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08-11-2004, 07:20 PM
So sorry my fellow Pixies...but not only have I been on massive O.T. lately but didn't I go and plan a huge party at my house to throw some more stess into the mix!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh hell! I need a good party with a buncha friends to make me forget that they are trying to kill me at work! LOL!

Just wanted to let you all know...the invites out. The party is on this Saturday...8/14/04...1pm till ?...and you are all invited. If you can't make it, just know I am not ignoring you...I am sloshed!!!!!!!!

I'll be back in full perv swing this coming Monday and Tuesday. I've taken some ME time so I can get rid of the hangover!

See ya soon!


EDIT... P.S. There will be over 125 people here...so bring a tent and put a red flag on it if you want me to visit you during the course of the weekend! *wink, wink*

08-11-2004, 07:32 PM
actually, I was asking myself the otherday that I've not seen ...chick in awhile. But welcome back and hope that hang over doesn't get the best of you. Believe it or not a hangover was partly responsible for killing Augustus the Strong in the 18th century.

08-11-2004, 07:44 PM

I too was wondering. Have a good time!

08-11-2004, 07:53 PM
I was wondering too. LOL drink one for me! Have fun! :)

08-11-2004, 07:54 PM
Red flag you say?................ OK! ;)

08-11-2004, 07:55 PM
Glad you are ok even if frazzled. Have a mudslide or 40023258340985903482 for me Lix!

08-11-2004, 08:13 PM
Oh Lixy.. I soooooo wish you & I lived closer to one another... would love to join in on the fun...

Have a great time :)

Teddy Bear
08-11-2004, 08:50 PM
Have a great weekend.... sounds like you deserve it.

See ya on the boards Mon.

:) :)

Midnight Kiss
08-11-2004, 09:17 PM
Have fun Lixy. I was just thinking the other day I hadn't seen much of you around since I have returned. Glad to know all is well.

08-11-2004, 09:22 PM
No, the big-assed party here isn't until the last weekend of August. I kinda hope we dont hit 125, though, that's a bit much. We have a largish-house and all that, but couldn't do 125.

Party! Party! Party! Party! Party!

:jester: :jester: :jester: :jester: :jester:

08-11-2004, 09:40 PM
have a wonderful time at your party and during your ME time!!!! :)

08-12-2004, 12:03 AM
Let the good times roll, lixy! :cool: Enjoy the party and the ME time BIG TIME!

08-12-2004, 12:43 AM
Ok, Lixy...look for a red freak flag flying high on my tent...I'll have all the old books for ya to read *wink*

08-12-2004, 04:27 AM
LMFAO@all of you ^^^^

Thanks for the well wishes everyone!

Does rain make meatballs squishy?

08-12-2004, 09:24 AM
Does rain make meatballs squishy?

One way to find out for sure...

08-12-2004, 09:35 AM
Woohoo, party at the Lixsters! :spin: :cheers:

Watch out for burn out with the OT (I should watch it, too!)

08-12-2004, 11:28 AM
Good Luck on the party Lixy!!

08-12-2004, 11:33 AM
Lixy, ...........Party........Red flag......Tent.........airline ticket........................... Yup thats all I need!!!

08-12-2004, 05:47 PM
Damn - and I just git home from vacation - maybe I could slip over for a few hours....

08-13-2004, 06:52 AM
*hugs to you all*

Well...the pork roasts are roasting (for the pork au jus) and the meatballs are...um...meatin?? LOL! Our new back patio is 95% finished, but we've no time to put in the step we want. More excercise for the party guests on one end of the concrete, I guess. Or...I'll just block that area off with a "NO DRINKING" sign. That oughta keep um away...teehee! Final total on RSVP's...116 adults...15 teens (there's trouble brewing if I ever saw it)...22 children from 12 and under.

I can't keep up with the different opinions of all the "meteorologists" on all the stations...but this party is a go no matter the weather. Our barn is pretty big and we have some canopy/tent[s] and my house (which isn't huge but can take a few peeps).

I am just keeping good thoughts for all our Pixie peeps in direct line of Charley. Be safe everyone and thanks again for all the well wishes!

08-14-2004, 03:18 PM
Wonder how Lixy's party is doing.

08-16-2004, 09:25 AM
Hi peeps! I survived!

OK...here's the gist of the party:

FRIDAY (day before)...

Had off from work and cleaned and cleaned for most of the day (we had the lawn mowed the day before to beat the rain). Went and picked up three giant keg coolers (rented) around 4:00pm and Mr. Lixy went to get four kegs of beer (we have a beer miester in fridge in the barn)...2 Busch, 1 Yuengling lager, 1 Coors Light. Then he was off to the ice house. I roasted 5 pork roasts nearly all day and finally pulled the pork around midnight. Made the sauce and meatballs during my lull in cleaning and was flitting about, touching things up, till 1am. Went to bed and zonked from exhaustion till 6:30am (wanted to get up earlier but my hand kept hitting the snooze button).

SATURDAY (party day)...

Got up 6:30am[ish] and showered. Stripped our bed (for guests) and made up the guest room and our bedroom. Tidied up what I didn't do the day before (scrubbed the kitchen floor and such) and went outside to help set up the other canopies. Ran extension cords into house (no outside outlets in this 100+ y/o house...yet) and got the tables set up for the food under the closest canopy to the house. Baby sister arrived (10:30am) and jumped right in to help out with the rest of the preparations. Oldest sister arrived (11am) and her hubby helped carry the food out (in giant electric roasters) because me and baby sis couldn't carry the weight...lol! Poured myself a beer around 11:45am and, to me, the party had begun!!! Finally, my other sister (4 years my junior...and ALWAYS late, so as not to help...lmfao!...she thinks we don't know that) arrived around noon. I put her to work anyway! Curses...foiled again! :jester:

The day was pretty nice considering we were in line for Charley to come up the coast. Not real hot, not too humid in the shade, and it didn't rain but fore a few sprinkles throughout the day and night. The music was loud but the neighbors on each side of us were here, so we had no complaints. The food and drink was wonderful. I called the party a "Pot Luck Picnic" and asked everyone to bring their one speciality. Everyone brought more than enough, as usual. We had volleyball set up on the side yard, croquet in the back...behind the barn, horseshoes in the back...aside the barn, and plenty of dancing room on our new patio.

Our Aunt Sally (Starr) came with Mr. Lixy's parents (mother-in-law is Sally's sis). We didn't tell anyone she'd be here so she could relax and not feel like it was a personal appearance. For those who don't know, Sally Starr is a local celebrity (in the N.E. tri-state area of the U.S.). She had a television show when I was younger and anyone in my age group, from these parts, grew up/knows of her and some idolize her to this day. She is 84 now, but still makes personal appearances as "Our Gal Sal". Anyway, when everyone who'd recognize her finally figured out it was indeed her, they bombarded me or hubby to ask if it'd be ok to ask her for an autograph. We appologized to her and she was gracious enough to give everyone who wanted one a b&w 5x7 picture of her with a personal message on it. She actually wondered why anyone hadn't asked earlier as she is used to the recognition and thought no one knew who she was...lol! My friend from work and her hubby also came and they became inadvertant celebrities as well. They are the proud parents of Tony Stewart (current Cincinatti Bengal...former Philadelphia Eagle), and a few of the guests found this out and began to crowd around them as well. LOL...everyone was star struck!

We had peeps here that me and hubby hadn't seen in such a long time. It was a wonderful day and went well into the evening and then into Sunday morning. My baby sis's 14 y/o son and his 15 y/o friend were to stay in my bedroom, on the floor, in sleeping bags. Sis and boyfriend went to bed around 2am and the kids stayed up for a little while after. When they went up to go to bed, my nephew's friend discovered that my cat had left him a present on his sleeping bag. YIKES! They both went out to the car that they came in and slept. I told them they should have waken me, as I had just gone to bed on the sleeper/sofa in the living room and I could have found them better sudo/beds than the car. I felt so bad. My cat hasn't been well and he gets so scared with lots of people around. Oh well...

All in all it was a fanfuckintastic party and I am still cleaning up from it...lol! I have 40,000,000 flies that have set up house in my bathroom and kitchen...and I have crock pots and trays and such that I have to dispense to their rightful owners. I actually have lots more to do today...so I am gonna perv for a few more minutes and then get back to getting this place back in shape. I'll be in and out of Pixies all day and tomorrow!

Love you guys!


08-17-2004, 01:41 AM
..... Baby sister arrived (10:30am) and jumped right in to help out with the rest of the preparations. Oldest sister arrived (11am) and her hubby helped carry the food out (in giant electric roasters) because me and baby sis couldn't carry the weight...lol! Poured myself a beer around 11:45am and, to me, the party had begun!!! Finally, my other sister (4 years my junior........

There's more at home like you? :D

:3: Haaaaaaaal-le-lu-jah! :jump:

I'm so glad that Bonnie didn't have an effect on the party. :) Sounds like it was a blast, hun.:D I ALMOST stoped by, but when I saw Steph and her friends headed that way, I knew you'd have enough guests to deal with.:eek:

Woohoo, party at the Lixsters! :spin: :cheers:

Watch out for burn out .....

08-17-2004, 01:53 AM

It's good to learn that your party was a big success. Even the weather broke your way. Seems that a good time was had by all. Congrats!

08-17-2004, 11:11 AM
Five roasts!!! Four kegs!! Wowzers! Sounds awesome!

and shut it, PF!

08-17-2004, 11:19 AM
There's more at home like you? :D

:3: Haaaaaaaal-le-lu-jah! :jump:

I'm so glad that Bonnie didn't have an effect on the party. :) Sounds like it was a blast, hun.:D I ALMOST stoped by, but when I saw Steph and her friends headed that way, I knew you'd have enough guests to deal with.:eek:
Aw no pantie raid for PF :moon:

Lixy, glad the party was a success!! :)

08-17-2004, 11:40 AM
*puts red flag on his tent, gets naked.....and waits for the time of his life!*

have fun Lixy!! if things get too out of hand, dont forget to take pics! ;-)

08-17-2004, 02:38 PM
PF...Everyone said/says that baby sis and I look the most alike...but if they close their eyes and listen to (our voices) us 4 all together they can't tell us apart. We all have the same handwriting too...exactly like my mom's. Here's the differences...the two youngest ones are tall...5'7" or taller. My older sis and I are shorter...I'm 5'4" and she is 5'5". Seems that nuttiness (word?...is now!) skips a child in our family because my oldest sister is as nutty as they come (weird is more like it...she's only 2 years older than me yet she seems 15 years older at times), and the sis just below me in age can't be explained...so I don't try! We just look at milkmen all funny now! LOL! I have the best relationship with my baby sis. So...in answer to your question...YES and NO! LOL! Oh...one more drastic difference? I have the boobs...the others have longer legs and are flat chested. I attribute that to my paternal grandmother (and curse the woman everyday!)...lol! As to you not showing up? I'll get you my pretty...and your little weiner...er...dog too! Ahhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha! LMFAO@ the pic from the Frankenstein movie! It was from that...wasn't it?

jseal...TYSVM! Yep! It was a blast!

Steph...It was...it was! You shoulda came on down! Maybe next time...eh?

sodaklostsoul...I know...I know. Now what am I gonna do with all these pretty new panties I bought for bait? LOL! TY hun!

ScottWaz...Oops! You're late mister! Bend over and prepare for the spanking of your life! *cheshire grin*