View Full Version : I spent $1 this week
09-04-2004, 03:57 AM
Yep. You heard right. Last weekend, I bought $20 gas, $30 in groceries & $20 in rolling tabac.
On Wednesday, I cracked and spent $1 in the vending machine at work for some quick 'n' easy carbs.
I caved and bought a bottle of wine tonight, tho'. :D
I've been making meals from scratch & my main entertainment is the 'net, TV & the papers (which I spend $5 a week on for the weekend papers and the security guard at work keeps me supplied in the dailies - he knows my addiction well).
Just wondering what you peeps spend a week? Do you daydream part of the day about what you're going to buy for lunch like WI? Do you eat out all the time like PF? Are you addicted to eBay like some mods have been in the past? :D
I know our incomes vary widely, too so that'll make a difference, I'm sure. People who have kids obviously have to spend differently, too. :D
I know some people who make a list of everything they spend. I just figured I'd buy the essentials and see how long it took before I caved for a craving. If I didn't buy the wine and the bag o' chips this week, I wouldn't have spent a cent.
Do you buy something everyday?
jaybee from UK
09-04-2004, 04:15 AM
Wine and chips...interesting combo, must try it sometimes.
I don't to too badly financially, and more than half my income is still unspent at the end of the month. The thing that pisses me off about money is that it doesn't matter how much or how little you have, it only matters what you know to do with it.
Couple of years ago, I had a nice fat 5-figure stash, and decided to resign and take some time off, and find out what to do with it. Weeks turned to months, turned to a year. Back under 5 figures again, and needed a job before things worsened.
Trouble is, if I were the son of a wealthy family, not only would I have easy access to starting capital, but much more happily, I'd have a raft of GOOD, sound business ideas. Heck, it wouldn't matter if I were 5-figures in the RED, as long as you know how to make money FROM money, lenders are always willing. Right now, nobody in my family has a clue about what constitutes a good venture. Well, ok, we have a few embryonic ideas, but I sometimes sigh and wonder why I have to figure it all out for myself. Every swine comes to me trying to pick my brains. Whose brains can I pick? I hate being surrounded by people without an ounce of entrepreneurial spirit. I don't mind working and saving up, but I DO resent the fact that nobody is willing to share the REAL wealth... know-how.
Anyway, what do I spend on? As a bodybuilder, my dietary requirements in 'Bulking' phase are quite expensive compared to most people. I could easily spend about £50-100 a week on food, although the phase only lasts a few months.
Other than that, nothing spectacular. A few drinks and a meal or two out on the weekends, tis about all.
09-04-2004, 09:36 AM
While I spent very little on daily expenses this week, sort of like you, I dropped a small fortune (serious $$) on new beads and silver for my jewelry, some on Ebay and some from a wholesale place. That was last Sunday. Then I was pretty careful all week only to have to go buy provisions for this storm, I spent $150 just on some drygoods, batteries, and water. Mr Lil had to go take care of things like filling up both cars, and the propane tanks etc.
Nice Guy
09-04-2004, 10:31 AM
Well so far this week I've spent over $300 on computer componets for myself and an Xbox for my bro. Thankfully I don't spend like that every week.
09-04-2004, 10:35 AM
I normally grab something every day for lunch during the work week, unless I come home, but I try to make dinner here each night. We usually go "big" grocery shopping together about every other week and try to stock up on stuff that we can cook meals with and he takes left overs for lunch.
I use to spend lots of clothes, but had to calm down with all that the credit cards are paid off, I'll see how much I spend on them and feel guilty, so I won't be doing that either.
So, no I dont spend too much,,, oh yeah, my hair....having it done every 6 weeks can get costly.
Did I even answer the question right? UGG :hair:
09-04-2004, 12:51 PM
No right answers. :) Just curious.
We were talking about budgets at work last night & I know people I work with who live like kings the first week of payday but then are paupers the second week.
09-04-2004, 01:06 PM
You left out how much you spent on bob hope.
09-04-2004, 06:44 PM
"Big" stuff I bought this week : a webcam, a mouse, a 4-port USB hub, a mixer, a set of Pyrex dishes, groceries for about 100$... I'm sure I'm forgetting some stuff. I did also eat out at restaurants or the cafeteria a few times too, so prob spent ~50$ there. I have to explain, though, that I have just moved into my dorm, and those are some of the things I'm gonna need during the year... During an ordinary week, I spend nowhere near as much money as that... especially since now I'm gonna be un-employed for a while!
09-04-2004, 09:53 PM
Since my only income at the moment is selling my stuff on eBay, I have to do whatever to keep my internet going...just had a REAL good month, but I'm running out of decent stuff to sell, any case, all the $$$ I made this month is already spent, what with bigboy down the hall suckin up the groceries...seems I have to run to Kroger every other day, shit we're outa milk again...
09-05-2004, 01:29 AM
Mr. Lixy gets paid twice a month and I get paid weekly. We pay our CC's off per month so we have a small balance on one and no balances on any other. That wasn't always the case but we just recently refinanced our mortgage to take advantage of the low rates and accelerate our payments so that Mr. Lixy could retire around the same time as me (I am 8 years older than him). Our monthly payments are lower now and the stress level is as well.
We go out to eat only once a week, if that. Our grocery bill per week is usually less than $100.00. Our biggest expense per week/month (aside from our personal living expenses) is usually a family member's "special occasion", whatever that may be. Hubby's side of the family is large and so we are always welcoming a new member or congratulating somone on something!
Let's just say that above and beyond our everyday living expenses we'll drop $200.00-$500.00 per week and not know where it went!
09-05-2004, 03:36 AM
Cool, Lix! I didn't realize you were a cougar, too. :D
The "not know where it went" part seems to be a common thing with people I know. I'm pretty aware of where my money goes but I have to pay a lot of bills per month.
I have friends who are making double my income and live at home and have the luxury of not paying any bills. Ah, I can't imagine! I pay $650 in rent & $360 in student freaking loans alone. I console myself with the fact that I'm responsible & it's teaching me the value of a buck but damn, I'd love a windfall right now! :D
09-05-2004, 06:27 AM
Not counting our regular monthly bills which my retirement check takes care of ... for me, I usually go through about $70 a week which I pick up from my parttime job (I call that my mad money). For the most part, it's for gasoline or taking my wife to lunch or a movie or things like that. Probably $10-20 is what I'll "squander" on snacks or something else I probably could have done without.
I'll put some into savings and have tried to maintain an account of around $1000 which I use for family birthdays, anniversarys or Christmas.
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