful could ever get me to be selfish.

No surprise when a year ago that it failed, their attempt to make things workout. I came agross Amy a few months ago and more that she hinted that we should give it another go. Strangley the feelings are still there--but I fear never could we ever go back to what it was. And I dare not trust my heart again to her.

09-07-2004, 02:13 PM
(((Vullkan))) ~ The right lady will come along...likely when you least expect it. ;)

We met on September 30, 1994, at Ohio State University -- 10 years ago this month. He was a junior in Electrical Engineering, and I was an entering freshman. I went to a party at the Honors House (free food, dancing, and fun....but no alcohol) as the date of one of his friends. As soon as he met me, he asked if I had ever read the Fountainhead....and then wouldn't tell me why. It intrigued me all night. He recited Tennyson to me, and sang lines from Brigadoon....and danced with me. Totally swept me off of my feet.

I ended up leaving with him after the party -- after asking permission from my date and receiving it....we had coffee and talked for the next several hours. Then we went to the airport and watched the sun rise and the planes come in...fell asleep, and nearly got cited for trespassing by a passing policeman. :D Then he left at 8 am -- after getting less than 90 minutes of sleep that night -- to go to a club meeting. I was impressed by his dedication....and completely in love.

We've been though a lot in the past 10 years -- 4.5 years of living long distance, parents' deaths, layoffs, career changes, and many other associated things.....and I love him so much it hurts sometimes.

Above all, I respect him. He is the most conscientious, loving, honorable, and dedicated person I know. He inspires me to be much more than I would have otherwise become. And my life is certainly more complete for having met him.

09-07-2004, 02:58 PM
Of course, sometimes he is a pain in the ass too. :p

09-07-2004, 05:08 PM
The one and only time I've been in love was with the man i married.....there really were days he was kind and loving and charming and all the things that sweep a girl off her feet. When I first moved back to this area in 1979, all my old haunts had closed down. One night I visited a new little honky tonk (yeah, yeah, you know us redneck girls)..... was bent over about to take my shot on the pool table when he passed behind me and patted me on the fanny....I came up swinging with the pool cue (uh huh, don't piss off a redneck that's holding a pool cue LOL).....for the longest time I thought he was the biggest jerk at the bar.....but that place was great so i tried to avoid him when i could....one night, he didn't have a ride home and asked if i'd mind taking him whenever i left.....*smack self in the forehead*, i said ok......on that short drive, i found out he really was a nice guy and all the attitude in the bar was just so much macho bullshit....we wound up down on the river sitting and talking till the sun came up.....and that's the night we both fell in love, i think.....ahhhh, but not all fairy tales have a happily ever after ending.....but when it was good, it was very very good...... and now as i write this, it is to the man who could always make me laugh the hardest, to the man who at one time made be feel protected and safe, to the man who used to could make me shiver with just a wink.....at one time, he really was the other half that made me a whole......before the abuse started, i really did believe he was the one put on this earth especially for me.......foolish thoughts, eh?

Jaybee, thanks for allowing me to have some good thoughts about him.