View Full Version : ~Can You Feel It Too?~
08-24-2004, 05:13 AM
First thing in the morning, I open the back door and let the cat out. This morning, as I was waiting for the back light to come on , I stood in the doorway and I felt the seasonal change. It's more a sense...a slight difference from the day before...something one can't see, touch or's a feeling, I guess. Despite the fact that I now HAVE to turn on the back light at this particular time of the morning...I still got my first distinct "feeling" that THE change is in the air. Now all I need is to hear a larger flock of geese than I did this past weekend (it was just a small gaggle...not really a flock) and it'll be official!
Can anyone else "feel" it? Boy oh boy the summer's seem to be getting shorter!
08-24-2004, 05:15 AM
When I went for a walk last night I could feel it beginning but it's not really got a really good start yet. I can feel it coming though.
08-24-2004, 05:24 AM
I've noticed some slight changes and I've got my hopes up for an old fashioned fall. We haven't had a real autumn for ages. The thought of friday night football games that require sleeves and a jacket make me smile. That hot chocolate always tastes better when it's cooler.
08-24-2004, 05:56 AM
Last night it definitely smelled like fall and it's too cool to open my balcony door this morning. Then again, it's supposed to get up to 30 this week.
It's been the coolest summer since '92 here so it's not like fall will be a shock.
08-24-2004, 07:00 AM
I started feeling it last week down here. A different smell in the air too in the mornings.
I feel nothing but humidity and heat. :rolleyes:
But I am hopeful that it will eventually make it down to us. :)
08-24-2004, 09:14 AM
Yeah ... I know what you mean ....
:baa: Okay, I'm just teasing. :baa:
But, I really have noticed. :)
08-24-2004, 09:17 AM
Brrrrr! Thanks, DB!
Geese just flew by and, if they have teeth, I know they were chattering!
08-24-2004, 01:17 PM
Can anyone else "feel" it? Boy oh boy the summer's seem to be getting shorter!
And about bloody time too :cool:
*packs up the polar bears and wooley mammoths and sends em to Lixy :jester: :D
Woot...Summer is on its way!!
08-24-2004, 09:56 PM
well we are supposed to get some summer this week
08-24-2004, 11:23 PM
Tonight I went to the grocery store....NO bing cherries and the blueberries have gone back to pints (vs. quarts) availability....DAMN it is becoming fall :(
08-25-2004, 12:13 AM
And about bloody time too :cool:
Woot...Summer is on its way!!
Oh no, the gloating begins! :bang:
08-25-2004, 01:56 AM
Great! Six months of sweat pouring off me!
08-25-2004, 04:47 AM
Oh no db! Not that yet!
Awwww...I've always wanted a wooley mammoth of my very own! Them's good eatin I hear! LOL!
Yep, the fruit aisle is looking pretty lean too! More fresh veggies at the moment, but that'll stop soon too!
Getting warmer this week, but each morning is really cool if not downright chilly. Seen lots and lots of spiders and webs this year and they are getting more abundant. Folks round here say that is the sign of a badass winter. The pine cones seem to have doubled from what we had last year. That's what I go by!
6 months of summer sweating? Geezzzz...we really only get about 3-4 months of that. Waaaaaa...I want more time!
Spring is great...summer is ok if there wasn't so much rain (we had way too much this year and my grape vine is proof)...autumn is a mix for me, meloncholy for the end of another summer but the smells and the changes are incredible...and then there is winter. I hate when I have to keep my windows closed! do you go about holding back an entire season?
08-25-2004, 05:07 AM
We are sub-tropic, so Spring is short and HOT to Bloody HOT till the end of March. Was a dry Winter here. Cold mornings and warm to hot days.
08-25-2004, 10:17 AM
Seen lots and lots of spiders and webs this year and they are getting more abundant. Folks round here say that is the sign of a badass winter. The pine cones seem to have doubled from what we had last year. That's what I go by!
6 months of summer sweating? Geezzzz...we really only get about 3-4 months of that. Waaaaaa...I want more time!
It didn't seem like 3-4 months of warm weather this year!
I fear it's going to be a long, cold winter, too. On the bright side, I'll treasure these warm days that are forecast this week even more.
I also feel like I should be buying new pens and highlighters and back to school clothes. :)
08-25-2004, 10:33 PM
I think summer is still trying to rear it's ugly head in Texas... it never really got HOT here (by Texas standards anyway, no long extended HOT spells). Of course being a northerner, I'm ready for autumn... it's nearly my favorite season.
It's humid the air on!
Damn hot flashes!!!
08-26-2004, 12:31 AM
Sorry, Beebs, I love walking outside feeling like it's Bombay.
It's only a short while longer!
08-26-2004, 04:35 AM
Lixy, I had your flock of geese over my head last weekend. About a month early for me. :(
Here's hoping you can figure out a way to leave old man winter with Sharni! :)
08-26-2004, 06:30 AM
Oh yes i can :)
It is light when I wake up and also on the way home from work.
Many trees are blossoming, many pink ones down my street and flowering wattles are showing bright yellow. Today it was a balmy 20°C but the forecast is back down to 11° on Saturday with a clod front and snow in the mountains.
Very spring like weather.
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