View Full Version : Armed Forces Awareness!
07-27-2004, 11:16 PM
While I was never in the active reserve,not everyone,can put their life,on
hold,for a few years!I am sick of people,giving these people,so little reguard!
Approx. 10% of the people,on the V.N. wall,are made up,of these people!
They are NOT all cowards as many people say. Irish
Nice Guy
07-27-2004, 11:47 PM
07-28-2004, 08:40 AM
It is unacceptable that reservist who come home from this war or having been called up during this war time, will not be given the same benefits that active duty recieve.
07-28-2004, 08:53 AM
Lilith---Not having ever served reserve duty,except after my regular enlistment,
(everyone has a ?year commitment)I know,nothing ,about the benifit polocy!
All I know,is that a large majority of the NH reservists,served in VN.I know this
from literature,sent to me,about every year,trying to get me to join the DAV,
that I refuse to join. Irish
P.S.I served on Active Duty,from 1961-1965.I imagine things,have changed
considerably,since then!
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