View Full Version : Bodybuilding & sex - any else pump iron too?

jaybee from UK
08-10-2004, 10:00 AM
If anyone here has lifted weights, I'd be interested to see how it affected your libido.

There have been guys in my gym who have gotten halfway through a workout, then simply HAD to run to the toilet and whack off furiously. Personally, there aren't that many ladies in my gym, which is more of a 'dungeon' style outfit, complete with screams and the faint odour of stale sweat. So thankfully, I don't have so much eye candy to distract me...

But a couple of days into my training week, I'm pretty much drowning in my own semen...


Anyone else here bodybuild?

08-10-2004, 01:08 PM
well i'm a girl, i dont body build but like to lift some weights here and there and i like to work out do yoga and tae bo...it makes me feel sexy working out and I love getting all worked up and sweaty..so I can see how it can turn ya on rather quickly

08-10-2004, 01:44 PM
I work out too. I lift about 2-3 times per week....although I think the cardio gets me more horny than the weight lifting...but who can tell? :rolleyes:

08-10-2004, 03:05 PM
I have "worked out" for yrs.I work out almost every day.Different bodypart every workout.I have alot of my own equipment.Weights,Bowflex,CardioGlide+,
adjustable bench,etc.It has never,affected my libido,what-so-ever!I am 60 yrs old now,but I like to stay in good shape.I have orgasmed,at least,once a
day,since my teens & nothing has changed at all.Don't forget,The BIGGEST
sex organ, in the body,is your brain(mind)! Irish
P.S.At my age,I'm not going to enter any bodybuilding contests,but I've always believed in staying in the best shape possible.I've always used,fairly,
heavy weights,but even with something lighter,anything is better then nothing!Resistance exercises are just that-RESISTANCE!

08-10-2004, 08:18 PM
I was pumping iron 4 days a week four years ago, I'd gotten my bench up to 365 lbs and had a fair build. I ripped something in my left shoulder and haven't gotten off my butt to get back in the gym. I can tell my sex drive has probably fallen off some but I don't think the lifting was an accelerant as much as the cardio stuff. I'm trying to get it together to go back so I'll know more soon... I'll post if I can tell anything is developing.

08-10-2004, 08:29 PM
I need to get a job at a gym....

Midnight Kiss
08-10-2004, 08:32 PM
I need to get a job at a gym....


08-10-2004, 08:38 PM
after thinking about it... let me clarify...

I need a job at a CLOTHING OPTIONAL gym... ;)

08-10-2004, 08:42 PM
Jenna ~ I went to one of those while I was living in Brussels. Swimsuits optional, and there was a co-ed dressing room....although most people (thank God) wore clothes while doing cardio.... Too much bouncing around can be hazardous to one's health...or at least one's attention span... :p

08-10-2004, 08:43 PM
After further reflection... I need to clarify..

I need a job in a CLOTHING OPTIONAL gym in Georgia. ;)

08-10-2004, 08:48 PM
further clarification...

I need a job in a CLOTHING OPTIONAL gym in Georgia.... that has other locations in California... Texas... Colorado... Florida... Virginia... Oklahoma... U.K.... Australia...

ah hell.... locations all over the world...

I could never get enough...

08-10-2004, 08:55 PM
Damn I shoulda headed back to the gym sooner!

08-10-2004, 10:38 PM
I was pumping iron 4 days a week four years ago, I'd gotten my bench up to 365 lbs and had a fair build. I ripped something in my left shoulder and haven't gotten off my butt to get back in the gym. I can tell my sex drive has probably fallen off some but I don't think the lifting was an accelerant as much as the cardio stuff. I'm trying to get it together to go back so I'll know more soon... I'll post if I can tell anything is developing.
BigBear57---A person named Jeff Everson(Corys ex-husband)used to have a
bodybuilding show on TV.I even bought some of his books.(total waste of
money)His show was very educational,because he had been lifting,for years,
& was older.After many yrs.,of lifting,fairly,heavy weight,your shoulders& other areas,get worn.Cartiledge(sp?) wears ,etc.He gave alot of exercises &
methods,that you can use,as you get older.If you can catch,his series,of shows,It might help your shoulder!I know that,I can feel things many days
later,that I didn't use to feel!When you're younger,there's NO tommorrow,to
worry about but it does come. Irish
P.S.He told of alot of exercises,like behind-the-neck presses,that give quicker
results,but put undue pressure on your bodyparts!

08-11-2004, 05:33 AM
Irish thanks, I've seen some of Jeff's shows. My problem wasn't the exercise or weight. It was my spotter. My partner had to be away that day and I got one of the other guys to help out. This young chapp stepped up and gave me an unexpected lift out of the rack and when I caught up to it I'd gotten the bar too far out. As I tried to correct the bar it turned to one side and I had no leverage so it dropped against my chest pinning my left arm at an odd angle. My "spotter" hadn't even noticed. He was focused on a pair of lycra shorts worn by a young lady adjusting her weight pins on the Universal machine. Lesson learned, NEVER work the heavy stuff with a partner you don't know and trust. I woke up the next morning and couldn't even lift my arm. Luckily enough it doesn't bother me now but it was months before I got over that one screwup.

08-11-2004, 07:45 AM
Irish thanks, I've seen some of Jeff's shows. My problem wasn't the exercise or weight. It was my spotter. My partner had to be away that day and I got one of the other guys to help out. This young chapp stepped up and gave me an unexpected lift out of the rack and when I caught up to it I'd gotten the bar too far out. As I tried to correct the bar it turned to one side and I had no leverage so it dropped against my chest pinning my left arm at an odd angle. My "spotter" hadn't even noticed. He was focused on a pair of lycra shorts worn by a young lady adjusting her weight pins on the Universal machine. Lesson learned, NEVER work the heavy stuff with a partner you don't know and trust. I woke up the next morning and couldn't even lift my arm. Luckily enough it doesn't bother me now but it was months before I got over that one screwup.
BigBear57---That is ONE of the main reasons,that I went to self-spotting
machines.I used to work,MAINLY at night(mostly 3rd shift)so I worked out
mostly,at home.One morning,I was doing bench presses,alone,& I thought-
"If you couldn't get this back up,you'd be,shit out of luck,until your wife got
home from work".At the time,the only self spotting machines,were made by
Soloflex.I bought a used one & extra weight straps.I now have a Bowflex
with many options.It also has a "sliding seat"that can be used for aerobic
exercises.I have diabetic neuropothy.The FT. DR.,told me to,stay off of my
feet as much as possible,so I can't use,my wifes treadmobile.Many people,
prefer the Gym,but I'm the kind of person,that can't relax,if anything around
here,should be done.With my own equipment,I can workout at anytime.When I had,a broken foot,I even found ways to adapt the exercises to sitting.Any-
thing is better then nothing. Irish