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06-16-2004, 05:16 AM
Here we are quietly watch the TV.....when all of a sudden the is a godawful crunch and mighty grinding sound all followed closely by squealing of brakes...

After we all peeled ourselves of the roof and calmed the heartbeat....

Bilbo goes for a peek to find the source of the noise

Some poor semi tralier driver was going past our place at 60klm/h when his trailer falls off and comes to a skidding noisy halt at our front gate

We at this moment have police directing traffic past the truck as the poor driver tries to manually wind the legs down on the trailer so he can get the damn thing back onto the main part of the Semi

Well that was our excitement for the night *LOL*

The advantages of living on a major road i spose

06-16-2004, 05:22 AM
Feel free to add your excitement for your day :D

06-16-2004, 05:31 AM
Oh man! Lucky he didn't plow into your house! Whew!

Hey Shar? Is the cop cute?


06-16-2004, 05:38 AM
Glad you are all safe!

06-16-2004, 05:49 AM
Oops! Got all sexed up over the cop, I forgot to add something!

This didn't happen last night...but several weeks ago. I came home early from work (had all my hours in) and was going to get some cleaning done. I was upstairs, in my bedroom, bending over a bucket of hot water and Lysol, when I heard brakes screech just outside the window I was in front of. I raised my head in time to see a little red car plow into the concrete mailbox (a mailbox set in a concrete column...2ft. wide x 5ft. high) at my neighbors house. The mailbox blew into pieces and flew all over the lawn. The car kept coming towards my house. It skidded to a halt just 15ft. or so from my living room window.

As Shar said...after I peeled myself off the ceiling...my heart pounding out of my chest...I ran downstairs and suddenly, I couldn't find a door to go out. My mind was racing...this person needed me and might be dead! I finally got to the front door and couldn't get the f***ing skeleton key to work to open it. I screamed at it and it opened...I ran out and over to the car. My neighbor was running towards me, shouting, "call 911...call 911". To my extreme astonishment, a kid about 18 y/o was climbing out of the window. His air bag had gone off and the front of his car was "v" shaped now, and so his door wouldn't open...but he was alive and climbing out of the car! I called 911...cop came...I let the kid use my phone to call someone to help him...the neighbor and I checked him all over to see if he needed an ambulance, but he was fine except for a scraped elbow and bruised ego!

Those air bags are miraculous! This kid shoulda been dead or extremely hurt...but he was fine!

P.S. The kid said he braked for a squirrel running across the street and his "doughnut" tire grabbed his car and spun him into the mailbox. I pictured the squirrel on the side of the road...^5'ing his friend and giggling...like in that commercial for Geiko (I think it is)...lol!

06-16-2004, 08:18 AM
Originally posted by LixyChick
I pictured the squirrel on the side of the road...^5'ing his friend and giggling...like in that commercial for Geiko (I think it is)...lol!

ROFL... Yeah, squirrels are EVIL. They do that stuff on purpose!

Down with the Evil that is Squrriels!

06-16-2004, 09:04 AM
Down with the Evil that is Squrriels!


06-16-2004, 11:01 AM
Yesterday, early evening, I was sitting and watching a movie with my 2 kids plus 3 from the neighborhood. My husband comes and sits with us just as we heard a loud boom. I looked at my husband and said what was that (as if he should know lol). He replied with the usual "I don't know". So I hopped up and ran outside to look. On the street 1 house down from me 2 cars ran smack into each other (nose to nose). My daughter came out (she is 6) and said "I called 911 do you want me to hang up?" I quickly said no and took the phone. I reported the accident, mentioned there was someone trapped in the car and that smoke was pouring out from under the hood. After I hung up I glanced at my watch. I timed the response. 3 minutes for 1 police car to arrive, 5 minutes for the firetruck, and 6 for the ambulance. BTW I live in the city and I am only 1.5 miles from the Police Station.

06-20-2004, 08:27 AM
I live in the country, do Bulls from the field next door getting loose and wondering around my yard count? lmao