View Full Version : If size really matters, how so?

05-17-2004, 11:12 PM
Hey Everybody (hi doctor nick) I'm BIGbad (and no the name is not related to my size), just joined pixies not strickly because my wife recently confessed to going to the site, but to honestly check the site out (pretty cool so far) and we were having a conversation tonight that needed some futher examination....well she could not explain why mine is just right and a bigger size than mine would be to big (other than to make me feel more at ease about my size, I'm not microscopic or anything like that but just insecure about it like most men).........so long story short she suggested that I post the question to the girls. As I mention I am new so please be as honest as you can, but I am really curious; if size matters to you can you explain why?

05-18-2004, 01:21 AM
All that matters is if it feels good to the receiver. Every one has their own preferences honey.;)
btw.. welcome to pixies! we love to have couples here!:)

05-18-2004, 02:49 AM
I'll let the ladies comment on equipment size and will just take the time to welcome you to Pixies. Glad to have you with us.

05-18-2004, 06:44 AM
Welcome...and while size is really not an issue for me, if I was forced to expound, I would say I prefer girth to length. Unless we are talking anal.

05-18-2004, 06:57 AM
The reason there is such a thing as 'too big' is that far from 'the bigger the better', bigger can often mean pain for us women.

The thing that guys seem to forget, is that women spend the majority of their life with nothing inside their vagina's so pretty much anything that goes in there can be felt - even something as small as a tampon.

Also to be remembered is that women's main pleasure centre is the clitoris which is not usually pleasured by the penis at all but by the guy's pubic bone. Pleasure for most women comes from the way in which a man moves inside and against her, not from the simple sensation of something being in her vagina.

I've often said that the only way in which a man's size affects his performance, is if a man is comfortable with the size of his penis, his confidence often makes him a better lover.

Now, let me ask you a question: does the size of a woman's breasts make a difference to how good she is in bed? Or the size of her clitoris, for that matter?.......No?.....Didn't think so.......

05-18-2004, 10:49 AM
To be mushy, when a woman finds the best sex of her life, she then sees your member as *the* perfect speciman. No other will do.

05-18-2004, 02:12 PM
girth, clitoral stimulation and knowing what to do with it. it's all been said here so i'll just ask for a picture or a test drive just so i can give you a more informed analysis. ;)

welcum, BIGbad :)

05-18-2004, 04:37 PM
I *never* choose my men by size, and every guy has some unique talent that makes them special in bed. That's what's cool about having new experiences. I don't have any real requirements when it comes to size.

However, I will say that I enjoy the feeling of a guy's penis pounding against my cervix (what can I say? it's unique) so I certainly don't mind larger men...but I don't seek them out.

05-18-2004, 08:01 PM
i've also never chosen my partner based on his size. i've had partners that were bigger than 8 inches and ones that were maybe 4 and so far, i've found the bigger the dick, the crappier the lover. i dunno if it's just because they're relying on their massive size (?) to do it on it's own, or if the guys who feel like they're average just do a little more research and try harder, but the average to smaller guys i've been with have been MUCH better lovers. my girlfriend wasn't bad either, and she didn't even have a cock :p
and i really don't dig it when guys "bottom out" cuz it usually results in cramping and bleeding for me and that makes me kinda grumpy.

05-18-2004, 09:59 PM
WOW! When I got back from work today and I expected to maybe see one response (maybe), but this is amazing! I thank you all for your very warm welcome, and humbly thank you for improving my self-esteem! I guess it has been eating at me for a long time that Big = satisfied, for most women, but that is what I get for watching to much porn! I have always felt that I could keep my partner happy and content, but it always gnawed at me in the back of my head. She has only been with a few guys and I suspected that she just hadn't been fucked by a big cock and she likely didn't now, and that is why she was telling me it was perfect or big enough (I bottom out occasionally in the right positions). So what is up with this love button, apparently I only have 4% love for myself, I knew my self-esteem was great, but I thought it was better with that!

I think I will begin to love this site if future responses are as good, strike that great at these!

Do any of you have any suggestions on what it is that you might find cool, and that I should checkout first?

So far I have really only read a few of the stories, some are really hot and some are eh. I would greatly appreciate any suggestion. And thanks again too all who took the time to answer my query. BTW Is the CHAT cool?

05-18-2004, 10:43 PM
Welcome to pixies :)

I sent you a pm letting you know...but then thought maybe you didn't have your pm pop-ups enabled...soooo, there's a bunch of us chatting right now if you care to come check it out :D

05-18-2004, 11:20 PM
And there's some rowdies in there now! LOL

*cough* cgt *cough*

05-19-2004, 09:34 AM
Welcome to pixies! My suggestion would be just to take your time browsing through, see what peaks you interest and go from there! There are so many sexy, funny, interesting threads on this site that you should be able to find something to your liking!

btw~ I love the way you jumped right in with some questions! It is a great way to get to know the other members, which I'm sure you will find, are a great bunch of people!

05-22-2004, 06:00 AM
BIGbad - Yay! I love when people fall in love with Pixies, the way I did when I first joined!

As far as the love button is concerned, it's something of a mystery.....all we know is that the calculation used to determine how much love there is between one another is based on our names.

The really strange thing is that for some weird reason, my results are always way higher than everyone else's, as has been discussed in other threads......it's really bizarre. Click on a few people's love buttons and see how well you do, but don't take it too seriously, as it's really only a bit of fun.....it can be quite a good ice breaker, though, if there's someone you'd like to talk to or get to know better.

05-22-2004, 04:45 PM
Thanks Loulabelle!

You have 92% love for me, and that is the highest I have seen!

I love it here at Pixies....So far So GOOD!

I have been inspired and have posted two stories so far. My lovely and alluring wife requested the first Samantha’s Homecoming; the second well is slightly more dark. Well as much as I will let go of right now.

Thank you all again for your very warm welcome, and please give me some feedback on the stories…..good, bad, or indifferent. :)

05-23-2004, 01:04 PM
For me size isn't the most important. OK, so I like to satisfy girls with a big huge cock for them to grab onto, but there are important things.

05-25-2004, 07:12 PM
While I'm not quite as anxious as I once was about this, there are things that confuse me slightly.

Society seems to have an acceptance of women and men degrading men due to a perceived small penis size, yet, nobody doing it seems to consider the factor of vaginal elasticity. While I admit I haven't seen many episodes of Sex and the City, I saw Samantha express dissatisfaction at her partner's size many times, but not once did I see her consider that perhaps she was in fact too loose. And yes, while it is "only a TV show", many critics and fans have said that it has both reflected and encouraged a certain model of behaviour amongst women, so I do think it's relevant.

Also, are men supposed to read a statement like "I love position x, because the penetration is so deep" as "I would love a man with a big dick because he can penetrate me so deeply"? Call me cynical, but unless I'm reading things wrongly, there seem to be a lot of coy size queens. There are also some that seem to express their preference subtly by reacting not negatively to penises smaller than they'd like, but reacting far more positively to large ones.

I'm not trying to contradict or insult anyone here, I would just like dialogue and clarification on these points. Thankyou :)

05-25-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by osuche
I *never* choose my men by size, and every guy has some unique talent that makes them special in bed. That's what's cool about having new experiences. I don't have any real requirements when it comes to size.

However, I will say that I enjoy the feeling of a guy's penis pounding against my cervix (what can I say? it's unique) so I certainly don't mind larger men...but I don't seek them out.
Just shows that we are all different. I have been with several women that found that my penis pounding their cervix was more uncomfortable than they could bear. So go figure.

05-26-2004, 12:03 AM
I suppose it boils down to the fact that your penis is visually obvious and so attracts comment in the same way that breasts and bums do. But then there is the physical sensation side which men just won't know about, and here is where the personal preferences occur when push comes to shove.

I've only ever heard men discuss a particular woman's vaginal size once, and this was when I was a teenager. Men don't generally want to upset women so this will remain a taboo area. Also there is the reflection on the man if he were to say that someone was very loose as opposed to there being no problem if a woman happened to be small and referred to a man being big.

I was very promiscuous when I was much younger and I had sex with women who were too tight for me and too loose for me (you can judge my size from my pic below). Too tight is worse than too loose, but whilst I didn't have any problem with the sex, because penetration is only one aspect, I have to admit that these relationships didn't go any further, though the friendships did.

I don't think that most women are conscious of their size relative to other women - how would you know? and frankly I don't think that it really matters. You're never going to see the guys off Friends discuss their partner's vagina size.

05-26-2004, 12:18 AM
If a man has a big heart, I don't care how big his dick is. However, if I could have my wish, I'd take a big heart AND a big dick!

05-26-2004, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by flutelady
If a man has a big heart, I don't care how big his dick is. Now that's a great attitude. Very nice, FL!:D