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View Full Version : Computers, Cams and being private.

08-08-2004, 09:13 AM
I was viewing peoples cams on a cam chat site the other day. A woman who was clothed was on and appeared to be in a chatroom by the way she was typing. I was about to move to the next person online when a little girl of about 4ish walked into view and started watching the womans puter screen. I do not know what the lady had on and if she was viewing anyone, but it was a shock. Most of the males on these things always seem to have their dicks on show. I would never let a child watch what I was doing online. Even if it was just surfing. You never know what is going to pop up on screen.

08-08-2004, 09:30 AM
Funny you should mention that. I review videos at work (dating company) & was really surprised to see a child walk by in a woman's video. I don't know if she noticed him (he seemed to walk by quietly) but it really struck me as scary.

08-08-2004, 09:43 AM
This is why I don't really view cams except for friends...and don't appear on them. It's a matter of time, trust, and privacy for me.

08-08-2004, 09:48 AM
I have my computer in its own room. I guess a lot of people do not have the space for that. These days kids are using computers at a very young age. If I had kids in the house the computer would have password controls on it.

08-08-2004, 09:53 AM
One more bennie of living alone. ;)

08-08-2004, 10:19 AM
The kids have their own system and mine is in my bedroom but I am a mom, and privacy is rarely afforded me for more than a few secs at a time. So I more often than not, turn down people who offer me to see their cams for sexual reasons.

08-08-2004, 11:07 AM
Me being a mom of a very curious 14 year old girl limits my privacy also. I have to turn mine off when she walks in. But then again I do explain the dangers of the internet to her so she's well informed internet stalkers and such people as that. I don't want my child growing up ignorant and a victim someday as I was a victim of rape. If I can save my child that trauma it will be well worth it!

08-08-2004, 06:43 PM
I rarely view anyones cam (same as Lil ...for sexual reasons) because of the fact that my kids often just walk on in *LOL* or are viewing over my shoulder...which makes Pixies real hard to check out *L*

My puter is passworded....as is Bilbos...i will not let my kids on the internet unsupervised

But might i say in defense of the lady in the chat room....just because she had her cam on does not mean that she was viewing other ppls cams or if she was that a cam she was viewing was of a sexual nature (she wasnt naked you said)....only she knows and because of that she should not be judged....