View Full Version : Bon Appetit!

08-13-2004, 10:35 AM
Julia Child has passed away. I raise my bottle of cooking sherry to toast a very influential woman. She made dinner, art. Died in her sleep at 91. Cheers :cheers:

08-13-2004, 12:06 PM
My wife just gave me that news!Think of the money,the embalmers,will save!
They will save on all that embalming fluid.She has,so much wine,in her already,that MOST of her organs,are already saturated,with alcoholic fluid!

08-13-2004, 01:17 PM
Ah, :cheers: to a wonderful icon.

A grand old dame.

08-13-2004, 02:28 PM
I just saw her with Jacques Pipin on the food channel. She didn't look a day over 89. I used to watch her show as a kid.Very entertaining.She was a great lady and will be missed.

08-13-2004, 09:39 PM
She was a wonderful lady ~ worked hard, was successful, well-traveled and a greta icon for womens' lib. I will miss her. A truly remarkable woman.

08-14-2004, 08:57 AM
I always liked watching her. She would make such a mess when she cooked which is something I always felt I could do with the same ease.

Bon Appetit Julia!

08-15-2004, 05:50 PM
I must admitt that watching her for so many years was the inspiration for may of my dishes. It is a sad day for us all--she was a whoot to watch :)

08-15-2004, 06:49 PM
not only was she entertaining and a good cook, she was also a bona fide spy. She was an agent in the OSS (the fore runner of today's CIA) during World War II.

08-15-2004, 10:38 PM
darogle---I'm curious.CIA stands for Central Intelligence Agency,as far as I
know.Do you know,what "OSS" stands for? Irish
P.S.I'm not being a smartass,I really don't know!

08-15-2004, 10:41 PM
darogle---I'm curious.CIA stands for Central Intelligence Agency,as far as I
know.Do you know,what "OSS" stands for? Irish
P.S.I'm not being a smartass,I really don't know!

Irish, if memory serves it's Office of Strategic Services...

[edit]A quick web search seems to indicate that what I posted is correct