View Full Version : Lick ~n~ Stick

08-03-2004, 10:01 AM
Ladies do you have a usual preference for in which order you recieve oral and penetration in?

Lick then stick...stick then lick....lick stick lick or stick lick stick?

While I absotively adore being properly licked, I know that for me I am always left with a need to be fucked royally afterwards. Anyone else have a similar or contrary feeling?

08-03-2004, 10:03 AM
Ladies do you have a usual preference for in which order you recieve oral and penetration in?

Lick then stick...stick then lick....lick stick lick or stick lick stick?

While I absotively adore being properly licked, I know that for me I am always left with a need to be fucked royally afterwards. Anyone else have a similar or contrary feeling?

regardless, I always have such a strong desire to be filled up....especially after a good lickin' mm hmm *nods head* lol

08-03-2004, 10:13 AM
Definitely the same here. Oral then sex. Maybe oral afterwards, too, if it's a marathon session.

08-03-2004, 10:20 AM
I like to be licked, then sticked with the dildo while being licked and then just sticked.

Was that bad grammar or what? :D

08-03-2004, 10:24 AM
Yep. All of the above. Lick-Stick-stick-lick-lick-lick

LOL it's all good! :D

08-03-2004, 10:28 AM
Mrs. WI has mentioned that she loves the full feeling and misses it when I make her climax via cunnilingus. That craving has been somewhat satisfied since we've introduced oral after intercourse, but there are still times when she needs a dick at the very end to make the session complete.

08-03-2004, 03:05 PM
oh my... lick me please but you must stick me when your done. even if i orgasm from oral i get this ache, a pain really, that can only be assuaged with penetration.

08-03-2004, 03:18 PM
If you want to be licked than you're gonna get sticked
by the stick of the one from whom you were licked
Unless there's no stick you get just a lick
Then you're wishing that your lick could at least have a prick
So next time it comes down to lick, stick, or pass
toss all care to the wind... take it right up the ass!

08-03-2004, 03:30 PM
HAHA ^^^

Lick me then stick me good!!!

08-03-2004, 10:10 PM
I want it alllllll and I don't care in what order! :D :D :D

Midnight Kiss
08-04-2004, 08:04 PM
oh my... lick me please but you must stick me when your done. even if i orgasm from oral i get this ache, a pain really, that can only be assuaged with penetration.
